blob: 0f8bd1368f5a3297f618955dbcb79b32b5ec2057 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <GrDirectContext.h>
#include <Properties.h>
#include <SkData.h>
#include <SkRefCnt.h>
#include <cutils/properties.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include "FileBlobCache.h"
#include "pipeline/skia/ShaderCache.h"
#include "tests/common/TestUtils.h"
using namespace android::uirenderer::skiapipeline;
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
namespace skiapipeline {
class ShaderCacheTestUtils {
* Hack to reset all member variables of the given cache to their default / initial values.
* WARNING: this must be kept up to date manually, since ShaderCache's parent disables just
* reassigning a new instance.
static void reinitializeAllFields(ShaderCache& cache) {
ShaderCache newCache = ShaderCache();
std::lock_guard lock(cache.mMutex), newLock(newCache.mMutex);
// By order of declaration
cache.mInitialized = newCache.mInitialized;
cache.mFilename = newCache.mFilename;
cache.mSavePending = newCache.mSavePending;
cache.mObservedBlobValueSize = newCache.mObservedBlobValueSize;
cache.mDeferredSaveDelayMs = newCache.mDeferredSaveDelayMs;
cache.mTryToStorePipelineCache = newCache.mTryToStorePipelineCache;
cache.mInStoreVkPipelineInProgress = newCache.mInStoreVkPipelineInProgress;
cache.mNewPipelineCacheSize = newCache.mNewPipelineCacheSize;
cache.mOldPipelineCacheSize = newCache.mOldPipelineCacheSize;
cache.mCacheDirty = newCache.mCacheDirty;
cache.mNumShadersCachedInRam = newCache.mNumShadersCachedInRam;
* "setSaveDelayMs" sets the time in milliseconds to wait before saving newly inserted cache
* entries. If set to 0, then deferred save is disabled, and "saveToDiskLocked" must be called
* manually, as seen in the "terminate" testing helper function.
static void setSaveDelayMs(ShaderCache& cache, unsigned int saveDelayMs) {
std::lock_guard lock(cache.mMutex);
cache.mDeferredSaveDelayMs = saveDelayMs;
* "terminate" optionally stores the BlobCache on disk and release all in-memory cache.
* Next call to "initShaderDiskCache" will load again the in-memory cache from disk.
static void terminate(ShaderCache& cache, bool saveContent) {
std::lock_guard lock(cache.mMutex);
if (saveContent) {
cache.mBlobCache = NULL;
template <typename T>
static bool validateCache(ShaderCache& cache, std::vector<T> hash) {
std::lock_guard lock(cache.mMutex);
return cache.validateCache(, hash.size() * sizeof(T));
* Waits until cache::mSavePending is false, checking every 0.1 ms *while the mutex is free*.
* Fails if there was no save pending, or if the cache was already being written to disk, or if
* timeoutMs is exceeded.
* Note: timeoutMs only guards against mSavePending getting stuck like in b/268205519, and
* cannot protect against mutex-based deadlock. Reaching timeoutMs implies something is broken,
* so setting it to a sufficiently large value will not delay execution in the happy state.
static void waitForPendingSave(ShaderCache& cache, const int timeoutMs = 50) {
std::lock_guard lock(cache.mMutex);
bool saving = true;
float elapsedMilliseconds = 0;
while (saving) {
if (elapsedMilliseconds >= timeoutMs) {
FAIL() << "Timed out after waiting " << timeoutMs << " ms for a pending save";
// This small (0.1 ms) delay is to avoid working too much while waiting for
// deferredSaveThread to take the mutex and start the disk write.
const int delayMicroseconds = 100;
elapsedMilliseconds += (float)delayMicroseconds / 1000;
std::lock_guard lock(cache.mMutex);
saving = cache.mSavePending;
} /* namespace skiapipeline */
} /* namespace uirenderer */
} /* namespace android */
namespace {
std::string getExternalStorageFolder() {
return getenv("EXTERNAL_STORAGE");
bool folderExist(const std::string& folderName) {
DIR* dir = opendir(folderName.c_str());
if (dir) {
return true;
return false;
* Attempts to delete the given file, and asserts that either:
* 1. Deletion was successful, OR
* 2. The file did not exist.
* Tip: wrap calls to this in ASSERT_NO_FATAL_FAILURE(x) if a test should exit early if this fails.
void deleteFileAssertSuccess(const std::string& filePath) {
int deleteResult = remove(filePath.c_str());
ASSERT_TRUE(0 == deleteResult || ENOENT == errno);
inline bool checkShader(const sk_sp<SkData>& shader1, const sk_sp<SkData>& shader2) {
return nullptr != shader1 && nullptr != shader2 && shader1->size() == shader2->size() &&
0 == memcmp(shader1->data(), shader2->data(), shader1->size());
inline bool checkShader(const sk_sp<SkData>& shader, const char* program) {
sk_sp<SkData> shader2 = SkData::MakeWithCString(program);
return checkShader(shader, shader2);
inline bool checkShader(const sk_sp<SkData>& shader, const std::string& program) {
return checkShader(shader, program.c_str());
template <typename T>
bool checkShader(const sk_sp<SkData>& shader, std::vector<T>& program) {
sk_sp<SkData> shader2 = SkData::MakeWithCopy(, program.size() * sizeof(T));
return checkShader(shader, shader2);
void setShader(sk_sp<SkData>& shader, const char* program) {
shader = SkData::MakeWithCString(program);
void setShader(sk_sp<SkData>& shader, const std::string& program) {
setShader(shader, program.c_str());
template <typename T>
void setShader(sk_sp<SkData>& shader, std::vector<T>& buffer) {
shader = SkData::MakeWithCopy(, buffer.size() * sizeof(T));
template <typename T>
void genRandomData(std::vector<T>& buffer) {
for (auto& data : buffer) {
data = T(std::rand());
#define GrProgramDescTest(a) (*SkData::MakeWithCString(#a).get())
TEST(ShaderCacheTest, testWriteAndRead) {
if (!folderExist(getExternalStorageFolder())) {
// don't run the test if external storage folder is not available
std::string cacheFile1 = getExternalStorageFolder() + "/shaderCacheTest1";
std::string cacheFile2 = getExternalStorageFolder() + "/shaderCacheTest2";
// remove any test files from previous test run
// read the cache from a file that does not exist
ShaderCacheTestUtils::setSaveDelayMs(ShaderCache::get(), 0); // disable deferred save
// read a key - should not be found since the cache is empty
sk_sp<SkData> outVS;
ASSERT_EQ(ShaderCache::get().load(GrProgramDescTest(432)), sk_sp<SkData>());
// write to the in-memory cache without storing on disk and verify we read the same values
sk_sp<SkData> inVS;
setShader(inVS, "sassas");
ShaderCache::get().store(GrProgramDescTest(100), *inVS.get(), SkString());
setShader(inVS, "someVS");
ShaderCache::get().store(GrProgramDescTest(432), *inVS.get(), SkString());
ASSERT_NE((outVS = ShaderCache::get().load(GrProgramDescTest(100))), sk_sp<SkData>());
ASSERT_TRUE(checkShader(outVS, "sassas"));
ASSERT_NE((outVS = ShaderCache::get().load(GrProgramDescTest(432))), sk_sp<SkData>());
ASSERT_TRUE(checkShader(outVS, "someVS"));
// store content to disk and release in-memory cache
ShaderCacheTestUtils::terminate(ShaderCache::get(), true);
// change to a file that does not exist and verify load fails
ASSERT_EQ(ShaderCache::get().load(GrProgramDescTest(432)), sk_sp<SkData>());
ShaderCacheTestUtils::terminate(ShaderCache::get(), false);
// load again content from disk from an existing file and check the data is read correctly
sk_sp<SkData> outVS2;
ASSERT_NE((outVS2 = ShaderCache::get().load(GrProgramDescTest(432))), sk_sp<SkData>());
ASSERT_TRUE(checkShader(outVS2, "someVS"));
// change data, store to disk, read back again and verify data has been changed
setShader(inVS, "ewData1");
ShaderCache::get().store(GrProgramDescTest(432), *inVS.get(), SkString());
ShaderCacheTestUtils::terminate(ShaderCache::get(), true);
ASSERT_NE((outVS2 = ShaderCache::get().load(GrProgramDescTest(432))), sk_sp<SkData>());
ASSERT_TRUE(checkShader(outVS2, "ewData1"));
// write and read big data chunk (50K)
size_t dataSize = 50 * 1024;
std::vector<uint8_t> dataBuffer(dataSize);
setShader(inVS, dataBuffer);
ShaderCache::get().store(GrProgramDescTest(432), *inVS.get(), SkString());
ShaderCacheTestUtils::terminate(ShaderCache::get(), true);
ASSERT_NE((outVS2 = ShaderCache::get().load(GrProgramDescTest(432))), sk_sp<SkData>());
ASSERT_TRUE(checkShader(outVS2, dataBuffer));
ShaderCacheTestUtils::terminate(ShaderCache::get(), false);
TEST(ShaderCacheTest, testCacheValidation) {
if (!folderExist(getExternalStorageFolder())) {
// don't run the test if external storage folder is not available
std::string cacheFile1 = getExternalStorageFolder() + "/shaderCacheTest1";
std::string cacheFile2 = getExternalStorageFolder() + "/shaderCacheTest2";
// remove any test files from previous test run
// generate identity and read the cache from a file that does not exist
ShaderCacheTestUtils::setSaveDelayMs(ShaderCache::get(), 0); // disable deferred save
std::vector<uint8_t> identity(1024);
ShaderCache::get().initShaderDiskCache(, identity.size() * sizeof(decltype(identity)::value_type));
// generate random content in cache and store to disk
constexpr size_t numBlob(10);
constexpr size_t keySize(1024);
constexpr size_t dataSize(50 * 1024);
std::vector<std::pair<sk_sp<SkData>, sk_sp<SkData>>> blobVec(numBlob);
for (auto& blob : blobVec) {
std::vector<uint8_t> keyBuffer(keySize);
std::vector<uint8_t> dataBuffer(dataSize);
sk_sp<SkData> key, data;
setShader(key, keyBuffer);
setShader(data, dataBuffer);
blob = std::make_pair(key, data);
ShaderCache::get().store(*key.get(), *data.get(), SkString());
ShaderCacheTestUtils::terminate(ShaderCache::get(), true);
// change to a file that does not exist and verify validation fails
ASSERT_FALSE(ShaderCacheTestUtils::validateCache(ShaderCache::get(), identity));
ShaderCacheTestUtils::terminate(ShaderCache::get(), false);
// restore the original file and verify validation succeeds
ShaderCache::get().initShaderDiskCache(, identity.size() * sizeof(decltype(identity)::value_type));
ASSERT_TRUE(ShaderCacheTestUtils::validateCache(ShaderCache::get(), identity));
for (const auto& blob : blobVec) {
auto outVS = ShaderCache::get().load(*blob.first.get());
ASSERT_TRUE(checkShader(outVS, blob.second));
// generate error identity and verify load fails
ShaderCache::get().initShaderDiskCache(, -1);
for (const auto& blob : blobVec) {
ASSERT_EQ(ShaderCache::get().load(*blob.first.get()), sk_sp<SkData>());
nullptr, identity.size() * sizeof(decltype(identity)::value_type));
for (const auto& blob : blobVec) {
ASSERT_EQ(ShaderCache::get().load(*blob.first.get()), sk_sp<SkData>());
// verify the cache validation again after load fails
ShaderCache::get().initShaderDiskCache(, identity.size() * sizeof(decltype(identity)::value_type));
ASSERT_TRUE(ShaderCacheTestUtils::validateCache(ShaderCache::get(), identity));
for (const auto& blob : blobVec) {
auto outVS = ShaderCache::get().load(*blob.first.get());
ASSERT_TRUE(checkShader(outVS, blob.second));
// generate another identity and verify load fails
for (auto& data : identity) {
data += std::rand();
ShaderCache::get().initShaderDiskCache(, identity.size() * sizeof(decltype(identity)::value_type));
for (const auto& blob : blobVec) {
ASSERT_EQ(ShaderCache::get().load(*blob.first.get()), sk_sp<SkData>());
ShaderCacheTestUtils::terminate(ShaderCache::get(), false);
using namespace android::uirenderer;
RENDERTHREAD_TEST(ShaderCacheTest, testOnVkFrameFlushed) {
if (Properties::getRenderPipelineType() != RenderPipelineType::SkiaVulkan) {
// RENDERTHREAD_TEST declares both SkiaVK and SkiaGL variants.
GTEST_SKIP() << "This test is only applicable to RenderPipelineType::SkiaVulkan";
if (!folderExist(getExternalStorageFolder())) {
// Don't run the test if external storage folder is not available
std::string cacheFile = getExternalStorageFolder() + "/shaderCacheTest";
GrDirectContext* grContext = renderThread.getGrContext();
// Remove any test files from previous test run
// The first iteration of this loop is to save an initial VkPipelineCache data blob to disk,
// which sets up the second iteration for a common scenario of comparing a "new" VkPipelineCache
// blob passed to "store" against the same blob that's already in the persistent cache from a
// previous launch. "reinitializeAllFields" is critical to emulate each iteration being as close
// to the state of a freshly launched app as possible, as the initial values of member variables
// like mInStoreVkPipelineInProgress and mOldPipelineCacheSize are critical to catch issues
// such as b/268205519
for (int flushIteration = 1; flushIteration <= 2; flushIteration++) {
SCOPED_TRACE("Frame flush iteration " + std::to_string(flushIteration));
// Reset *all* in-memory data and reload the cache from disk.
ShaderCacheTestUtils::setSaveDelayMs(ShaderCache::get(), 10); // Delay must be > 0 to save.
// 1st iteration: store pipeline data to be read back on a subsequent "boot" of the "app".
// 2nd iteration: ensure that an initial frame flush (without storing any shaders) given the
// same pipeline data that's already on disk doesn't break the cache.
constexpr char shader1[] = "sassas";
constexpr char shader2[] = "someVS";
constexpr int numIterations = 3;
// Also do n iterations of separate "store some shaders then flush the frame" pairs to just
// double-check the cache also doesn't get stuck from that use case.
for (int saveIteration = 1; saveIteration <= numIterations; saveIteration++) {
SCOPED_TRACE("Shader save iteration " + std::to_string(saveIteration));
// Write twice to the in-memory cache, which should start a deferred save with both queued.
sk_sp<SkData> inVS;
setShader(inVS, shader1 + std::to_string(saveIteration));
ShaderCache::get().store(GrProgramDescTest(100), *inVS.get(), SkString());
setShader(inVS, shader2 + std::to_string(saveIteration));
ShaderCache::get().store(GrProgramDescTest(432), *inVS.get(), SkString());
// Simulate flush to also save latest pipeline info.
// Reload from disk to ensure saving succeeded.
ShaderCacheTestUtils::terminate(ShaderCache::get(), false);
// Read twice, ensure equal to last store.
sk_sp<SkData> outVS;
ASSERT_NE((outVS = ShaderCache::get().load(GrProgramDescTest(100))), sk_sp<SkData>());
ASSERT_TRUE(checkShader(outVS, shader1 + std::to_string(numIterations)));
ASSERT_NE((outVS = ShaderCache::get().load(GrProgramDescTest(432))), sk_sp<SkData>());
ASSERT_TRUE(checkShader(outVS, shader2 + std::to_string(numIterations)));
// Clean up.
ShaderCacheTestUtils::terminate(ShaderCache::get(), false);
} // namespace