blob: afb6a004383a103daed58139dddc4f11f1d084dc [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.database.MatrixCursor;
import android.provider.ContactsContract.DisplayNameSources;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
public class RecipientAlternatesAdapterTest extends AndroidTestCase {
public void testRemoveUndesiredDestinations() {
MatrixCursor c = new MatrixCursor(Queries.EMAIL.getProjection());
Cursor result;
// Test: Empty input
assertEquals(0, RecipientAlternatesAdapter.removeUndesiredDestinations(c,
null /* desiredMimeType */, null /* lookupKey */).getCount());
// Test: One row
addRow(c, "a", "", 1, "home", 1000, 2000, "x", 0);
result = RecipientAlternatesAdapter.removeUndesiredDestinations(c,
null /* desiredMimeType */, null /* lookupKey */);
assertEquals(1, result.getCount());
assertRow(result, 0, "a", "", 1, "home", 1000, 2000, "x", 0);
// Test: two unique rows, different destinations
addRow(c, "a", "", 1, "home", 1000, 2000, "x", 0);
result = RecipientAlternatesAdapter.removeUndesiredDestinations(c,
null /* desiredMimeType */, null /* lookupKey */);
assertEquals(2, result.getCount());
assertRow(result, 0, "a", "", 1, "home", 1000, 2000, "x", 0);
assertRow(result, 1, "a", "", 1, "home", 1000, 2000, "x", 0);
// Test: add a third row with a non-unique destination.
addRow(c, "ax", "", 11, "homex", 10001, 2000, "xx", 1);
// Third row should be removed.
result = RecipientAlternatesAdapter.removeUndesiredDestinations(c,
null /* desiredMimeType */, null /* lookupKey */);
assertEquals(2, result.getCount());
assertRow(result, 0, "a", "", 1, "home", 1000, 2000, "x", 0);
assertRow(result, 1, "a", "", 1, "home", 1000, 2000, "x", 0);
// Test: add a forth row with a non-unique destination again.
addRow(c, "ax", "", 11, "homex", 10001, 2000, "xx", 1);
// Forth row should also be removed.
result = RecipientAlternatesAdapter.removeUndesiredDestinations(c,
null /* desiredMimeType */, null /* lookupKey */);
assertEquals(2, result.getCount());
assertRow(result, 0, "a", "", 1, "home", 1000, 2000, "x", 0);
assertRow(result, 1, "a", "", 1, "home", 1000, 2000, "x", 0);
private static MatrixCursor addRow(MatrixCursor c,
String displayName,
String destination,
int destinationType,
String destinationLabel,
long contactId,
long dataId,
String photoUri,
int displayNameSource
) {
c.addRow(new Object[] {displayName, destination, destinationType, destinationLabel,
contactId, dataId, photoUri, displayNameSource});
return c;
private static void assertRow(Cursor c, int position,
String displayName,
String destination,
int destinationType,
String destinationLabel,
long contactId,
long dataId,
String photoUri,
int displayNameSource
) {
assertEquals(displayName, c.getString(0));
assertEquals(destination, c.getString(1));
assertEquals(destinationType, c.getInt(2));
assertEquals(destinationLabel, c.getString(3));
assertEquals(contactId, c.getLong(4));
assertEquals(dataId, c.getLong(5));
assertEquals(photoUri, c.getString(6));
assertEquals(displayNameSource, c.getInt(7));
public void testGetBetterRecipient() {
// Ensure that if either (but not both) parameters are null, the other is returned
final RecipientEntry entry1 =
RecipientEntry.constructFakeEntry("", true);
final RecipientEntry entry2 = null;
assertEquals(RecipientAlternatesAdapter.getBetterRecipient(entry1, entry2), entry1);
assertEquals(RecipientAlternatesAdapter.getBetterRecipient(entry2, entry1), entry1);
// Ensure that if only one has a display name, it is used
final RecipientEntry entry1 =
RecipientEntry.constructTopLevelEntry("Android", DisplayNameSources.NICKNAME,
"", 0, null, 0, null /* directoryId */, 0, (Uri) null,
true, null /* lookupKey */);
final RecipientEntry entry2 = RecipientEntry.constructFakeEntry("", true);
assertEquals(RecipientAlternatesAdapter.getBetterRecipient(entry1, entry2), entry1);
assertEquals(RecipientAlternatesAdapter.getBetterRecipient(entry2, entry1), entry1);
// Ensure that if one has a display name different from its destination, and the other's
// is equal to its destination, we use the unique one
final RecipientEntry entry1 =
RecipientEntry.constructTopLevelEntry("Android", DisplayNameSources.NICKNAME,
"", 0, null, 0, null /* directoryId */, 0, (Uri) null,
true, null /* lookupKey */);
final RecipientEntry entry2 =
RecipientEntry.constructTopLevelEntry("", DisplayNameSources.EMAIL,
"", 0, null, 0, null /* directoryId */, 0, (Uri) null,
true, null /* lookupKey */);
assertEquals(RecipientAlternatesAdapter.getBetterRecipient(entry1, entry2), entry1);
assertEquals(RecipientAlternatesAdapter.getBetterRecipient(entry2, entry1), entry1);
// Ensure that if only one has a photo, it is used
final RecipientEntry entry1 =
RecipientEntry.constructTopLevelEntry("Android", DisplayNameSources.NICKNAME,
"", 0, null, 0, null /* directoryId */, 0,
Uri.parse(""), true, null /* lookupKey */);
final RecipientEntry entry2 =
RecipientEntry.constructTopLevelEntry("Android", DisplayNameSources.EMAIL,
"", 0, null, 0, null /* directoryId */,
0, (Uri) null, true, null /* lookupKey */);
assertEquals(RecipientAlternatesAdapter.getBetterRecipient(entry1, entry2), entry1);
assertEquals(RecipientAlternatesAdapter.getBetterRecipient(entry2, entry1), entry1);