| /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| * Copyright (C) 1998-2009 PacketVideo |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions |
| * and limitations under the License. |
| * ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| */ |
| /* |
| * Copyright (c) 2008 The Khronos Group Inc. |
| * |
| * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining |
| * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the |
| * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including |
| * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, |
| * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to |
| * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject |
| * to the following conditions: |
| * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included |
| * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. |
| * |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| /** OMX_Core.h - OpenMax IL version 1.1.2 |
| * The OMX_Core header file contains the definitions used by both the |
| * application and the component to access common items. |
| */ |
| |
| #ifndef OMX_Core_h |
| #define OMX_Core_h |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| extern "C" { |
| #endif /* __cplusplus */ |
| |
| |
| /* Each OMX header shall include all required header files to allow the |
| * header to compile without errors. The includes below are required |
| * for this header file to compile successfully |
| */ |
| |
| #include <OMX_Index.h> |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_COMMANDTYPE enumeration is used to specify the action in the |
| * OMX_SendCommand macro. |
| * @ingroup core |
| */ |
| typedef enum OMX_COMMANDTYPE |
| { |
| OMX_CommandStateSet, /**< Change the component state */ |
| OMX_CommandFlush, /**< Flush the data queue(s) of a component */ |
| OMX_CommandPortDisable, /**< Disable a port on a component. */ |
| OMX_CommandPortEnable, /**< Enable a port on a component. */ |
| OMX_CommandMarkBuffer, /**< Mark a component/buffer for observation */ |
| OMX_CommandKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */ |
| OMX_CommandVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */ |
| OMX_CommandMax = 0X7FFFFFFF |
| |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_STATETYPE enumeration is used to indicate or change the component |
| * state. This enumeration reflects the current state of the component when |
| * used with the OMX_GetState macro or becomes the parameter in a state change |
| * command when used with the OMX_SendCommand macro. |
| * |
| * The component will be in the Loaded state after the component is initially |
| * loaded into memory. In the Loaded state, the component is not allowed to |
| * allocate or hold resources other than to build it's internal parameter |
| * and configuration tables. The application will send one or more |
| * SetParameters/GetParameters and SetConfig/GetConfig commands to the |
| * component and the component will record each of these parameter and |
| * configuration changes for use later. When the application sends the |
| * Idle command, the component will acquire the resources needed for the |
| * specified configuration and will transition to the idle state if the |
| * allocation is successful. If the component cannot successfully |
| * transition to the idle state for any reason, the state of the component |
| * shall be fully rolled back to the Loaded state (e.g. all allocated |
| * resources shall be released). When the component receives the command |
| * to go to the Executing state, it shall begin processing buffers by |
| * sending all input buffers it holds to the application. While |
| * the component is in the Idle state, the application may also send the |
| * Pause command. If the component receives the pause command while in the |
| * Idle state, the component shall send all input buffers it holds to the |
| * application, but shall not begin processing buffers. This will allow the |
| * application to prefill buffers. |
| * |
| * @ingroup comp |
| */ |
| |
| typedef enum OMX_STATETYPE |
| { |
| OMX_StateInvalid, /**< component has detected that it's internal data |
| structures are corrupted to the point that |
| it cannot determine it's state properly */ |
| OMX_StateLoaded, /**< component has been loaded but has not completed |
| initialization. The OMX_SetParameter macro |
| and the OMX_GetParameter macro are the only |
| valid macros allowed to be sent to the |
| component in this state. */ |
| OMX_StateIdle, /**< component initialization has been completed |
| successfully and the component is ready to |
| to start. */ |
| OMX_StateExecuting, /**< component has accepted the start command and |
| is processing data (if data is available) */ |
| OMX_StatePause, /**< component has received pause command */ |
| OMX_StateWaitForResources, /**< component is waiting for resources, either after |
| preemption or before it gets the resources requested. |
| See specification for complete details. */ |
| OMX_StateKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */ |
| OMX_StateVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */ |
| OMX_StateMax = 0X7FFFFFFF |
| |
| /** The OMX_ERRORTYPE enumeration defines the standard OMX Errors. These |
| * errors should cover most of the common failure cases. However, |
| * vendors are free to add additional error messages of their own as |
| * long as they follow these rules: |
| * 1. Vendor error messages shall be in the range of 0x90000000 to |
| * 0x9000FFFF. |
| * 2. Vendor error messages shall be defined in a header file provided |
| * with the component. No error messages are allowed that are |
| * not defined. |
| */ |
| typedef enum OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| { |
| OMX_ErrorNone = 0, |
| |
| /** There were insufficient resources to perform the requested operation */ |
| OMX_ErrorInsufficientResources = (OMX_S32) 0x80001000, |
| |
| /** There was an error, but the cause of the error could not be determined */ |
| OMX_ErrorUndefined = (OMX_S32) 0x80001001, |
| |
| /** The component name string was not valid */ |
| OMX_ErrorInvalidComponentName = (OMX_S32) 0x80001002, |
| |
| /** No component with the specified name string was found */ |
| OMX_ErrorComponentNotFound = (OMX_S32) 0x80001003, |
| |
| /** The component specified did not have a "OMX_ComponentInit" or |
| "OMX_ComponentDeInit entry point */ |
| OMX_ErrorInvalidComponent = (OMX_S32) 0x80001004, |
| |
| /** One or more parameters were not valid */ |
| OMX_ErrorBadParameter = (OMX_S32) 0x80001005, |
| |
| /** The requested function is not implemented */ |
| OMX_ErrorNotImplemented = (OMX_S32) 0x80001006, |
| |
| /** The buffer was emptied before the next buffer was ready */ |
| OMX_ErrorUnderflow = (OMX_S32) 0x80001007, |
| |
| /** The buffer was not available when it was needed */ |
| OMX_ErrorOverflow = (OMX_S32) 0x80001008, |
| |
| /** The hardware failed to respond as expected */ |
| OMX_ErrorHardware = (OMX_S32) 0x80001009, |
| |
| /** The component is in the state OMX_StateInvalid */ |
| OMX_ErrorInvalidState = (OMX_S32) 0x8000100A, |
| |
| /** Stream is found to be corrupt */ |
| OMX_ErrorStreamCorrupt = (OMX_S32) 0x8000100B, |
| |
| /** Ports being connected are not compatible */ |
| OMX_ErrorPortsNotCompatible = (OMX_S32) 0x8000100C, |
| |
| /** Resources allocated to an idle component have been |
| lost resulting in the component returning to the loaded state */ |
| OMX_ErrorResourcesLost = (OMX_S32) 0x8000100D, |
| |
| /** No more indicies can be enumerated */ |
| OMX_ErrorNoMore = (OMX_S32) 0x8000100E, |
| |
| /** The component detected a version mismatch */ |
| OMX_ErrorVersionMismatch = (OMX_S32) 0x8000100F, |
| |
| /** The component is not ready to return data at this time */ |
| OMX_ErrorNotReady = (OMX_S32) 0x80001010, |
| |
| /** There was a timeout that occurred */ |
| OMX_ErrorTimeout = (OMX_S32) 0x80001011, |
| |
| /** This error occurs when trying to transition into the state you are already in */ |
| OMX_ErrorSameState = (OMX_S32) 0x80001012, |
| |
| /** Resources allocated to an executing or paused component have been |
| preempted, causing the component to return to the idle state */ |
| OMX_ErrorResourcesPreempted = (OMX_S32) 0x80001013, |
| |
| /** A non-supplier port sends this error to the IL client (via the EventHandler callback) |
| during the allocation of buffers (on a transition from the LOADED to the IDLE state or |
| on a port restart) when it deems that it has waited an unusually long time for the supplier |
| to send it an allocated buffer via a UseBuffer call. */ |
| OMX_ErrorPortUnresponsiveDuringAllocation = (OMX_S32) 0x80001014, |
| |
| /** A non-supplier port sends this error to the IL client (via the EventHandler callback) |
| during the deallocation of buffers (on a transition from the IDLE to LOADED state or |
| on a port stop) when it deems that it has waited an unusually long time for the supplier |
| to request the deallocation of a buffer header via a FreeBuffer call. */ |
| OMX_ErrorPortUnresponsiveDuringDeallocation = (OMX_S32) 0x80001015, |
| |
| /** A supplier port sends this error to the IL client (via the EventHandler callback) |
| during the stopping of a port (either on a transition from the IDLE to LOADED |
| state or a port stop) when it deems that it has waited an unusually long time for |
| the non-supplier to return a buffer via an EmptyThisBuffer or FillThisBuffer call. */ |
| OMX_ErrorPortUnresponsiveDuringStop = (OMX_S32) 0x80001016, |
| |
| /** Attempting a state transtion that is not allowed */ |
| OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateTransition = (OMX_S32) 0x80001017, |
| |
| /* Attempting a command that is not allowed during the present state. */ |
| OMX_ErrorIncorrectStateOperation = (OMX_S32) 0x80001018, |
| |
| /** The values encapsulated in the parameter or config structure are not supported. */ |
| OMX_ErrorUnsupportedSetting = (OMX_S32) 0x80001019, |
| |
| /** The parameter or config indicated by the given index is not supported. */ |
| OMX_ErrorUnsupportedIndex = (OMX_S32) 0x8000101A, |
| |
| /** The port index supplied is incorrect. */ |
| OMX_ErrorBadPortIndex = (OMX_S32) 0x8000101B, |
| |
| /** The port has lost one or more of its buffers and it thus unpopulated. */ |
| OMX_ErrorPortUnpopulated = (OMX_S32) 0x8000101C, |
| |
| /** Component suspended due to temporary loss of resources */ |
| OMX_ErrorComponentSuspended = (OMX_S32) 0x8000101D, |
| |
| /** Component suspended due to an inability to acquire dynamic resources */ |
| OMX_ErrorDynamicResourcesUnavailable = (OMX_S32) 0x8000101E, |
| |
| /** When the macroblock error reporting is enabled the component returns new error |
| for every frame that has errors */ |
| OMX_ErrorMbErrorsInFrame = (OMX_S32) 0x8000101F, |
| |
| /** A component reports this error when it cannot parse or determine the format of an input stream. */ |
| OMX_ErrorFormatNotDetected = (OMX_S32) 0x80001020, |
| |
| /** The content open operation failed. */ |
| OMX_ErrorContentPipeOpenFailed = (OMX_S32) 0x80001021, |
| |
| /** The content creation operation failed. */ |
| OMX_ErrorContentPipeCreationFailed = (OMX_S32) 0x80001022, |
| |
| /** Separate table information is being used */ |
| OMX_ErrorSeperateTablesUsed = (OMX_S32) 0x80001023, |
| |
| /** Tunneling is unsupported by the component*/ |
| OMX_ErrorTunnelingUnsupported = (OMX_S32) 0x80001024, |
| |
| OMX_ErrorKhronosExtensions = (OMX_S32)0x8F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */ |
| OMX_ErrorVendorStartUnused = (OMX_S32)0x90000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */ |
| OMX_ErrorMax = 0x7FFFFFFF |
| |
| /** @ingroup core */ |
| |
| /** @ingroup core */ |
| { |
| const char * pName; /* Component name, 128 byte limit (including '\0') applies */ |
| OMX_COMPONENTINITTYPE pInitialize; /* Component instance initialization function */ |
| |
| /** @ingroup core */ |
| extern OMX_COMPONENTREGISTERTYPE OMX_ComponentRegistered[]; |
| |
| /** @ingroup rpm */ |
| typedef struct OMX_PRIORITYMGMTTYPE { |
| OMX_U32 nSize; /**< size of the structure in bytes */ |
| OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */ |
| OMX_U32 nGroupPriority; /**< Priority of the component group */ |
| OMX_U32 nGroupID; /**< ID of the component group */ |
| |
| /* Component name and Role names are limited to 128 characters including the terminating '\0'. */ |
| |
| /** @ingroup comp */ |
| OMX_U32 nSize; /**< size of the structure in bytes */ |
| OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */ |
| OMX_U8 cRole[OMX_MAX_STRINGNAME_SIZE]; /**< name of standard component which defines component role */ |
| |
| /** End of Stream Buffer Flag: |
| * |
| * A component sets EOS when it has no more data to emit on a particular |
| * output port. Thus an output port shall set EOS on the last buffer it |
| * emits. A component's determination of when an output port should |
| * cease sending data is implemenation specific. |
| * @ingroup buf |
| */ |
| |
| #define OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EOS 0x00000001 |
| |
| /** Start Time Buffer Flag: |
| * |
| * The source of a stream (e.g. a demux component) sets the STARTTIME |
| * flag on the buffer that contains the starting timestamp for the |
| * stream. The starting timestamp corresponds to the first data that |
| * should be displayed at startup or after a seek. |
| * The first timestamp of the stream is not necessarily the start time. |
| * For instance, in the case of a seek to a particular video frame, |
| * the target frame may be an interframe. Thus the first buffer of |
| * the stream will be the intra-frame preceding the target frame and |
| * the starttime will occur with the target frame (with any other |
| * required frames required to reconstruct the target intervening). |
| * |
| * The STARTTIME flag is directly associated with the buffer's |
| * timestamp ' thus its association to buffer data and its |
| * propagation is identical to the timestamp's. |
| * |
| * When a Sync Component client receives a buffer with the |
| * STARTTIME flag it shall perform a SetConfig on its sync port |
| * using OMX_ConfigTimeClientStartTime and passing the buffer's |
| * timestamp. |
| * |
| * @ingroup buf |
| */ |
| |
| #define OMX_BUFFERFLAG_STARTTIME 0x00000002 |
| |
| |
| |
| /** Decode Only Buffer Flag: |
| * |
| * The source of a stream (e.g. a demux component) sets the DECODEONLY |
| * flag on any buffer that should shall be decoded but should not be |
| * displayed. This flag is used, for instance, when a source seeks to |
| * a target interframe that requires the decode of frames preceding the |
| * target to facilitate the target's reconstruction. In this case the |
| * source would emit the frames preceding the target downstream |
| * but mark them as decode only. |
| * |
| * The DECODEONLY is associated with buffer data and propagated in a |
| * manner identical to the buffer timestamp. |
| * |
| * A component that renders data should ignore all buffers with |
| * the DECODEONLY flag set. |
| * |
| * @ingroup buf |
| */ |
| |
| #define OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DECODEONLY 0x00000004 |
| |
| |
| /* Data Corrupt Flag: This flag is set when the IL client believes the data in the associated buffer is corrupt |
| * @ingroup buf |
| */ |
| |
| #define OMX_BUFFERFLAG_DATACORRUPT 0x00000008 |
| |
| /* End of Frame: The buffer contains exactly one end of frame and no data |
| * occurs after the end of frame. This flag is an optional hint. The absence |
| * of this flag does not imply the absence of an end of frame within the buffer. |
| * @ingroup buf |
| */ |
| #define OMX_BUFFERFLAG_ENDOFFRAME 0x00000010 |
| |
| /* Sync Frame Flag: This flag is set when the buffer content contains a coded sync frame ' |
| * a frame that has no dependency on any other frame information |
| * @ingroup buf |
| */ |
| #define OMX_BUFFERFLAG_SYNCFRAME 0x00000020 |
| |
| /* Extra data present flag: there is extra data appended to the data stream |
| * residing in the buffer |
| * @ingroup buf |
| */ |
| #define OMX_BUFFERFLAG_EXTRADATA 0x00000040 |
| |
| /** Codec Config Buffer Flag: |
| * OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG is an optional flag that is set by an |
| * output port when all bytes in the buffer form part or all of a set of |
| * codec specific configuration data. Examples include SPS/PPS nal units |
| * for OMX_VIDEO_CodingAVC or AudioSpecificConfig data for |
| * OMX_AUDIO_CodingAAC. Any component that for a given stream sets |
| * OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG shall not mix codec configuration bytes |
| * with frame data in the same buffer, and shall send all buffers |
| * containing codec configuration bytes before any buffers containing |
| * frame data that those configurations bytes describe. |
| * If the stream format for a particular codec has a frame specific |
| * header at the start of each frame, for example OMX_AUDIO_CodingMP3 or |
| * OMX_AUDIO_CodingAAC in ADTS mode, then these shall be presented as |
| * normal without setting OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG. |
| * @ingroup buf |
| */ |
| #define OMX_BUFFERFLAG_CODECCONFIG 0x00000080 |
| |
| |
| |
| /** @ingroup buf */ |
| typedef struct OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE |
| { |
| OMX_U32 nSize; /**< size of the structure in bytes */ |
| OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */ |
| OMX_U8* pBuffer; /**< Pointer to actual block of memory |
| that is acting as the buffer */ |
| OMX_U32 nAllocLen; /**< size of the buffer allocated, in bytes */ |
| OMX_U32 nFilledLen; /**< number of bytes currently in the |
| buffer */ |
| OMX_U32 nOffset; /**< start offset of valid data in bytes from |
| the start of the buffer */ |
| OMX_PTR pAppPrivate; /**< pointer to any data the application |
| wants to associate with this buffer */ |
| OMX_PTR pPlatformPrivate; /**< pointer to any data the platform |
| wants to associate with this buffer */ |
| OMX_PTR pInputPortPrivate; /**< pointer to any data the input port |
| wants to associate with this buffer */ |
| OMX_PTR pOutputPortPrivate; /**< pointer to any data the output port |
| wants to associate with this buffer */ |
| OMX_HANDLETYPE hMarkTargetComponent; /**< The component that will generate a |
| mark event upon processing this buffer. */ |
| OMX_PTR pMarkData; /**< Application specific data associated with |
| the mark sent on a mark event to disambiguate |
| this mark from others. */ |
| OMX_U32 nTickCount; /**< Optional entry that the component and |
| application can update with a tick count |
| when they access the component. This |
| value should be in microseconds. Since |
| this is a value relative to an arbitrary |
| starting point, this value cannot be used |
| to determine absolute time. This is an |
| optional entry and not all components |
| will update it.*/ |
| OMX_TICKS nTimeStamp; /**< Timestamp corresponding to the sample |
| starting at the first logical sample |
| boundary in the buffer. Timestamps of |
| successive samples within the buffer may |
| be inferred by adding the duration of the |
| of the preceding buffer to the timestamp |
| of the preceding buffer.*/ |
| OMX_U32 nFlags; /**< buffer specific flags */ |
| OMX_U32 nOutputPortIndex; /**< The index of the output port (if any) using |
| this buffer */ |
| OMX_U32 nInputPortIndex; /**< The index of the input port (if any) using |
| this buffer */ |
| |
| /** The OMX_EXTRADATATYPE enumeration is used to define the |
| * possible extra data payload types. |
| * NB: this enum is binary backwards compatible with the previous |
| * OMX_EXTRADATA_QUANT define. This should be replaced with |
| * OMX_ExtraDataQuantization. |
| */ |
| typedef enum OMX_EXTRADATATYPE |
| { |
| OMX_ExtraDataNone = 0, /**< Indicates that no more extra data sections follow */ |
| OMX_ExtraDataQuantization, /**< The data payload contains quantization data */ |
| OMX_ExtraDataKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */ |
| OMX_ExtraDataVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */ |
| OMX_ExtraDataMax = 0x7FFFFFFF |
| |
| |
| typedef struct OMX_OTHER_EXTRADATATYPE { |
| OMX_U32 nSize; |
| OMX_U32 nPortIndex; |
| OMX_EXTRADATATYPE eType; /* Extra Data type */ |
| OMX_U32 nDataSize; /* Size of the supporting data to follow */ |
| OMX_U8 data[1]; /* Supporting data hint */ |
| |
| /** @ingroup comp */ |
| typedef struct OMX_PORT_PARAM_TYPE { |
| OMX_U32 nSize; /**< size of the structure in bytes */ |
| OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */ |
| OMX_U32 nPorts; /**< The number of ports for this component */ |
| OMX_U32 nStartPortNumber; /** first port number for this type of port */ |
| |
| /** @ingroup comp */ |
| typedef enum OMX_EVENTTYPE |
| { |
| OMX_EventCmdComplete, /**< component has sucessfully completed a command */ |
| OMX_EventError, /**< component has detected an error condition */ |
| OMX_EventMark, /**< component has detected a buffer mark */ |
| OMX_EventPortSettingsChanged, /**< component is reported a port settings change */ |
| OMX_EventBufferFlag, /**< component has detected an EOS */ |
| OMX_EventResourcesAcquired, /**< component has been granted resources and is |
| automatically starting the state change from |
| OMX_StateWaitForResources to OMX_StateIdle. */ |
| OMX_EventComponentResumed, /**< Component resumed due to reacquisition of resources */ |
| OMX_EventDynamicResourcesAvailable, /**< Component has acquired previously unavailable dynamic resources */ |
| OMX_EventPortFormatDetected, /**< Component has detected a supported format. */ |
| OMX_EventKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */ |
| OMX_EventVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */ |
| |
| /** Event when tunneled decoder has rendered an output or reached EOS |
| * nData1 must contain the number of timestamps returned |
| * pEventData must point to an array of the OMX_VIDEO_RENDEREVENTTYPE structs containing the |
| * render-timestamps of each frame. Component may batch rendered timestamps using this event, |
| * but must signal the event no more than 40ms after the first frame in the batch. The frames |
| * must be ordered by system timestamp inside and across batches. |
| * |
| * The component shall signal the render-timestamp of the very first frame (as well as the |
| * first frame after each flush) unbatched (with nData1 set to 1) within 5 msec. |
| * |
| * If component is doing frame-rate conversion, it must signal the render time of each |
| * converted frame, and must interpolate media timestamps for in-between frames. |
| * |
| * When the component reached EOS, it must signal an EOS timestamp using the same mechanism. |
| * This is in addition to the timestamp of the last rendered frame, and should follow that |
| * frame. |
| */ |
| OMX_EventOutputRendered = 0x7F000001, |
| |
| /** For framework internal use only: event sent by OMXNodeInstance when it receives a graphic |
| * input buffer with a new dataspace for encoding. |arg1| will contain the dataspace. |arg2| |
| * will contain the ColorAspects requested by the component (or framework defaults) using |
| * the following bitfield layout: |
| * |
| * +----------+-------------+----------------+------------+ |
| * | Range | Primaries | MatrixCoeffs | Transfer | |
| * +----------+-------------+----------------+------------+ |
| * bits: 31....24 23.......16 15...........8 7........0 |
| * |
| * TODO: We would really need to tie this to an output buffer, but OMX does not provide a |
| * fool-proof way to do that for video encoders. |
| */ |
| OMX_EventDataSpaceChanged, |
| |
| /** |
| * Event when a component has an updated configuration on output for the client to retrieve. |
| * |arg1| contains the port index (currently only output port is valid). |arg2| contains the |
| * index of the updated config. |
| * |
| * For config updates that's associated with one frame, the update should be applied to the |
| * next output frame that comes in EmptyBufferDone callback. |
| * |
| * Upon receiving this event, the client must call the corresponding OMX_GetConfig to retrieve |
| * the config update. |
| */ |
| OMX_EventConfigUpdate, |
| |
| /** |
| * Event fired by a tunneled decoder when the first frame is decoded and |
| * ready to be rendered. |
| */ |
| OMX_EventOnFirstTunnelFrameReady, |
| |
| OMX_EventMax = 0x7FFFFFFF |
| |
| typedef struct OMX_CALLBACKTYPE |
| { |
| /** The EventHandler method is used to notify the application when an |
| event of interest occurs. Events are defined in the OMX_EVENTTYPE |
| enumeration. Please see that enumeration for details of what will |
| be returned for each type of event. Callbacks should not return |
| an error to the component, so if an error occurs, the application |
| shall handle it internally. This is a blocking call. |
| |
| The application should return from this call within 5 msec to avoid |
| blocking the component for an excessively long period of time. |
| |
| @param hComponent |
| handle of the component to access. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the GetHandle function. |
| @param pAppData |
| pointer to an application defined value that was provided in the |
| pAppData parameter to the OMX_GetHandle method for the component. |
| This application defined value is provided so that the application |
| can have a component specific context when receiving the callback. |
| @param eEvent |
| Event that the component wants to notify the application about. |
| @param nData1 |
| nData will be the OMX_ERRORTYPE for an error event and will be |
| an OMX_COMMANDTYPE for a command complete event and OMX_INDEXTYPE for a OMX_PortSettingsChanged event. |
| @param nData2 |
| nData2 will hold further information related to the event. Can be OMX_STATETYPE for |
| a OMX_CommandStateSet command or port index for a OMX_PortSettingsChanged event. |
| Default value is 0 if not used. ) |
| @param pEventData |
| Pointer to additional event-specific data (see spec for meaning). |
| */ |
| |
| OMX_ERRORTYPE (*EventHandler)( |
| OMX_IN OMX_PTR pAppData, |
| OMX_IN OMX_U32 nData1, |
| OMX_IN OMX_U32 nData2, |
| OMX_IN OMX_PTR pEventData); |
| |
| /** The EmptyBufferDone method is used to return emptied buffers from an |
| input port back to the application for reuse. This is a blocking call |
| so the application should not attempt to refill the buffers during this |
| call, but should queue them and refill them in another thread. There |
| is no error return, so the application shall handle any errors generated |
| internally. |
| |
| The application should return from this call within 5 msec. |
| |
| @param hComponent |
| handle of the component to access. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the GetHandle function. |
| @param pAppData |
| pointer to an application defined value that was provided in the |
| pAppData parameter to the OMX_GetHandle method for the component. |
| This application defined value is provided so that the application |
| can have a component specific context when receiving the callback. |
| @param pBuffer |
| pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure allocated with UseBuffer |
| or AllocateBuffer indicating the buffer that was emptied. |
| @ingroup buf |
| */ |
| OMX_ERRORTYPE (*EmptyBufferDone)( |
| OMX_IN OMX_PTR pAppData, |
| |
| /** The FillBufferDone method is used to return filled buffers from an |
| output port back to the application for emptying and then reuse. |
| This is a blocking call so the application should not attempt to |
| empty the buffers during this call, but should queue the buffers |
| and empty them in another thread. There is no error return, so |
| the application shall handle any errors generated internally. The |
| application shall also update the buffer header to indicate the |
| number of bytes placed into the buffer. |
| |
| The application should return from this call within 5 msec. |
| |
| @param hComponent |
| handle of the component to access. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the GetHandle function. |
| @param pAppData |
| pointer to an application defined value that was provided in the |
| pAppData parameter to the OMX_GetHandle method for the component. |
| This application defined value is provided so that the application |
| can have a component specific context when receiving the callback. |
| @param pBuffer |
| pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure allocated with UseBuffer |
| or AllocateBuffer indicating the buffer that was filled. |
| @ingroup buf |
| */ |
| OMX_ERRORTYPE (*FillBufferDone)( |
| OMX_OUT OMX_PTR pAppData, |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE enumeration is used to dictate port supplier |
| preference when tunneling between two ports. |
| @ingroup tun buf |
| */ |
| { |
| OMX_BufferSupplyUnspecified = 0x0, /**< port supplying the buffers is unspecified, |
| or don't care */ |
| OMX_BufferSupplyInput, /**< input port supplies the buffers */ |
| OMX_BufferSupplyOutput, /**< output port supplies the buffers */ |
| OMX_BufferSupplyKhronosExtensions = 0x6F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Khronos Standard Extensions */ |
| OMX_BufferSupplyVendorStartUnused = 0x7F000000, /**< Reserved region for introducing Vendor Extensions */ |
| OMX_BufferSupplyMax = 0x7FFFFFFF |
| |
| |
| /** buffer supplier parameter |
| * @ingroup tun |
| */ |
| OMX_U32 nSize; /**< size of the structure in bytes */ |
| OMX_VERSIONTYPE nVersion; /**< OMX specification version information */ |
| OMX_U32 nPortIndex; /**< port that this structure applies to */ |
| OMX_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE eBufferSupplier; /**< buffer supplier */ |
| |
| |
| /**< indicates that buffers received by an input port of a tunnel |
| may not modify the data in the buffers |
| @ingroup tun |
| */ |
| #define OMX_PORTTUNNELFLAG_READONLY 0x00000001 |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_TUNNELSETUPTYPE structure is used to pass data from an output |
| port to an input port as part the two ComponentTunnelRequest calls |
| resulting from a OMX_SetupTunnel call from the IL Client. |
| @ingroup tun |
| */ |
| typedef struct OMX_TUNNELSETUPTYPE |
| { |
| OMX_U32 nTunnelFlags; /**< bit flags for tunneling */ |
| OMX_BUFFERSUPPLIERTYPE eSupplier; /**< supplier preference */ |
| |
| /* OMX Component headers is included to enable the core to use |
| macros for functions into the component for OMX release 1.0. |
| Developers should not access any structures or data from within |
| the component header directly */ |
| /* TO BE REMOVED - #include <OMX_Component.h> */ |
| |
| /** GetComponentVersion will return information about the component. |
| This is a blocking call. This macro will go directly from the |
| application to the component (via a core macro). The |
| component will return from this call within 5 msec. |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| handle of component to execute the command |
| @param [out] pComponentName |
| pointer to an empty string of length 128 bytes. The component |
| will write its name into this string. The name will be |
| terminated by a single zero byte. The name of a component will |
| be 127 bytes or less to leave room for the trailing zero byte. |
| An example of a valid component name is "OMX.ABC.ChannelMixer\0". |
| @param [out] pComponentVersion |
| pointer to an OMX Version structure that the component will fill |
| in. The component will fill in a value that indicates the |
| component version. NOTE: the component version is NOT the same |
| as the OMX Specification version (found in all structures). The |
| component version is defined by the vendor of the component and |
| its value is entirely up to the component vendor. |
| @param [out] pSpecVersion |
| pointer to an OMX Version structure that the component will fill |
| in. The SpecVersion is the version of the specification that the |
| component was built against. Please note that this value may or |
| may not match the structure's version. For example, if the |
| component was built against the 2.0 specification, but the |
| application (which creates the structure is built against the |
| 1.0 specification the versions would be different. |
| @param [out] pComponentUUID |
| pointer to the UUID of the component which will be filled in by |
| the component. The UUID is a unique identifier that is set at |
| RUN time for the component and is unique to each instantion of |
| the component. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp |
| */ |
| #define OMX_GetComponentVersion( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| pComponentName, \ |
| pComponentVersion, \ |
| pSpecVersion, \ |
| pComponentUUID) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->GetComponentVersion(\ |
| hComponent, \ |
| pComponentName, \ |
| pComponentVersion, \ |
| pSpecVersion, \ |
| pComponentUUID) /* Macro End */ |
| |
| |
| /** Send a command to the component. This call is a non-blocking call. |
| The component should check the parameters and then queue the command |
| to the component thread to be executed. The component thread shall |
| send the EventHandler() callback at the conclusion of the command. |
| This macro will go directly from the application to the component (via |
| a core macro). The component will return from this call within 5 msec. |
| |
| When the command is "OMX_CommandStateSet" the component will queue a |
| state transition to the new state idenfied in nParam. |
| |
| The component shall transition from executing to loaded state within 500 msec. |
| |
| When the command is "OMX_CommandFlush", to flush a port's buffer queues, |
| the command will force the component to return all buffers NOT CURRENTLY |
| BEING PROCESSED to the application, in the order in which the buffers |
| were received. |
| |
| The component shall finish flusing each port within 5 msec. |
| |
| When the command is "OMX_CommandPortDisable" or |
| "OMX_CommandPortEnable", the component's port (given by the value of |
| nParam) will be stopped or restarted. |
| |
| The component shall finish disabling/reenabling each port within 5 msec. |
| |
| When the command "OMX_CommandMarkBuffer" is used to mark a buffer, the |
| pCmdData will point to a OMX_MARKTYPE structure containing the component |
| handle of the component to examine the buffer chain for the mark. nParam1 |
| contains the index of the port on which the buffer mark is applied. |
| |
| Specification text for more details. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| handle of component to execute the command |
| @param [in] Cmd |
| Command for the component to execute |
| @param [in] nParam |
| Parameter for the command to be executed. When Cmd has the value |
| OMX_CommandStateSet, value is a member of OMX_STATETYPE. When Cmd has |
| the value OMX_CommandFlush, value of nParam indicates which port(s) |
| to flush. -1 is used to flush all ports a single port index will |
| only flush that port. When Cmd has the value "OMX_CommandPortDisable" |
| or "OMX_CommandPortEnable", the component's port is given by |
| the value of nParam. When Cmd has the value "OMX_CommandMarkBuffer" |
| the components pot is given by the value of nParam. |
| @param [in] pCmdData |
| Parameter pointing to the OMX_MARKTYPE structure when Cmd has the value |
| "OMX_CommandMarkBuffer". |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp |
| */ |
| #define OMX_SendCommand( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| Cmd, \ |
| nParam, \ |
| pCmdData) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->SendCommand( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| Cmd, \ |
| nParam, \ |
| pCmdData) /* Macro End */ |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_GetParameter macro will get one of the current parameter |
| settings from the component. This macro cannot only be invoked when |
| the component is in the OMX_StateInvalid state. The nParamIndex |
| parameter is used to indicate which structure is being requested from |
| the component. The application shall allocate the correct structure |
| and shall fill in the structure size and version information before |
| invoking this macro. When the parameter applies to a port, the |
| caller shall fill in the appropriate nPortIndex value indicating the |
| port on which the parameter applies. If the component has not had |
| any settings changed, then the component should return a set of |
| valid DEFAULT parameters for the component. This is a blocking |
| call. |
| |
| The component should return from this call within 20 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. |
| @param [in] nParamIndex |
| Index of the structure to be filled. This value is from the |
| OMX_INDEXTYPE enumeration. |
| @param [in,out] pComponentParameterStructure |
| Pointer to application allocated structure to be filled by the |
| component. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp |
| */ |
| #define OMX_GetParameter( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| nParamIndex, \ |
| pComponentParameterStructure) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->GetParameter( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| nParamIndex, \ |
| pComponentParameterStructure) /* Macro End */ |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_SetParameter macro will send an initialization parameter |
| structure to a component. Each structure shall be sent one at a time, |
| in a separate invocation of the macro. This macro can only be |
| invoked when the component is in the OMX_StateLoaded state, or the |
| port is disabled (when the parameter applies to a port). The |
| nParamIndex parameter is used to indicate which structure is being |
| passed to the component. The application shall allocate the |
| correct structure and shall fill in the structure size and version |
| information (as well as the actual data) before invoking this macro. |
| The application is free to dispose of this structure after the call |
| as the component is required to copy any data it shall retain. This |
| is a blocking call. |
| |
| The component should return from this call within 20 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. |
| @param [in] nIndex |
| Index of the structure to be sent. This value is from the |
| OMX_INDEXTYPE enumeration. |
| @param [in] pComponentParameterStructure |
| pointer to application allocated structure to be used for |
| initialization by the component. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp |
| */ |
| #define OMX_SetParameter( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| nParamIndex, \ |
| pComponentParameterStructure) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->SetParameter( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| nParamIndex, \ |
| pComponentParameterStructure) /* Macro End */ |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_GetConfig macro will get one of the configuration structures |
| from a component. This macro can be invoked anytime after the |
| component has been loaded. The nParamIndex call parameter is used to |
| indicate which structure is being requested from the component. The |
| application shall allocate the correct structure and shall fill in the |
| structure size and version information before invoking this macro. |
| If the component has not had this configuration parameter sent before, |
| then the component should return a set of valid DEFAULT values for the |
| component. This is a blocking call. |
| |
| The component should return from this call within 5 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. |
| @param [in] nIndex |
| Index of the structure to be filled. This value is from the |
| OMX_INDEXTYPE enumeration. |
| @param [in,out] pComponentConfigStructure |
| pointer to application allocated structure to be filled by the |
| component. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp |
| */ |
| #define OMX_GetConfig( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| nConfigIndex, \ |
| pComponentConfigStructure) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->GetConfig( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| nConfigIndex, \ |
| pComponentConfigStructure) /* Macro End */ |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_SetConfig macro will send one of the configuration |
| structures to a component. Each structure shall be sent one at a time, |
| each in a separate invocation of the macro. This macro can be invoked |
| anytime after the component has been loaded. The application shall |
| allocate the correct structure and shall fill in the structure size |
| and version information (as well as the actual data) before invoking |
| this macro. The application is free to dispose of this structure after |
| the call as the component is required to copy any data it shall retain. |
| This is a blocking call. |
| |
| The component should return from this call within 5 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. |
| @param [in] nConfigIndex |
| Index of the structure to be sent. This value is from the |
| OMX_INDEXTYPE enumeration above. |
| @param [in] pComponentConfigStructure |
| pointer to application allocated structure to be used for |
| initialization by the component. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp |
| */ |
| #define OMX_SetConfig( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| nConfigIndex, \ |
| pComponentConfigStructure) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->SetConfig( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| nConfigIndex, \ |
| pComponentConfigStructure) /* Macro End */ |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_GetExtensionIndex macro will invoke a component to translate |
| a vendor specific configuration or parameter string into an OMX |
| structure index. There is no requirement for the vendor to support |
| this command for the indexes already found in the OMX_INDEXTYPE |
| enumeration (this is done to save space in small components). The |
| component shall support all vendor supplied extension indexes not found |
| in the master OMX_INDEXTYPE enumeration. This is a blocking call. |
| |
| The component should return from this call within 5 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the GetHandle function. |
| @param [in] cParameterName |
| OMX_STRING that shall be less than 128 characters long including |
| the trailing null byte. This is the string that will get |
| translated by the component into a configuration index. |
| @param [out] pIndexType |
| a pointer to a OMX_INDEXTYPE to receive the index value. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp |
| */ |
| #define OMX_GetExtensionIndex( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| cParameterName, \ |
| pIndexType) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->GetExtensionIndex( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| cParameterName, \ |
| pIndexType) /* Macro End */ |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_GetState macro will invoke the component to get the current |
| state of the component and place the state value into the location |
| pointed to by pState. |
| |
| The component should return from this call within 5 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. |
| @param [out] pState |
| pointer to the location to receive the state. The value returned |
| is one of the OMX_STATETYPE members |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp |
| */ |
| #define OMX_GetState( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| pState) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->GetState( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| pState) /* Macro End */ |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_UseBuffer macro will request that the component use |
| a buffer (and allocate its own buffer header) already allocated |
| by another component, or by the IL Client. This is a blocking |
| call. |
| |
| The component should return from this call within 20 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. |
| @param [out] ppBuffer |
| pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure used to receive the |
| pointer to the buffer header |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp buf |
| */ |
| |
| #define OMX_UseBuffer( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| ppBufferHdr, \ |
| nPortIndex, \ |
| pAppPrivate, \ |
| nSizeBytes, \ |
| pBuffer) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->UseBuffer( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| ppBufferHdr, \ |
| nPortIndex, \ |
| pAppPrivate, \ |
| nSizeBytes, \ |
| pBuffer) |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_AllocateBuffer macro will request that the component allocate |
| a new buffer and buffer header. The component will allocate the |
| buffer and the buffer header and return a pointer to the buffer |
| header. This is a blocking call. |
| |
| The component should return from this call within 5 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. |
| @param [out] ppBuffer |
| pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure used to receive |
| the pointer to the buffer header |
| @param [in] nPortIndex |
| nPortIndex is used to select the port on the component the buffer will |
| be used with. The port can be found by using the nPortIndex |
| value as an index into the Port Definition array of the component. |
| @param [in] pAppPrivate |
| pAppPrivate is used to initialize the pAppPrivate member of the |
| buffer header structure. |
| @param [in] nSizeBytes |
| size of the buffer to allocate. Used when bAllocateNew is true. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp buf |
| */ |
| #define OMX_AllocateBuffer( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| ppBuffer, \ |
| nPortIndex, \ |
| pAppPrivate, \ |
| nSizeBytes) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->AllocateBuffer( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| ppBuffer, \ |
| nPortIndex, \ |
| pAppPrivate, \ |
| nSizeBytes) /* Macro End */ |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_FreeBuffer macro will release a buffer header from the component |
| which was allocated using either OMX_AllocateBuffer or OMX_UseBuffer. If |
| the component allocated the buffer (see the OMX_UseBuffer macro) then |
| the component shall free the buffer and buffer header. This is a |
| blocking call. |
| |
| The component should return from this call within 20 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. |
| @param [in] nPortIndex |
| nPortIndex is used to select the port on the component the buffer will |
| be used with. |
| @param [in] pBuffer |
| pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure allocated with UseBuffer |
| or AllocateBuffer. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp buf |
| */ |
| #define OMX_FreeBuffer( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| nPortIndex, \ |
| pBuffer) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->FreeBuffer( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| nPortIndex, \ |
| pBuffer) /* Macro End */ |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_EmptyThisBuffer macro will send a buffer full of data to an |
| input port of a component. The buffer will be emptied by the component |
| and returned to the application via the EmptyBufferDone call back. |
| This is a non-blocking call in that the component will record the buffer |
| and return immediately and then empty the buffer, later, at the proper |
| time. As expected, this macro may be invoked only while the component |
| is in the OMX_StateExecuting. If nPortIndex does not specify an input |
| port, the component shall return an error. |
| |
| The component should return from this call within 5 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. |
| @param [in] pBuffer |
| pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure allocated with UseBuffer |
| or AllocateBuffer. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp buf |
| */ |
| #define OMX_EmptyThisBuffer( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| pBuffer) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->EmptyThisBuffer( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| pBuffer) /* Macro End */ |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_FillThisBuffer macro will send an empty buffer to an |
| output port of a component. The buffer will be filled by the component |
| and returned to the application via the FillBufferDone call back. |
| This is a non-blocking call in that the component will record the buffer |
| and return immediately and then fill the buffer, later, at the proper |
| time. As expected, this macro may be invoked only while the component |
| is in the OMX_ExecutingState. If nPortIndex does not specify an output |
| port, the component shall return an error. |
| |
| The component should return from this call within 5 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. |
| @param [in] pBuffer |
| pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure allocated with UseBuffer |
| or AllocateBuffer. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp buf |
| */ |
| #define OMX_FillThisBuffer( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| pBuffer) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->FillThisBuffer( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| pBuffer) /* Macro End */ |
| |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_UseEGLImage macro will request that the component use |
| a EGLImage provided by EGL (and allocate its own buffer header) |
| This is a blocking call. |
| |
| The component should return from this call within 20 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. |
| @param [out] ppBuffer |
| pointer to an OMX_BUFFERHEADERTYPE structure used to receive the |
| pointer to the buffer header. Note that the memory location used |
| for this buffer is NOT visible to the IL Client. |
| @param [in] nPortIndex |
| nPortIndex is used to select the port on the component the buffer will |
| be used with. The port can be found by using the nPortIndex |
| value as an index into the Port Definition array of the component. |
| @param [in] pAppPrivate |
| pAppPrivate is used to initialize the pAppPrivate member of the |
| buffer header structure. |
| @param [in] eglImage |
| eglImage contains the handle of the EGLImage to use as a buffer on the |
| specified port. The component is expected to validate properties of |
| the EGLImage against the configuration of the port to ensure the component |
| can use the EGLImage as a buffer. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup comp buf |
| */ |
| #define OMX_UseEGLImage( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| ppBufferHdr, \ |
| nPortIndex, \ |
| pAppPrivate, \ |
| eglImage) \ |
| ((OMX_COMPONENTTYPE*)(hComponent))->UseEGLImage( \ |
| hComponent, \ |
| ppBufferHdr, \ |
| nPortIndex, \ |
| pAppPrivate, \ |
| eglImage) |
| |
| /** The OMX_Init method is used to initialize the OMX core. It shall be the |
| first call made into OMX and it should only be executed one time without |
| an interviening OMX_Deinit call. |
| |
| The core should return from this call within 20 msec. |
| |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup core |
| */ |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_Deinit method is used to deinitialize the OMX core. It shall be |
| the last call made into OMX. In the event that the core determines that |
| thare are components loaded when this call is made, the core may return |
| with an error rather than try to unload the components. |
| |
| The core should return from this call within 20 msec. |
| |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup core |
| */ |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_ComponentNameEnum method will enumerate through all the names of |
| recognised valid components in the system. This function is provided |
| as a means to detect all the components in the system run-time. There is |
| no strict ordering to the enumeration order of component names, although |
| each name will only be enumerated once. If the OMX core supports run-time |
| installation of new components, it is only requried to detect newly |
| installed components when the first call to enumerate component names |
| is made (i.e. when nIndex is 0x0). |
| |
| The core should return from this call in 20 msec. |
| |
| @param [out] cComponentName |
| pointer to a null terminated string with the component name. The |
| names of the components are strings less than 127 bytes in length |
| plus the trailing null for a maximum size of 128 bytes. An example |
| of a valid component name is "OMX.TI.AUDIO.DSP.MIXER\0". Names are |
| assigned by the vendor, but shall start with "OMX." and then have |
| the Vendor designation next. |
| @param [in] nNameLength |
| number of characters in the cComponentName string. With all |
| component name strings restricted to less than 128 characters |
| (including the trailing null) it is recomended that the caller |
| provide a input string for the cComponentName of 128 characters. |
| @param [in] nIndex |
| number containing the enumeration index for the component. |
| Multiple calls to OMX_ComponentNameEnum with increasing values |
| of nIndex will enumerate through the component names in the |
| system until OMX_ErrorNoMore is returned. The value of nIndex |
| is 0 to (N-1), where N is the number of valid installed components |
| in the system. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. When the value of nIndex exceeds the number of |
| components in the system minus 1, OMX_ErrorNoMore will be |
| returned. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup core |
| */ |
| OMX_OUT OMX_STRING cComponentName, |
| OMX_IN OMX_U32 nNameLength, |
| OMX_IN OMX_U32 nIndex); |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_GetHandle method will locate the component specified by the |
| component name given, load that component into memory and then invoke |
| the component's methods to create an instance of the component. |
| |
| The core should return from this call within 20 msec. |
| |
| @param [out] pHandle |
| pointer to an OMX_HANDLETYPE pointer to be filled in by this method. |
| @param [in] cComponentName |
| pointer to a null terminated string with the component name. The |
| names of the components are strings less than 127 bytes in length |
| plus the trailing null for a maximum size of 128 bytes. An example |
| of a valid component name is "OMX.TI.AUDIO.DSP.MIXER\0". Names are |
| assigned by the vendor, but shall start with "OMX." and then have |
| the Vendor designation next. |
| @param [in] pAppData |
| pointer to an application defined value that will be returned |
| during callbacks so that the application can identify the source |
| of the callback. |
| @param [in] pCallBacks |
| pointer to a OMX_CALLBACKTYPE structure that will be passed to the |
| component to initialize it with. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup core |
| */ |
| OMX_IN OMX_STRING cComponentName, |
| OMX_IN OMX_PTR pAppData, |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_FreeHandle method will free a handle allocated by the OMX_GetHandle |
| method. If the component reference count goes to zero, the component will |
| be unloaded from memory. |
| |
| The core should return from this call within 20 msec when the component is |
| in the OMX_StateLoaded state. |
| |
| @param [in] hComponent |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. This is the component |
| handle returned by the call to the GetHandle function. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| @ingroup core |
| */ |
| OMX_IN OMX_HANDLETYPE hComponent); |
| |
| |
| |
| /** The OMX_SetupTunnel method will handle the necessary calls to the components |
| to setup the specified tunnel the two components. NOTE: This is |
| an actual method (not a #define macro). This method will make calls into |
| the component ComponentTunnelRequest method to do the actual tunnel |
| connection. |
| |
| The ComponentTunnelRequest method on both components will be called. |
| This method shall not be called unless the component is in the |
| OMX_StateLoaded state except when the ports used for the tunnel are |
| disabled. In this case, the component may be in the OMX_StateExecuting, |
| OMX_StatePause, or OMX_StateIdle states. |
| |
| The core should return from this call within 20 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] hOutput |
| Handle of the component to be accessed. Also this is the handle |
| of the component whose port, specified in the nPortOutput parameter |
| will be used the source for the tunnel. This is the component handle |
| returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. There is a |
| requirement that hOutput be the source for the data when |
| tunelling (i.e. nPortOutput is an output port). If 0x0, the component |
| specified in hInput will have it's port specified in nPortInput |
| setup for communication with the application / IL client. |
| @param [in] nPortOutput |
| nPortOutput is used to select the source port on component to be |
| used in the tunnel. |
| @param [in] hInput |
| This is the component to setup the tunnel with. This is the handle |
| of the component whose port, specified in the nPortInput parameter |
| will be used the destination for the tunnel. This is the component handle |
| returned by the call to the OMX_GetHandle function. There is a |
| requirement that hInput be the destination for the data when |
| tunelling (i.e. nPortInut is an input port). If 0x0, the component |
| specified in hOutput will have it's port specified in nPortPOutput |
| setup for communication with the application / IL client. |
| @param [in] nPortInput |
| nPortInput is used to select the destination port on component to be |
| used in the tunnel. |
| @return OMX_ERRORTYPE |
| If the command successfully executes, the return code will be |
| OMX_ErrorNone. Otherwise the appropriate OMX error will be returned. |
| When OMX_ErrorNotImplemented is returned, one or both components is |
| a non-interop component and does not support tunneling. |
| |
| On failure, the ports of both components are setup for communication |
| with the application / IL Client. |
| @ingroup core tun |
| */ |
| OMX_IN OMX_U32 nPortOutput, |
| OMX_IN OMX_U32 nPortInput); |
| |
| /** @ingroup cp */ |
| |
| /** The OMX_GetComponentsOfRole method will return the number of components that support the given |
| role and (if the compNames field is non-NULL) the names of those components. The call will fail if |
| an insufficiently sized array of names is supplied. To ensure the array is sufficiently sized the |
| client should: |
| * first call this function with the compNames field NULL to determine the number of component names |
| * second call this function with the compNames field pointing to an array of names allocated |
| according to the number returned by the first call. |
| |
| The core should return from this call within 5 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] role |
| This is generic standard component name consisting only of component class |
| name and the type within that class (e.g. 'audio_decoder.aac'). |
| @param [inout] pNumComps |
| This is used both as input and output. |
| |
| If compNames is NULL, the input is ignored and the output specifies how many components support |
| the given role. |
| |
| If compNames is not NULL, on input it bounds the size of the input structure and |
| on output, it specifies the number of components string names listed within the compNames parameter. |
| @param [inout] compNames |
| If NULL this field is ignored. If non-NULL this points to an array of 128-byte strings which accepts |
| a list of the names of all physical components that implement the specified standard component name. |
| Each name is NULL terminated. numComps indicates the number of names. |
| @ingroup core |
| */ |
| OMX_API OMX_ERRORTYPE OMX_GetComponentsOfRole ( |
| OMX_INOUT OMX_U32 *pNumComps, |
| OMX_INOUT OMX_U8 **compNames); |
| |
| /** The OMX_GetRolesOfComponent method will return the number of roles supported by the given |
| component and (if the roles field is non-NULL) the names of those roles. The call will fail if |
| an insufficiently sized array of names is supplied. To ensure the array is sufficiently sized the |
| client should: |
| * first call this function with the roles field NULL to determine the number of role names |
| * second call this function with the roles field pointing to an array of names allocated |
| according to the number returned by the first call. |
| |
| The core should return from this call within 5 msec. |
| |
| @param [in] compName |
| This is the name of the component being queried about. |
| @param [inout] pNumRoles |
| This is used both as input and output. |
| |
| If roles is NULL, the input is ignored and the output specifies how many roles the component supports. |
| |
| If compNames is not NULL, on input it bounds the size of the input structure and |
| on output, it specifies the number of roles string names listed within the roles parameter. |
| @param [out] roles |
| If NULL this field is ignored. If non-NULL this points to an array of 128-byte strings |
| which accepts a list of the names of all standard components roles implemented on the |
| specified component name. numComps indicates the number of names. |
| @ingroup core |
| */ |
| OMX_API OMX_ERRORTYPE OMX_GetRolesOfComponent ( |
| OMX_IN OMX_STRING compName, |
| OMX_INOUT OMX_U32 *pNumRoles, |
| OMX_OUT OMX_U8 **roles); |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| } |
| #endif /* __cplusplus */ |
| |
| #endif |
| /* File EOF */ |
| |