| /* |
| * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| package androidx.room.processor |
| |
| import androidx.room.Delete |
| import androidx.room.Insert |
| import androidx.room.Query |
| import androidx.room.RawQuery |
| import androidx.room.RewriteQueriesToDropUnusedColumns |
| import androidx.room.Update |
| import androidx.room.Upsert |
| import androidx.room.ext.KotlinTypeNames |
| import androidx.room.ext.RoomTypeNames.ROOM_DB |
| import androidx.room.ext.SupportDbTypeNames |
| import androidx.room.parser.QueryType |
| import androidx.room.parser.SQLTypeAffinity |
| import androidx.room.vo.CustomTypeConverter |
| import androidx.room.vo.Field |
| |
| object ProcessorErrors { |
| private fun String.trim(): String { |
| return this.trimIndent().replace("\n", " ") |
| } |
| |
| val ISSUE_TRACKER_LINK = "https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/new?component=413107" |
| |
| val MISSING_QUERY_ANNOTATION = "Query methods must be annotated with ${Query::class.java}" |
| val MISSING_INSERT_ANNOTATION = "Insertion methods must be annotated with ${Insert::class.java}" |
| val MISSING_DELETE_ANNOTATION = "Deletion methods must be annotated with ${Delete::class.java}" |
| val MISSING_UPDATE_ANNOTATION = "Update methods must be annotated with ${Update::class.java}" |
| val MISSING_UPSERT_ANNOTATION = "Upsertion methods must be annotated with ${Upsert::class.java}" |
| val MISSING_RAWQUERY_ANNOTATION = "RawQuery methods must be annotated with" + |
| " ${RawQuery::class.java}" |
| val INVALID_ON_CONFLICT_VALUE = "On conflict value must be one of @OnConflictStrategy values." |
| val TRANSACTION_REFERENCE_DOCS = "https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/" + |
| "room/Transaction.html" |
| val INVALID_ANNOTATION_COUNT_IN_DAO_METHOD = "An abstract DAO method must be" + |
| " annotated with one and only one of the following annotations: " + |
| DaoProcessor.PROCESSED_ANNOTATIONS.joinToString(",") { |
| it.java.simpleName |
| } |
| val CANNOT_RESOLVE_RETURN_TYPE = "Cannot resolve return type for %s" |
| val CANNOT_USE_UNBOUND_GENERICS_IN_QUERY_METHODS = "Cannot use unbound generics in query" + |
| " methods. It must be bound to a type through base Dao class." |
| val CANNOT_USE_UNBOUND_GENERICS_IN_INSERTION_METHODS = "Cannot use unbound generics in" + |
| " insertion methods. It must be bound to a type through base Dao class." |
| val CANNOT_USE_UNBOUND_GENERICS_IN_UPSERTION_METHODS = "Cannot use unbound generics in" + |
| " upsertion methods. It must be bound to a type through base Dao class." |
| val CANNOT_USE_UNBOUND_GENERICS_IN_ENTITY_FIELDS = "Cannot use unbound fields in entities." |
| val CANNOT_USE_UNBOUND_GENERICS_IN_DAO_CLASSES = "Cannot use unbound generics in Dao classes." + |
| " If you are trying to create a base DAO, create a normal class, extend it with type" + |
| " params then mark the subclass with @Dao." |
| val CANNOT_FIND_GETTER_FOR_FIELD = "Cannot find getter for field." |
| val CANNOT_FIND_SETTER_FOR_FIELD = "Cannot find setter for field." |
| val MISSING_PRIMARY_KEY = "An entity must have at least 1 field annotated with @PrimaryKey" |
| val AUTO_INCREMENTED_PRIMARY_KEY_IS_NOT_INT = "If a primary key is annotated with" + |
| " autoGenerate, its type must be int, Integer, long or Long." |
| val AUTO_INCREMENT_EMBEDDED_HAS_MULTIPLE_FIELDS = "When @PrimaryKey annotation is used on a" + |
| " field annotated with @Embedded, the embedded class should have only 1 field." |
| val INVALID_INDEX_ORDERS_SIZE = "The number of entries in @Index#orders() should be " + |
| "equal to the amount of columns defined in the @Index value." |
| |
| val DO_NOT_USE_GENERIC_IMMUTABLE_MULTIMAP = "Do not use ImmutableMultimap as a type (as with" + |
| " Multimap itself). Instead use the subtypes such as ImmutableSetMultimap or " + |
| "ImmutableListMultimap." |
| |
| fun multiplePrimaryKeyAnnotations(primaryKeys: List<String>): String { |
| return """ |
| You cannot have multiple primary keys defined in an Entity. If you |
| want to declare a composite primary key, you should use @Entity#primaryKeys and |
| not use @PrimaryKey. Defined Primary Keys: |
| ${primaryKeys.joinToString(", ")}""".trim() |
| } |
| |
| fun primaryKeyColumnDoesNotExist(columnName: String, allColumns: List<String>): String { |
| return "$columnName referenced in the primary key does not exists in the Entity." + |
| " Available column names:${allColumns.joinToString(", ")}" |
| } |
| |
| val DAO_MUST_BE_AN_ABSTRACT_CLASS_OR_AN_INTERFACE = "Dao class must be an abstract class or" + |
| " an interface" |
| val DAO_MUST_BE_ANNOTATED_WITH_DAO = "Dao class must be annotated with @Dao" |
| |
| fun daoMustHaveMatchingConstructor(daoName: String, dbName: String): String { |
| return """ |
| $daoName needs to have either an empty constructor or a constructor that takes |
| $dbName as its only parameter. |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| val ENTITY_MUST_BE_ANNOTATED_WITH_ENTITY = "Entity class must be annotated with @Entity" |
| val DATABASE_ANNOTATION_MUST_HAVE_LIST_OF_ENTITIES = "@Database annotation must specify list" + |
| " of entities" |
| val COLUMN_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "Column name cannot be blank. If you don't want to set it" + |
| ", just remove the @ColumnInfo annotation or use @ColumnInfo.INHERIT_FIELD_NAME." |
| |
| val ENTITY_TABLE_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "Entity table name cannot be blank. If you don't want" + |
| " to set it, just remove the tableName property." |
| |
| "Entity table name cannot start with \"sqlite_\"." |
| |
| val VIEW_MUST_BE_ANNOTATED_WITH_DATABASE_VIEW = "View class must be annotated with " + |
| "@DatabaseView" |
| val VIEW_NAME_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "View name cannot be blank. If you don't want" + |
| " to set it, just remove the viewName property." |
| "View name cannot start with \"sqlite_\"." |
| "Query for @DatabaseView must be a SELECT." |
| "Query for @DatabaseView cannot take any arguments." |
| |
| fun viewCircularReferenceDetected(views: List<String>): String { |
| return "Circular reference detected among views: ${views.joinToString(", ")}" |
| } |
| |
| val CANNOT_BIND_QUERY_PARAMETER_INTO_STMT = "Query method parameters should either be a" + |
| " type that can be converted into a database column or a List / Array that contains" + |
| " such type. You can consider adding a Type Adapter for this." |
| |
| val QUERY_PARAMETERS_CANNOT_START_WITH_UNDERSCORE = "Query/Insert method parameters cannot " + |
| "start with underscore (_)." |
| |
| fun cannotFindQueryResultAdapter(returnTypeName: String) = "Not sure how to convert a " + |
| "Cursor to this method's return type ($returnTypeName)." |
| |
| fun classMustImplementEqualsAndHashCode(keyType: String) = "The key" + |
| " of the provided method's multimap return type must implement equals() and " + |
| "hashCode(). Key type is: $keyType." |
| |
| val INSERTION_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ANY_PARAMETERS_TO_INSERT = "Method annotated with" + |
| " @Insert but does not have any parameters to insert." |
| |
| val UPSERTION_DOES_NOT_HAVE_ANY_PARAMETERS_TO_UPSERT = "Method annotated with" + |
| " @Upsert but does not have any parameters to insert or update." |
| |
| val DELETION_MISSING_PARAMS = "Method annotated with" + |
| " @Delete but does not have any parameters to delete." |
| |
| fun cannotMapInfoSpecifiedColumn(column: String, columnsInQuery: List<String>) = |
| "Column specified in the provided @MapInfo annotation must be present in the query. " + |
| "Provided: $column. Columns found: ${columnsInQuery.joinToString(", ")}" |
| |
| val MAP_INFO_MUST_HAVE_AT_LEAST_ONE_COLUMN_PROVIDED = "To use the @MapInfo annotation, you " + |
| "must provide either the key column name, value column name, or both." |
| |
| fun keyMayNeedMapInfo(keyArg: String): String { |
| return """ |
| Looks like you may need to use @MapInfo to clarify the 'keyColumn' needed for |
| the return type of a method. Type argument that needs @MapInfo: $keyArg |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| fun valueMayNeedMapInfo(valueArg: String): String { |
| return """ |
| Looks like you may need to use @MapInfo to clarify the 'valueColumn' needed for |
| the return type of a method. Type argument that needs @MapInfo: $valueArg |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| val CANNOT_FIND_DELETE_RESULT_ADAPTER = "Not sure how to handle delete method's " + |
| "return type. Currently the supported return types are void, int or Int." |
| |
| val CANNOT_FIND_UPDATE_RESULT_ADAPTER = "Not sure how to handle update method's " + |
| "return type. Currently the supported return types are void, int or Int." |
| |
| fun suspendReturnsDeferredType(returnTypeName: String) = "Dao functions that have a suspend " + |
| "modifier must not return a deferred/async type ($returnTypeName). Most probably this " + |
| "is an error. Consider changing the return type or removing the suspend modifier." |
| |
| val CANNOT_FIND_INSERT_RESULT_ADAPTER = "Not sure how to handle insert method's return type." |
| |
| val CANNOT_FIND_UPSERT_RESULT_ADAPTER = "Not sure how to handle upsert method's return type." |
| |
| val INSERT_MULTI_PARAM_SINGLE_RETURN_MISMATCH = "Insert method accepts multiple parameters " + |
| "but the return type is a single element. Try using a multiple element return type." |
| |
| val UPSERT_MULTI_PARAM_SINGLE_RETURN_MISMATCH = "Upsert method accepts multiple parameters " + |
| "but the return type is a single element. Try using a multiple element return type." |
| |
| val INSERT_SINGLE_PARAM_MULTI_RETURN_MISMATCH = "Insert method accepts a single parameter " + |
| "but the return type is a collection of elements. Try using a single element return type." |
| |
| val UPSERT_SINGLE_PARAM_MULTI_RETURN_MISMATCH = "Upsert method accepts a single parameter " + |
| "but the return type is a collection of elements. Try using a single element return type." |
| |
| val UPDATE_MISSING_PARAMS = "Method annotated with" + |
| " @Update but does not have any parameters to update." |
| |
| val TRANSACTION_METHOD_MODIFIERS = "Method annotated with @Transaction must not be " + |
| "private, final, or abstract. It can be abstract only if the method is also" + |
| " annotated with @Query." |
| |
| fun nullableParamInShortcutMethod(param: String) = "Methods annotated with [@Insert, " + |
| "@Upsert, @Update, @Delete] shouldn't declare nullable parameters ($param)." |
| |
| fun transactionMethodAsync(returnTypeName: String) = "Method annotated with @Transaction must" + |
| " not return deferred/async return type $returnTypeName. Since transactions are" + |
| " thread confined and Room cannot guarantee that all queries in the method" + |
| " implementation are performed on the same thread, only synchronous @Transaction" + |
| " implemented methods are allowed. If a transaction is started and a change of thread" + |
| " is done and waited upon then a database deadlock can occur if the additional thread" + |
| " attempts to perform a query. This restrictions prevents such situation from" + |
| " occurring." |
| |
| val TRANSACTION_MISSING_ON_RELATION = "The return value includes a POJO with a @Relation." + |
| " It is usually desired to annotate this method with @Transaction to avoid" + |
| " possibility of inconsistent results between the POJO and its relations. See " + |
| TRANSACTION_REFERENCE_DOCS + " for details." |
| |
| val CANNOT_FIND_ENTITY_FOR_SHORTCUT_QUERY_PARAMETER = "Type of the parameter must be a class " + |
| "annotated with @Entity or a collection/array of it." |
| |
| val DB_MUST_EXTEND_ROOM_DB = "Classes annotated with @Database should extend " + |
| ROOM_DB.canonicalName |
| |
| val OBSERVABLE_QUERY_NOTHING_TO_OBSERVE = "Observable query return type (LiveData, Flowable" + |
| ", DataSource, DataSourceFactory etc) can only be used with SELECT queries that" + |
| " directly or indirectly (via @Relation, for example) access at least one table. For" + |
| " @RawQuery, you should specify the list of tables to be observed via the" + |
| " observedEntities field." |
| |
| val RECURSIVE_REFERENCE_DETECTED = "Recursive referencing through @Embedded and/or @Relation " + |
| "detected: %s" |
| |
| private val TOO_MANY_MATCHING_GETTERS = "Ambiguous getter for %s. All of the following " + |
| "match: %s. You can @Ignore the ones that you don't want to match." |
| |
| fun tooManyMatchingGetters(field: Field, methodNames: List<String>): String { |
| return TOO_MANY_MATCHING_GETTERS.format(field, methodNames.joinToString(", ")) |
| } |
| |
| private val TOO_MANY_MATCHING_SETTERS = "Ambiguous setter for %s. All of the following " + |
| "match: %s. You can @Ignore the ones that you don't want to match." |
| |
| fun tooManyMatchingSetter(field: Field, methodNames: List<String>): String { |
| return TOO_MANY_MATCHING_SETTERS.format(field, methodNames.joinToString(", ")) |
| } |
| |
| val CANNOT_FIND_COLUMN_TYPE_ADAPTER = "Cannot figure out how to save this field into" + |
| " database. You can consider adding a type converter for it." |
| |
| val VALUE_CLASS_ONLY_SUPPORTED_IN_KSP = "Kotlin value classes are only supported " + |
| "in Room using KSP and generating Kotlin (room.generateKotlin=true)." |
| |
| val CANNOT_FIND_STMT_BINDER = "Cannot figure out how to bind this field into a statement." |
| |
| val CANNOT_FIND_CURSOR_READER = "Cannot figure out how to read this field from a cursor." |
| |
| const val DEFAULT_VALUE_NULLABILITY = "Use of NULL as the default value of a non-null field" |
| |
| private val MISSING_PARAMETER_FOR_BIND = "Each bind variable in the query must have a" + |
| " matching method parameter. Cannot find method parameters for %s." |
| |
| fun missingParameterForBindVariable(bindVarName: List<String>): String { |
| return MISSING_PARAMETER_FOR_BIND.format(bindVarName.joinToString(", ")) |
| } |
| |
| fun valueCollectionMustBeListOrSet(mapValueTypeName: String): String { |
| return "Multimap 'value' collection type must be a List or Set. Found $mapValueTypeName." |
| } |
| |
| private val UNUSED_QUERY_METHOD_PARAMETER = "Unused parameter%s: %s" |
| fun unusedQueryMethodParameter(unusedParams: List<String>): String { |
| if (unusedParams.size > 1) "s" else "", |
| unusedParams.joinToString(",") |
| ) |
| } |
| |
| "The name \"%s\" is used by multiple entities or views: %s" |
| |
| fun duplicateTableNames(tableName: String, entityNames: List<String>): String { |
| return DUPLICATE_TABLES_OR_VIEWS.format(tableName, entityNames.joinToString(", ")) |
| } |
| |
| val DAO_METHOD_CONFLICTS_WITH_OTHERS = "Dao method has conflicts." |
| |
| fun duplicateDao(dao: String, methodNames: List<String>): String { |
| return """ |
| All of these functions [${methodNames.joinToString(", ")}] return the same DAO |
| class [$dao]. |
| A database can use a DAO only once so you should remove ${methodNames.size - 1} of |
| these conflicting DAO methods. If you are implementing any of these to fulfill an |
| interface, don't make it abstract, instead, implement the code that calls the |
| other one. |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| fun pojoMissingNonNull( |
| pojoTypeName: String, |
| missingPojoFields: List<String>, |
| allQueryColumns: List<String> |
| ): String { |
| return """ |
| The columns returned by the query does not have the fields |
| [${missingPojoFields.joinToString(",")}] in $pojoTypeName even though they are |
| annotated as non-null or primitive. |
| Columns returned by the query: [${allQueryColumns.joinToString(",")}] |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| fun cursorPojoMismatch( |
| pojoTypeNames: List<String>, |
| unusedColumns: List<String>, |
| allColumns: List<String>, |
| pojoUnusedFields: Map<String, List<Field>>, |
| ): String { |
| val unusedColumnsWarning = if (unusedColumns.isNotEmpty()) { |
| val pojoNames = if (pojoTypeNames.size > 1) { |
| "any of [${pojoTypeNames.joinToString(", ")}]" |
| } else { |
| pojoTypeNames.single().toString() |
| } |
| """ |
| The query returns some columns [${unusedColumns.joinToString(", ")}] which are not |
| used by $pojoNames. You can use @ColumnInfo annotation on the fields to specify |
| the mapping. |
| You can annotate the method with @RewriteQueriesToDropUnusedColumns to direct Room |
| to rewrite your query to avoid fetching unused columns. |
| """.trim() |
| } else { |
| "" |
| } |
| val unusedFieldsWarning = pojoUnusedFields.map { (pojoName, unusedFields) -> |
| """ |
| $pojoName has some fields |
| [${unusedFields.joinToString(", ") { it.columnName }}] which are not returned by |
| the query. If they are not supposed to be read from the result, you can mark them |
| with @Ignore annotation. |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| return """ |
| $unusedColumnsWarning |
| ${unusedFieldsWarning.joinToString(separator = " ")} |
| You can suppress this warning by annotating the method with |
| @SuppressWarnings(RoomWarnings.CURSOR_MISMATCH). |
| Columns returned by the query: ${allColumns.joinToString(", ")}. |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| val TYPE_CONVERTER_UNBOUND_GENERIC = "Cannot use unbound generics in Type Converters." |
| val TYPE_CONVERTER_BAD_RETURN_TYPE = "Invalid return type for a type converter." |
| val TYPE_CONVERTER_MUST_RECEIVE_1_PARAM = "Type converters must receive 1 parameter." |
| val TYPE_CONVERTER_EMPTY_CLASS = "Class is referenced as a converter but it does not have any" + |
| " converter methods." |
| val TYPE_CONVERTER_MISSING_NOARG_CONSTRUCTOR = "Classes that are used as TypeConverters must" + |
| " have no-argument public constructors. Use a ProvidedTypeConverter annotation if you" + |
| " need to take control over creating an instance of a TypeConverter." |
| val TYPE_CONVERTER_MUST_BE_PUBLIC = "Type converters must be public." |
| val INNER_CLASS_TYPE_CONVERTER_MUST_BE_STATIC = "An inner class TypeConverter must be " + |
| "static." |
| |
| fun duplicateTypeConverters(converters: List<CustomTypeConverter>): String { |
| return "Multiple methods define the same conversion. Conflicts with these:" + |
| " ${converters.joinToString(", ") { it.toString() }}" |
| } |
| |
| fun typeConverterMustBeDeclared(typeName: String): String { |
| return "Invalid type converter type: $typeName. Type converters must be a class." |
| } |
| |
| // TODO must print field paths. |
| val POJO_FIELD_HAS_DUPLICATE_COLUMN_NAME = "Field has non-unique column name." |
| |
| fun pojoDuplicateFieldNames(columnName: String, fieldPaths: List<String>): String { |
| return "Multiple fields have the same columnName: $columnName." + |
| " Field names: ${fieldPaths.joinToString(", ")}." |
| } |
| |
| fun embeddedPrimaryKeyIsDropped(entityQName: String, fieldName: String): String { |
| return "Primary key constraint on $fieldName is ignored when being merged into " + |
| entityQName |
| } |
| |
| val INDEX_COLUMNS_CANNOT_BE_EMPTY = "List of columns in an index cannot be empty" |
| |
| fun indexColumnDoesNotExist(columnName: String, allColumns: List<String>): String { |
| return "$columnName referenced in the index does not exists in the Entity." + |
| " Available column names:${allColumns.joinToString(", ")}" |
| } |
| |
| fun duplicateIndexInEntity(indexName: String): String { |
| return "There are multiple indices with name $indexName. This happen if you've declared" + |
| " the same index multiple times or different indices have the same name. See" + |
| " @Index documentation for details." |
| } |
| |
| fun duplicateIndexInDatabase(indexName: String, indexPaths: List<String>): String { |
| return "There are multiple indices with name $indexName. You should rename " + |
| "${indexPaths.size - 1} of these to avoid the conflict:" + |
| "${indexPaths.joinToString(", ")}." |
| } |
| |
| fun droppedEmbeddedFieldIndex(fieldPath: String, grandParent: String): String { |
| return "The index will be dropped when being merged into $grandParent" + |
| "($fieldPath). You must re-declare it in $grandParent if you want to index this" + |
| " field in $grandParent." |
| } |
| |
| fun droppedEmbeddedIndex(entityName: String, fieldPath: String, grandParent: String): String { |
| return "Indices defined in $entityName will be dropped when it is merged into" + |
| " $grandParent ($fieldPath). You can re-declare them in $grandParent." |
| } |
| |
| fun droppedSuperClassIndex(childEntity: String, superEntity: String): String { |
| return "Indices defined in $superEntity will NOT be re-used in $childEntity. If you want" + |
| " to inherit them, you must re-declare them in $childEntity." + |
| " Alternatively, you can set inheritSuperIndices to true in the @Entity annotation." |
| } |
| |
| fun droppedSuperClassFieldIndex( |
| fieldName: String, |
| childEntity: String, |
| superEntity: String |
| ): String { |
| return "Index defined on field `$fieldName` in $superEntity will NOT be re-used in" + |
| " $childEntity. " + |
| "If you want to inherit it, you must re-declare it in $childEntity." + |
| " Alternatively, you can set inheritSuperIndices to true in the @Entity annotation." |
| } |
| |
| val NOT_ENTITY_OR_VIEW = "The class must be either @Entity or @DatabaseView." |
| |
| fun relationCannotFindEntityField( |
| entityName: String, |
| columnName: String, |
| availableColumns: List<String> |
| ): String { |
| return "Cannot find the child entity column `$columnName` in $entityName." + |
| " Options: ${availableColumns.joinToString(", ")}" |
| } |
| |
| fun relationCannotFindParentEntityField( |
| entityName: String, |
| columnName: String, |
| availableColumns: List<String> |
| ): String { |
| return "Cannot find the parent entity column `$columnName` in $entityName." + |
| " Options: ${availableColumns.joinToString(", ")}" |
| } |
| |
| fun relationCannotFindJunctionEntityField( |
| entityName: String, |
| columnName: String, |
| availableColumns: List<String> |
| ): String { |
| return "Cannot find the child entity referencing column `$columnName` in the junction " + |
| "$entityName. Options: ${availableColumns.joinToString(", ")}" |
| } |
| |
| fun relationCannotFindJunctionParentField( |
| entityName: String, |
| columnName: String, |
| availableColumns: List<String> |
| ): String { |
| return "Cannot find the parent entity referencing column `$columnName` in the junction " + |
| "$entityName. Options: ${availableColumns.joinToString(", ")}" |
| } |
| |
| fun junctionColumnWithoutIndex(entityName: String, columnName: String) = |
| "The column $columnName in the junction entity $entityName is being used to resolve " + |
| "a relationship but it is not covered by any index. This might cause a " + |
| "full table scan when resolving the relationship, it is highly advised to " + |
| "create an index that covers this column." |
| |
| val RELATION_IN_ENTITY = "Entities cannot have relations." |
| |
| fun relationAffinityMismatch( |
| parentColumn: String, |
| childColumn: String, |
| parentAffinity: SQLTypeAffinity?, |
| childAffinity: SQLTypeAffinity? |
| ): String { |
| return """ |
| The affinity of parent column ($parentColumn : $parentAffinity) does not match the type |
| affinity of the child column ($childColumn : $childAffinity). |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| fun relationJunctionParentAffinityMismatch( |
| parentColumn: String, |
| junctionParentColumn: String, |
| parentAffinity: SQLTypeAffinity?, |
| junctionParentAffinity: SQLTypeAffinity? |
| ): String { |
| return """ |
| The affinity of parent column ($parentColumn : $parentAffinity) does not match the type |
| affinity of the junction parent column ($junctionParentColumn : $junctionParentAffinity). |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| fun relationJunctionChildAffinityMismatch( |
| childColumn: String, |
| junctionChildColumn: String, |
| childAffinity: SQLTypeAffinity?, |
| junctionChildAffinity: SQLTypeAffinity? |
| ): String { |
| return """ |
| The affinity of child column ($childColumn : $childAffinity) does not match the type |
| affinity of the junction child column ($junctionChildColumn : $junctionChildAffinity). |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| val CANNOT_USE_MORE_THAN_ONE_POJO_FIELD_ANNOTATION = "A field can be annotated with only" + |
| " one of the following:" + PojoProcessor.PROCESSED_ANNOTATIONS.joinToString(",") { |
| it.java.simpleName |
| } |
| |
| fun missingIgnoredColumns(missingIgnoredColumns: List<String>): String { |
| return "Non-existent columns are specified to be ignored in ignoreColumns: " + |
| missingIgnoredColumns.joinToString(",") |
| } |
| |
| fun relationBadProject( |
| entityQName: String, |
| missingColumnNames: List<String>, |
| availableColumnNames: List<String> |
| ): String { |
| return """ |
| $entityQName does not have the following columns: ${missingColumnNames.joinToString(",")}. |
| Available columns are: ${availableColumnNames.joinToString(",")} |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| val MISSING_SCHEMA_EXPORT_DIRECTORY = "Schema export directory was not provided to the" + |
| " annotation processor so Room cannot export the schema. You can either provide" + |
| " `room.schemaLocation` annotation processor argument by applying the Room Gradle plugin" + |
| " (id 'androidx.room') OR set exportSchema to false." |
| |
| val INVALID_FOREIGN_KEY_ACTION = "Invalid foreign key action. It must be one of the constants" + |
| " defined in ForeignKey.Action" |
| |
| fun foreignKeyNotAnEntity(className: String): String { |
| return """ |
| Classes referenced in Foreign Key annotations must be @Entity classes. $className is not |
| an entity |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| val FOREIGN_KEY_CANNOT_FIND_PARENT = "Cannot find parent entity class." |
| |
| fun foreignKeyChildColumnDoesNotExist(columnName: String, allColumns: List<String>): String { |
| return "($columnName) referenced in the foreign key does not exists in the Entity." + |
| " Available column names:${allColumns.joinToString(", ")}" |
| } |
| |
| fun foreignKeyParentColumnDoesNotExist( |
| parentEntity: String, |
| missingColumn: String, |
| allColumns: List<String> |
| ): String { |
| return "($missingColumn) does not exist in $parentEntity. Available columns are" + |
| " ${allColumns.joinToString(",")}" |
| } |
| |
| val FOREIGN_KEY_EMPTY_CHILD_COLUMN_LIST = "Must specify at least 1 column name for the child" |
| |
| val FOREIGN_KEY_EMPTY_PARENT_COLUMN_LIST = "Must specify at least 1 column name for the parent" |
| |
| fun foreignKeyColumnNumberMismatch( |
| childColumns: List<String>, |
| parentColumns: List<String> |
| ): String { |
| return """ |
| Number of child columns in foreign key must match number of parent columns. |
| Child reference has ${childColumns.joinToString(",")} and parent reference has |
| ${parentColumns.joinToString(",")} |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| fun foreignKeyMissingParentEntityInDatabase(parentTable: String, childEntity: String): String { |
| return """ |
| $parentTable table referenced in the foreign keys of $childEntity does not exist in |
| the database. Maybe you forgot to add the referenced entity in the entities list of |
| the @Database annotation?""".trim() |
| } |
| |
| fun foreignKeyMissingIndexInParent( |
| parentEntity: String, |
| parentColumns: List<String>, |
| childEntity: String, |
| childColumns: List<String> |
| ): String { |
| return """ |
| $childEntity has a foreign key (${childColumns.joinToString(",")}) that references |
| $parentEntity (${parentColumns.joinToString(",")}) but $parentEntity does not have |
| a unique index on those columns nor the columns are its primary key. |
| SQLite requires having a unique constraint on referenced parent columns so you must |
| add a unique index to $parentEntity that has |
| (${parentColumns.joinToString(",")}) column(s). |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| fun foreignKeyMissingIndexInChildColumns(childColumns: List<String>): String { |
| return """ |
| (${childColumns.joinToString(",")}) column(s) reference a foreign key but |
| they are not part of an index. This may trigger full table scans whenever parent |
| table is modified so you are highly advised to create an index that covers these |
| columns. |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| fun foreignKeyMissingIndexInChildColumn(childColumn: String): String { |
| return """ |
| $childColumn column references a foreign key but it is not part of an index. This |
| may trigger full table scans whenever parent table is modified so you are highly |
| advised to create an index that covers this column. |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| fun shortcutEntityIsNotInDatabase(database: String, dao: String, entity: String): String { |
| return """ |
| $dao is part of $database but this entity is not in the database. Maybe you forgot |
| to add $entity to the entities section of the @Database? |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| val MISSING_ROOM_GUAVA_ARTIFACT = "To use Guava features, you must add `guava`" + |
| " artifact from Room as a dependency. androidx.room:room-guava:<version>" |
| |
| val MISSING_ROOM_RXJAVA2_ARTIFACT = "To use RxJava2 features, you must add `rxjava2`" + |
| " artifact from Room as a dependency. androidx.room:room-rxjava2:<version>" |
| |
| val MISSING_ROOM_RXJAVA3_ARTIFACT = "To use RxJava3 features, you must add `rxjava3`" + |
| " artifact from Room as a dependency. androidx.room:room-rxjava3:<version>" |
| |
| val MISSING_ROOM_PAGING_ARTIFACT = "To use PagingSource, you must add `room-paging`" + |
| " artifact from Room as a dependency. androidx.room:room-paging:<version>" |
| |
| val MISSING_ROOM_PAGING_GUAVA_ARTIFACT = "To use ListenableFuturePagingSource, you must " + |
| "add `room-paging-guava` artifact from Room as a dependency. " + |
| "androidx.room:room-paging-guava:<version>" |
| |
| val MISSING_ROOM_PAGING_RXJAVA2_ARTIFACT = "To use RxPagingSource, you must " + |
| "add `room-paging-rxjava2` artifact from Room as a dependency. " + |
| "androidx.room:room-paging-rxjava2:<version>" |
| |
| val MISSING_ROOM_PAGING_RXJAVA3_ARTIFACT = "To use RxPagingSource, you must " + |
| "add `room-paging-rxjava3` artifact from Room as a dependency. " + |
| "androidx.room:room-paging-rxjava3:<version>" |
| |
| val MISSING_ROOM_COROUTINE_ARTIFACT = "To use Coroutine features, you must add `ktx`" + |
| " artifact from Room as a dependency. androidx.room:room-ktx:<version>" |
| |
| fun ambiguousConstructor( |
| pojo: String, |
| paramName: String, |
| matchingFields: List<String> |
| ): String { |
| return """ |
| Ambiguous constructor. The parameter ($paramName) in $pojo matches multiple fields: |
| [${matchingFields.joinToString(",")}]. If you don't want to use this constructor, |
| you can annotate it with @Ignore. If you want Room to use this constructor, you can |
| rename the parameters to exactly match the field name to fix the ambiguity. |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| Entities and POJOs must have a usable public constructor. You can have an empty |
| constructor or a constructor whose parameters match the fields (by name and type). |
| """.trim() |
| |
| Room cannot pick a constructor since multiple constructors are suitable. Try to annotate |
| unwanted constructors with @Ignore. |
| """.trim() |
| |
| There are multiple good constructors and Room will pick the no-arg constructor. |
| You can use the @Ignore annotation to eliminate unwanted constructors. |
| """.trim() |
| |
| val PAGING_SPECIFY_DATA_SOURCE_TYPE = "For now, Room only supports PositionalDataSource class." |
| |
| val PAGING_SPECIFY_PAGING_SOURCE_TYPE = "For now, Room only supports PagingSource with Key of" + |
| " type Int." |
| |
| val PAGING_SPECIFY_PAGING_SOURCE_VALUE_TYPE = "For now, Room only supports PagingSource with" + |
| " Value that is not of Collection type." |
| |
| fun primaryKeyNull(field: String): String { |
| return "You must annotate primary keys with @NonNull. \"$field\" is nullable. SQLite " + |
| "considers this a " + |
| "bug and Room does not allow it. See SQLite docs for details: " + |
| "https://www.sqlite.org/lang_createtable.html" |
| } |
| |
| val INVALID_COLUMN_NAME = "Invalid column name. Room does not allow using ` or \" in column" + |
| " names" |
| |
| val INVALID_TABLE_NAME = "Invalid table name. Room does not allow using ` or \" in table names" |
| |
| val RAW_QUERY_BAD_PARAMS = "RawQuery methods should have 1 and only 1 parameter with type" + |
| " SupportSQLiteQuery" |
| |
| fun parameterCannotBeNullable( |
| parameterName: String |
| ) = """ |
| Parameter `$parameterName` cannot be nullable. |
| """.trimIndent() |
| |
| val RAW_QUERY_BAD_RETURN_TYPE = "RawQuery methods must return a non-void type." |
| |
| fun rawQueryBadEntity(typeName: String): String { |
| return """ |
| observedEntities field in RawQuery must either reference a class that is annotated |
| with @Entity or it should reference a POJO that either contains @Embedded fields that |
| are annotated with @Entity or @Relation fields. |
| $typeName does not have these properties, did you mean another class? |
| """.trim() |
| } |
| |
| val RAW_QUERY_STRING_PARAMETER_REMOVED = "RawQuery does not allow passing a string anymore." + |
| " Please use ${SupportDbTypeNames.QUERY.canonicalName}." |
| |
| val MISSING_COPY_ANNOTATIONS = "Annotated property getter is missing " + |
| "@AutoValue.CopyAnnotations." |
| |
| fun invalidAnnotationTarget(annotationName: String, elementKindName: String): String { |
| return "@$annotationName is not allowed in this $elementKindName." |
| } |
| |
| val INDICES_IN_FTS_ENTITY = "Indices not allowed in FTS Entity." |
| |
| val FOREIGN_KEYS_IN_FTS_ENTITY = "Foreign Keys not allowed in FTS Entity." |
| |
| val MISSING_PRIMARY_KEYS_ANNOTATION_IN_ROW_ID = "The field with column name 'rowid' in " + |
| "an FTS entity must be annotated with @PrimaryKey." |
| |
| val TOO_MANY_PRIMARY_KEYS_IN_FTS_ENTITY = "An FTS entity can only have a single primary key." |
| |
| val INVALID_FTS_ENTITY_PRIMARY_KEY_NAME = "The single primary key field in an FTS entity " + |
| "must either be named 'rowid' or must be annotated with @ColumnInfo(name = \"rowid\")" |
| |
| val INVALID_FTS_ENTITY_PRIMARY_KEY_AFFINITY = "The single @PrimaryKey annotated field in an " + |
| "FTS entity must be of INTEGER affinity." |
| |
| fun missingLanguageIdField(columnName: String) = "The specified 'languageid' column: " + |
| "\"$columnName\", was not found." |
| |
| val INVALID_FTS_ENTITY_LANGUAGE_ID_AFFINITY = "The 'languageid' field must be of INTEGER " + |
| "affinity." |
| |
| fun missingNotIndexedField(missingNotIndexedColumns: List<String>) = |
| "Non-existent columns are specified to be not indexed in notIndexed: " + |
| missingNotIndexedColumns.joinToString(",") |
| |
| val INVALID_FTS_ENTITY_PREFIX_SIZES = "Prefix sizes to index must non-zero positive values." |
| |
| val FTS_EXTERNAL_CONTENT_CANNOT_FIND_ENTITY = "Cannot find external content entity class." |
| |
| fun externalContentNotAnEntity(className: String) = "External content entity referenced in " + |
| "a Fts4 annotation must be a @Entity class. $className is not an entity" |
| |
| fun missingFtsContentField(ftsClassName: String, columnName: String, contentClassName: String) = |
| "External Content FTS Entity '$ftsClassName' has declared field with column name " + |
| "'$columnName' that was not found in the external content entity " + |
| "'$contentClassName'." |
| |
| fun missingExternalContentEntity(ftsClassName: String, contentClassName: String) = |
| "External Content FTS Entity '$ftsClassName' has a declared content entity " + |
| "'$contentClassName' that is not present in the same @Database. Maybe you " + |
| "forgot to add it to the entities section of the @Database?" |
| |
| fun cannotFindAsEntityField(entityName: String) = "Cannot find a column in the entity " + |
| "$entityName that matches with this partial entity field. If you don't wish to use " + |
| "the field then you can annotate it with @Ignore." |
| |
| val INVALID_TARGET_ENTITY_IN_SHORTCUT_METHOD = "Target entity declared in @Insert, @Update " + |
| "or @Delete must be annotated with @Entity." |
| |
| val INVALID_RELATION_IN_PARTIAL_ENTITY = "Partial entities cannot have relations." |
| |
| Using @${RewriteQueriesToDropUnusedColumns::class.simpleName} annotation when |
| room.expandProjection compiler flag is enabled will disable expandProjection for queries |
| covered with @${RewriteQueriesToDropUnusedColumns::class.simpleName}. |
| """.trim() |
| |
| fun missingPrimaryKeysInPartialEntityForInsert( |
| partialEntityName: String, |
| primaryKeyNames: List<String> |
| ) = "The partial entity $partialEntityName is missing the primary key fields " + |
| "(${primaryKeyNames.joinToString()}) needed to perform an INSERT. If your single " + |
| "primary key is auto generated then the fields are optional." |
| |
| fun missingPrimaryKeysInPartialEntityForUpsert( |
| partialEntityName: String, |
| primaryKeyNames: List<String> |
| ) = "The partial entity $partialEntityName is missing the primary key fields " + |
| "(${primaryKeyNames.joinToString()}) needed to perform an UPSERT. If your single " + |
| "primary key is auto generated then the fields are optional." |
| |
| fun missingRequiredColumnsInPartialEntity( |
| partialEntityName: String, |
| missingColumnNames: List<String> |
| ) = "The partial entity $partialEntityName is missing required columns " + |
| "(${missingColumnNames.joinToString()}) needed to perform an INSERT. These are " + |
| "NOT NULL columns without default values." |
| |
| fun missingPrimaryKeysInPartialEntityForUpdate( |
| partialEntityName: String, |
| primaryKeyNames: List<String> |
| ) = "The partial entity $partialEntityName is missing the primary key fields " + |
| "(${primaryKeyNames.joinToString()}) needed to perform an UPDATE." |
| |
| fun noColumnsInPartialEntity( |
| partialEntityName: String |
| ) = "The partial entity $partialEntityName does not have any columns that can be used to " + |
| "perform the query." |
| |
| fun cannotFindPreparedQueryResultAdapter( |
| returnType: String, |
| type: QueryType |
| ) = StringBuilder().apply { |
| append("Not sure how to handle query method's return type ($returnType). ") |
| if (type == QueryType.INSERT) { |
| append( |
| "INSERT query methods must either return void " + |
| "or long (the rowid of the inserted row)." |
| ) |
| } else if (type == QueryType.UPDATE) { |
| append( |
| "UPDATE query methods must either return void " + |
| "or int (the number of updated rows)." |
| ) |
| } else if (type == QueryType.DELETE) { |
| append( |
| "DELETE query methods must either return void " + |
| "or int (the number of deleted rows)." |
| ) |
| } |
| }.toString() |
| |
| "Current JDK version ${System.getProperty("java.runtime.version") ?: ""} has a bug" + |
| " (https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8007720)" + |
| " that prevents Room from being incremental." + |
| " Consider using JDK 11+ or the embedded JDK shipped with Android Studio 3.5+." |
| |
| fun invalidChannelType(typeName: String) = "'$typeName' is not supported as a return type. " + |
| "Instead declare return type as ${KotlinTypeNames.FLOW} and use Flow transforming " + |
| "functions that converts the Flow into a Channel." |
| |
| fun mismatchedGetter( |
| fieldName: String, |
| ownerType: String, |
| getterType: String, |
| fieldType: String |
| ) = """ |
| $ownerType's $fieldName field has type $fieldType but its getter returns $getterType. |
| This mismatch might cause unexpected $fieldName values in the database when $ownerType |
| is inserted into database. |
| """.trim() |
| |
| fun mismatchedSetter( |
| fieldName: String, |
| ownerType: String, |
| setterType: String, |
| fieldType: String |
| ) = """ |
| $ownerType's $fieldName field has type $fieldType but its setter accepts $setterType. |
| This mismatch might cause unexpected $fieldName values when $ownerType is read from the |
| database. |
| """.trim() |
| |
| val DATABASE_INVALID_DAO_METHOD_RETURN_TYPE = "Abstract database methods must return a @Dao " + |
| "annotated class or interface." |
| |
| fun invalidEntityTypeInDatabaseAnnotation(typeName: String): String { |
| return "Invalid Entity type: $typeName. An entity in the database must be a class." |
| } |
| |
| fun invalidViewTypeInDatabaseAnnotation(typeName: String): String { |
| return "Invalid View type: $typeName. Views in a database must be a class or an " + |
| "interface." |
| } |
| |
| fun invalidAutoMigrationTypeInDatabaseAnnotation(): String { |
| return "Invalid AutoMigration type: An auto migration in the database must be " + |
| "an @AutoMigration annotation." |
| } |
| |
| val EMBEDDED_TYPES_MUST_BE_A_CLASS_OR_INTERFACE = "The type of an Embedded field must be a " + |
| "class or an interface." |
| val RELATION_TYPE_MUST_BE_A_CLASS_OR_INTERFACE = "Entity type in a Relation must be a class " + |
| "or an interface." |
| |
| fun shortcutMethodArgumentMustBeAClass( |
| typeName: String |
| ): String { |
| return "Invalid query argument: $typeName. It must be a class or an interface." |
| } |
| |
| val AUTOMIGRATION_SPEC_MUST_BE_CLASS = "The AutoMigration spec " + |
| "type must be a class." |
| |
| fun autoMigrationElementMustImplementSpec(spec: String): String { |
| return "The AutoMigration spec " + |
| "$spec must implement the AutoMigrationSpec interface." |
| } |
| |
| // TODO: (b/180389433) If the files don't exist the getSchemaFile() method should return |
| // null and before calling process |
| fun autoMigrationToVersionMustBeGreaterThanFrom(to: Int, from: Int) = |
| if (from > to) { |
| "Downgrades are not supported in AutoMigration." |
| } else { |
| "The versions provided (to: $to, from: $from) are invalid. The To version must" + |
| " be greater than the From version." |
| } |
| |
| fun autoMigrationSchemasNotFound(schemaFile: String, schemaOutFolderPath: String): String { |
| return "Schema '$schemaFile' required for migration was not found at the schema out " + |
| "folder: $schemaOutFolderPath. Cannot generate auto migrations." |
| } |
| |
| fun autoMigrationSchemaIsEmpty(schemaFile: String, schemaOutFolderPath: String): String { |
| return "Found empty schema file '$schemaFile' required for migration was not found at the" + |
| " schema out folder: $schemaOutFolderPath. Cannot generate auto migrations." |
| } |
| |
| fun invalidAutoMigrationSchema(schemaFile: String, schemaOutFolderPath: String): String { |
| return "Found invalid schema file '$schemaFile.json' at the schema out " + |
| "folder: $schemaOutFolderPath.\nIf you've modified the file, you might've broken the " + |
| "JSON format, try deleting the file and re-running the compiler.\n" + |
| "If you've not modified the file, please file a bug at " + |
| "https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/new?component=413107&template=1096568 " + |
| "with a sample app to reproduce the issue." |
| } |
| |
| fun autoMigrationSchemasMustBeRoomGenerated( |
| fromFile: Int, |
| toFile: Int |
| ): String { |
| return "Found invalid schema file(s): '$fromFile.json' and $toFile.json'. The schema " + |
| "files must be generated by Room. Cannot generate auto migrations." |
| } |
| |
| fun newNotNullColumnMustHaveDefaultValue(columnName: String): String { |
| return "New NOT NULL " + |
| "column'$columnName' " + |
| "added with no default value specified. Please specify the default value using " + |
| "@ColumnInfo." |
| } |
| |
| fun columnWithChangedSchemaFound(columnName: String): String { |
| return "Encountered column '$columnName' with an unsupported schema change at the column " + |
| "level (e.g. affinity change). These changes are not yet " + |
| "supported by AutoMigration." |
| } |
| |
| fun deletedOrRenamedColumnFound( |
| className: String?, |
| columnName: String, |
| tableName: String |
| ): String { |
| return if (className != null) { |
| """ |
| AutoMigration Failure in ‘$className’: Column ‘$columnName’ in table ‘$tableName’ has |
| been either removed or renamed. Please annotate ‘$className’ with the @RenameColumn |
| or @DeleteColumn annotation to specify the change to be performed: |
| 1) RENAME: |
| @RenameColumn.Entries( |
| @RenameColumn( |
| tableName = "$tableName", |
| fromColumnName = "$columnName", |
| toColumnName = <NEW_COLUMN_NAME> |
| ) |
| ) |
| 2) DELETE: |
| @DeleteColumn.Entries( |
| @DeleteColumn( |
| tableName = "$tableName", |
| columnName = "$columnName" |
| ) |
| ) |
| """ |
| } else { |
| """ |
| AutoMigration Failure: Please declare an interface extending 'AutoMigrationSpec', |
| and annotate with the @RenameColumn or @DeleteColumn annotation to specify the |
| change to be performed: |
| 1) RENAME: |
| @RenameColumn.Entries( |
| @RenameColumn( |
| tableName = "$tableName", |
| fromColumnName = "$columnName", |
| toColumnName = <NEW_COLUMN_NAME> |
| ) |
| ) |
| 2) DELETE: |
| @DeleteColumn.Entries( |
| @DeleteColumn( |
| tableName = "$tableName", |
| columnName = "$columnName" |
| ) |
| ) |
| """ |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fun deletedOrRenamedTableFound( |
| className: String?, |
| tableName: String |
| ): String { |
| return if (className != null) { |
| """ |
| AutoMigration Failure in '$className': Table '$tableName' has been either removed or |
| renamed. Please annotate '$className' with the @RenameTable or @DeleteTable |
| annotation to specify the change to be performed: |
| 1) RENAME: |
| @RenameTable.Entries( |
| @RenameTable( |
| fromTableName = "$tableName", |
| toTableName = <NEW_TABLE_NAME> |
| ) |
| ) |
| 2) DELETE: |
| @DeleteTable.Entries( |
| @DeleteTable( |
| tableName = "$tableName" |
| ) |
| ) |
| """ |
| } else { |
| """ |
| AutoMigration Failure: Please declare an interface extending 'AutoMigrationSpec', |
| and annotate with the @RenameTable or @DeleteTable annotation to specify the change |
| to be performed: |
| 1) RENAME: |
| @RenameTable.Entries( |
| @RenameTable( |
| fromTableName = "$tableName", |
| toTableName = <NEW_TABLE_NAME> |
| ) |
| ) |
| 2) DELETE: |
| @DeleteTable.Entries( |
| @DeleteTable( |
| tableName = "$tableName" |
| ) |
| ) |
| """ |
| } |
| } |
| |
| fun tableRenameError( |
| className: String, |
| originalTableName: String, |
| newTableName: String |
| ): String { |
| return "AutoMigration Failure in '$className': The table renamed from " + |
| "'$originalTableName' to '$newTableName' is " + |
| "not found in the new version of the database." |
| } |
| |
| fun conflictingRenameTableAnnotationsFound(annotations: String): String { |
| return "Conflicting @RenameTable annotations found: [$annotations]" |
| } |
| |
| fun conflictingRenameColumnAnnotationsFound(annotations: String): String { |
| return "Conflicting @RenameColumn annotations found: [$annotations]" |
| } |
| |
| val AUTO_MIGRATION_FOUND_BUT_EXPORT_SCHEMA_OFF = "Cannot create auto migrations when " + |
| "exportSchema is false." |
| |
| val AUTO_MIGRATION_SCHEMA_IN_FOLDER_NULL = "Schema import directory was not provided to the" + |
| " annotation processor so Room cannot read older schemas. To generate auto migrations," + |
| " you must provide `room.schemaLocation` annotation processor arguments by applying the" + |
| " Room Gradle plugin (id 'androidx.room') AND set exportSchema to true." |
| |
| fun tableWithConflictingPrefixFound(tableName: String): String { |
| return "The new version of the schema contains '$tableName' a table name" + |
| " with the prefix '_new_', which will cause conflicts for auto migrations. Please use" + |
| " a different name." |
| } |
| |
| val INNER_CLASS_AUTOMIGRATION_SPEC_MUST_BE_STATIC = "An inner class AutoMigrationSpec must be" + |
| " static." |
| |
| val AUTOMIGRATION_SPEC_MISSING_NOARG_CONSTRUCTOR = "Classes that are used as " + |
| "AutoMigrationSpec " + |
| "implementations must have no-argument public constructors." |
| |
| val JVM_NAME_ON_OVERRIDDEN_METHOD = "Using @JvmName annotation on a function or accessor " + |
| "that will be overridden by Room is not supported. If this is important for your use " + |
| "case, please file a bug at $ISSUE_TRACKER_LINK with details." |
| |
| fun ambiguousColumn( |
| columnName: String, |
| location: AmbiguousColumnLocation, |
| typeName: String? |
| ): String { |
| val (locationDesc, recommendation) = when (location) { |
| AmbiguousColumnLocation.MAP_INFO -> { |
| "in the @MapInfo" to "update @MapInfo" |
| } |
| AmbiguousColumnLocation.POJO -> { |
| checkNotNull(typeName) |
| "in the object '$typeName'" to "use @ColumnInfo" |
| } |
| AmbiguousColumnLocation.ENTITY -> { |
| checkNotNull(typeName) |
| "in the entity '$typeName'" to "use a new data class / POJO with @ColumnInfo'" |
| } |
| } |
| return "The column '$columnName' $locationDesc is ambiguous and cannot be properly " + |
| "resolved. Please alias the column and $recommendation. Otherwise there is a risk of " + |
| "the query returning invalid values. You can suppress this warning by annotating " + |
| "the method with @SuppressWarnings(RoomWarnings.AMBIGUOUS_COLUMN_IN_RESULT)." |
| } |
| |
| enum class AmbiguousColumnLocation { |
| POJO, |
| } |
| |
| val KOTLIN_PROPERTY_OVERRIDE = "Property getter overrides are not support when generating " + |
| "Kotlin code, please rewrite as an abstract function." |
| |
| val NONNULL_VOID = "Invalid non-null declaration of 'Void', should be nullable. The 'Void' " + |
| "class represents a placeholder type that is uninstantiable and 'null' is always returned." |
| |
| fun nullableCollectionOrArrayReturnTypeInDaoMethod( |
| typeName: String, |
| returnType: String |
| ): String { |
| return "The nullable `$returnType` ($typeName) return type in a DAO method is " + |
| "meaningless because Room will instead return an empty `$returnType` if no rows are " + |
| "returned from the query." |
| } |
| |
| fun nullableComponentInDaoMethodReturnType(typeName: String): String { |
| return "The DAO method return type ($typeName) with the nullable type argument " + |
| "is meaningless because for now Room will never put a null value in a result." |
| } |
| |
| val EXPORTING_SCHEMA_TO_RESOURCES = "Schema export is set to be outputted as a resource" + |
| " (i.e. room.exportSchemaResource is set to true), this means Room will write the current" + |
| " schema version file into the produced JAR. Such flag must only be used for generating" + |
| " the schema file and extracting it from the JAR but not for production builds, otherwise" + |
| " the schema file will end up in the final artifact which is typically not desired. This" + |
| " warning serves as a reminder to use room.exportSchemaResource cautiously." |
| |
| "(id 'androidx.room') cannot be used with an explicit use of the annotation processor" + |
| "option `room.schemaLocation`, please remove the configuration of the option and " + |
| "configure the schema location via the plugin project extension: " + |
| "`room { schemaDirectory(...) }`." |
| } |