blob: b05a94d9707fbfe1c44e2dd5dc99bb97864f9a8a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "OptimalLineBreaker.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "minikin/Characters.h"
#include "minikin/Layout.h"
#include "minikin/Range.h"
#include "minikin/U16StringPiece.h"
#include "HyphenatorMap.h"
#include "LayoutUtils.h"
#include "LineBreakerUtil.h"
#include "Locale.h"
#include "LocaleListCache.h"
#include "MinikinInternal.h"
#include "WordBreaker.h"
namespace minikin {
namespace {
// Large scores in a hierarchy; we prefer desperate breaks to an overfull line. All these
// constants are larger than any reasonable actual width score.
constexpr float SCORE_INFTY = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
constexpr float SCORE_OVERFULL = 1e12f;
constexpr float SCORE_DESPERATE = 1e10f;
// Multiplier for hyphen penalty on last line.
constexpr float LAST_LINE_PENALTY_MULTIPLIER = 4.0f;
// Penalty assigned to each line break (to try to minimize number of lines)
// TODO: when we implement full justification (so spaces can shrink and stretch), this is
// probably not the most appropriate method.
constexpr float LINE_PENALTY_MULTIPLIER = 2.0f;
// Penalty assigned to shrinking the whitepsace.
constexpr float SHRINK_PENALTY_MULTIPLIER = 4.0f;
// Maximum amount that spaces can shrink, in justified text.
constexpr float SHRINKABILITY = 1.0 / 3.0;
// A single candidate break
struct Candidate {
uint32_t offset; // offset to text buffer, in code units
ParaWidth preBreak; // width of text until this point, if we decide to not break here:
// preBreak is used as an optimized way to calculate the width
// between two candidates. The line width between two line break
// candidates i and j is calculated as postBreak(j) - preBreak(i).
ParaWidth postBreak; // width of text until this point, if we decide to break here
float penalty; // penalty of this break (for example, hyphen penalty)
uint32_t preSpaceCount; // preceding space count before breaking
uint32_t postSpaceCount; // preceding space count after breaking
HyphenationType hyphenType;
bool isRtl; // The direction of the bidi run containing or ending in this candidate
Candidate(uint32_t offset, ParaWidth preBreak, ParaWidth postBreak, float penalty,
uint32_t preSpaceCount, uint32_t postSpaceCount, HyphenationType hyphenType,
bool isRtl)
: offset(offset),
isRtl(isRtl) {}
// A context of line break optimization.
struct OptimizeContext {
// The break candidates.
std::vector<Candidate> candidates;
// The penalty for the number of lines.
float linePenalty = 0.0f;
// The width of a space. May be 0 if there are no spaces.
// Note: if there are multiple different widths for spaces (for example, because of mixing of
// fonts), it's only guaranteed to pick one.
float spaceWidth = 0.0f;
// Append desperate break point to the candidates.
inline void pushDesperate(uint32_t offset, ParaWidth sumOfCharWidths, uint32_t spaceCount,
bool isRtl) {
candidates.emplace_back(offset, sumOfCharWidths, sumOfCharWidths, SCORE_DESPERATE,
spaceCount, spaceCount,
HyphenationType::BREAK_AND_DONT_INSERT_HYPHEN, isRtl);
// Append hyphenation break point to the candidates.
inline void pushHyphenation(uint32_t offset, ParaWidth preBreak, ParaWidth postBreak,
float penalty, uint32_t spaceCount, HyphenationType type,
bool isRtl) {
candidates.emplace_back(offset, preBreak, postBreak, penalty, spaceCount, spaceCount, type,
// Append word break point to the candidates.
inline void pushWordBreak(uint32_t offset, ParaWidth preBreak, ParaWidth postBreak,
float penalty, uint32_t preSpaceCount, uint32_t postSpaceCount,
bool isRtl) {
candidates.emplace_back(offset, preBreak, postBreak, penalty, preSpaceCount, postSpaceCount,
HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, isRtl);
OptimizeContext() {
candidates.emplace_back(0, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0, 0, HyphenationType::DONT_BREAK, false);
// Compute the penalty for the run and returns penalty for hyphenation and number of lines.
std::pair<float, float> computePenalties(const Run& run, const LineWidth& lineWidth,
HyphenationFrequency frequency, bool justified) {
float linePenalty = 0.0;
const MinikinPaint* paint = run.getPaint();
// a heuristic that seems to perform well
float hyphenPenalty = 0.5 * paint->size * paint->scaleX * lineWidth.getAt(0);
if (frequency == HyphenationFrequency::Normal) {
hyphenPenalty *= 4.0; // TODO: Replace with a better value after some testing
if (justified) {
// Make hyphenation more aggressive for fully justified text (so that "normal" in
// justified mode is the same as "full" in ragged-right).
hyphenPenalty *= 0.25;
} else {
// Line penalty is zero for justified text.
linePenalty = hyphenPenalty * LINE_PENALTY_MULTIPLIER;
return std::make_pair(hyphenPenalty, linePenalty);
// Represents a desperate break point.
struct DesperateBreak {
// The break offset.
uint32_t offset;
// The sum of the character width from the beginning of the word.
ParaWidth sumOfChars;
DesperateBreak(uint32_t offset, ParaWidth sumOfChars)
: offset(offset), sumOfChars(sumOfChars){};
// Retrieves desperate break points from a word.
std::vector<DesperateBreak> populateDesperatePoints(const MeasuredText& measured,
const Range& range) {
std::vector<DesperateBreak> out;
ParaWidth width = measured.widths[range.getStart()];
for (uint32_t i = range.getStart() + 1; i < range.getEnd(); ++i) {
const float w = measured.widths[i];
if (w == 0) {
continue; // w == 0 means here is not a grapheme bounds. Don't break here.
out.emplace_back(i, width);
width += w;
return out;
// Append hyphenation break points and desperate break points.
// If an offset is a both candidate for hyphenation and desperate break points, place desperate
// break candidate first and hyphenation break points second since the result width of the desperate
// break is shorter than hyphenation break.
// This is important since DP in computeBreaksOptimal assumes that the result line width is
// increased by break offset.
void appendWithMerging(std::vector<HyphenBreak>::const_iterator hyIter,
std::vector<HyphenBreak>::const_iterator endHyIter,
const std::vector<DesperateBreak>& desperates, const CharProcessor& proc,
float hyphenPenalty, bool isRtl, OptimizeContext* out) {
auto d = desperates.begin();
while (hyIter != endHyIter || d != desperates.end()) {
// If both hyphen breaks and desperate breaks point to the same offset, push desperate
// breaks first.
if (d != desperates.end() && (hyIter == endHyIter || d->offset <= hyIter->offset)) {
out->pushDesperate(d->offset, proc.sumOfCharWidthsAtPrevWordBreak + d->sumOfChars,
proc.effectiveSpaceCount, isRtl);
} else {
out->pushHyphenation(hyIter->offset, proc.sumOfCharWidths - hyIter->second,
proc.sumOfCharWidthsAtPrevWordBreak + hyIter->first, hyphenPenalty,
proc.effectiveSpaceCount, hyIter->type, isRtl);
// Enumerate all line break candidates.
OptimizeContext populateCandidates(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const MeasuredText& measured,
const LineWidth& lineWidth, HyphenationFrequency frequency,
bool isJustified) {
const ParaWidth minLineWidth = lineWidth.getMin();
CharProcessor proc(textBuf);
OptimizeContext result;
const bool doHyphenation = frequency != HyphenationFrequency::None;
auto hyIter = std::begin(measured.hyphenBreaks);
for (const auto& run : measured.runs) {
const bool isRtl = run->isRtl();
const Range& range = run->getRange();
// Compute penalty parameters.
float hyphenPenalty = 0.0f;
if (run->canBreak()) {
auto penalties = computePenalties(*run, lineWidth, frequency, isJustified);
hyphenPenalty = penalties.first;
result.linePenalty = std::max(penalties.second, result.linePenalty);
for (uint32_t i = range.getStart(); i < range.getEnd(); ++i) {
MINIKIN_ASSERT(textBuf[i] != CHAR_TAB, "TAB is not supported in optimal line breaker");
// Even if the run is not a candidate of line break, treat the end of run as the line
// break candidate.
const bool canBreak = run->canBreak() || (i + 1) == range.getEnd();
proc.feedChar(i, textBuf[i], measured.widths[i], canBreak);
const uint32_t nextCharOffset = i + 1;
if (nextCharOffset != proc.nextWordBreak) {
continue; // Wait until word break point.
// Add hyphenation and desperate break points.
std::vector<HyphenBreak> hyphenedBreaks;
std::vector<DesperateBreak> desperateBreaks;
const Range contextRange = proc.contextRange();
auto beginHyIter = hyIter;
while (hyIter != std::end(measured.hyphenBreaks) &&
hyIter->offset < contextRange.getEnd()) {
if (proc.widthFromLastWordBreak() > minLineWidth) {
desperateBreaks = populateDesperatePoints(measured, contextRange);
appendWithMerging(beginHyIter, doHyphenation ? hyIter : beginHyIter, desperateBreaks,
proc, hyphenPenalty, isRtl, &result);
// We skip breaks for zero-width characters inside replacement spans.
if (run->getPaint() != nullptr || nextCharOffset == range.getEnd() ||
measured.widths[nextCharOffset] > 0) {
const float penalty = hyphenPenalty * proc.wordBreakPenalty();
result.pushWordBreak(nextCharOffset, proc.sumOfCharWidths, proc.effectiveWidth,
penalty, proc.rawSpaceCount, proc.effectiveSpaceCount, isRtl);
result.spaceWidth = proc.spaceWidth;
return result;
class LineBreakOptimizer {
LineBreakOptimizer() {}
LineBreakResult computeBreaks(const OptimizeContext& context, const U16StringPiece& textBuf,
const MeasuredText& measuredText, const LineWidth& lineWidth,
BreakStrategy strategy, bool justified);
// Data used to compute optimal line breaks
struct OptimalBreaksData {
float score; // best score found for this break
uint32_t prev; // index to previous break
uint32_t lineNumber; // the computed line number of the candidate
LineBreakResult finishBreaksOptimal(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const MeasuredText& measured,
const std::vector<OptimalBreaksData>& breaksData,
const std::vector<Candidate>& candidates);
// Follow "prev" links in candidates array, and copy to result arrays.
LineBreakResult LineBreakOptimizer::finishBreaksOptimal(
const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const MeasuredText& measured,
const std::vector<OptimalBreaksData>& breaksData,
const std::vector<Candidate>& candidates) {
LineBreakResult result;
const uint32_t nCand = candidates.size();
uint32_t prevIndex;
for (uint32_t i = nCand - 1; i > 0; i = prevIndex) {
prevIndex = breaksData[i].prev;
const Candidate& cand = candidates[i];
const Candidate& prev = candidates[prevIndex];
result.widths.push_back(cand.postBreak - prev.preBreak);
MinikinExtent extent = measured.getExtent(textBuf, Range(prev.offset, cand.offset));
const HyphenEdit edit =
packHyphenEdit(editForNextLine(prev.hyphenType), editForThisLine(cand.hyphenType));
return result;
LineBreakResult LineBreakOptimizer::computeBreaks(const OptimizeContext& context,
const U16StringPiece& textBuf,
const MeasuredText& measured,
const LineWidth& lineWidth,
BreakStrategy strategy, bool justified) {
const std::vector<Candidate>& candidates = context.candidates;
uint32_t active = 0;
const uint32_t nCand = candidates.size();
const float maxShrink = justified ? SHRINKABILITY * context.spaceWidth : 0.0f;
std::vector<OptimalBreaksData> breaksData;
breaksData.push_back({0.0, 0, 0}); // The first candidate is always at the first line.
// "i" iterates through candidates for the end of the line.
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < nCand; i++) {
const bool atEnd = i == nCand - 1;
float best = SCORE_INFTY;
uint32_t bestPrev = 0;
uint32_t lineNumberLast = breaksData[active].lineNumber;
float width = lineWidth.getAt(lineNumberLast);
ParaWidth leftEdge = candidates[i].postBreak - width;
float bestHope = 0;
// "j" iterates through candidates for the beginning of the line.
for (uint32_t j = active; j < i; j++) {
const uint32_t lineNumber = breaksData[j].lineNumber;
if (lineNumber != lineNumberLast) {
const float widthNew = lineWidth.getAt(lineNumber);
if (widthNew != width) {
leftEdge = candidates[i].postBreak - width;
bestHope = 0;
width = widthNew;
lineNumberLast = lineNumber;
const float jScore = breaksData[j].score;
if (jScore + bestHope >= best) continue;
const float delta = candidates[j].preBreak - leftEdge;
// compute width score for line
// Note: the "bestHope" optimization makes the assumption that, when delta is
// non-negative, widthScore will increase monotonically as successive candidate
// breaks are considered.
float widthScore = 0.0f;
float additionalPenalty = 0.0f;
if ((atEnd || !justified) && delta < 0) {
widthScore = SCORE_OVERFULL;
} else if (atEnd && strategy != BreakStrategy::Balanced) {
// increase penalty for hyphen on last line
additionalPenalty = LAST_LINE_PENALTY_MULTIPLIER * candidates[j].penalty;
} else {
widthScore = delta * delta;
if (delta < 0) {
if (-delta <
maxShrink * (candidates[i].postSpaceCount - candidates[j].preSpaceCount)) {
} else {
widthScore = SCORE_OVERFULL;
if (delta < 0) {
active = j + 1;
} else {
bestHope = widthScore;
const float score = jScore + widthScore + additionalPenalty;
if (score <= best) {
best = score;
bestPrev = j;
breaksData.push_back({best + candidates[i].penalty + context.linePenalty, // score
bestPrev, // prev
breaksData[bestPrev].lineNumber + 1}); // lineNumber
return finishBreaksOptimal(textBuf, measured, breaksData, candidates);
} // namespace
LineBreakResult breakLineOptimal(const U16StringPiece& textBuf, const MeasuredText& measured,
const LineWidth& lineWidth, BreakStrategy strategy,
HyphenationFrequency frequency, bool justified) {
if (textBuf.size() == 0) {
return LineBreakResult();
const OptimizeContext context =
populateCandidates(textBuf, measured, lineWidth, frequency, justified);
LineBreakOptimizer optimizer;
return optimizer.computeBreaks(context, textBuf, measured, lineWidth, strategy, justified);
} // namespace minikin