Don't include trailing newline in width for line breaking

In a paragraph with a trailing newline, the width of the newline
character was included in the line width for breaking purposes,
basically as if it were a non-breaking space. This caused a
discrepancy, where Layout.getDesiredWidth() suggested that the text
would fit in a single line, but StaticLayout would break it because of
the added width of the newline character.

The proposed fix is simply to consider newline to be a space that
disappears at the end of a line.

Bug: 20152308
Change-Id: I539574c5b8ea892c8ed6aca6c59e90ccdf74a680
1 file changed
tree: bf75c1b6b534d1fca4a517d5c35374176a73623f
  1. include/
  2. libs/
  3. sample/