tree: 84206c26758f0d25c5a968ecca85558b871e9a51 [path history] [tgz]
  1. binder/
  2. tests/
  3. .clang-format
  4. Android.bp
  5. AndroidTest.xml
  7. dumpstate.cpp
  8. dumpstate.h
  9. dumpstate.rc
  10. DumpstateInternal.cpp
  11. DumpstateInternal.h
  12. DumpstateSectionReporter.cpp
  13. DumpstateSectionReporter.h
  14. DumpstateService.cpp
  15. DumpstateService.h
  16. DumpstateUtil.cpp
  17. DumpstateUtil.h
  18. main.cpp
  19. OWNERS
  21. utils.cpp

dumpstate development tips

To build dumpstate

Do a full build first:

m -j dumpstate

Then incremental ones:

mmm -j frameworks/native/cmds/dumpstate

If you're working on device-specific code, you might need to build them as well. Example:

mmm -j frameworks/native/cmds/dumpstate device/acme/secret_device/dumpstate/ hardware/interfaces/dumpstate

To build, deploy, and take a bugreport

mmm -j frameworks/native/cmds/dumpstate && adb push ${OUT}/system/bin/dumpstate system/bin && adb push ${OUT}/system/lib64/*dumpstate*.so /system/lib64/ && adb shell am bug-report

Make sure that the device is remounted before running the above command. * If you're working with userdebug variant, you may need to run the following to remount your device:

  adb root && adb remount -R && adb wait-for-device && adb root && adb remount
  • If you're working with eng variant, you may need to run the following to remount your device:

    adb root && adb remount

To build, deploy, and run unit tests

First create /data/nativetest64:

adb shell mkdir /data/nativetest64

Then run:

mmm -j frameworks/native/cmds/dumpstate/ && adb push ${OUT}/data/nativetest64/dumpstate_* /data/nativetest64 && adb shell /data/nativetest64/dumpstate_test/dumpstate_test

And to run just one test (for example, DumpstateTest.RunCommandNoArgs):

mmm -j frameworks/native/cmds/dumpstate/ && adb push ${OUT}/data/nativetest64/dumpstate_test* /data/nativetest64 && adb shell /data/nativetest64/dumpstate_test/dumpstate_test --gtest_filter=DumpstateTest.RunCommandNoArgs

To take quick bugreports

adb shell setprop dumpstate.dry_run true

To emulate a device with user build

adb shell setprop dumpstate.unroot true

To change the dumpstate version

adb shell setprop dumpstate.version VERSION_NAME


adb shell setprop dumpstate.version split-dumpsys && adb shell dumpstate -v

Then to restore the default version:

adb shell setprop dumpstate.version default

Code style and formatting

Use the style defined at the Google C++ Style Guide and make sure to run the following command prior to repo upload:

git clang-format --style=file HEAD~

Useful Bash tricks

export BR_DIR=/bugreports

alias br='adb shell cmd activity bug-report'
alias ls_bugs='adb shell ls -l ${BR_DIR}/'

unzip_bug() {
  adb pull ${BR_DIR}/$1 && emacs $1 && mv $1 /tmp

less_bug() {
  adb pull ${BR_DIR}/$1 && less $1 && mv $1 /tmp

rm_bugs() {
 if [ -z "${BR_DIR}" ] ; then echo "Variable BR_DIR not set"; else adb shell rm -rf ${BR_DIR}/*; fi