Handle invalid data during job loading.

Catch exceptions that may be thrown if invalid data ended up in the
persisted job file.

Bug: 246541702
Bug: 246542132
Bug: 246542285
Bug: 246542330
Test: install test app with invalid job config, start app to schedule job, then reboot device
(cherry picked from commit c98fb42b480b3beedc2d94de6110f50212c4aa0b)
(cherry picked from https://googleplex-android-review.googlesource.com/q/commit:8c8d1c0dfe94f9431bc8094773b2998c9912a629)
Merged-In: Id0ceba345942baf21177f687b8dd85ef001c0a9e
Change-Id: Id0ceba345942baf21177f687b8dd85ef001c0a9e
1 file changed