blob: 859ae8b6e2cf6c4d77dfea9874a34fd4cfcbeb79 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <math/mat4.h>
#include <math/vec3.h>
#include <renderengine/ExternalTexture.h>
#include <renderengine/PrintMatrix.h>
#include <ui/BlurRegion.h>
#include <ui/DebugUtils.h>
#include <ui/Fence.h>
#include <ui/FloatRect.h>
#include <ui/GraphicBuffer.h>
#include <ui/GraphicTypes.h>
#include <ui/Rect.h>
#include <ui/Region.h>
#include <ui/ShadowSettings.h>
#include <ui/StretchEffect.h>
#include <ui/Transform.h>
#include "ui/EdgeExtensionEffect.h"
#include <iosfwd>
namespace android {
namespace renderengine {
// Metadata describing the input buffer to render from.
struct Buffer {
// Buffer containing the image that we will render.
// If buffer == nullptr, then the rest of the fields in this struct will be
// ignored.
std::shared_ptr<ExternalTexture> buffer = nullptr;
// Fence that will fire when the buffer is ready to be bound.
sp<Fence> fence = nullptr;
// Whether to use filtering when rendering the texture.
bool useTextureFiltering = false;
// Transform matrix to apply to texture coordinates.
mat4 textureTransform = mat4();
// Whether to use pre-multiplied alpha.
bool usePremultipliedAlpha = true;
// Override flag that alpha for each pixel in the buffer *must* be 1.0.
// LayerSettings::alpha is still used if isOpaque==true - this flag only
// overrides the alpha channel of the buffer.
bool isOpaque = false;
float maxLuminanceNits = 0.0;
// Metadata describing the layer geometry.
struct Geometry {
// Boundaries of the layer.
FloatRect boundaries = FloatRect();
// Transform matrix to apply to mesh coordinates.
mat4 positionTransform = mat4();
// Radius of rounded corners, if greater than 0. Otherwise, this layer's
// corners are not rounded.
// Having corner radius will force GPU composition on the layer and its children, drawing it
// with a special shader. The shader will receive the radius and the crop rectangle as input,
// modifying the opacity of the destination texture, multiplying it by a number between 0 and 1.
// We query Layer#getRoundedCornerState() to retrieve the radius as well as the rounded crop
// rectangle to figure out how to apply the radius for this layer. The crop rectangle will be
// in local layer coordinate space, so we have to take the layer transform into account when
// walking up the tree.
vec2 roundedCornersRadius = vec2(0.0f, 0.0f);
// Rectangle within which corners will be rounded.
FloatRect roundedCornersCrop = FloatRect();
// Descriptor of the source pixels for this layer.
struct PixelSource {
// Source buffer
Buffer buffer = Buffer();
// The solid color with which to fill the layer.
// This should only be populated if we don't render from an application
// buffer.
half3 solidColor = half3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// The settings that RenderEngine requires for correctly rendering a Layer.
struct LayerSettings {
// Geometry information
Geometry geometry = Geometry();
// Source pixels for this layer.
PixelSource source = PixelSource();
// Alpha option to blend with the source pixels
half alpha = half(0.0);
// Color space describing how the source pixels should be interpreted.
ui::Dataspace sourceDataspace = ui::Dataspace::UNKNOWN;
// Additional layer-specific color transform to be applied before the global
// transform.
mat4 colorTransform = mat4();
// True if blending will be forced to be disabled.
bool disableBlending = false;
// If true, then this layer casts a shadow and/or blurs behind it, but it does
// not otherwise draw any of the layer's other contents.
bool skipContentDraw = false;
ShadowSettings shadow;
int backgroundBlurRadius = 0;
std::vector<BlurRegion> blurRegions;
// Transform matrix used to convert the blurRegions geometry into the same
// coordinate space as LayerSettings.geometry
mat4 blurRegionTransform = mat4();
StretchEffect stretchEffect;
EdgeExtensionEffect edgeExtensionEffect;
// Name associated with the layer for debugging purposes.
std::string name;
// Luminance of the white point for this layer. Used for linear dimming.
// Individual layers will be dimmed by (whitePointNits / maxWhitePoint).
// If white point nits are unknown, then this layer is assumed to have the
// same luminance as the brightest layer in the scene.
float whitePointNits = -1.f;
// Keep in sync with custom comparison function in
// compositionengine/impl/ClientCompositionRequestCache.cpp
static inline bool operator==(const Buffer& lhs, const Buffer& rhs) {
return lhs.buffer == rhs.buffer && lhs.fence == rhs.fence &&
lhs.useTextureFiltering == rhs.useTextureFiltering &&
lhs.textureTransform == rhs.textureTransform &&
lhs.usePremultipliedAlpha == rhs.usePremultipliedAlpha &&
lhs.isOpaque == rhs.isOpaque && lhs.maxLuminanceNits == rhs.maxLuminanceNits;
static inline bool operator==(const Geometry& lhs, const Geometry& rhs) {
return lhs.boundaries == rhs.boundaries && lhs.positionTransform == rhs.positionTransform &&
lhs.roundedCornersRadius == rhs.roundedCornersRadius &&
lhs.roundedCornersCrop == rhs.roundedCornersCrop;
static inline bool operator==(const PixelSource& lhs, const PixelSource& rhs) {
return lhs.buffer == rhs.buffer && lhs.solidColor == rhs.solidColor;
static inline bool operator==(const LayerSettings& lhs, const LayerSettings& rhs) {
if (lhs.blurRegions.size() != rhs.blurRegions.size()) {
return false;
const auto size = lhs.blurRegions.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (lhs.blurRegions[i] != rhs.blurRegions[i]) {
return false;
return lhs.geometry == rhs.geometry && lhs.source == rhs.source && lhs.alpha == rhs.alpha &&
lhs.sourceDataspace == rhs.sourceDataspace &&
lhs.colorTransform == rhs.colorTransform &&
lhs.disableBlending == rhs.disableBlending &&
lhs.skipContentDraw == rhs.skipContentDraw && lhs.shadow == rhs.shadow &&
lhs.backgroundBlurRadius == rhs.backgroundBlurRadius &&
lhs.blurRegionTransform == rhs.blurRegionTransform &&
lhs.stretchEffect == rhs.stretchEffect &&
lhs.edgeExtensionEffect == rhs.edgeExtensionEffect &&
lhs.whitePointNits == rhs.whitePointNits;
static inline void PrintTo(const Buffer& settings, ::std::ostream* os) {
*os << "Buffer {";
*os << "\n .buffer = " << settings.buffer.get() << " "
<< (settings.buffer.get() ? decodePixelFormat(settings.buffer->getPixelFormat()).c_str()
: "");
*os << "\n .fence = " << settings.fence.get();
*os << "\n .useTextureFiltering = " << settings.useTextureFiltering;
*os << "\n .textureTransform = ";
PrintMatrix(settings.textureTransform, os);
*os << "\n .usePremultipliedAlpha = " << settings.usePremultipliedAlpha;
*os << "\n .isOpaque = " << settings.isOpaque;
*os << "\n .maxLuminanceNits = " << settings.maxLuminanceNits;
*os << "\n}";
static inline void PrintTo(const Geometry& settings, ::std::ostream* os) {
*os << "Geometry {";
*os << "\n .boundaries = ";
PrintTo(settings.boundaries, os);
*os << "\n .positionTransform = ";
PrintMatrix(settings.positionTransform, os);
*os << "\n .roundedCornersRadiusX = " << settings.roundedCornersRadius.x;
*os << "\n .roundedCornersRadiusY = " << settings.roundedCornersRadius.y;
*os << "\n .roundedCornersCrop = ";
PrintTo(settings.roundedCornersCrop, os);
*os << "\n}";
static inline void PrintTo(const PixelSource& settings, ::std::ostream* os) {
*os << "PixelSource {";
if (settings.buffer.buffer) {
*os << "\n .buffer = ";
PrintTo(settings.buffer, os);
*os << "\n}";
} else {
*os << "\n .solidColor = " << settings.solidColor;
*os << "\n}";
static inline void PrintTo(const ShadowSettings& settings, ::std::ostream* os) {
*os << "ShadowSettings {";
*os << "\n .boundaries = ";
PrintTo(settings.boundaries, os);
*os << "\n .ambientColor = " << settings.ambientColor;
*os << "\n .spotColor = " << settings.spotColor;
*os << "\n .lightPos = " << settings.lightPos;
*os << "\n .lightRadius = " << settings.lightRadius;
*os << "\n .length = " << settings.length;
*os << "\n .casterIsTranslucent = " << settings.casterIsTranslucent;
*os << "\n}";
static inline void PrintTo(const StretchEffect& effect, ::std::ostream* os) {
*os << "StretchEffect {";
*os << "\n .width = " << effect.width;
*os << "\n .height = " << effect.height;
*os << "\n .vectorX = " << effect.vectorX;
*os << "\n .vectorY = " << effect.vectorY;
*os << "\n .maxAmountX = " << effect.maxAmountX;
*os << "\n .maxAmountY = " << effect.maxAmountY;
*os << "\n .mappedLeft = " << effect.mappedChildBounds.left;
*os << "\n .mappedTop = " <<;
*os << "\n .mappedRight = " << effect.mappedChildBounds.right;
*os << "\n .mappedBottom = " << effect.mappedChildBounds.bottom;
*os << "\n}";
static inline void PrintTo(const EdgeExtensionEffect& effect, ::std::ostream* os) {
*os << effect;
static inline void PrintTo(const LayerSettings& settings, ::std::ostream* os) {
*os << "LayerSettings for '" << << "' {";
*os << "\n .geometry = ";
PrintTo(settings.geometry, os);
*os << "\n .source = ";
PrintTo(settings.source, os);
*os << "\n .alpha = " << settings.alpha;
*os << "\n .sourceDataspace = ";
PrintTo(settings.sourceDataspace, os);
*os << "\n .colorTransform = ";
PrintMatrix(settings.colorTransform, os);
*os << "\n .disableBlending = " << settings.disableBlending;
*os << "\n .skipContentDraw = " << settings.skipContentDraw;
if (settings.shadow != ShadowSettings()) {
*os << "\n .shadow = ";
PrintTo(settings.shadow, os);
*os << "\n .backgroundBlurRadius = " << settings.backgroundBlurRadius;
if (settings.blurRegions.size()) {
*os << "\n .blurRegions =";
for (auto blurRegion : settings.blurRegions) {
*os << "\n";
PrintTo(blurRegion, os);
*os << "\n .blurRegionTransform = ";
PrintMatrix(settings.blurRegionTransform, os);
if (settings.stretchEffect != StretchEffect()) {
*os << "\n .stretchEffect = ";
PrintTo(settings.stretchEffect, os);
if (settings.edgeExtensionEffect.hasEffect()) {
*os << "\n .edgeExtensionEffect = " << settings.edgeExtensionEffect;
*os << "\n .whitePointNits = " << settings.whitePointNits;
*os << "\n}";
} // namespace renderengine
} // namespace android