Skip Anonymous Identity check in SIM/AKA/AKA' networks

The current code causes an issue that fast re-authentication identity
is cleared when device re-connects to same AP. This is because when
WifiStateMachine receives NETWORK_CONNECTION_EVENT, it doesn't update
anonymousIdentity of mCurrentNetworkLocalConfigs. Hence isSameNetwork
called by connectToNetwork returns false. And then network block in
wpa_supplicant is removed and fast re-authentication identity (EAP
state) is cleared.

Since pseudonym identity is stored in anonymousIdentity field in case
of EAP-SIM/AKA/AKA' network and it's frequently updated by server,
skipping anonymousIdentity field comparison should not be a problem.

Bug: 113952712
Test: Manual
Test: Unit test
Change-Id: I295f2489ab48022f95f2703e44ceb33fefcb3e1f
2 files changed