blob: 48c0ea636b536b9c4457205d51e74c3bb9679c28 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <stdint.h>
extern "C" {
struct AIBinder;
struct ARpcServer;
struct ARpcSession;
enum class ARpcSession_FileDescriptorTransportMode {
// Starts an RPC server on a given port and a given root IBinder object.
// The server will only accept connections from the given CID.
// Set `cid` to VMADDR_CID_ANY to accept connections from any client.
// Set `cid` to VMADDR_CID_LOCAL to only bind to the local vsock interface.
// Returns an opaque handle to the running server instance, or null if the server
// could not be started.
// Set |port| to VMADDR_PORT_ANY to pick an available ephemeral port.
// |assignedPort| will be set to the assigned port number if it is not null.
// This will be the provided |port|, or the chosen available ephemeral port when
// |port| is VMADDR_PORT_ANY.
[[nodiscard]] ARpcServer* ARpcServer_newVsock(AIBinder* service, unsigned int cid,
unsigned int port, unsigned int* assignedPort);
// Starts a Unix domain RPC server with an open raw socket file descriptor
// and a given root IBinder object.
// The socket should be created and bound to an address.
// Returns an opaque handle to the running server instance, or null if the server
// could not be started.
// The socket will be closed by the server once the server goes out of scope.
[[nodiscard]] ARpcServer* ARpcServer_newBoundSocket(AIBinder* service, int socketFd);
// Starts an RPC server that bootstraps sessions using an existing Unix domain
// socket pair, with a given root IBinder object.
// Callers should create a pair of SOCK_STREAM Unix domain sockets, pass one to
// this function and the other to UnixDomainBootstrapClient(). Multiple client
// session can be created from the client end of the pair.
// Does not take ownership of `service`.
// Returns an opaque handle to the running server instance, or null if the server
// could not be started.
[[nodiscard]] ARpcServer* ARpcServer_newUnixDomainBootstrap(AIBinder* service, int bootstrapFd);
// Starts an RPC server on a given IP address+port and a given IBinder object.
// Returns an opaque handle to the running server instance, or null if the server
// could not be started.
// Does not take ownership of `service`.
// Returns an opaque handle to the running service instance, or null if the server
// could not be started.
[[nodiscard]] ARpcServer* ARpcServer_newInet(AIBinder* service, const char* address,
unsigned int port);
// Sets the list of supported file descriptor transport modes of this RPC server.
void ARpcServer_setSupportedFileDescriptorTransportModes(
ARpcServer* handle,
const ARpcSession_FileDescriptorTransportMode modes[],
size_t modes_len);
// Sets the maximum number of threads that the Server will use for
// incoming client connections.
// This must be called before adding a client session. This corresponds
// to the number of incoming connections to RpcSession objects in the
// server, which will correspond to the number of outgoing connections
// in client RpcSession objects.
// If this is not specified, this will be a single-threaded server.
void ARpcServer_setMaxThreads(ARpcServer* server, size_t threads);
// Runs ARpcServer_join() in a background thread. Immediately returns.
void ARpcServer_start(ARpcServer* server);
// Joins the thread of a running RpcServer instance. At any given point, there
// can only be one thread calling ARpcServer_join().
// If a client needs to actively terminate join, call ARpcServer_shutdown() in
// a separate thread.
void ARpcServer_join(ARpcServer* server);
// Shuts down any running ARpcServer_join().
[[nodiscard]] bool ARpcServer_shutdown(ARpcServer* server);
// Frees the ARpcServer handle and drops the reference count on the underlying
// RpcServer instance. The handle must not be reused afterwards.
// This automatically calls ARpcServer_shutdown().
void ARpcServer_free(ARpcServer* server);
// Allocates a new RpcSession object and returns an opaque handle to it.
[[nodiscard]] ARpcSession* ARpcSession_new();
// Connects to an RPC server over vsock at a given CID on a given port.
// Returns the root Binder object of the server.
AIBinder* ARpcSession_setupVsockClient(ARpcSession* session, unsigned int cid,
unsigned int port);
// Connects to an RPC server over a Unix Domain Socket of the given name.
// The final Unix Domain Socket path name is /dev/socket/`name`.
// Returns the root Binder object of the server.
AIBinder* ARpcSession_setupUnixDomainClient(ARpcSession* session, const char* name);
// Connects to an RPC server over the given bootstrap Unix domain socket.
// Does NOT take ownership of `bootstrapFd`.
AIBinder* ARpcSession_setupUnixDomainBootstrapClient(ARpcSession* session,
int bootstrapFd);
// Connects to an RPC server over an INET socket at a given IP address on a given port.
// Returns the root Binder object of the server.
AIBinder* ARpcSession_setupInet(ARpcSession* session, const char* address, unsigned int port);
// Connects to an RPC server with preconnected file descriptors.
// requestFd should connect to the server and return a valid file descriptor, or
// -1 if connection fails.
// param will be passed to requestFd. Callers can use param to pass contexts to
// the requestFd function.
AIBinder* ARpcSession_setupPreconnectedClient(ARpcSession* session,
int (*requestFd)(void* param),
void* param);
// Sets the file descriptor transport mode for this session.
void ARpcSession_setFileDescriptorTransportMode(ARpcSession* session,
ARpcSession_FileDescriptorTransportMode mode);
// Sets the maximum number of incoming threads, to service connections.
void ARpcSession_setMaxIncomingThreads(ARpcSession* session, size_t threads);
// Sets the maximum number of outgoing connections.
void ARpcSession_setMaxOutgoingConnections(ARpcSession* session, size_t connections);
// Decrements the refcount of the underlying RpcSession object.
void ARpcSession_free(ARpcSession* session);