Define and track Wifi scores to report Wifi metrics

Add a proto definition to track counts corresponding to wifi scores
Scores are calculated in WifiScoreReport and metrics are updated in
calculateAndReportScore. Wifi scores are limited in a range [0, 60]
where the max score is the base score assigned by Network Agent.
To ensure the size of the map is limited, any scores out of this
range will be dropped. Updated test framework to validate score
tracking and check out of bound values are dropped. The unit tests
also ensure the base score is within reasonable limits.
Merge details:
This is a merge from CL 1326502 on master. Merge conflicts were
mainly due to code placement and only major difference was the call
to calculateScore as it has different arguments on the branches.


Change-Id: Iaf22ed7dc7fb73413739507406ec88d7719b362e
TEST=Wifi Unit tests, Walk tests and log scores via dumpsys
5 files changed
tree: 8963c8ee3b288ae1be35a577bb1a116ef9ad0bf2
  1. service/
  2. tests/