blob: 1612b0cdf9a869deac67c1efd554c4566b4645f8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
object ProcessorErrors {
private fun String.trim(): String {
return this.trimIndent().replace("\n", " ")
val MISSING_QUERY_ANNOTATION = "Query methods must be annotated with ${}"
val MISSING_INSERT_ANNOTATION = "Insertion methods must be annotated with ${}"
val MISSING_DELETE_ANNOTATION = "Deletion methods must be annotated with ${}"
val MISSING_UPDATE_ANNOTATION = "Update methods must be annotated with ${}"
val MISSING_UPSERT_ANNOTATION = "Upsertion methods must be annotated with ${}"
val MISSING_RAWQUERY_ANNOTATION = "RawQuery methods must be annotated with" +
" ${}"
val INVALID_ON_CONFLICT_VALUE = "On conflict value must be one of @OnConflictStrategy values."
val INVALID_ANNOTATION_COUNT_IN_DAO_METHOD = "An abstract DAO method must be" +
" annotated with one and only one of the following annotations: " +
DaoProcessor.PROCESSED_ANNOTATIONS.joinToString(",") {
val CANNOT_RESOLVE_RETURN_TYPE = "Cannot resolve return type for %s"
val CANNOT_USE_UNBOUND_GENERICS_IN_QUERY_METHODS = "Cannot use unbound generics in query" +
" methods. It must be bound to a type through base Dao class."
val CANNOT_USE_UNBOUND_GENERICS_IN_INSERTION_METHODS = "Cannot use unbound generics in" +
" insertion methods. It must be bound to a type through base Dao class."
val CANNOT_USE_UNBOUND_GENERICS_IN_UPSERTION_METHODS = "Cannot use unbound generics in" +
" upsertion methods. It must be bound to a type through base Dao class."
val CANNOT_USE_UNBOUND_GENERICS_IN_ENTITY_FIELDS = "Cannot use unbound fields in entities."
val CANNOT_USE_UNBOUND_GENERICS_IN_DAO_CLASSES = "Cannot use unbound generics in Dao classes." +
" If you are trying to create a base DAO, create a normal class, extend it with type" +
" params then mark the subclass with @Dao."
val CANNOT_FIND_GETTER_FOR_FIELD = "Cannot find getter for field."
val CANNOT_FIND_SETTER_FOR_FIELD = "Cannot find setter for field."
val MISSING_PRIMARY_KEY = "An entity must have at least 1 field annotated with @PrimaryKey"
val AUTO_INCREMENTED_PRIMARY_KEY_IS_NOT_INT = "If a primary key is annotated with" +
" autoGenerate, its type must be int, Integer, long or Long."
val AUTO_INCREMENT_EMBEDDED_HAS_MULTIPLE_FIELDS = "When @PrimaryKey annotation is used on a" +
" field annotated with @Embedded, the embedded class should have only 1 field."
val INVALID_INDEX_ORDERS_SIZE = "The number of entries in @Index#orders() should be " +
"equal to the amount of columns defined in the @Index value."
val DO_NOT_USE_GENERIC_IMMUTABLE_MULTIMAP = "Do not use ImmutableMultimap as a type (as with" +
" Multimap itself). Instead use the subtypes such as ImmutableSetMultimap or " +
fun multiplePrimaryKeyAnnotations(primaryKeys: List<String>): String {
return """
You cannot have multiple primary keys defined in an Entity. If you
want to declare a composite primary key, you should use @Entity#primaryKeys and
not use @PrimaryKey. Defined Primary Keys:
${primaryKeys.joinToString(", ")}""".trim()
fun primaryKeyColumnDoesNotExist(columnName: String, allColumns: List<String>): String {
return "$columnName referenced in the primary key does not exists in the Entity." +
" Available column names:${allColumns.joinToString(", ")}"
val DAO_MUST_BE_AN_ABSTRACT_CLASS_OR_AN_INTERFACE = "Dao class must be an abstract class or" +
" an interface"
val DAO_MUST_BE_ANNOTATED_WITH_DAO = "Dao class must be annotated with @Dao"
fun daoMustHaveMatchingConstructor(daoName: String, dbName: String): String {
return """
$daoName needs to have either an empty constructor or a constructor that takes
$dbName as its only parameter.
val ENTITY_MUST_BE_ANNOTATED_WITH_ENTITY = "Entity class must be annotated with @Entity"
val DATABASE_ANNOTATION_MUST_HAVE_LIST_OF_ENTITIES = "@Database annotation must specify list" +
" of entities"
val COLUMN_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "Column name cannot be blank. If you don't want to set it" +
", just remove the @ColumnInfo annotation or use @ColumnInfo.INHERIT_FIELD_NAME."
val ENTITY_TABLE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "Entity table name cannot be blank. If you don't want" +
" to set it, just remove the tableName property."
"Entity table name cannot start with \"sqlite_\"."
val VIEW_MUST_BE_ANNOTATED_WITH_DATABASE_VIEW = "View class must be annotated with " +
val VIEW_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "View name cannot be blank. If you don't want" +
" to set it, just remove the viewName property."
"View name cannot start with \"sqlite_\"."
"Query for @DatabaseView must be a SELECT."
"Query for @DatabaseView cannot take any arguments."
fun viewCircularReferenceDetected(views: List<String>): String {
return "Circular reference detected among views: ${views.joinToString(", ")}"
val CANNOT_BIND_QUERY_PARAMETER_INTO_STMT = "Query method parameters should either be a" +
" type that can be converted into a database column or a List / Array that contains" +
" such type. You can consider adding a Type Adapter for this."
val QUERY_PARAMETERS_CANNOT_START_WITH_UNDERSCORE = "Query/Insert method parameters cannot " +
"start with underscore (_)."
fun cannotFindQueryResultAdapter(returnTypeName: String) = "Not sure how to convert a " +
"Cursor to this method's return type ($returnTypeName)."
fun classMustImplementEqualsAndHashCode(keyType: String) = "The key" +
" of the provided method's multimap return type must implement equals() and " +
"hashCode(). Key type is: $keyType."
" @Insert but does not have any parameters to insert."
" @Upsert but does not have any parameters to insert or update."
val DELETION_MISSING_PARAMS = "Method annotated with" +
" @Delete but does not have any parameters to delete."
fun cannotMapInfoSpecifiedColumn(column: String, columnsInQuery: List<String>) =
"Column specified in the provided @MapInfo annotation must be present in the query. " +
"Provided: $column. Columns found: ${columnsInQuery.joinToString(", ")}"
val MAP_INFO_MUST_HAVE_AT_LEAST_ONE_COLUMN_PROVIDED = "To use the @MapInfo annotation, you " +
"must provide either the key column name, value column name, or both."
fun keyMayNeedMapInfo(keyArg: String): String {
return """
Looks like you may need to use @MapInfo to clarify the 'keyColumn' needed for
the return type of a method. Type argument that needs @MapInfo: $keyArg
fun valueMayNeedMapInfo(valueArg: String): String {
return """
Looks like you may need to use @MapInfo to clarify the 'valueColumn' needed for
the return type of a method. Type argument that needs @MapInfo: $valueArg
val CANNOT_FIND_DELETE_RESULT_ADAPTER = "Not sure how to handle delete method's " +
"return type. Currently the supported return types are void, int or Int."
val CANNOT_FIND_UPDATE_RESULT_ADAPTER = "Not sure how to handle update method's " +
"return type. Currently the supported return types are void, int or Int."
fun suspendReturnsDeferredType(returnTypeName: String) = "Dao functions that have a suspend " +
"modifier must not return a deferred/async type ($returnTypeName). Most probably this " +
"is an error. Consider changing the return type or removing the suspend modifier."
val CANNOT_FIND_INSERT_RESULT_ADAPTER = "Not sure how to handle insert method's return type."
val CANNOT_FIND_UPSERT_RESULT_ADAPTER = "Not sure how to handle upsert method's return type."
val INSERT_MULTI_PARAM_SINGLE_RETURN_MISMATCH = "Insert method accepts multiple parameters " +
"but the return type is a single element. Try using a multiple element return type."
val UPSERT_MULTI_PARAM_SINGLE_RETURN_MISMATCH = "Upsert method accepts multiple parameters " +
"but the return type is a single element. Try using a multiple element return type."
val INSERT_SINGLE_PARAM_MULTI_RETURN_MISMATCH = "Insert method accepts a single parameter " +
"but the return type is a collection of elements. Try using a single element return type."
val UPSERT_SINGLE_PARAM_MULTI_RETURN_MISMATCH = "Upsert method accepts a single parameter " +
"but the return type is a collection of elements. Try using a single element return type."
val UPDATE_MISSING_PARAMS = "Method annotated with" +
" @Update but does not have any parameters to update."
val TRANSACTION_METHOD_MODIFIERS = "Method annotated with @Transaction must not be " +
"private, final, or abstract. It can be abstract only if the method is also" +
" annotated with @Query."
fun nullableParamInShortcutMethod(param: String) = "Methods annotated with [@Insert, " +
"@Upsert, @Update, @Delete] shouldn't declare nullable parameters ($param)."
fun transactionMethodAsync(returnTypeName: String) = "Method annotated with @Transaction must" +
" not return deferred/async return type $returnTypeName. Since transactions are" +
" thread confined and Room cannot guarantee that all queries in the method" +
" implementation are performed on the same thread, only synchronous @Transaction" +
" implemented methods are allowed. If a transaction is started and a change of thread" +
" is done and waited upon then a database deadlock can occur if the additional thread" +
" attempts to perform a query. This restrictions prevents such situation from" +
" occurring."
val TRANSACTION_MISSING_ON_RELATION = "The return value includes a POJO with a @Relation." +
" It is usually desired to annotate this method with @Transaction to avoid" +
" possibility of inconsistent results between the POJO and its relations. See " +
val CANNOT_FIND_ENTITY_FOR_SHORTCUT_QUERY_PARAMETER = "Type of the parameter must be a class " +
"annotated with @Entity or a collection/array of it."
val DB_MUST_EXTEND_ROOM_DB = "Classes annotated with @Database should extend " +
val OBSERVABLE_QUERY_NOTHING_TO_OBSERVE = "Observable query return type (LiveData, Flowable" +
", DataSource, DataSourceFactory etc) can only be used with SELECT queries that" +
" directly or indirectly (via @Relation, for example) access at least one table. For" +
" @RawQuery, you should specify the list of tables to be observed via the" +
" observedEntities field."
val RECURSIVE_REFERENCE_DETECTED = "Recursive referencing through @Embedded and/or @Relation " +
"detected: %s"
private val TOO_MANY_MATCHING_GETTERS = "Ambiguous getter for %s. All of the following " +
"match: %s. You can @Ignore the ones that you don't want to match."
fun tooManyMatchingGetters(field: Field, methodNames: List<String>): String {
return TOO_MANY_MATCHING_GETTERS.format(field, methodNames.joinToString(", "))
private val TOO_MANY_MATCHING_SETTERS = "Ambiguous setter for %s. All of the following " +
"match: %s. You can @Ignore the ones that you don't want to match."
fun tooManyMatchingSetter(field: Field, methodNames: List<String>): String {
return TOO_MANY_MATCHING_SETTERS.format(field, methodNames.joinToString(", "))
val CANNOT_FIND_COLUMN_TYPE_ADAPTER = "Cannot figure out how to save this field into" +
" database. You can consider adding a type converter for it."
val VALUE_CLASS_ONLY_SUPPORTED_IN_KSP = "Kotlin value classes are only supported " +
"in Room using KSP and generating Kotlin (room.generateKotlin=true)."
val CANNOT_FIND_STMT_BINDER = "Cannot figure out how to bind this field into a statement."
val CANNOT_FIND_CURSOR_READER = "Cannot figure out how to read this field from a cursor."
const val DEFAULT_VALUE_NULLABILITY = "Use of NULL as the default value of a non-null field"
private val MISSING_PARAMETER_FOR_BIND = "Each bind variable in the query must have a" +
" matching method parameter. Cannot find method parameters for %s."
fun missingParameterForBindVariable(bindVarName: List<String>): String {
return MISSING_PARAMETER_FOR_BIND.format(bindVarName.joinToString(", "))
fun valueCollectionMustBeListOrSet(mapValueTypeName: String): String {
return "Multimap 'value' collection type must be a List or Set. Found $mapValueTypeName."
private val UNUSED_QUERY_METHOD_PARAMETER = "Unused parameter%s: %s"
fun unusedQueryMethodParameter(unusedParams: List<String>): String {
if (unusedParams.size > 1) "s" else "",
"The name \"%s\" is used by multiple entities or views: %s"
fun duplicateTableNames(tableName: String, entityNames: List<String>): String {
return DUPLICATE_TABLES_OR_VIEWS.format(tableName, entityNames.joinToString(", "))
val DAO_METHOD_CONFLICTS_WITH_OTHERS = "Dao method has conflicts."
fun duplicateDao(dao: String, methodNames: List<String>): String {
return """
All of these functions [${methodNames.joinToString(", ")}] return the same DAO
class [$dao].
A database can use a DAO only once so you should remove ${methodNames.size - 1} of
these conflicting DAO methods. If you are implementing any of these to fulfill an
interface, don't make it abstract, instead, implement the code that calls the
other one.
fun pojoMissingNonNull(
pojoTypeName: String,
missingPojoFields: List<String>,
allQueryColumns: List<String>
): String {
return """
The columns returned by the query does not have the fields
[${missingPojoFields.joinToString(",")}] in $pojoTypeName even though they are
annotated as non-null or primitive.
Columns returned by the query: [${allQueryColumns.joinToString(",")}]
fun cursorPojoMismatch(
pojoTypeNames: List<String>,
unusedColumns: List<String>,
allColumns: List<String>,
pojoUnusedFields: Map<String, List<Field>>,
): String {
val unusedColumnsWarning = if (unusedColumns.isNotEmpty()) {
val pojoNames = if (pojoTypeNames.size > 1) {
"any of [${pojoTypeNames.joinToString(", ")}]"
} else {
The query returns some columns [${unusedColumns.joinToString(", ")}] which are not
used by $pojoNames. You can use @ColumnInfo annotation on the fields to specify
the mapping.
You can annotate the method with @RewriteQueriesToDropUnusedColumns to direct Room
to rewrite your query to avoid fetching unused columns.
} else {
val unusedFieldsWarning = { (pojoName, unusedFields) ->
$pojoName has some fields
[${unusedFields.joinToString(", ") { it.columnName }}] which are not returned by
the query. If they are not supposed to be read from the result, you can mark them
with @Ignore annotation.
return """
${unusedFieldsWarning.joinToString(separator = " ")}
You can suppress this warning by annotating the method with
Columns returned by the query: ${allColumns.joinToString(", ")}.
val TYPE_CONVERTER_UNBOUND_GENERIC = "Cannot use unbound generics in Type Converters."
val TYPE_CONVERTER_BAD_RETURN_TYPE = "Invalid return type for a type converter."
val TYPE_CONVERTER_MUST_RECEIVE_1_PARAM = "Type converters must receive 1 parameter."
val TYPE_CONVERTER_EMPTY_CLASS = "Class is referenced as a converter but it does not have any" +
" converter methods."
val TYPE_CONVERTER_MISSING_NOARG_CONSTRUCTOR = "Classes that are used as TypeConverters must" +
" have no-argument public constructors. Use a ProvidedTypeConverter annotation if you" +
" need to take control over creating an instance of a TypeConverter."
val TYPE_CONVERTER_MUST_BE_PUBLIC = "Type converters must be public."
val INNER_CLASS_TYPE_CONVERTER_MUST_BE_STATIC = "An inner class TypeConverter must be " +
fun duplicateTypeConverters(converters: List<CustomTypeConverter>): String {
return "Multiple methods define the same conversion. Conflicts with these:" +
" ${converters.joinToString(", ") { it.toString() }}"
fun typeConverterMustBeDeclared(typeName: String): String {
return "Invalid type converter type: $typeName. Type converters must be a class."
// TODO must print field paths.
val POJO_FIELD_HAS_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME = "Field has non-unique column name."
fun pojoDuplicateFieldNames(columnName: String, fieldPaths: List<String>): String {
return "Multiple fields have the same columnName: $columnName." +
" Field names: ${fieldPaths.joinToString(", ")}."
fun embeddedPrimaryKeyIsDropped(entityQName: String, fieldName: String): String {
return "Primary key constraint on $fieldName is ignored when being merged into " +
val INDEX_COLUMNS_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "List of columns in an index cannot be empty"
fun indexColumnDoesNotExist(columnName: String, allColumns: List<String>): String {
return "$columnName referenced in the index does not exists in the Entity." +
" Available column names:${allColumns.joinToString(", ")}"
fun duplicateIndexInEntity(indexName: String): String {
return "There are multiple indices with name $indexName. This happen if you've declared" +
" the same index multiple times or different indices have the same name. See" +
" @Index documentation for details."
fun duplicateIndexInDatabase(indexName: String, indexPaths: List<String>): String {
return "There are multiple indices with name $indexName. You should rename " +
"${indexPaths.size - 1} of these to avoid the conflict:" +
"${indexPaths.joinToString(", ")}."
fun droppedEmbeddedFieldIndex(fieldPath: String, grandParent: String): String {
return "The index will be dropped when being merged into $grandParent" +
"($fieldPath). You must re-declare it in $grandParent if you want to index this" +
" field in $grandParent."
fun droppedEmbeddedIndex(entityName: String, fieldPath: String, grandParent: String): String {
return "Indices defined in $entityName will be dropped when it is merged into" +
" $grandParent ($fieldPath). You can re-declare them in $grandParent."
fun droppedSuperClassIndex(childEntity: String, superEntity: String): String {
return "Indices defined in $superEntity will NOT be re-used in $childEntity. If you want" +
" to inherit them, you must re-declare them in $childEntity." +
" Alternatively, you can set inheritSuperIndices to true in the @Entity annotation."
fun droppedSuperClassFieldIndex(
fieldName: String,
childEntity: String,
superEntity: String
): String {
return "Index defined on field `$fieldName` in $superEntity will NOT be re-used in" +
" $childEntity. " +
"If you want to inherit it, you must re-declare it in $childEntity." +
" Alternatively, you can set inheritSuperIndices to true in the @Entity annotation."
val NOT_ENTITY_OR_VIEW = "The class must be either @Entity or @DatabaseView."
fun relationCannotFindEntityField(
entityName: String,
columnName: String,
availableColumns: List<String>
): String {
return "Cannot find the child entity column `$columnName` in $entityName." +
" Options: ${availableColumns.joinToString(", ")}"
fun relationCannotFindParentEntityField(
entityName: String,
columnName: String,
availableColumns: List<String>
): String {
return "Cannot find the parent entity column `$columnName` in $entityName." +
" Options: ${availableColumns.joinToString(", ")}"
fun relationCannotFindJunctionEntityField(
entityName: String,
columnName: String,
availableColumns: List<String>
): String {
return "Cannot find the child entity referencing column `$columnName` in the junction " +
"$entityName. Options: ${availableColumns.joinToString(", ")}"
fun relationCannotFindJunctionParentField(
entityName: String,
columnName: String,
availableColumns: List<String>
): String {
return "Cannot find the parent entity referencing column `$columnName` in the junction " +
"$entityName. Options: ${availableColumns.joinToString(", ")}"
fun junctionColumnWithoutIndex(entityName: String, columnName: String) =
"The column $columnName in the junction entity $entityName is being used to resolve " +
"a relationship but it is not covered by any index. This might cause a " +
"full table scan when resolving the relationship, it is highly advised to " +
"create an index that covers this column."
val RELATION_IN_ENTITY = "Entities cannot have relations."
fun relationAffinityMismatch(
parentColumn: String,
childColumn: String,
parentAffinity: SQLTypeAffinity?,
childAffinity: SQLTypeAffinity?
): String {
return """
The affinity of parent column ($parentColumn : $parentAffinity) does not match the type
affinity of the child column ($childColumn : $childAffinity).
fun relationJunctionParentAffinityMismatch(
parentColumn: String,
junctionParentColumn: String,
parentAffinity: SQLTypeAffinity?,
junctionParentAffinity: SQLTypeAffinity?
): String {
return """
The affinity of parent column ($parentColumn : $parentAffinity) does not match the type
affinity of the junction parent column ($junctionParentColumn : $junctionParentAffinity).
fun relationJunctionChildAffinityMismatch(
childColumn: String,
junctionChildColumn: String,
childAffinity: SQLTypeAffinity?,
junctionChildAffinity: SQLTypeAffinity?
): String {
return """
The affinity of child column ($childColumn : $childAffinity) does not match the type
affinity of the junction child column ($junctionChildColumn : $junctionChildAffinity).
val CANNOT_USE_MORE_THAN_ONE_POJO_FIELD_ANNOTATION = "A field can be annotated with only" +
" one of the following:" + PojoProcessor.PROCESSED_ANNOTATIONS.joinToString(",") {
fun missingIgnoredColumns(missingIgnoredColumns: List<String>): String {
return "Non-existent columns are specified to be ignored in ignoreColumns: " +
fun relationBadProject(
entityQName: String,
missingColumnNames: List<String>,
availableColumnNames: List<String>
): String {
return """
$entityQName does not have the following columns: ${missingColumnNames.joinToString(",")}.
Available columns are: ${availableColumnNames.joinToString(",")}
val MISSING_SCHEMA_EXPORT_DIRECTORY = "Schema export directory was not provided to the" +
" annotation processor so Room cannot export the schema. You can either provide" +
" `room.schemaLocation` annotation processor argument by applying the Room Gradle plugin" +
" (id '') OR set exportSchema to false."
val INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY_ACTION = "Invalid foreign key action. It must be one of the constants" +
" defined in ForeignKey.Action"
fun foreignKeyNotAnEntity(className: String): String {
return """
Classes referenced in Foreign Key annotations must be @Entity classes. $className is not
an entity
val FOREIGN_KEY_CANNOT_FIND_PARENT = "Cannot find parent entity class."
fun foreignKeyChildColumnDoesNotExist(columnName: String, allColumns: List<String>): String {
return "($columnName) referenced in the foreign key does not exists in the Entity." +
" Available column names:${allColumns.joinToString(", ")}"
fun foreignKeyParentColumnDoesNotExist(
parentEntity: String,
missingColumn: String,
allColumns: List<String>
): String {
return "($missingColumn) does not exist in $parentEntity. Available columns are" +
" ${allColumns.joinToString(",")}"
val FOREIGN_KEY_EMPTY_CHILD_COLUMN_LIST = "Must specify at least 1 column name for the child"
val FOREIGN_KEY_EMPTY_PARENT_COLUMN_LIST = "Must specify at least 1 column name for the parent"
fun foreignKeyColumnNumberMismatch(
childColumns: List<String>,
parentColumns: List<String>
): String {
return """
Number of child columns in foreign key must match number of parent columns.
Child reference has ${childColumns.joinToString(",")} and parent reference has
fun foreignKeyMissingParentEntityInDatabase(parentTable: String, childEntity: String): String {
return """
$parentTable table referenced in the foreign keys of $childEntity does not exist in
the database. Maybe you forgot to add the referenced entity in the entities list of
the @Database annotation?""".trim()
fun foreignKeyMissingIndexInParent(
parentEntity: String,
parentColumns: List<String>,
childEntity: String,
childColumns: List<String>
): String {
return """
$childEntity has a foreign key (${childColumns.joinToString(",")}) that references
$parentEntity (${parentColumns.joinToString(",")}) but $parentEntity does not have
a unique index on those columns nor the columns are its primary key.
SQLite requires having a unique constraint on referenced parent columns so you must
add a unique index to $parentEntity that has
(${parentColumns.joinToString(",")}) column(s).
fun foreignKeyMissingIndexInChildColumns(childColumns: List<String>): String {
return """
(${childColumns.joinToString(",")}) column(s) reference a foreign key but
they are not part of an index. This may trigger full table scans whenever parent
table is modified so you are highly advised to create an index that covers these
fun foreignKeyMissingIndexInChildColumn(childColumn: String): String {
return """
$childColumn column references a foreign key but it is not part of an index. This
may trigger full table scans whenever parent table is modified so you are highly
advised to create an index that covers this column.
fun shortcutEntityIsNotInDatabase(database: String, dao: String, entity: String): String {
return """
$dao is part of $database but this entity is not in the database. Maybe you forgot
to add $entity to the entities section of the @Database?
val MISSING_ROOM_GUAVA_ARTIFACT = "To use Guava features, you must add `guava`" +
" artifact from Room as a dependency.<version>"
val MISSING_ROOM_RXJAVA2_ARTIFACT = "To use RxJava2 features, you must add `rxjava2`" +
" artifact from Room as a dependency.<version>"
val MISSING_ROOM_RXJAVA3_ARTIFACT = "To use RxJava3 features, you must add `rxjava3`" +
" artifact from Room as a dependency.<version>"
val MISSING_ROOM_PAGING_ARTIFACT = "To use PagingSource, you must add `room-paging`" +
" artifact from Room as a dependency.<version>"
val MISSING_ROOM_PAGING_GUAVA_ARTIFACT = "To use ListenableFuturePagingSource, you must " +
"add `room-paging-guava` artifact from Room as a dependency. " +
val MISSING_ROOM_PAGING_RXJAVA2_ARTIFACT = "To use RxPagingSource, you must " +
"add `room-paging-rxjava2` artifact from Room as a dependency. " +
val MISSING_ROOM_PAGING_RXJAVA3_ARTIFACT = "To use RxPagingSource, you must " +
"add `room-paging-rxjava3` artifact from Room as a dependency. " +
val MISSING_ROOM_COROUTINE_ARTIFACT = "To use Coroutine features, you must add `ktx`" +
" artifact from Room as a dependency.<version>"
fun ambiguousConstructor(
pojo: String,
paramName: String,
matchingFields: List<String>
): String {
return """
Ambiguous constructor. The parameter ($paramName) in $pojo matches multiple fields:
[${matchingFields.joinToString(",")}]. If you don't want to use this constructor,
you can annotate it with @Ignore. If you want Room to use this constructor, you can
rename the parameters to exactly match the field name to fix the ambiguity.
Entities and POJOs must have a usable public constructor. You can have an empty
constructor or a constructor whose parameters match the fields (by name and type).
Room cannot pick a constructor since multiple constructors are suitable. Try to annotate
unwanted constructors with @Ignore.
There are multiple good constructors and Room will pick the no-arg constructor.
You can use the @Ignore annotation to eliminate unwanted constructors.
val PAGING_SPECIFY_DATA_SOURCE_TYPE = "For now, Room only supports PositionalDataSource class."
val PAGING_SPECIFY_PAGING_SOURCE_TYPE = "For now, Room only supports PagingSource with Key of" +
" type Int."
val PAGING_SPECIFY_PAGING_SOURCE_VALUE_TYPE = "For now, Room only supports PagingSource with" +
" Value that is not of Collection type."
fun primaryKeyNull(field: String): String {
return "You must annotate primary keys with @NonNull. \"$field\" is nullable. SQLite " +
"considers this a " +
"bug and Room does not allow it. See SQLite docs for details: " +
val INVALID_COLUMN_NAME = "Invalid column name. Room does not allow using ` or \" in column" +
" names"
val INVALID_TABLE_NAME = "Invalid table name. Room does not allow using ` or \" in table names"
val RAW_QUERY_BAD_PARAMS = "RawQuery methods should have 1 and only 1 parameter with type" +
" SupportSQLiteQuery"
fun parameterCannotBeNullable(
parameterName: String
) = """
Parameter `$parameterName` cannot be nullable.
val RAW_QUERY_BAD_RETURN_TYPE = "RawQuery methods must return a non-void type."
fun rawQueryBadEntity(typeName: String): String {
return """
observedEntities field in RawQuery must either reference a class that is annotated
with @Entity or it should reference a POJO that either contains @Embedded fields that
are annotated with @Entity or @Relation fields.
$typeName does not have these properties, did you mean another class?
val RAW_QUERY_STRING_PARAMETER_REMOVED = "RawQuery does not allow passing a string anymore." +
" Please use ${SupportDbTypeNames.QUERY.canonicalName}."
val MISSING_COPY_ANNOTATIONS = "Annotated property getter is missing " +
fun invalidAnnotationTarget(annotationName: String, elementKindName: String): String {
return "@$annotationName is not allowed in this $elementKindName."
val INDICES_IN_FTS_ENTITY = "Indices not allowed in FTS Entity."
val FOREIGN_KEYS_IN_FTS_ENTITY = "Foreign Keys not allowed in FTS Entity."
val MISSING_PRIMARY_KEYS_ANNOTATION_IN_ROW_ID = "The field with column name 'rowid' in " +
"an FTS entity must be annotated with @PrimaryKey."
val TOO_MANY_PRIMARY_KEYS_IN_FTS_ENTITY = "An FTS entity can only have a single primary key."
val INVALID_FTS_ENTITY_PRIMARY_KEY_NAME = "The single primary key field in an FTS entity " +
"must either be named 'rowid' or must be annotated with @ColumnInfo(name = \"rowid\")"
val INVALID_FTS_ENTITY_PRIMARY_KEY_AFFINITY = "The single @PrimaryKey annotated field in an " +
"FTS entity must be of INTEGER affinity."
fun missingLanguageIdField(columnName: String) = "The specified 'languageid' column: " +
"\"$columnName\", was not found."
val INVALID_FTS_ENTITY_LANGUAGE_ID_AFFINITY = "The 'languageid' field must be of INTEGER " +
fun missingNotIndexedField(missingNotIndexedColumns: List<String>) =
"Non-existent columns are specified to be not indexed in notIndexed: " +
val INVALID_FTS_ENTITY_PREFIX_SIZES = "Prefix sizes to index must non-zero positive values."
val FTS_EXTERNAL_CONTENT_CANNOT_FIND_ENTITY = "Cannot find external content entity class."
fun externalContentNotAnEntity(className: String) = "External content entity referenced in " +
"a Fts4 annotation must be a @Entity class. $className is not an entity"
fun missingFtsContentField(ftsClassName: String, columnName: String, contentClassName: String) =
"External Content FTS Entity '$ftsClassName' has declared field with column name " +
"'$columnName' that was not found in the external content entity " +
fun missingExternalContentEntity(ftsClassName: String, contentClassName: String) =
"External Content FTS Entity '$ftsClassName' has a declared content entity " +
"'$contentClassName' that is not present in the same @Database. Maybe you " +
"forgot to add it to the entities section of the @Database?"
fun cannotFindAsEntityField(entityName: String) = "Cannot find a column in the entity " +
"$entityName that matches with this partial entity field. If you don't wish to use " +
"the field then you can annotate it with @Ignore."
val INVALID_TARGET_ENTITY_IN_SHORTCUT_METHOD = "Target entity declared in @Insert, @Update " +
"or @Delete must be annotated with @Entity."
val INVALID_RELATION_IN_PARTIAL_ENTITY = "Partial entities cannot have relations."
Using @${RewriteQueriesToDropUnusedColumns::class.simpleName} annotation when
room.expandProjection compiler flag is enabled will disable expandProjection for queries
covered with @${RewriteQueriesToDropUnusedColumns::class.simpleName}.
fun missingPrimaryKeysInPartialEntityForInsert(
partialEntityName: String,
primaryKeyNames: List<String>
) = "The partial entity $partialEntityName is missing the primary key fields " +
"(${primaryKeyNames.joinToString()}) needed to perform an INSERT. If your single " +
"primary key is auto generated then the fields are optional."
fun missingPrimaryKeysInPartialEntityForUpsert(
partialEntityName: String,
primaryKeyNames: List<String>
) = "The partial entity $partialEntityName is missing the primary key fields " +
"(${primaryKeyNames.joinToString()}) needed to perform an UPSERT. If your single " +
"primary key is auto generated then the fields are optional."
fun missingRequiredColumnsInPartialEntity(
partialEntityName: String,
missingColumnNames: List<String>
) = "The partial entity $partialEntityName is missing required columns " +
"(${missingColumnNames.joinToString()}) needed to perform an INSERT. These are " +
"NOT NULL columns without default values."
fun missingPrimaryKeysInPartialEntityForUpdate(
partialEntityName: String,
primaryKeyNames: List<String>
) = "The partial entity $partialEntityName is missing the primary key fields " +
"(${primaryKeyNames.joinToString()}) needed to perform an UPDATE."
fun noColumnsInPartialEntity(
partialEntityName: String
) = "The partial entity $partialEntityName does not have any columns that can be used to " +
"perform the query."
fun cannotFindPreparedQueryResultAdapter(
returnType: String,
type: QueryType
) = StringBuilder().apply {
append("Not sure how to handle query method's return type ($returnType). ")
if (type == QueryType.INSERT) {
"INSERT query methods must either return void " +
"or long (the rowid of the inserted row)."
} else if (type == QueryType.UPDATE) {
"UPDATE query methods must either return void " +
"or int (the number of updated rows)."
} else if (type == QueryType.DELETE) {
"DELETE query methods must either return void " +
"or int (the number of deleted rows)."
"Current JDK version ${System.getProperty("java.runtime.version") ?: ""} has a bug" +
" (" +
" that prevents Room from being incremental." +
" Consider using JDK 11+ or the embedded JDK shipped with Android Studio 3.5+."
fun invalidChannelType(typeName: String) = "'$typeName' is not supported as a return type. " +
"Instead declare return type as ${KotlinTypeNames.FLOW} and use Flow transforming " +
"functions that converts the Flow into a Channel."
fun mismatchedGetter(
fieldName: String,
ownerType: String,
getterType: String,
fieldType: String
) = """
$ownerType's $fieldName field has type $fieldType but its getter returns $getterType.
This mismatch might cause unexpected $fieldName values in the database when $ownerType
is inserted into database.
fun mismatchedSetter(
fieldName: String,
ownerType: String,
setterType: String,
fieldType: String
) = """
$ownerType's $fieldName field has type $fieldType but its setter accepts $setterType.
This mismatch might cause unexpected $fieldName values when $ownerType is read from the
val DATABASE_INVALID_DAO_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE = "Abstract database methods must return a @Dao " +
"annotated class or interface."
fun invalidEntityTypeInDatabaseAnnotation(typeName: String): String {
return "Invalid Entity type: $typeName. An entity in the database must be a class."
fun invalidViewTypeInDatabaseAnnotation(typeName: String): String {
return "Invalid View type: $typeName. Views in a database must be a class or an " +
fun invalidAutoMigrationTypeInDatabaseAnnotation(): String {
return "Invalid AutoMigration type: An auto migration in the database must be " +
"an @AutoMigration annotation."
val EMBEDDED_TYPES_MUST_BE_A_CLASS_OR_INTERFACE = "The type of an Embedded field must be a " +
"class or an interface."
val RELATION_TYPE_MUST_BE_A_CLASS_OR_INTERFACE = "Entity type in a Relation must be a class " +
"or an interface."
fun shortcutMethodArgumentMustBeAClass(
typeName: String
): String {
return "Invalid query argument: $typeName. It must be a class or an interface."
val AUTOMIGRATION_SPEC_MUST_BE_CLASS = "The AutoMigration spec " +
"type must be a class."
fun autoMigrationElementMustImplementSpec(spec: String): String {
return "The AutoMigration spec " +
"$spec must implement the AutoMigrationSpec interface."
// TODO: (b/180389433) If the files don't exist the getSchemaFile() method should return
// null and before calling process
fun autoMigrationToVersionMustBeGreaterThanFrom(to: Int, from: Int) =
if (from > to) {
"Downgrades are not supported in AutoMigration."
} else {
"The versions provided (to: $to, from: $from) are invalid. The To version must" +
" be greater than the From version."
fun autoMigrationSchemasNotFound(schemaFile: String, schemaOutFolderPath: String): String {
return "Schema '$schemaFile' required for migration was not found at the schema out " +
"folder: $schemaOutFolderPath. Cannot generate auto migrations."
fun autoMigrationSchemaIsEmpty(schemaFile: String, schemaOutFolderPath: String): String {
return "Found empty schema file '$schemaFile' required for migration was not found at the" +
" schema out folder: $schemaOutFolderPath. Cannot generate auto migrations."
fun invalidAutoMigrationSchema(schemaFile: String, schemaOutFolderPath: String): String {
return "Found invalid schema file '$schemaFile.json' at the schema out " +
"folder: $schemaOutFolderPath.\nIf you've modified the file, you might've broken the " +
"JSON format, try deleting the file and re-running the compiler.\n" +
"If you've not modified the file, please file a bug at " +
" " +
"with a sample app to reproduce the issue."
fun autoMigrationSchemasMustBeRoomGenerated(
fromFile: Int,
toFile: Int
): String {
return "Found invalid schema file(s): '$fromFile.json' and $toFile.json'. The schema " +
"files must be generated by Room. Cannot generate auto migrations."
fun newNotNullColumnMustHaveDefaultValue(columnName: String): String {
return "New NOT NULL " +
"column'$columnName' " +
"added with no default value specified. Please specify the default value using " +
fun columnWithChangedSchemaFound(columnName: String): String {
return "Encountered column '$columnName' with an unsupported schema change at the column " +
"level (e.g. affinity change). These changes are not yet " +
"supported by AutoMigration."
fun deletedOrRenamedColumnFound(
className: String?,
columnName: String,
tableName: String
): String {
return if (className != null) {
AutoMigration Failure in ‘$className’: Column ‘$columnName’ in table ‘$tableName’ has
been either removed or renamed. Please annotate ‘$className’ with the @RenameColumn
or @DeleteColumn annotation to specify the change to be performed:
tableName = "$tableName",
fromColumnName = "$columnName",
toColumnName = <NEW_COLUMN_NAME>
tableName = "$tableName",
columnName = "$columnName"
} else {
AutoMigration Failure: Please declare an interface extending 'AutoMigrationSpec',
and annotate with the @RenameColumn or @DeleteColumn annotation to specify the
change to be performed:
tableName = "$tableName",
fromColumnName = "$columnName",
toColumnName = <NEW_COLUMN_NAME>
tableName = "$tableName",
columnName = "$columnName"
fun deletedOrRenamedTableFound(
className: String?,
tableName: String
): String {
return if (className != null) {
AutoMigration Failure in '$className': Table '$tableName' has been either removed or
renamed. Please annotate '$className' with the @RenameTable or @DeleteTable
annotation to specify the change to be performed:
fromTableName = "$tableName",
toTableName = <NEW_TABLE_NAME>
tableName = "$tableName"
} else {
AutoMigration Failure: Please declare an interface extending 'AutoMigrationSpec',
and annotate with the @RenameTable or @DeleteTable annotation to specify the change
to be performed:
fromTableName = "$tableName",
toTableName = <NEW_TABLE_NAME>
tableName = "$tableName"
fun tableRenameError(
className: String,
originalTableName: String,
newTableName: String
): String {
return "AutoMigration Failure in '$className': The table renamed from " +
"'$originalTableName' to '$newTableName' is " +
"not found in the new version of the database."
fun conflictingRenameTableAnnotationsFound(annotations: String): String {
return "Conflicting @RenameTable annotations found: [$annotations]"
fun conflictingRenameColumnAnnotationsFound(annotations: String): String {
return "Conflicting @RenameColumn annotations found: [$annotations]"
val AUTO_MIGRATION_FOUND_BUT_EXPORT_SCHEMA_OFF = "Cannot create auto migrations when " +
"exportSchema is false."
val AUTO_MIGRATION_SCHEMA_IN_FOLDER_NULL = "Schema import directory was not provided to the" +
" annotation processor so Room cannot read older schemas. To generate auto migrations," +
" you must provide `room.schemaLocation` annotation processor arguments by applying the" +
" Room Gradle plugin (id '') AND set exportSchema to true."
fun tableWithConflictingPrefixFound(tableName: String): String {
return "The new version of the schema contains '$tableName' a table name" +
" with the prefix '_new_', which will cause conflicts for auto migrations. Please use" +
" a different name."
val INNER_CLASS_AUTOMIGRATION_SPEC_MUST_BE_STATIC = "An inner class AutoMigrationSpec must be" +
" static."
"AutoMigrationSpec " +
"implementations must have no-argument public constructors."
val JVM_NAME_ON_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD = "Using @JvmName annotation on a function or accessor " +
"that will be overridden by Room is not supported. If this is important for your use " +
"case, please file a bug at $ISSUE_TRACKER_LINK with details."
fun ambiguousColumn(
columnName: String,
location: AmbiguousColumnLocation,
typeName: String?
): String {
val (locationDesc, recommendation) = when (location) {
AmbiguousColumnLocation.MAP_INFO -> {
"in the @MapInfo" to "update @MapInfo"
AmbiguousColumnLocation.POJO -> {
"in the object '$typeName'" to "use @ColumnInfo"
AmbiguousColumnLocation.ENTITY -> {
"in the entity '$typeName'" to "use a new data class / POJO with @ColumnInfo'"
return "The column '$columnName' $locationDesc is ambiguous and cannot be properly " +
"resolved. Please alias the column and $recommendation. Otherwise there is a risk of " +
"the query returning invalid values. You can suppress this warning by annotating " +
"the method with @SuppressWarnings(RoomWarnings.AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_IN_RESULT)."
enum class AmbiguousColumnLocation {
val KOTLIN_PROPERTY_OVERRIDE = "Property getter overrides are not support when generating " +
"Kotlin code, please rewrite as an abstract function."
val NONNULL_VOID = "Invalid non-null declaration of 'Void', should be nullable. The 'Void' " +
"class represents a placeholder type that is uninstantiable and 'null' is always returned."
fun nullableCollectionOrArrayReturnTypeInDaoMethod(
typeName: String,
returnType: String
): String {
return "The nullable `$returnType` ($typeName) return type in a DAO method is " +
"meaningless because Room will instead return an empty `$returnType` if no rows are " +
"returned from the query."
fun nullableComponentInDaoMethodReturnType(typeName: String): String {
return "The DAO method return type ($typeName) with the nullable type argument " +
"is meaningless because for now Room will never put a null value in a result."
val EXPORTING_SCHEMA_TO_RESOURCES = "Schema export is set to be outputted as a resource" +
" (i.e. room.exportSchemaResource is set to true), this means Room will write the current" +
" schema version file into the produced JAR. Such flag must only be used for generating" +
" the schema file and extracting it from the JAR but not for production builds, otherwise" +
" the schema file will end up in the final artifact which is typically not desired. This" +
" warning serves as a reminder to use room.exportSchemaResource cautiously."
"(id '') cannot be used with an explicit use of the annotation processor" +
"option `room.schemaLocation`, please remove the configuration of the option and " +
"configure the schema location via the plugin project extension: " +
"`room { schemaDirectory(...) }`."