Precompute full hyphenation layout

The previous offset based computation doesn't work well for some cases,
e.g. the final text for drawing may be a substring of the original
string. The offset based matching doesn't work well for such case.

This CL changes
- Store the layout results during measuring hyphenation pieces.
- Change the LayoutPiece key from offset to string.
- This CL increases the heap usage about 23kb for 500 characters text.

This changes the performance behaviors.

    MemoryUsage_Hyphenation                      :     28,448 ->     51,836: (+82.2%)
    MemoryUsage_Hyphenation_WidthOnly            :      8,856 ->      8,856: (+0.0%)
    MemoryUsage_NoHyphenation                    :     27,592 ->     26,386: (-4.4%)
    MemoryUsage_NoHyphenation_WidthOnly          :      8,000 ->      8,000: (+0.0%)

    create_NoStyled_Hyphenation                  : 17,162,475 -> 17,695,377: (+3.1%)
    create_NoStyled_Hyphenation_WidthOnly        : 17,044,784 -> 17,677,423: (+3.7%)
    create_NoStyled_NoHyphenation                :  7,108,911 ->  7,021,486: (-1.2%)
    create_NoStyled_NoHyphenation_WidthOnly      :  7,102,481 ->  7,045,453: (-0.8%)
    create_Styled_Hyphenation                    : 12,394,607 -> 12,090,933: (-2.5%)
    create_Styled_Hyphenation_WidthOnly          : 12,297,095 -> 12,105,491: (-1.6%)
    create_Styled_NoHyphenation                  : 11,886,364 -> 11,835,249: (-0.4%)
    create_Styled_NoHyphenation_WidthOnly        : 12,018,548 -> 11,871,765: (-1.2%)

    create_RandomText_Thread_1                   :  7,051,921 ->  6,998,143: (-0.8%)
    create_RandomText_Thread_2                   :  7,112,819 ->  7,032,146: (-1.1%)
    create_RandomText_Thread_4                   :  7,843,295 ->  7,860,874: (+0.2%)

    create_PrecomputedText_Balanced_Hyphenation  :    703,563 ->    709,839: (+0.9%)
    create_PrecomputedText_Balanced_NoHyphenation:    523,437 ->    527,671: (+0.8%)
    create_PrecomputedText_Greedy_Hyphenation    :    470,881 ->    477,259: (+1.4%)
    create_PrecomputedText_Greedy_NoHyphenation  :    471,487 ->    479,772: (+1.8%)
    create_RandomText_Balanced_Hyphenation       : 17,166,857 -> 17,123,681: (-0.3%)
    create_RandomText_Balanced_NoHyphenation     :  7,107,289 ->  7,040,572: (-0.9%)
    create_RandomText_Greedy_Hyphenation         :  7,055,902 ->  7,000,681: (-0.8%)
    create_RandomText_Greedy_NoHyphenation       :  7,032,325 ->  6,997,115: (-0.5%)
    draw_PrecomputedText_NoStyled                :    527,505 ->    543,623: (+3.1%)
    draw_PrecomputedText_NoStyled_WithoutCache   :    526,084 ->    564,742: (+7.3%)
    draw_PrecomputedText_Styled                  :    880,951 ->    838,581: (-4.8%)
    draw_PrecomputedText_Styled_WithoutCache     :    874,259 ->    826,775: (-5.4%)
    draw_RandomText_NoStyled                     :    549,637 ->    538,162: (-2.1%)
    draw_RandomText_NoStyled_WithoutCache        :  6,449,481 ->  6,401,486: (-0.7%)
    draw_RandomText_Styled                       :  1,001,350 ->  1,024,683: (+2.3%)
    draw_RandomText_Styled_WithoutCache          :  2,759,161 ->  2,733,204: (-0.9%)

    newLayout_PrecomputedText                    :    738,105 ->    736,130: (-0.3%)
    newLayout_PrecomputedText_Selectable         : 17,410,426 -> 17,379,765: (-0.2%)
    newLayout_RandomText                         : 16,565,334 -> 16,495,200: (-0.4%)
    newLayout_RandomText_Selectable              : 17,607,671 -> 17,482,439: (-0.7%)
    onDraw_PrecomputedText                       :  2,371,858 ->  1,274,921: (-46.2%)
    onDraw_PrecomputedText_Selectable            : 17,493,221 -> 17,367,238: (-0.7%)
    onDraw_RandomText                            : 17,349,102 -> 17,224,949: (-0.7%)
    onDraw_RandomText_Selectable                 : 18,107,851 -> 18,067,397: (-0.2%)
    onMeasure_PrecomputedText                    :    756,229 ->    752,875: (-0.4%)
    onMeasure_PrecomputedText_Selectable         : 17,725,005 -> 17,647,842: (-0.4%)
    onMeasure_RandomText                         : 16,636,892 -> 16,435,649: (-1.2%)
    onMeasure_RandomText_Selectable              : 17,866,544 -> 17,724,819: (-0.8%)
    setText_PrecomputedText                      :     90,499 ->     92,894: (+2.6%)
    setText_PrecomputedText_Selectable           :    146,906 ->    145,134: (-1.2%)
    setText_RandomText                           :     11,251 ->     11,130: (-1.1%)
    setText_RandomText_Selectable                :     48,745 ->     48,900: (+0.3%)

Bug: 72998298
Test: atest CtsWidgetTestCases:EditTextTest
    FrameworksCoreTests:TextViewTest FrameworksCoreTests:TypefaceTest
    CtsGraphicsTestCases:TypefaceTest CtsWidgetTestCases:TextViewTest
    CtsTextTestCases FrameworksCoreTests:android.text
Test: minikin_tests
Change-Id: I2290d7e06d9e2f4bc13f60246ce66ba1c1785cdd
10 files changed
tree: c716e2dea685a0af75bb0f780f66883f1ed8e39c
  1. app/
  2. doc/
  3. include/
  4. libs/
  5. tests/
  6. tools/
  7. .clang-format
  8. Android.bp
  9. PREUPLOAD.cfg