Don't install unnecessary VNDK libs

vndk_package is a phony module that includes ALL VNDK libs found in the
source code. As a result, VNDK libs that were actually not needed for
the device have been installed consuming storage. For example,
/system/lib/vndk/android.hardware.automotive*.so files were installed
even though walleye/taimen do not have automotive HALs.

VNDK libs are now installed by their link time dependencies (i.e. if a
vendor module uses libcutils, then /system/lib[64]/vndk-sp/
is automatically installed.).

By the way, there is a few number of VNDK libs that do not have any
link time dependency from vendor modules. They are always opened via
dlopen. In such cases, the vndk modules are added to `required`
or `LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES` of the module that dlopens them.

Bug: 67002788
Test: walleye builds and boots to the UI
Test: basic functionalities work (sound, camera, camcorder, slow-mo,
youtube, wifi, bluetooth)
Test: Renderscript works (take a picture, edit it in Photos app)

Change-Id: I235b071634fa5f96bee778ed2eb6ffb69eb7a64f
1 file changed
tree: 9f6b7e284d6e064df4873c8ae47cd779c5460a3e
  1. cpp/
  2. cpu_ref/
  3. driver/
  4. perf-test-scripts/
  5. rsov/
  6. script_api/
  7. support/
  8. tests/
  9. Android.bp
  14. OWNERS
  15. rs.h
  16. rs.spec
  17. rs_compat.spec
  18. rs_hal.h
  19. rsAllocation.cpp
  20. rsAllocation.h
  21. rsAnimation.cpp
  22. rsAnimation.h
  23. rsApiAllocation.cpp
  24. rsApiContext.cpp
  25. rsApiDevice.cpp
  26. rsApiElement.cpp
  27. rsApiFileA3D.cpp
  28. rsApiMesh.cpp
  29. rsApiStubs.cpp
  30. rsApiStubs.h
  31. rsApiType.cpp
  32. rsCacheDir.cpp
  33. rsClosure.cpp
  34. rsClosure.h
  35. rsCompatibilityLib.h
  36. rsComponent.cpp
  37. rsComponent.h
  38. rsContext.cpp
  39. rsContext.h
  40. rsCppUtils.cpp
  41. rsCppUtils.h
  42. rsDebugHelper.h
  43. rsDefines.h
  44. rsDevice.cpp
  45. rsDevice.h
  46. rsDriverLoader.cpp
  47. rsElement.cpp
  48. rsElement.h
  49. rsEnv.h
  50. rsFallbackAdaptation.cpp
  51. rsFallbackAdaptation.h
  52. rsFBOCache.cpp
  53. rsFBOCache.h
  54. rsFifo.h
  55. rsFifoSocket.cpp
  56. rsFifoSocket.h
  57. rsFileA3D.cpp
  58. rsFileA3D.h
  59. rsFont.cpp
  60. rsFont.h
  61. rsg.spec
  62. rsg_generator.c
  63. rsgApi.cpp_rsg
  64. rsgApiFuncDecl.h_rsg
  65. rsgApiReplay.cpp_rsg
  66. rsgApiStructs.h_rsg
  67. rsGrallocConsumer.cpp
  68. rsGrallocConsumer.h
  69. rsHidlAdaptation.cpp
  70. rsHidlAdaptation.h
  71. rsInternalDefines.h
  72. rsList.h
  73. rsMap.h
  74. rsMatrix2x2.cpp
  75. rsMatrix2x2.h
  76. rsMatrix3x3.cpp
  77. rsMatrix3x3.h
  78. rsMatrix4x4.cpp
  79. rsMatrix4x4.h
  80. rsMesh.cpp
  81. rsMesh.h
  82. rsMutex.cpp
  83. rsMutex.h
  84. rsObjectBase.cpp
  85. rsObjectBase.h
  86. rsProgram.cpp
  87. rsProgram.h
  88. rsProgramBase.h
  89. rsProgramFragment.cpp
  90. rsProgramFragment.h
  91. rsProgramRaster.cpp
  92. rsProgramRaster.h
  93. rsProgramStore.cpp
  94. rsProgramStore.h
  95. rsProgramVertex.cpp
  96. rsProgramVertex.h
  97. rsRuntime.h
  98. rsSampler.cpp
  99. rsSampler.h
  100. rsScript.cpp
  101. rsScript.h
  102. rsScriptC.cpp
  103. rsScriptC.h
  104. rsScriptC_Lib.cpp
  105. rsScriptC_LibGL.cpp
  106. rsScriptGroup.cpp
  107. rsScriptGroup.h
  108. rsScriptGroup2.cpp
  109. rsScriptGroup2.h
  110. rsScriptGroupBase.h
  111. rsScriptIntrinsic.cpp
  112. rsScriptIntrinsic.h
  113. rsSignal.cpp
  114. rsSignal.h
  115. rsStream.cpp
  116. rsStream.h
  117. rsThreadIO.cpp
  118. rsThreadIO.h
  119. rsType.cpp
  120. rsType.h
  121. rsUtils.h
  123. spec.h
  124. spec.l
  125. support.bp