blob: f961304486bd33ab9decc971ba30dfca18213d5b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult
import android.hardware.camera2.TotalCaptureResult
import android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap
import android.view.Surface
* A map-like interface used to describe or interact with metadata from CameraPipe and Camera2.
* These interfaces are designed to wrap native camera2 metadata objects in a way that allows
* additional values to be passed back internally computed values, state, or control values.
* These interfaces are read-only.
interface Metadata {
operator fun <T> get(key: Key<T>): T?
fun <T> getOrDefault(key: Key<T>, default: T): T
* Metadata keys provide values or controls that are provided or computed by CameraPipe.
class Key<T> private constructor(private val name: String) {
companion object {
internal val keys: MutableSet<String> = HashSet()
* This will create a new Key instance, and will check to see that the key has not been
* previously created somewhere else.
fun <T> create(name: String): Key<T> {
synchronized(keys) {
check(keys.add(name)) { "$name is already defined!" }
return Key(name)
override fun toString(): String {
return name
* CameraMetadata is a wrapper around [CameraCharacteristics].
* In some cases the properties on this interface will provide faster or more backwards compatible
* access to features that are only available on newer versions of the OS.
interface CameraMetadata : Metadata, UnsafeWrapper<CameraCharacteristics> {
operator fun <T> get(key: CameraCharacteristics.Key<T>): T?
fun <T> getOrDefault(key: CameraCharacteristics.Key<T>, default: T): T
val camera: CameraId
val isRedacted: Boolean
val keys: Set<CameraCharacteristics.Key<*>>
val requestKeys: Set<CaptureRequest.Key<*>>
val resultKeys: Set<CaptureResult.Key<*>>
val sessionKeys: Set<CaptureRequest.Key<*>>
val physicalCameraIds: Set<CameraId>
val physicalRequestKeys: Set<CaptureRequest.Key<*>>
val streamMap: StreamConfigurationMap
* RequestMetadata wraps together all of the information about a specific CaptureRequest that was
* submitted to Camera2.
* <p> This class is distinct from [Request] which is used to configure and issue a request to the
* [CameraGraph]. This class will report the actual keys / values that were sent to camera2 (if
* different) from the request that was used to create the Camera2 [CaptureRequest].
interface RequestMetadata : Metadata, UnsafeWrapper<CaptureRequest> {
operator fun <T> get(key: CaptureRequest.Key<T>): T?
fun <T> getOrDefault(key: CaptureRequest.Key<T>, default: T): T
/** The actual Camera2 template that was used when creating this [CaptureRequest] */
val template: RequestTemplate
* A Map of StreamId(s) that were submitted with this CaptureRequest and the Surface(s) used
* for this request. It's possible that not all of the streamId's specified in the [Request]
* are present in the [CaptureRequest].
val streams: Map<StreamId, Surface>
/** Returns true if this is used in a repeating request. */
val repeating: Boolean
/** The request object that was used to create this [CaptureRequest] */
val request: Request
/** An internal number used to identify a specific [CaptureRequest] */
val requestNumber: RequestNumber
* [FrameInfo] is a wrapper around [TotalCaptureResult].
interface FrameInfo : UnsafeWrapper<TotalCaptureResult> {
val metadata: FrameMetadata
* If this [FrameInfo] was produced from a logical camera there will be metadata associated with
* the physical streams that were sent to the camera.
operator fun get(camera: CameraId): FrameMetadata?
val camera: CameraId
val frameNumber: FrameNumber
val requestMetadata: RequestMetadata
* [FrameMetadata] is a wrapper around [CaptureResult].
interface FrameMetadata : Metadata, UnsafeWrapper<CaptureResult> {
operator fun <T> get(key: CaptureResult.Key<T>): T?
fun <T> getOrDefault(key: CaptureResult.Key<T>, default: T): T
val camera: CameraId
val frameNumber: FrameNumber
* Extra metadata will override values defined by the wrapped CaptureResult object. This is
* exposed separately to allow other systems to know what is altered relative to Camera2.
val extraMetadata: Map<*, Any?>
* This defines a metadata transform that will be applied to the data produced by
* [Request.Listener.onTotalCaptureResult]. The returned map will override the values returned by
* TotalCaptureResult. Setting the offset and window size will cause the
* [Request.Listener.onComplete] method to be delayed so that the transform can be run on future
* metadata.
data class MetadataTransform(
* This defines the number of historical [TotalCaptureResult] objects this transform is
* allowed to look at. Setting this value to > 0 increases the number of [TotalCaptureResult]
* the [CameraGraph] will hold on to.
val past: Int = 0,
* This defines the number of future [TotalCaptureResult] objects this transform is allowed to
* look at. Setting this value to > 0 will cause [Request.Listener.onComplete] to be delayed
* by the number of frames specified here.
val future: Int = 0,
* This transform function will be invoked at high speed, and may be invoked multiple times if
* correcting physical camera results.
* the returned values should be limited to values that will override the default values that
* are set on the TotalCaptureResult for this frame.
val transformFn: TransformFn = object : TransformFn {}
) {
init {
check(past >= 0)
check(future >= 0)
interface TransformFn {
fun computeOverridesFor(
result: FrameInfo,
camera: CameraId,
related: List<FrameInfo?>
): Map<*, Any?> = emptyMap<Any, Any?>()
* A [RequestTemplate] indicates which preset set list of parameters will be applied to a request by
* default. These values are defined by camera2.
inline class RequestTemplate(val value: Int)
* A [RequestNumber] is an artificial identifier that is created for each request that is submitted
* to the Camera.
inline class RequestNumber(val value: Long)
* A [FrameNumber] is the identifier that represents a specific exposure by the Camera. FrameNumbers
* increase within a specific CameraCaptureSession, and are not created until the HAL begins
* processing a request.
inline class FrameNumber(val value: Long)
* This is a timestamp from the Camera, and corresponds to the nanosecond exposure time of a Frame.
* While the value is expressed in nano-seconds, the precision may be much lower. In addition, the
* time-base of the Camera is undefined, although it's common for it to be in either Monotonic or
* Realtime.
* <p> Timestamp may differ from timestamps that are obtained from other parts of the Camera and
* media systems within the same device. For example, it's common for high frequency sensors to
* operate based on a real-time clock, while audio/visual systems commonly operate based on a
* monotonic clock.
inline class CameraTimestamp(val value: Long)
* Utility function to help deal with the unsafe nature of the typed Key/Value pairs.
fun CaptureRequest.Builder.writeParameters(parameters: Map<*, Any>) {
for ((key, value) in parameters) {
writeParameter(key, value)
* Utility function to help deal with the unsafe nature of the typed Key/Value pairs.
fun CaptureRequest.Builder.writeParameter(key: Any?, value: Any?) {
if (key != null && key is CaptureRequest.Key<*>) {
this.set(key as CaptureRequest.Key<Any>, value)