blob: c0c35c30f58bcf6b16efda3a2844733605f220bf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.benchmark.macro
import android.util.Log
import java.util.ArrayList
* AppStartupHelper consist of helper methods to set the app
* startup configs in statsd to track the app startup related
* performance metrics and retrieve the necessary information from
* statsd using the config id.
class AppStartupHelper {
private var isProcStartDetailsDisabled = false
private val statsdHelper = StatsdHelper()
* Set up the app startup statsd config to track the metrics during the app start occurred.
fun startCollecting() {
Log.i("AppStartupHelper", "Adding app startup configs to statsd.")
val atomIdList: MutableList<Int> = ArrayList()
if (!isProcStartDetailsDisabled) {
if (!statsdHelper.addEventConfig(atomIdList)) {
throw IllegalStateException("Unable to add event config to statsd")
* Captures all startup events as a List<AppStartupMetrics>.
* Note - this function supports capturing multiple startups for a given package, but
* [getMetrics] does not, to support only one value per metric, per iteration.
internal fun getMetricStructure(
packageName: String
): List<AppStartupMetrics> {
val list = statsdHelper.eventMetrics
val appStartOccurredList = list
.filter { it.atom.hasAppStartOccurred() }
.map { it.atom.appStartOccurred }
.filter { it.pkgName == packageName }
val appStartFullyDrawnList = list
.filter { it.atom.hasAppStartFullyDrawn() }
.map { it.atom.appStartFullyDrawn }
.filter { it.pkgName == packageName }
val processStartTimeList = list
.filter { it.atom.hasProcessStartTime() }
.map { it.atom.processStartTime }
.filter { it.processName == packageName }
// Each startup may be split up into 3 events, based on what is recorded and when.
// we merge these three lists, though tolerate if items are missing
val eventLists = listOf(appStartOccurredList, appStartFullyDrawnList, processStartTimeList)
val expectedEventCount = { it.size }.maxOrNull() ?: 0
eventLists.forEach {
if (it.isNotEmpty() && it.size != expectedEventCount) {
throw AssertionError(
"Saw inconsistent number of startup events between" +
" occurred ${appStartOccurredList.size}" +
" fullyDrawn ${appStartFullyDrawnList.size}" +
" processStart ${processStartTimeList.size}"
return List(expectedEventCount) { index ->
val appStart = appStartOccurredList.getOrNull(index)
transitionType = appStart?.type?.toStartupMode(),
windowDrawnDelayMs = appStart?.windowsDrawnDelayMillis?.toLong(),
transitionDelayMs = appStart?.transitionDelayMillis?.toLong(),
appStartupTimeMs = appStartFullyDrawnList.getOrNull(index)?.appStartupTimeMillis,
processStartDelayMs = processStartTimeList.getOrNull(index)
fun getMetrics(packageName: String): Map<String, Long> {
val results = getMetricStructure(packageName)
if (results.isEmpty()) {
throw IllegalStateException(
"Saw no launches of package $packageName, did you launch an activity?"
if (results.size > 1) {
throw IllegalStateException(
"Saw more than one startup for package $packageName, this is not supported"
val result = results.first()
"saw startup of package $packageName, type ${result.transitionType}"
return mapOf(
// AppStartupHelper originally reports this as simply startup time, so we do the same
"startupMs" to result.windowDrawnDelayMs,
// Though the proto calls this appStartupTime, we clarify this is "fully drawn" startup
"startupFullyDrawnMs" to result.appStartupTimeMs,
// The following metrics are useful for platform devs, but disabled for now for brevity
// "transitionDelayMs" to result.transitionDelayMs,
// "processStartDelayMs" to result.processStartDelayMs,
.filterValues { it != null } // doesn't drop nullability for values...
.mapValues { it.value!! } // we do that explicitly here
* Remove the statsd config used to track the app startup metrics.
fun stopCollecting(): Boolean {
return statsdHelper.removeStatsConfig()
* Disable process start detailed metrics.
fun setDisableProcStartDetails() {
isProcStartDetailsDisabled = true
private fun Int.toStartupMode(): StartupMode? {
return when (this) {
AtomsProto.AppStartOccurred.COLD -> StartupMode.COLD
AtomsProto.AppStartOccurred.WARM -> StartupMode.WARM
AtomsProto.AppStartOccurred.HOT -> StartupMode.HOT
else -> null
data class AppStartupMetrics(
val transitionType: StartupMode?,
val windowDrawnDelayMs: Long?,
val transitionDelayMs: Long?,
val appStartupTimeMs: Long?,
val processStartDelayMs: Long?,