Remove libgui and libui dependencies for vendor libs.

  - This CL removes dependencies on libgui, libui and other remaining
  dependences, if build with RS_VENDOR_LIB defined.
  - We cannot remove the dependencies for platform RenderScript CPU
  fallback, because of the legacy graphics APIs.
  - Vendor drivers will be built without graphics APIs, the reference
  build file will be posted in another CL.

Bug: 34396220
Test: mm, CTS test pass with the vendor libs.
Change-Id: If90b600a58d0f81488f56a1e21ca332f1a235162
14 files changed
tree: 717db53d36b0d31524044e38e67e5a8403ee387f
  1. cpp/
  2. cpu_ref/
  3. driver/
  4. rsov/
  5. script_api/
  6. support/
  7. tests/
  8. Android.bp
  13. rs.h
  14. rs.spec
  15. rs_compat.spec
  16. rs_hal.h
  17. rsAllocation.cpp
  18. rsAllocation.h
  19. rsAnimation.cpp
  20. rsAnimation.h
  21. rsApiAllocation.cpp
  22. rsApiContext.cpp
  23. rsApiDevice.cpp
  24. rsApiElement.cpp
  25. rsApiFileA3D.cpp
  26. rsApiMesh.cpp
  27. rsApiStubs.cpp
  28. rsApiStubs.h
  29. rsApiType.cpp
  30. rsClosure.cpp
  31. rsClosure.h
  32. rsCompatibilityLib.h
  33. rsComponent.cpp
  34. rsComponent.h
  35. rsContext.cpp
  36. rsContext.h
  37. rsCppUtils.cpp
  38. rsCppUtils.h
  39. rsDebugHelper.h
  40. rsDefines.h
  41. rsDevice.cpp
  42. rsDevice.h
  43. rsDriverLoader.cpp
  44. rsElement.cpp
  45. rsElement.h
  46. rsEnv.h
  47. rsFallbackAdaptation.cpp
  48. rsFallbackAdaptation.h
  49. rsFBOCache.cpp
  50. rsFBOCache.h
  51. rsFifo.h
  52. rsFifoSocket.cpp
  53. rsFifoSocket.h
  54. rsFileA3D.cpp
  55. rsFileA3D.h
  56. rsFont.cpp
  57. rsFont.h
  58. rsg.spec
  59. rsg_generator.c
  60. rsgApi.cpp.rsg
  61. rsgApiFuncDecl.h.rsg
  62. rsgApiReplay.cpp.rsg
  63. rsgApiStructs.h.rsg
  64. rsGrallocConsumer.cpp
  65. rsGrallocConsumer.h
  66. rsHidlAdaptation.cpp
  67. rsHidlAdaptation.h
  68. rsInternalDefines.h
  69. rsList.h
  70. rsMap.h
  71. rsMatrix2x2.cpp
  72. rsMatrix2x2.h
  73. rsMatrix3x3.cpp
  74. rsMatrix3x3.h
  75. rsMatrix4x4.cpp
  76. rsMatrix4x4.h
  77. rsMesh.cpp
  78. rsMesh.h
  79. rsMutex.cpp
  80. rsMutex.h
  81. rsObjectBase.cpp
  82. rsObjectBase.h
  83. rsProgram.cpp
  84. rsProgram.h
  85. rsProgramBase.h
  86. rsProgramFragment.cpp
  87. rsProgramFragment.h
  88. rsProgramRaster.cpp
  89. rsProgramRaster.h
  90. rsProgramStore.cpp
  91. rsProgramStore.h
  92. rsProgramVertex.cpp
  93. rsProgramVertex.h
  94. rsRuntime.h
  95. rsSampler.cpp
  96. rsSampler.h
  97. rsScript.cpp
  98. rsScript.h
  99. rsScriptC.cpp
  100. rsScriptC.h
  101. rsScriptC_Lib.cpp
  102. rsScriptC_LibGL.cpp
  103. rsScriptGroup.cpp
  104. rsScriptGroup.h
  105. rsScriptGroup2.cpp
  106. rsScriptGroup2.h
  107. rsScriptGroupBase.h
  108. rsScriptIntrinsic.cpp
  109. rsScriptIntrinsic.h
  110. rsSignal.cpp
  111. rsSignal.h
  112. rsStream.cpp
  113. rsStream.h
  114. rsThreadIO.cpp
  115. rsThreadIO.h
  116. rsType.cpp
  117. rsType.h
  118. rsUtils.h
  120. spec.h
  121. spec.l