tree: 62153606503444b9634fb39decfb2f19ef5ee3b8 [path history] [tgz]
  1. common/
  2. receiver/
  3. sender/
  4. MediaTttCommandLineHelper.kt
  5. MediaTttFlags.kt

Media Tap-To-Transfer


This package (and child packages) include code for the media tap-to-transfer feature, which allows users to easily transfer playing media between devices.

In media transfer, there are two devices: the sender and the receiver. The sender device will start and stop media casts to the receiver device. On both devices, System UI will display a chip informing the user about the media cast occurring.

Important: System UI is not responsible for performing the media transfer. System UI only displays an informational chip; external clients are responsible for performing the media transfer and informing System UI about the transfer status.

Information flow

External clients notify System UI about the transfer status by calling @SystemApis in StatusBarManager. For the sender device, use the updateMediaTapToTransferSenderDisplay API; for the receiver, use the updateMediaTapToTransferReceiverDisplay API. The APIs eventually flow into SystemUI's CommandQueue, which then notifies callbacks about the new state. MediaTttChipControllerSender implements the sender callback, and MediaTttChipControllerReceiver implements the receiver callback. These controllers will then show or hide the tap-to-transfer chip (depending on what information was sent in the API).


This package is structured so that the sender code is in the sender package, the receiver code is in the receiver package, and code that's shared between them is in the common package.

  • The ChipStateSender and ChipStateReceiver classes are enums that describe all the possible transfer states (transfer started, transfer succeeded, etc.) and include relevant parameters for each state.
  • The ChipSenderInfo and ChipReceiverInfo classes are simple data classes that contain all the information needed to display a chip. They include the transfer state, information about the media being transferred, etc.
  • The MediaTttChipControllerSender and MediaTttChipControllerReceiver classes are responsible for showing or hiding the chip and updating the chip view based on information from the ChipInfo. MediaTttChipControllerCommon has all the common logic for adding and removing the view to the window and also includes any display logic that can be shared between the sender and receiver. The sender and receiver controller subclasses have the display logic that's specific to just the sender or just the receiver.


If you want to test out the tap-to-transfer chip without using the @SystemApis, you can use adb commands instead. Refer to MediaTttCommandLineHelper for information about adb commands.

TODO(b/245610654): Update this page once the chipbar migration is complete.