Load WebView even if WebView relro creation times out.

There are cases in which the WebView Update Service can stop switching
WebView providers (if the update service is notified about relro
creations an incorrect number of times) and in those cases apps will
fail to load WebView.

In this CL we mitigate this problem by allowing apps to load WebView
even if the time-out is reached and we also decrease the time-out so
apps are less likely to ANR when waiting for the time-out.

This CL does not prevent the update service from ending up in a bad
state - so we will still end up crashing apps if the current WebView
implementation is uninstalled after relro creation fails.

Bug: 28860862
Change-Id: Ib6af3722e17a13db77ef34c37581a6a0e1d045bb
2 files changed