Initial work on ActionBar support library

This library contains a compatibility ActionBar implementation and
a number of other resources and helpers for implementing apps that
support multiple versions of the Android platform.

Imported most, if not all, dependent classes and resources for Eclair

There's still some work that needs to be done on resources (both
for organization, and getting the build working), as well as getting
Menus working properly.

ICS and JB libraries not implemented yet.

Base framework design by Adam Powell <>.

Change-Id: I64cc3b5cabcbd638890af51d93e0c4fd62879225
76 files changed
tree: a024a8abae6a9bf2a645555f4fe1beb13d4e9fbc
  1. appcompat/
  2. renderscript/
  3. v13/
  4. v4/
  5. v7/
  6. volley/