blob: d03afa05ab652f59ca2c79dfc8c5e3d29f2150b7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
import "frameworks/native/services/surfaceflinger/layerproto/common.proto";
package android.surfaceflinger.proto;
/* Represents a file full of surface flinger transactions.
Encoded, it should start with 0x54 0x4E 0x58 0x54 0x52 0x41 0x43 0x45 (.TNXTRACE), such
that they can be easily identified. */
message TransactionTraceFile {
/* constant; MAGIC_NUMBER = (long) MAGIC_NUMBER_H << 32 | MagicNumber.MAGIC_NUMBER_L
(this is needed because enums have to be 32 bits and there's no nice way to put 64bit
constants into .proto files. */
enum MagicNumber {
MAGIC_NUMBER_L = 0x54584E54; /* TNXT (little-endian ASCII) */
MAGIC_NUMBER_H = 0x45434152; /* RACE (little-endian ASCII) */
fixed64 magic_number = 1; /* Must be the first field, set to value in MagicNumber */
repeated TransactionTraceEntry entry = 2;
/* offset between real-time clock and elapsed time clock in nanoseconds.
Calculated as: systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_REALTIME) - systemTime(SYSTEM_TIME_MONOTONIC) */
fixed64 real_to_elapsed_time_offset_nanos = 3;
uint32 version = 4;
message TransactionTraceEntry {
int64 elapsed_realtime_nanos = 1;
int64 vsync_id = 2;
repeated TransactionState transactions = 3;
repeated LayerCreationArgs added_layers = 4;
repeated uint32 destroyed_layers = 5;
repeated DisplayState added_displays = 6;
repeated int32 removed_displays = 7;
repeated uint32 destroyed_layer_handles = 8;
bool displays_changed = 9;
repeated DisplayInfo displays = 10;
message DisplayInfo {
uint32 layer_stack = 1;
int32 display_id = 2;
int32 logical_width = 3;
int32 logical_height = 4;
Transform transform_inverse = 5;
Transform transform = 6;
bool receives_input = 7;
bool is_secure = 8;
bool is_primary = 9;
bool is_virtual = 10;
int32 rotation_flags = 11;
int32 transform_hint = 12;
message LayerCreationArgs {
uint32 layer_id = 1;
string name = 2;
uint32 flags = 3;
uint32 parent_id = 4;
uint32 mirror_from_id = 5;
bool add_to_root = 6;
uint32 layer_stack_to_mirror = 7;
message Transform {
float dsdx = 1;
float dtdx = 2;
float dtdy = 3;
float dsdy = 4;
float tx = 5;
float ty = 6;
message TransactionState {
int32 pid = 1;
int32 uid = 2;
int64 vsync_id = 3;
int32 input_event_id = 4;
int64 post_time = 5;
uint64 transaction_id = 6;
repeated LayerState layer_changes = 7;
repeated DisplayState display_changes = 8;
repeated uint64 merged_transaction_ids = 9;
// Keep insync with layer_state_t
message LayerState {
uint32 layer_id = 1;
// Changes are split into ChangesLsb and ChangesMsb. First 32 bits are in ChangesLsb
// and the next 32 bits are in ChangesMsb. This is needed because enums have to be
// 32 bits and there's no nice way to put 64bit constants into .proto files.
enum ChangesLsb {
eChangesLsbNone = 0;
ePositionChanged = 0x00000001;
eLayerChanged = 0x00000002;
// unused = 0x00000004;
eAlphaChanged = 0x00000008;
eMatrixChanged = 0x00000010;
eTransparentRegionChanged = 0x00000020;
eFlagsChanged = 0x00000040;
eLayerStackChanged = 0x00000080;
eReleaseBufferListenerChanged = 0x00000400;
eShadowRadiusChanged = 0x00000800;
eBufferCropChanged = 0x00002000;
eRelativeLayerChanged = 0x00004000;
eReparent = 0x00008000;
eColorChanged = 0x00010000;
eBufferTransformChanged = 0x00040000;
eTransformToDisplayInverseChanged = 0x00080000;
eCropChanged = 0x00100000;
eBufferChanged = 0x00200000;
eAcquireFenceChanged = 0x00400000;
eDataspaceChanged = 0x00800000;
eHdrMetadataChanged = 0x01000000;
eSurfaceDamageRegionChanged = 0x02000000;
eApiChanged = 0x04000000;
eSidebandStreamChanged = 0x08000000;
eColorTransformChanged = 0x10000000;
eHasListenerCallbacksChanged = 0x20000000;
eInputInfoChanged = 0x40000000;
eCornerRadiusChanged = -2147483648; // 0x80000000; (proto stores enums as signed int)
enum ChangesMsb {
eChangesMsbNone = 0;
eDestinationFrameChanged = 0x1;
eCachedBufferChanged = 0x2;
eBackgroundColorChanged = 0x4;
eMetadataChanged = 0x8;
eColorSpaceAgnosticChanged = 0x10;
eFrameRateSelectionPriority = 0x20;
eFrameRateChanged = 0x40;
eBackgroundBlurRadiusChanged = 0x80;
eProducerDisconnect = 0x100;
eFixedTransformHintChanged = 0x200;
eFrameNumberChanged = 0x400;
eBlurRegionsChanged = 0x800;
eAutoRefreshChanged = 0x1000;
eStretchChanged = 0x2000;
eTrustedOverlayChanged = 0x4000;
eDropInputModeChanged = 0x8000;
uint64 what = 2;
float x = 3;
float y = 4;
int32 z = 5;
uint32 w = 6;
uint32 h = 7;
uint32 layer_stack = 8;
enum Flags {
eFlagsNone = 0;
eLayerHidden = 0x01;
eLayerOpaque = 0x02;
eLayerSkipScreenshot = 0x40;
eLayerSecure = 0x80;
eEnableBackpressure = 0x100;
eLayerIsDisplayDecoration = 0x200;
uint32 flags = 9;
uint32 mask = 10;
message Matrix22 {
float dsdx = 1;
float dtdx = 2;
float dtdy = 3;
float dsdy = 4;
Matrix22 matrix = 11;
float corner_radius = 12;
uint32 background_blur_radius = 13;
uint32 parent_id = 14;
uint32 relative_parent_id = 15;
float alpha = 16;
message Color3 {
float r = 1;
float g = 2;
float b = 3;
Color3 color = 17;
RegionProto transparent_region = 18;
uint32 transform = 19;
bool transform_to_display_inverse = 20;
RectProto crop = 21;
message BufferData {
uint64 buffer_id = 1;
uint32 width = 2;
uint32 height = 3;
uint64 frame_number = 4;
enum BufferDataChange {
BufferDataChangeNone = 0;
fenceChanged = 0x01;
frameNumberChanged = 0x02;
cachedBufferChanged = 0x04;
uint32 flags = 5;
uint64 cached_buffer_id = 6;
enum PixelFormat {
PIXEL_FORMAT_RGBA_1010102 = 43;
PIXEL_FORMAT_R_8 = 0x38;
PixelFormat pixel_format = 7;
uint64 usage = 8;
BufferData buffer_data = 22;
int32 api = 23;
bool has_sideband_stream = 24;
ColorTransformProto color_transform = 25;
repeated BlurRegion blur_regions = 26;
message WindowInfo {
uint32 layout_params_flags = 1;
int32 layout_params_type = 2;
RegionProto touchable_region = 3;
int32 surface_inset = 4;
bool focusable = 5; // unused
bool has_wallpaper = 6; // unused
float global_scale_factor = 7;
uint32 crop_layer_id = 8;
bool replace_touchable_region_with_crop = 9;
RectProto touchable_region_crop = 10;
Transform transform = 11;
uint32 input_config = 12;
WindowInfo window_info_handle = 27;
float bg_color_alpha = 28;
int32 bg_color_dataspace = 29;
bool color_space_agnostic = 30;
float shadow_radius = 31;
int32 frame_rate_selection_priority = 32;
float frame_rate = 33;
int32 frame_rate_compatibility = 34;
int32 change_frame_rate_strategy = 35;
uint32 fixed_transform_hint = 36;
uint64 frame_number = 37;
bool auto_refresh = 38;
bool is_trusted_overlay = 39;
RectProto buffer_crop = 40;
RectProto destination_frame = 41;
enum DropInputMode {
NONE = 0;
ALL = 1;
DropInputMode drop_input_mode = 42;
message DisplayState {
enum Changes {
eChangesNone = 0;
eSurfaceChanged = 0x01;
eLayerStackChanged = 0x02;
eDisplayProjectionChanged = 0x04;
eDisplaySizeChanged = 0x08;
eFlagsChanged = 0x10;
int32 id = 1;
uint32 what = 2;
uint32 flags = 3;
uint32 layer_stack = 4;
uint32 orientation = 5;
RectProto layer_stack_space_rect = 6;
RectProto oriented_display_space_rect = 7;
uint32 width = 8;
uint32 height = 9;