blob: fa1da8ccd52268ce2b4f558d0d1cf54700a0ad83 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package androidx.compose.compiler.plugins.kotlin
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.Language
import org.junit.Test
abstract class FunctionBodySkippingTransfomrTestsBase : ComposeIrTransformTest() {
protected fun comparisonPropagation(
unchecked: String,
checked: String,
expectedTransformed: String,
dumpTree: Boolean = false
) = verifyComposeIrTransform(
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
import androidx.compose.runtime.NonRestartableComposable
import androidx.compose.runtime.ReadOnlyComposable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
fun used(x: Any?) {}
dumpTree = dumpTree
class FunctionBodySkippingTransformTests : FunctionBodySkippingTransfomrTestsBase() {
fun testIfInLambda(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0) {}
@Composable fun Wrap(content: @Composable () -> Unit) {
fun Test(x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0) {
Wrap {
if (x > 0) {
} else {
fun Test(x: Int, y: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<Wrap>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(y)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
x = 0
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
y = 0
Wrap(composableLambda(%composer, <>, true) { %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (x > 0) {
sourceInformation(%composer, "<A(x)>")
A(x, 0, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty, 0b0010)
} else {
sourceInformation(%composer, "<A(x)>")
A(x, 0, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty, 0b0010)
} else {
}, %composer, 0b0110)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(x, y, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testBasicText(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextStyle
import androidx.compose.ui.text.TextLayoutResult
fun BasicText(
style: TextStyle = TextStyle.Default,
onTextLayout: (TextLayoutResult) -> Unit = {},
overflow: TextOverflow = TextOverflow.Clip,
) {
fun BasicText(style: TextStyle?, onTextLayout: Function1<TextLayoutResult, Unit>?, overflow: TextOverflow, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(BasicText)P(2!,")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(style)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(onTextLayout)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b000110000000
} else if (%changed and 0b001110000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(<unsafe-coerce>(overflow))) 0b000100000000 else 0b10000000
if (%dirty and 0b001011011011 !== 0b10010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
style = Companion.Default
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
onTextLayout = { it: TextLayoutResult ->
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
overflow = Companion.Clip
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
BasicText(style, onTextLayout, overflow, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testArrangement(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
fun A(
arrangement: Vertical = Arrangement.Top
) {
fun A(arrangement: Vertical?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(A):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(arrangement)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
arrangement = Arrangement.Top
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
A(arrangement, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testComposableSingletonsAreStatic(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
fun Example(
content: @Composable () -> Unit = {}
) {
@ComposableInferredTarget(scheme = "[0[0]]")
fun Example(content: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit>?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Example)<conten...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(content)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
content = ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-1
content(%composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Example(content, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
internal object ComposableSingletons%TestKt {
val lambda-1: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
fun testFunInterfaces(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
fun interface A {
@Composable fun compute(value: Int): Unit
fun Example(a: A) {
Example { it -> a.compute(it) }
fun Example(a: A) {
Example(class <no name provided> : A {
override fun compute(it: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(compute)<comput...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(it)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
a.compute(it, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
} else {
val tmp0_rcvr = <this>
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
tmp0_rcvr.compute(it, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
<no name provided>())
fun testFunInterfaces2(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun condition(): Boolean = true
fun interface ButtonColors {
@Composable fun getColor(): Color
import androidx.compose.material.Text
fun Button(colors: ButtonColors) {
Text("hello world", color = colors.getColor())
fun Test() {
Button {
if (condition()) Color.Red else Color.Blue
@ComposableInferredTarget(scheme = "[androidx.compose.ui.UiComposable[androidx.compose.ui.UiComposable]]")
fun Button(colors: ButtonColors, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Button)<getCol...>,<Text("...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(colors)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
Text("hello world", null, colors.getColor(%composer, 0b1110 and %dirty), <unsafe-coerce>(0L), null, null, null, <unsafe-coerce>(0L), null, null, <unsafe-coerce>(0L), <unsafe-coerce>(0), false, 0, null, null, %composer, 0b0110, 0, 0b1111111111111010)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Button(colors, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
@ComposableTarget(applier = "androidx.compose.ui.UiComposable")
fun Test(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<Button>:Test.kt")
if (%changed !== 0 || !%composer.skipping) {
Button(class <no name provided> : ButtonColors {
override fun getColor(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int): Color {
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(getColor)<condit...>:Test.kt")
val tmp0 = if (condition(%composer, 0)) {
} else {
return tmp0
<no name provided>(), %composer, 0)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(%composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testSimpleColumn(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
interface Modifier {
companion object : Modifier { }
interface Arrangement {
interface Vertical : Arrangement
object Top : Vertical
enum class LayoutOrientation {
enum class SizeMode {
data class Alignment(
val verticalBias: Float,
val horizontalBias: Float
) {
data class Horizontal(val bias: Float)
companion object {
val Start = Alignment.Horizontal(-1f)
fun RowColumnImpl(
orientation: LayoutOrientation,
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
arrangement: Arrangement.Vertical = Arrangement.Top,
crossAxisAlignment: Alignment.Horizontal = Alignment.Start,
crossAxisSize: SizeMode = SizeMode.Wrap,
content: @Composable() ()->Unit
) {
fun Column(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
verticalArrangement: Arrangement.Vertical = Arrangement.Top,
horizontalGravity: Alignment.Horizontal = Alignment.Start,
content: @Composable() ()->Unit
) {
orientation = LayoutOrientation.Vertical,
arrangement = verticalArrangement,
crossAxisAlignment = horizontalGravity,
crossAxisSize = SizeMode.Wrap,
modifier = modifier,
content = content
@ComposableInferredTarget(scheme = "[0[0]]")
fun RowColumnImpl(orientation: LayoutOrientation, modifier: Modifier?, arrangement: Vertical?, crossAxisAlignment: Horizontal?, crossAxisSize: SizeMode?, content: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit>, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(RowColumnImpl)P(5,4!1,2,3)<conten...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(orientation)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(modifier)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b000110000000
} else if (%changed and 0b001110000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(arrangement)) 0b000100000000 else 0b10000000
if (%default and 0b1000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b110000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b0001110000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(crossAxisAlignment)) 0b100000000000 else 0b010000000000
if (%default and 0b00010000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b1110000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(crossAxisSize)) 0b0100000000000000 else 0b0010000000000000
if (%default and 0b00100000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(content)) 0b00100000000000000000 else 0b00010000000000000000
if (%dirty and 0b01011011011011011011 !== 0b00010010010010010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
modifier = Companion
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
arrangement = Top
if (%default and 0b1000 !== 0) {
crossAxisAlignment = Companion.Start
if (%default and 0b00010000 !== 0) {
crossAxisSize = SizeMode.Wrap
content(%composer, 0b1110 and %dirty shr 0b1111)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
RowColumnImpl(orientation, modifier, arrangement, crossAxisAlignment, crossAxisSize, content, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
@ComposableInferredTarget(scheme = "[0[0]]")
fun Column(modifier: Modifier?, verticalArrangement: Vertical?, horizontalGravity: Horizontal?, content: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit>, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Column)P(2,3,1)<RowCol...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(modifier)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(verticalArrangement)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b000110000000
} else if (%changed and 0b001110000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(horizontalGravity)) 0b000100000000 else 0b10000000
if (%default and 0b1000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b110000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b0001110000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(content)) 0b100000000000 else 0b010000000000
if (%dirty and 0b0001011011011011 !== 0b010010010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
modifier = Companion
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
verticalArrangement = Top
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
horizontalGravity = Companion.Start
val tmp0_orientation = LayoutOrientation.Vertical
val tmp1_crossAxisSize = SizeMode.Wrap
RowColumnImpl(tmp0_orientation, modifier, verticalArrangement, horizontalGravity, tmp1_crossAxisSize, content, %composer, 0b0110000000000110 or 0b01110000 and %dirty shl 0b0011 or 0b001110000000 and %dirty shl 0b0011 or 0b0001110000000000 and %dirty shl 0b0011 or 0b01110000000000000000 and %dirty shl 0b0110, 0)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Column(modifier, verticalArrangement, horizontalGravity, content, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testSimplerBox(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
interface Modifier {
companion object : Modifier { }
fun SimpleBox(modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
fun SimpleBox(modifier: Modifier?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(SimpleBox):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(modifier)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
modifier = Companion
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
SimpleBox(modifier, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testDefaultSkipping(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
fun newInt(): Int = 123
fun Example(a: Int = newInt()) {
fun Example(a: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Example):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%default and 0b0001 === 0 && %composer.changed(a)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%changed and 0b0001 === 0 || %composer.defaultsInvalid) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
a = newInt()
%dirty = %dirty and 0b1110.inv()
} else {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty and 0b1110.inv()
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Example(a, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testLocalComposableFunctions(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(a: Int) {}
fun Example(a: Int) {
@Composable fun Inner() {
fun Example(a: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Example)<Inner(...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
fun Inner(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Inner)<A(a)>:Test.kt")
A(a, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
Inner(%composer, 0)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Example(a, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testLoopWithContinueAndCallAfter(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun Call() {}
fun condition(): Boolean = true
fun Example() {
for (index in 0..1) {
if (condition())
fun Example(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Example)<Call()>:Test.kt")
Call(%composer, 0)
val tmp0_iterator = 0 .. 1.iterator()
while (tmp0_iterator.hasNext()) {
sourceInformation(%composer, "<Call()>,<Call()>")
val index =
Call(%composer, 0)
if (condition()) {
Call(%composer, 0)
fun testSimpleBoxWithShape(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
interface Modifier {
companion object : Modifier { }
interface Shape {
val RectangleShape = object : Shape { }
fun SimpleBox(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, shape: Shape = RectangleShape) {
fun SimpleBox(modifier: Modifier?, shape: Shape?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(SimpleBox):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(modifier)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%default and 0b0010 === 0 && %composer.changed(shape)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%changed and 0b0001 === 0 || %composer.defaultsInvalid) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
modifier = Companion
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
shape = RectangleShape
%dirty = %dirty and 0b01110000.inv()
} else {
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty and 0b01110000.inv()
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
SimpleBox(modifier, shape, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testSimpleBox(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
interface Modifier {
companion object : Modifier { }
fun SimpleBox(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, content: @Composable() () -> Unit = {}) {
@ComposableInferredTarget(scheme = "[0[0]]")
fun SimpleBox(modifier: Modifier?, content: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit>?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(SimpleBox)P(1)<conten...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(modifier)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(content)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
modifier = Companion
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
content = ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-1
content(%composer, 0b1110 and %dirty shr 0b0011)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
SimpleBox(modifier, content, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
internal object ComposableSingletons%TestKt {
val lambda-1: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
fun testComposableLambdaWithStableParams(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
@Immutable class Foo
@Composable fun A(x: Int) {}
@Composable fun B(y: Foo) {}
val foo = @Composable { x: Int, y: Foo ->
val foo: Function4<Int, Foo, Composer, Int, Unit> = ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-1
internal object ComposableSingletons%TestKt {
val lambda-1: Function4<Int, Foo, Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { x: Int, y: Foo, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C<A(x)>,<B(y)>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(y)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b001011011011 !== 0b10010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
A(x, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
B(y, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty shr 0b0011)
} else {
fun testComposableLambdaWithUnstableParams(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
class Foo(var value: Int = 0)
@Composable fun A(x: Int) {}
@Composable fun B(y: Foo) {}
val foo = @Composable { x: Int, y: Foo ->
val foo: Function4<Int, Foo, Composer, Int, Unit> = ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-1
internal object ComposableSingletons%TestKt {
val lambda-1: Function4<Int, Foo, Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { x: Int, y: Foo, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C<A(x)>,<B(y)>:Test.kt")
A(x, %composer, 0b1110 and %changed)
B(y, %composer, 0b1000)
fun testComposableLambdaWithStableParamsAndReturnValue(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun SomeThing(content: @Composable() () -> Unit) { content() }
fun Example() {
SomeThing {
val id = object {}
@ComposableInferredTarget(scheme = "[0[0]]")
fun SomeThing(content: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit>, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(SomeThing)<conten...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(content)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
content(%composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
SomeThing(content, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun Example(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Example)<SomeTh...>:Test.kt")
if (%changed !== 0 || !%composer.skipping) {
SomeThing(ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-1, %composer, 0b0110)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Example(%composer, %changed or 0b0001)
internal object ComposableSingletons%TestKt {
val lambda-1: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
val id = object
} else {
fun testPrimitiveVarargParams(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
fun B(vararg values: Int) {
fun B(values: IntArray, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(B):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
%composer.startMovableGroup(<>, values.size)
val tmp0_iterator = values.iterator()
while (tmp0_iterator.hasNext()) {
val value =
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(value)) 0b0100 else 0
if (%dirty and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
B(*values, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testStableVarargParams(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.Immutable
@Immutable class Foo
fun B(vararg values: Foo) {
fun B(values: Array<out Foo>, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(B):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
%composer.startMovableGroup(<>, values.size)
val tmp0_iterator = values.iterator()
while (tmp0_iterator.hasNext()) {
val value =
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(value)) 0b0100 else 0
if (%dirty and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
B(*values, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testUnstableVarargParams(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
class Foo(var value: Int = 0)
fun B(vararg values: Foo) {
fun B(values: Array<out Foo>, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(B):Test.kt")
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
B(*values, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testReceiverParamSkippability(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
class Foo {
var counter: Int = 0
@Composable fun A() {
print("hello world")
@Composable fun B() {
@StabilityInferred(parameters = 0)
class Foo {
var counter: Int = 0
fun A(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(A):Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b0001 !== 0 || !%composer.skipping) {
print("hello world")
} else {
val tmp0_rcvr = <this>
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
tmp0_rcvr.A(%composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun B(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(B):Test.kt")
val tmp0_rcvr = <this>
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
tmp0_rcvr.B(%composer, %changed or 0b0001)
static val %stable: Int = 8
fun testComposableParameter(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun makeInt(): Int = 10
fun Example(a: Int = 0, b: Int = makeInt(), c: Int = 0) {
fun Example(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Example)<makeIn...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%default and 0b0010 === 0 && %composer.changed(b)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b000110000000
} else if (%changed and 0b001110000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(c)) 0b000100000000 else 0b10000000
if (%dirty and 0b001011011011 !== 0b10010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%changed and 0b0001 === 0 || %composer.defaultsInvalid) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
a = 0
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
b = makeInt(%composer, 0)
%dirty = %dirty and 0b01110000.inv()
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
c = 0
} else {
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty and 0b01110000.inv()
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Example(a, b, c, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testComposableWithAndWithoutDefaultParams(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0) {}
@Composable fun Wrap(y: Int, content: @Composable (x: Int) -> Unit) {
fun Test(x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0) {
Wrap(10) {
@ComposableInferredTarget(scheme = "[0[0]]")
fun Wrap(y: Int, content: Function3<@[ParameterName(name = 'x')] Int, Composer, Int, Unit>, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Wrap)P(1)<conten...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(y)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(content)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
content(y, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty or 0b01110000 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Wrap(y, content, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun Test(x: Int, y: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<Wrap(1...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(y)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
x = 0
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
y = 0
Wrap(10, composableLambda(%composer, <>, true) { it: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C<A(x)>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(it)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
A(x, 0, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty, 0b0010)
} else {
}, %composer, 0b00110110)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(x, y, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testComposableWithReturnValue(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0) {}
fun Test(x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0): Int {
A(x, y)
return x + y
fun Test(x: Int, y: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int): Int {
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<A(x,>:Test.kt")
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
x = 0
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
y = 0
A(x, y, %composer, 0b1110 and %changed or 0b01110000 and %changed, 0)
val tmp0 = x + y
return tmp0
fun testComposableLambda(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0) {}
val test = @Composable { x: Int ->
val test: Function3<Int, Composer, Int, Unit> = ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-1
internal object ComposableSingletons%TestKt {
val lambda-1: Function3<Int, Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { x: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C<A(x)>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
A(x, 0, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty, 0b0010)
} else {
fun testComposableFunExprBody(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0): Int { return 10 }
@Composable fun Test(x: Int) = A()
fun Test(x: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int): Int {
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<A()>:Test.kt")
val tmp0 = A(0, 0, %composer, 0, 0b0011)
return tmp0
fun testParamReordering(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0): Int { return 10 }
@Composable fun Test(x: Int, y: Int) {
A(y = y, x = x)
fun Test(x: Int, y: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<A(y>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(y)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
A(x, y, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty or 0b01110000 and %dirty, 0)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(x, y, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testStableUnstableParams(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(x: Int = 0, y: Int = 0): Int { return 10 }
class Foo(var value: Int = 0)
@Composable fun CanSkip(a: Int = 0, b: Foo = Foo()) {
@Composable fun CannotSkip(a: Int, b: Foo) {
print("Hello World")
@Composable fun NoParams() {
print("Hello World")
fun CanSkip(a: Int, b: Foo?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(CanSkip):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00010000
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0b0010 || %dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%changed and 0b0001 === 0 || %composer.defaultsInvalid) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
a = 0
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
b = Foo()
%dirty = %dirty and 0b01110000.inv()
} else {
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty and 0b01110000.inv()
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
CanSkip(a, b, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun CannotSkip(a: Int, b: Foo, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(CannotSkip):Test.kt")
print("Hello World")
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
CannotSkip(a, b, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun NoParams(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(NoParams):Test.kt")
if (%changed !== 0 || !%composer.skipping) {
print("Hello World")
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
NoParams(%composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testOptionalUnstableWithStableExtensionReceiver(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
class Foo(var value: Int = 0)
class Bar
@Composable fun Bar.CanSkip(b: Foo = Foo()) {
print("Hello World")
fun Bar.CanSkip(b: Foo?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(CanSkip):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0b0001 || %dirty and 0b0001 !== 0 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%changed and 0b0001 === 0 || %composer.defaultsInvalid) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
b = Foo()
%dirty = %dirty and 0b01110000.inv()
} else {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty and 0b01110000.inv()
print("Hello World")
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
CanSkip(b, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testNoParams(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A() {}
fun Test() {
fun Test(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<A()>:Test.kt")
if (%changed !== 0 || !%composer.skipping) {
A(%composer, 0)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(%composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testSingleStableParam(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(x: Int) {}
fun Test(x: Int) {
fun Test(x: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<A(x)>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
A(x, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(x, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testInlineClassDefaultParameter(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
inline class Color(val value: Int) {
companion object {
val Unset = Color(0)
fun A(text: String) {
fun B(text: String, color: Color = Color.Unset) {
fun A(text: String, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(A)<B(text...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(text)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
B(text, <unsafe-coerce>(0), %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty, 0b0010)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
A(text, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun B(text: String, color: Color, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(B)P(1,0:Color):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(text)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(<unsafe-coerce>(color))) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
color = Companion.Unset
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
B(text, color, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testStaticDetection(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
enum class Foo {
const val constInt: Int = 123
val normInt = 345
val stableTopLevelProp: Modifier = Modifier
@Composable fun C(x: Any?) {}
interface Modifier {
companion object : Modifier { }
inline class Dp(val value: Int)
fun stableFun(x: Int): Int = x * x
operator fun Dp): Dp = Dp(this.value + other.value)
val Int.dp: Dp get() = Dp(this)
@Composable fun D(content: @Composable() () -> Unit) {}
// all of these should result in 0b0110
@Composable fun A() {
val x = 123
D {}
C(16.dp + 10.dp)
C(123 + 345)
C(x * 123)
// all of these should result in 0b0000
@Composable fun B() {
C(Math.random() / 100f)
fun A(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(A)<D>,<C({})>,<C(stab...>,<C(16.d...>,<C(Dp(1...>,<C(16.d...>,<C(norm...>,<C(Int....>,<C(stab...>,<C(Modi...>,<C(Foo....>,<C(cons...>,<C(123)>,<C(123>,<C(x)>,<C(x>:Test.kt")
if (%changed !== 0 || !%composer.skipping) {
val x = 123
D(ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-1, %composer, 0b0110)
}, %composer, 0b0110)
C(stableFun(123), %composer, 0b0110)
C(16.dp + 10.dp, %composer, 0b0110)
C(Dp(16), %composer, 0b0110)
C(16.dp, %composer, 0b0110)
C(normInt, %composer, 0b0110)
C(Companion.MAX_VALUE, %composer, 0b0110)
C(stableTopLevelProp, %composer, 0b0110)
C(Companion, %composer, 0b0110)
C(Foo.Bar, %composer, 0b0110)
C(constInt, %composer, 0b0110)
C(123, %composer, 0b0110)
C(123 + 345, %composer, 0b0110)
C(x, %composer, 0b0110)
C(x * 123, %composer, 0b0110)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
A(%composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun B(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(B)<C(Math...>,<C(Math...>:Test.kt")
if (%changed !== 0 || !%composer.skipping) {
C(random(), %composer, 0)
C(random() / 100.0f, %composer, 0)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
B(%composer, %changed or 0b0001)
internal object ComposableSingletons%TestKt {
val lambda-1: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
fun testAnnotationChecker(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun D(content: @Composable() () -> Unit) {}
@Composable fun Example() {
D {}
fun Example(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Example)<D>:Test.kt")
if (%changed !== 0 || !%composer.skipping) {
D(ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-1, %composer, 0b0110)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Example(%composer, %changed or 0b0001)
internal object ComposableSingletons%TestKt {
val lambda-1: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
fun testSingleStableParamWithDefault(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(x: Int) {}
fun Test(x: Int = 0) {
fun Test(x: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<A(x)>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
x = 0
A(x, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(x, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testSingleStableParamWithComposableDefault(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(x: Int) {}
@Composable fun I(): Int { return 10 }
fun Test(x: Int = I()) {
fun Test(x: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<I()>,<A(x)>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%default and 0b0001 === 0 && %composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%changed and 0b0001 === 0 || %composer.defaultsInvalid) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
x = I(%composer, 0)
%dirty = %dirty and 0b1110.inv()
} else {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty and 0b1110.inv()
A(x, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(x, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testSingleUnstableParam(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(x: Foo) {}
class Foo(var value: Int = 0)
fun Test(x: Foo) {
fun Test(x: Foo, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<A(x)>:Test.kt")
A(x, %composer, 0b1000)
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(x, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testSingleUnstableParamWithDefault(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(x: Foo) {}
class Foo
fun Test(x: Foo = Foo()) {
fun Test(x: Foo?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<A(x)>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%default and 0b0001 === 0 && %composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%changed and 0b0001 === 0 || %composer.defaultsInvalid) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
x = Foo()
%dirty = %dirty and 0b1110.inv()
} else {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty and 0b1110.inv()
A(x, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(x, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testManyNonOptionalParams(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(a: Int, b: Boolean, c: Int, d: Foo, e: List<Int>) {}
class Foo
fun Test(a: Int, b: Boolean, c: Int = 0, d: Foo = Foo(), e: List<Int> = emptyList()) {
A(a, b, c, d, e)
fun Test(a: Int, b: Boolean, c: Int, d: Foo?, e: List<Int>?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<A(a,>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(b)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b000110000000
} else if (%changed and 0b001110000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(c)) 0b000100000000 else 0b10000000
if (%changed and 0b0001110000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%default and 0b1000 === 0 && %composer.changed(d)) 0b100000000000 else 0b010000000000
if (%default and 0b00010000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0010000000000000
if (%default and 0b00010000 !== 0b00010000 || %dirty and 0b1011011011011011 !== 0b0010010010010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%changed and 0b0001 === 0 || %composer.defaultsInvalid) {
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
c = 0
if (%default and 0b1000 !== 0) {
d = Foo()
%dirty = %dirty and 0b0001110000000000.inv()
if (%default and 0b00010000 !== 0) {
e = emptyList()
%dirty = %dirty and 0b1110000000000000.inv()
} else {
if (%default and 0b1000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty and 0b0001110000000000.inv()
if (%default and 0b00010000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty and 0b1110000000000000.inv()
A(a, b, c, d, e, %composer, 0b1000000000000000 or 0b1110 and %dirty or 0b01110000 and %dirty or 0b001110000000 and %dirty or 0b0001110000000000 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(a, b, c, d, e, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testRecursiveCall(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
fun X(x: Int) {
X(x + 1)
fun X(x: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(X)<X(x>,<X(x)>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
X(x + 1, %composer, 0)
X(x, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
X(x, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testLambdaSkipping(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.*
data class User(
val id: Int,
val name: String
interface LazyPagingItems<T> {
val itemCount: Int
operator fun get(index: Int): State<T?>
@Stable interface LazyListScope {
fun items(itemCount: Int, itemContent: @Composable LazyItemScope.(Int) -> Unit)
@Stable interface LazyItemScope
public fun <T : Any> LazyListScope.itemsIndexed(
lazyPagingItems: LazyPagingItems<T>,
itemContent: @Composable LazyItemScope.(Int, T?) -> Unit
) {
items(lazyPagingItems.itemCount) { index ->
val item = lazyPagingItems[index].value
itemContent(index, item)
fun LazyListScope.Example(items: LazyPagingItems<User>) {
itemsIndexed(items) { index, user ->
print("Hello World")
fun LazyListScope.Example(items: LazyPagingItems<User>) {
itemsIndexed(items, ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-1)
internal object ComposableSingletons%TestKt {
val lambda-1: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function5<LazyItemScope, Int, User?, Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { index: Int, user: User?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b0001010000000001 !== 0b010000000000 || !%composer.skipping) {
print("Hello World")
} else {
fun testPassedExtensionWhenExtensionIsPotentiallyUnstable(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
interface Unstable
@Composable fun Unstable.Test() {
doSomething(this) // does this reference %dirty without %dirty
@Composable fun doSomething(x: Unstable) {}
fun Unstable.Test(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<doSome...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(<this>)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
doSomething(<this>, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(%composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun doSomething(x: Unstable, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(doSomething):Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b0001 !== 0 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
doSomething(x, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testReceiverIssue(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
class Foo
import androidx.compose.runtime.ExplicitGroupsComposable
fun A(foo: Foo) {
inline fun Foo.b(label: String = "") {
c(this, label)
inline fun c(foo: Foo, label: String) {
fun A(foo: Foo, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
foo.b(null, %composer, 0b1110 and %changed, 0b0001)
fun Foo.b(label: String?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
label = ""
c(<this>, label, %composer, 0b1110 and %changed or 0b01110000 and %changed)
fun c(foo: Foo, label: String, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
fun testDifferentParameters(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun B(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int, d: Int) {}
val fooGlobal = 10
fun A(x: Int) {
// direct parameter
// transformation
x + 1,
// literal
// expression with no parameter
fun A(x: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(A)<B(>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
B(x, x + 1, 123, fooGlobal, %composer, 0b110110000000 or 0b1110 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
A(x, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testReceiverLambdaCall(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.Stable
interface Foo { val x: Int }
interface StableFoo { val x: Int }
val unstableUnused: @Composable Foo.() -> Unit = {
val unstableUsed: @Composable Foo.() -> Unit = {
val stableUnused: @Composable StableFoo.() -> Unit = {
val stableUsed: @Composable StableFoo.() -> Unit = {
val unstableUnused: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function3<Foo, Composer, Int, Unit> = ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-1
val unstableUsed: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function3<Foo, Composer, Int, Unit> = ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-2
val stableUnused: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function3<StableFoo, Composer, Int, Unit> = ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-3
val stableUsed: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function3<StableFoo, Composer, Int, Unit> = ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-4
internal object ComposableSingletons%TestKt {
val lambda-1: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function3<Foo, Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b01010001 !== 0b00010000 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
val lambda-2: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function3<Foo, Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(%this%null)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
val lambda-3: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function3<StableFoo, Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b01010001 !== 0b00010000 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
val lambda-4: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function3<StableFoo, Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(%this%null)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
fun testNestedCalls(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun B(a: Int = 0, b: Int = 0, c: Int = 0) {}
@Composable fun Provide(content: @Composable (Int) -> Unit) {}
fun A(x: Int) {
Provide { y ->
Provide { z ->
B(x, y, z)
B(x, y)
fun A(x: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(A)<Provid...>,<B(x)>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
Provide(composableLambda(%composer, <>, true) { y: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C<Provid...>,<B(x,>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(y)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
Provide(composableLambda(%composer, <>, true) { z: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C<B(x,>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(z)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
B(x, y, z, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty or 0b01110000 and %dirty shl 0b0011 or 0b001110000000 and %dirty shl 0b0110, 0)
} else {
}, %composer, 0b0110)
B(x, y, 0, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty or 0b01110000 and %dirty shl 0b0011, 0b0100)
} else {
}, %composer, 0b0110)
B(x, 0, 0, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty, 0b0110)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
A(x, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testLocalFunction(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun B(a: Int, b: Int) {}
fun A(x: Int) {
@Composable fun foo(y: Int) {
B(x, y)
fun A(x: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(A)<foo(x)>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(x)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
fun foo(y: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(foo)<B(x,>:Test.kt")
B(x, y, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty or 0b01110000 and %changed shl 0b0011)
foo(x, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
A(x, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun test15Parameters(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
fun Example(
a00: Int = 0,
a01: Int = 0,
a02: Int = 0,
a03: Int = 0,
a04: Int = 0,
a05: Int = 0,
a06: Int = 0,
a07: Int = 0,
a08: Int = 0,
a09: Int = 0,
a10: Int = 0,
a11: Int = 0,
a12: Int = 0,
a13: Int = 0,
a14: Int = 0
) {
// in order
// in opposite order
fun Example(a00: Int, a01: Int, a02: Int, a03: Int, a04: Int, a05: Int, a06: Int, a07: Int, a08: Int, a09: Int, a10: Int, a11: Int, a12: Int, a13: Int, a14: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %changed1: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Example)<Exampl...>,<Exampl...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
val %dirty1 = %changed1
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a00)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a01)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b000110000000
} else if (%changed and 0b001110000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a02)) 0b000100000000 else 0b10000000
if (%default and 0b1000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b110000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b0001110000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a03)) 0b100000000000 else 0b010000000000
if (%default and 0b00010000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b1110000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a04)) 0b0100000000000000 else 0b0010000000000000
if (%default and 0b00100000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a05)) 0b00100000000000000000 else 0b00010000000000000000
if (%default and 0b01000000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b000110000000000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b001110000000000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a06)) 0b000100000000000000000000 else 0b10000000000000000000
if (%default and 0b10000000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b110000000000000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b0001110000000000000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a07)) 0b100000000000000000000000 else 0b010000000000000000000000
if (%default and 0b000100000000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110000000000000000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b1110000000000000000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a08)) 0b0100000000000000000000000000 else 0b0010000000000000000000000000
if (%default and 0b001000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000000000000000000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000000000000000000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a09)) 0b00100000000000000000000000000000 else 0b00010000000000000000000000000000
if (%default and 0b010000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or 0b0110
} else if (%changed1 and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or if (%composer.changed(a10)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b100000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed1 and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or if (%composer.changed(a11)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%default and 0b0001000000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or 0b000110000000
} else if (%changed1 and 0b001110000000 === 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or if (%composer.changed(a12)) 0b000100000000 else 0b10000000
if (%default and 0b0010000000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or 0b110000000000
} else if (%changed1 and 0b0001110000000000 === 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or if (%composer.changed(a13)) 0b100000000000 else 0b010000000000
if (%default and 0b0100000000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or 0b0110000000000000
} else if (%changed1 and 0b1110000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or if (%composer.changed(a14)) 0b0100000000000000 else 0b0010000000000000
if (%dirty and 0b01011011011011011011011011011011 !== 0b00010010010010010010010010010010 || %dirty1 and 0b1011011011011011 !== 0b0010010010010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
a00 = 0
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
a01 = 0
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
a02 = 0
if (%default and 0b1000 !== 0) {
a03 = 0
if (%default and 0b00010000 !== 0) {
a04 = 0
if (%default and 0b00100000 !== 0) {
a05 = 0
if (%default and 0b01000000 !== 0) {
a06 = 0
if (%default and 0b10000000 !== 0) {
a07 = 0
if (%default and 0b000100000000 !== 0) {
a08 = 0
if (%default and 0b001000000000 !== 0) {
a09 = 0
if (%default and 0b010000000000 !== 0) {
a10 = 0
if (%default and 0b100000000000 !== 0) {
a11 = 0
if (%default and 0b0001000000000000 !== 0) {
a12 = 0
if (%default and 0b0010000000000000 !== 0) {
a13 = 0
if (%default and 0b0100000000000000 !== 0) {
a14 = 0
Example(a00, a01, a02, a03, a04, a05, a06, a07, a08, a09, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty or 0b01110000 and %dirty or 0b001110000000 and %dirty or 0b0001110000000000 and %dirty or 0b1110000000000000 and %dirty or 0b01110000000000000000 and %dirty or 0b001110000000000000000000 and %dirty or 0b0001110000000000000000000000 and %dirty or 0b1110000000000000000000000000 and %dirty or 0b01110000000000000000000000000000 and %dirty, 0b1110 and %dirty1 or 0b01110000 and %dirty1 or 0b001110000000 and %dirty1 or 0b0001110000000000 and %dirty1 or 0b1110000000000000 and %dirty1, 0)
Example(a14, a13, a12, a11, a10, a09, a08, a07, a06, a05, a04, a03, a02, a01, a00, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty1 shr 0b1100 or 0b01110000 and %dirty1 shr 0b0110 or 0b001110000000 and %dirty1 or 0b0001110000000000 and %dirty1 shl 0b0110 or 0b1110000000000000 and %dirty1 shl 0b1100 or 0b01110000000000000000 and %dirty shr 0b1100 or 0b001110000000000000000000 and %dirty shr 0b0110 or 0b0001110000000000000000000000 and %dirty or 0b1110000000000000000000000000 and %dirty shl 0b0110 or 0b01110000000000000000000000000000 and %dirty shl 0b1100, 0b1110 and %dirty shr 0b1100 or 0b01110000 and %dirty shr 0b0110 or 0b001110000000 and %dirty or 0b0001110000000000 and %dirty shl 0b0110 or 0b1110000000000000 and %dirty shl 0b1100, 0)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Example(a00, a01, a02, a03, a04, a05, a06, a07, a08, a09, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %changed1, %default)
fun test16Parameters(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
fun Example(
a00: Int = 0,
a01: Int = 0,
a02: Int = 0,
a03: Int = 0,
a04: Int = 0,
a05: Int = 0,
a06: Int = 0,
a07: Int = 0,
a08: Int = 0,
a09: Int = 0,
a10: Int = 0,
a11: Int = 0,
a12: Int = 0,
a13: Int = 0,
a14: Int = 0,
a15: Int = 0
) {
// in order
// in opposite order
fun Example(a00: Int, a01: Int, a02: Int, a03: Int, a04: Int, a05: Int, a06: Int, a07: Int, a08: Int, a09: Int, a10: Int, a11: Int, a12: Int, a13: Int, a14: Int, a15: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %changed1: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Example)<Exampl...>,<Exampl...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
val %dirty1 = %changed1
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a00)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a01)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b000110000000
} else if (%changed and 0b001110000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a02)) 0b000100000000 else 0b10000000
if (%default and 0b1000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b110000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b0001110000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a03)) 0b100000000000 else 0b010000000000
if (%default and 0b00010000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b1110000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a04)) 0b0100000000000000 else 0b0010000000000000
if (%default and 0b00100000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a05)) 0b00100000000000000000 else 0b00010000000000000000
if (%default and 0b01000000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b000110000000000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b001110000000000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a06)) 0b000100000000000000000000 else 0b10000000000000000000
if (%default and 0b10000000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b110000000000000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b0001110000000000000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a07)) 0b100000000000000000000000 else 0b010000000000000000000000
if (%default and 0b000100000000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110000000000000000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b1110000000000000000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a08)) 0b0100000000000000000000000000 else 0b0010000000000000000000000000
if (%default and 0b001000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000000000000000000000000000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000000000000000000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(a09)) 0b00100000000000000000000000000000 else 0b00010000000000000000000000000000
if (%default and 0b010000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or 0b0110
} else if (%changed1 and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or if (%composer.changed(a10)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b100000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed1 and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or if (%composer.changed(a11)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%default and 0b0001000000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or 0b000110000000
} else if (%changed1 and 0b001110000000 === 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or if (%composer.changed(a12)) 0b000100000000 else 0b10000000
if (%default and 0b0010000000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or 0b110000000000
} else if (%changed1 and 0b0001110000000000 === 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or if (%composer.changed(a13)) 0b100000000000 else 0b010000000000
if (%default and 0b0100000000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or 0b0110000000000000
} else if (%changed1 and 0b1110000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or if (%composer.changed(a14)) 0b0100000000000000 else 0b0010000000000000
if (%default and 0b1000000000000000 !== 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or 0b00110000000000000000
} else if (%changed1 and 0b01110000000000000000 === 0) {
%dirty1 = %dirty1 or if (%composer.changed(a15)) 0b00100000000000000000 else 0b00010000000000000000
if (%dirty and 0b01011011011011011011011011011011 !== 0b00010010010010010010010010010010 || %dirty1 and 0b01011011011011011011 !== 0b00010010010010010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
a00 = 0
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
a01 = 0
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
a02 = 0
if (%default and 0b1000 !== 0) {
a03 = 0
if (%default and 0b00010000 !== 0) {
a04 = 0
if (%default and 0b00100000 !== 0) {
a05 = 0
if (%default and 0b01000000 !== 0) {
a06 = 0
if (%default and 0b10000000 !== 0) {
a07 = 0
if (%default and 0b000100000000 !== 0) {
a08 = 0
if (%default and 0b001000000000 !== 0) {
a09 = 0
if (%default and 0b010000000000 !== 0) {
a10 = 0
if (%default and 0b100000000000 !== 0) {
a11 = 0
if (%default and 0b0001000000000000 !== 0) {
a12 = 0
if (%default and 0b0010000000000000 !== 0) {
a13 = 0
if (%default and 0b0100000000000000 !== 0) {
a14 = 0
if (%default and 0b1000000000000000 !== 0) {
a15 = 0
Example(a00, a01, a02, a03, a04, a05, a06, a07, a08, a09, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty or 0b01110000 and %dirty or 0b001110000000 and %dirty or 0b0001110000000000 and %dirty or 0b1110000000000000 and %dirty or 0b01110000000000000000 and %dirty or 0b001110000000000000000000 and %dirty or 0b0001110000000000000000000000 and %dirty or 0b1110000000000000000000000000 and %dirty or 0b01110000000000000000000000000000 and %dirty, 0b1110 and %dirty1 or 0b01110000 and %dirty1 or 0b001110000000 and %dirty1 or 0b0001110000000000 and %dirty1 or 0b1110000000000000 and %dirty1 or 0b01110000000000000000 and %dirty1, 0)
Example(a15, a14, a13, a12, a11, a10, a09, a08, a07, a06, a05, a04, a03, a02, a01, a00, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty1 shr 0b1111 or 0b01110000 and %dirty1 shr 0b1001 or 0b001110000000 and %dirty1 shr 0b0011 or 0b0001110000000000 and %dirty1 shl 0b0011 or 0b1110000000000000 and %dirty1 shl 0b1001 or 0b01110000000000000000 and %dirty1 shl 0b1111 or 0b001110000000000000000000 and %dirty shr 0b1001 or 0b0001110000000000000000000000 and %dirty shr 0b0011 or 0b1110000000000000000000000000 and %dirty shl 0b0011 or 0b01110000000000000000000000000000 and %dirty shl 0b1001, 0b1110 and %dirty shr 0b1111 or 0b01110000 and %dirty shr 0b1001 or 0b001110000000 and %dirty shr 0b0011 or 0b0001110000000000 and %dirty shl 0b0011 or 0b1110000000000000 and %dirty shl 0b1001 or 0b01110000000000000000 and %dirty shl 0b1111, 0)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Example(a00, a01, a02, a03, a04, a05, a06, a07, a08, a09, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %changed1, %default)
fun testGrouplessProperty(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.currentComposer
open class Foo {
inline val current: Int
@ReadOnlyComposable get() = currentComposer.hashCode()
fun getHashCode(): Int = currentComposer.hashCode()
fun getHashCode(): Int = currentComposer.hashCode()
@StabilityInferred(parameters = 0)
open class Foo {
val current: Int
@Composable @ReadOnlyComposable @JvmName(name = "getCurrent")
get() {
sourceInformationMarkerStart(%composer, <>, "C:Test.kt")
val tmp0 = %composer.hashCode()
return tmp0
fun getHashCode(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int): Int {
sourceInformationMarkerStart(%composer, <>, "C(getHashCode):Test.kt")
val tmp0 = %composer.hashCode()
return tmp0
static val %stable: Int = 0
fun getHashCode(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int): Int {
sourceInformationMarkerStart(%composer, <>, "C(getHashCode):Test.kt")
val tmp0 = %composer.hashCode()
return tmp0
fun testStaticAndNonStaticDefaultValueSkipping(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.compositionLocalOf
val LocalColor = compositionLocalOf { 123 }
@Composable fun A(a: Int) {}
fun Example(
wontChange: Int = 123,
mightChange: Int = LocalColor.current
) {
fun Example(wontChange: Int, mightChange: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Example)P(1)<curren...>,<A(wont...>,<A(migh...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(wontChange)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%default and 0b0010 === 0 && %composer.changed(mightChange)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%changed and 0b0001 === 0 || %composer.defaultsInvalid) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
wontChange = 123
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
mightChange = LocalColor.current
%dirty = %dirty and 0b01110000.inv()
} else {
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty and 0b01110000.inv()
A(wontChange, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
A(mightChange, %composer, 0b1110 and %dirty shr 0b0011)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Example(wontChange, mightChange, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
fun testComposableLambdaInvoke(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun Example(content: @Composable() () -> Unit) {
@ComposableInferredTarget(scheme = "[0[0]]")
fun Example(content: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit>, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Example)<invoke...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(content)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
content(%composer, 0b1110 and %dirty)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Example(content, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testComposableLambdasWithReturnGetGroups(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
fun A(factory: @Composable () -> Int): Unit {}
fun B() = A { 123 }
fun A(factory: Function2<Composer, Int, Int>) { }
fun B() {
return A { %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
val tmp0 = 123
fun testDefaultsIssue(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
import androidx.compose.ui.unit.Dp
fun Box2(
modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
paddingStart: Dp = Dp.Unspecified,
content: @Composable () -> Unit = {}
) {
@ComposableInferredTarget(scheme = "[0[0]]")
fun Box2(modifier: Modifier?, paddingStart: Dp, content: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit>?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Box2)P(1,2:c#ui.unit.Dp)<conten...>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(modifier)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00110000
} else if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(<unsafe-coerce>(paddingStart))) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b000110000000
} else if (%changed and 0b001110000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(content)) 0b000100000000 else 0b10000000
if (%dirty and 0b001011011011 !== 0b10010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
modifier = Companion
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
paddingStart = Companion.Unspecified
if (%default and 0b0100 !== 0) {
content = ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-1
content(%composer, 0b1110 and %dirty shr 0b0110)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Box2(modifier, paddingStart, content, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
internal object ComposableSingletons%TestKt {
val lambda-1: Function2<Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
fun testSiblingIfsWithoutElseHaveUniqueKeys(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
@Composable fun A(){}
@Composable fun B(){}
fun Test(cond: Boolean) {
if (cond) {
if (cond) {
fun Test(cond: Boolean, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Test)<B()>:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(cond)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
sourceInformation(%composer, "<A()>")
if (cond) {
A(%composer, 0)
if (cond) {
B(%composer, 0)
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Test(cond, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testUnusedParameters(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
class Unstable(var count: Int)
class Stable(val count: Int)
interface MaybeStable
fun Unskippable(a: Unstable, b: Stable, c: MaybeStable) {
fun Skippable1(a: Unstable, b: Stable, c: MaybeStable) {
fun Skippable2(a: Unstable, b: Stable, c: MaybeStable) {
fun Skippable3(a: Unstable, b: Stable, c: MaybeStable) { }
fun Unskippable(a: Unstable, b: Stable, c: MaybeStable, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Unskippable):Test.kt")
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Unskippable(a, b, c, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun Skippable1(a: Unstable, b: Stable, c: MaybeStable, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Skippable1):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(b)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b01010001 !== 0b00010000 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Skippable1(a, b, c, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun Skippable2(a: Unstable, b: Stable, c: MaybeStable, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Skippable2):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b001110000000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(c)) 0b000100000000 else 0b10000000
if (%dirty and 0b001010000001 !== 0b10000000 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Skippable2(a, b, c, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun Skippable3(a: Unstable, b: Stable, c: MaybeStable, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(Skippable3):Test.kt")
if (%changed and 0b0001 !== 0 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
Skippable3(a, b, c, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
fun testExtensionReceiver(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
interface MaybeStable
@Composable fun MaybeStable.example(x: Int) {
val example: @Composable MaybeStable.(Int) -> Unit = {
fun MaybeStable.example(x: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(example):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(<this>)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(x)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b01011011 !== 0b00010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
example(x, %composer, %changed or 0b0001)
val example: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function4<MaybeStable, Int, Composer, Int, Unit> = ComposableSingletons%TestKt.lambda-1
internal object ComposableSingletons%TestKt {
val lambda-1: @[ExtensionFunctionType] Function4<MaybeStable, Int, Composer, Int, Unit> = composableLambdaInstance(<>, false) { it: Int, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int ->
sourceInformation(%composer, "C:Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(%this%null)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
if (%changed and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(it)) 0b00100000 else 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b001011011011 !== 0b10010010 || !%composer.skipping) {
} else {
fun testArrayDefaultArgWithState(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.MutableState
fun VarargComposable(state: MutableState<Int>, vararg values: String = Array(1) { "value " + it }) {
fun VarargComposable(state: MutableState<Int>, values: Array<out String>?, %composer: Composer?, %changed: Int, %default: Int) {
%composer = %composer.startRestartGroup(<>)
sourceInformation(%composer, "C(VarargComposable):Test.kt")
val %dirty = %changed
if (%default and 0b0001 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b0110
} else if (%changed and 0b1110 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(state)) 0b0100 else 0b0010
%composer.startMovableGroup(<>, values.size)
val tmp0_iterator = values.iterator()
while (tmp0_iterator.hasNext()) {
val value =
%dirty = %dirty or if (%composer.changed(value)) 0b00100000 else 0
if (%dirty and 0b01110000 === 0) {
%dirty = %dirty or 0b00010000
if (%dirty and 0b1011 !== 0b0010 || !%composer.skipping) {
if (%changed and 0b0001 === 0 || %composer.defaultsInvalid) {
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
values = Array(1) { it: Int ->
val tmp0_return = "value " + it
%dirty = %dirty and 0b01110000.inv()
} else {
if (%default and 0b0010 !== 0) {
%dirty = %dirty and 0b01110000.inv()
} else {
%composer.endRestartGroup()?.updateScope { %composer: Composer?, %force: Int ->
VarargComposable(state, *values, %composer, %changed or 0b0001, %default)
class FunctionBodySkippingTransformTestsNoSource : FunctionBodySkippingTransfomrTestsBase() {
override val sourceInformationEnabled: Boolean get() = false
fun testGrouplessProperty(): Unit = comparisonPropagation(
import androidx.compose.runtime.currentComposer
open class Foo {
inline val current: Int
@ReadOnlyComposable get() = currentComposer.hashCode()
fun getHashCode(): Int = currentComposer.hashCode()
fun getHashCode(): Int = currentComposer.hashCode()
@StabilityInferred(parameters = 0)
open class Foo {
val current: Int
@Composable @ReadOnlyComposable @JvmName(name = "getCurrent")
get() {
val tmp0 = %composer.hashCode()
return tmp0
fun getHashCode(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int): Int {
val tmp0 = %composer.hashCode()
return tmp0
static val %stable: Int = 0
fun getHashCode(%composer: Composer?, %changed: Int): Int {
val tmp0 = %composer.hashCode()
return tmp0