Do not repeat ANR dialogs, except for "input" ANRs

The ANR dialog's behavior changed in
I4ca34bb8cc60bcde3ff571566553f44246d78ddc such that even if the user
presses "wait" on the ANR dialog, the dialog will re-appear unless the
app starts responding again.

However, the "stop the repeat" was only implemented for input ANRs,
so for other kinds of ANRs (e.g. the broadcast ANR), the dialog would
keep showing up even after the app starts behaving normally.

This change will change the behavior so that only input ANRs will
repeatedly show up.

Fix: 263182141
Test: Manual test: Make shore "short service" ANR dialog will not repeat
Test: Manual test: Make shore input ANR dialog will actually repeat
Test: atest FrameworksServicesTests:AnrHelperTest
Test: atest FrameworksServicesTests:ProcessRecordTests
Change-Id: Id9b34cef605a65ff29b5569e72945790695d7abf
6 files changed