blob: 59257b8b823287b345b7c5d75fb1f20533b6495b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/personality.h>
#include <sys/utsname.h>
namespace android {
namespace bpf {
#define KVER(a, b, c) (((a) << 24) + ((b) << 16) + (c))
static inline unsigned uncachedKernelVersion() {
struct utsname buf;
if (uname(&buf)) return 0;
unsigned kver_major = 0;
unsigned kver_minor = 0;
unsigned kver_sub = 0;
(void)sscanf(buf.release, "%u.%u.%u", &kver_major, &kver_minor, &kver_sub);
return KVER(kver_major, kver_minor, kver_sub);
static inline unsigned kernelVersion() {
static unsigned kver = uncachedKernelVersion();
return kver;
static inline __unused bool isAtLeastKernelVersion(unsigned major, unsigned minor, unsigned sub) {
return kernelVersion() >= KVER(major, minor, sub);
// Figure out the bitness of userspace.
// Trivial and known at compile time.
static constexpr bool isUserspace32bit() {
return sizeof(void*) == 4;
static constexpr bool isUserspace64bit() {
return sizeof(void*) == 8;
#if defined(__LP64__)
static_assert(isUserspace64bit(), "huh? LP64 must have 64-bit userspace");
#elif defined(__ILP32__)
static_assert(isUserspace32bit(), "huh? ILP32 must have 32-bit userspace");
#error "huh? must be either LP64 (64-bit userspace) or ILP32 (32-bit userspace)"
static_assert(isUserspace32bit() || isUserspace64bit(), "must be either 32 or 64 bit");
// Figure out the bitness of the kernel.
static inline bool isKernel64Bit() {
// a 64-bit userspace requires a 64-bit kernel
if (isUserspace64bit()) return true;
static bool init = false;
static bool cache = false;
if (init) return cache;
// Retrieve current personality - on Linux this system call *cannot* fail.
int p = personality(0xffffffff);
// But if it does just assume kernel and userspace (which is 32-bit) match...
if (p == -1) return false;
// This will effectively mask out the bottom 8 bits, and switch to 'native'
// personality, and then return the previous personality of this thread
// (likely PER_LINUX or PER_LINUX32) with any extra options unmodified.
int q = personality((p & ~PER_MASK) | PER_LINUX);
// Per man page this theoretically could error out with EINVAL,
// but kernel code analysis suggests setting PER_LINUX cannot fail.
// Either way, assume kernel and userspace (which is 32-bit) match...
if (q != p) return false;
struct utsname u;
(void)uname(&u); // only possible failure is EFAULT, but u is on stack.
// Switch back to previous personality.
// Theoretically could fail with EINVAL on arm64 with no 32-bit support,
// but then we wouldn't have fetched 'p' from the kernel in the first place.
// Either way there's nothing meaningful we can do in case of error.
// Since PER_LINUX32 vs PER_LINUX only affects uname.machine it doesn't
// really hurt us either. We're really just switching back to be 'clean'.
// Possible values of utsname.machine observed on x86_64 desktop (arm via qemu):
// x86_64 i686 aarch64 armv7l
// additionally observed on arm device:
// armv8l
// presumably also might just be possible:
// i386 i486 i586
// and there might be other weird arm32 cases.
// We note that the 64 is present in both 64-bit archs,
// and in general is likely to be present in only 64-bit archs.
cache = !!strstr(u.machine, "64");
init = true;
return cache;
static inline __unused bool isKernel32Bit() {
return !isKernel64Bit();
static constexpr bool isArm() {
#if defined(__arm__)
static_assert(isUserspace32bit(), "huh? arm must be 32 bit");
return true;
#elif defined(__aarch64__)
static_assert(isUserspace64bit(), "aarch64 must be LP64 - no support for ILP32");
return true;
return false;
static constexpr bool isX86() {
#if defined(__i386__)
static_assert(isUserspace32bit(), "huh? i386 must be 32 bit");
return true;
#elif defined(__x86_64__)
static_assert(isUserspace64bit(), "x86_64 must be LP64 - no support for ILP32 (x32)");
return true;
return false;
static constexpr bool isRiscV() {
#if defined(__riscv)
static_assert(isUserspace64bit(), "riscv must be 64 bit");
return true;
return false;
static_assert(isArm() || isX86() || isRiscV(), "Unknown architecture");
static __unused const char * describeArch() {
// ordered so as to make it easier to compile time optimize,
// only thing not known at compile time is isKernel64Bit()
if (isUserspace64bit()) {
if (isArm()) return "64-on-aarch64";
if (isX86()) return "64-on-x86-64";
if (isRiscV()) return "64-on-riscv64";
} else if (isKernel64Bit()) {
if (isArm()) return "32-on-aarch64";
if (isX86()) return "32-on-x86-64";
} else {
if (isArm()) return "32-on-arm32";
if (isX86()) return "32-on-x86-32";
} // namespace bpf
} // namespace android