Add user management APIs to TvSystem

To be used for profile management applications.
These APIs mostly just forward calls to hidden system APIs.

The #createManagedProfile method additionally modifies the passed in
list to make sure disallowed packages are not installed for the new
profile, and required packages are.

All APIs operate on the user that owns the passed in context.

Bug: 149465312
Test: m
Test: Call method from support library in sample app
Change-Id: I0b96916071e1facdf4e01dc4936580e7daf44375
(cherry picked from commit 39f53e794161f311aeea5df13b0e9dfd0b20d0ea)
4 files changed
tree: a499729696f0d22cbdfc865137df3f9b695cc728
  1. api/
  2. java/
  3. Android.bp