implement browser history for tabbed search results...
this adds a parameter to the URL hash on all search queries.
the main motive is to allow searches from the blog to automatically open the blog tab.

Change-Id: Ib81896948e63e8173d521713496bb98065683ce7
diff --git a/docs/html/search.jd b/docs/html/search.jd
index defba30..838af03 100644
--- a/docs/html/search.jd
+++ b/docs/html/search.jd
@@ -1,99 +1,136 @@
 page.title=Search Results



-<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>

-<script src="{@docRoot}assets/jquery-history.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

-<script type="text/javascript">

-      google.load('search', '1');


-      function OnLoad() {

-        document.getElementById("search_autocomplete").style.color = "#000";


-        // create search control

-        searchControl = new;


-        // use our existing search form and use tabs when multiple searchers are used

-        drawOptions = new;

-        drawOptions.setDrawMode(;

-        drawOptions.setInput(document.getElementById("search_autocomplete"));


-        // configure search result options

-        searchOptions = new;

-        searchOptions.setExpandMode(GSearchControl.EXPAND_MODE_OPEN);


-        // configure each of the searchers, for each tab

-        devSiteSearcher = new;

-        devSiteSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("All Developers Site");

-        devSiteSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");


-        devGuideSearcher = new;

-        devGuideSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Dev Guide");

-        devGuideSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");


-        referenceSearcher = new;

-        referenceSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Reference");

-        referenceSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");


-        blogSearcher = new;

-        blogSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Blog");

-        blogSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");


-        groupsSearcher = new;

-        groupsSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Developer Groups");

-        groupsSearcher.setSiteRestriction("001283715400630100512:ggqrtvkztwm");


-        sourceSiteSearcher = new;

-        sourceSiteSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Android Source");

-        sourceSiteSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");


-        homeSiteSearcher = new;

-        homeSiteSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Android Home");

-        homeSiteSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");


-        // add each searcher to the search control

-        searchControl.addSearcher(devSiteSearcher, searchOptions);

-        searchControl.addSearcher(devGuideSearcher, searchOptions);

-        searchControl.addSearcher(referenceSearcher, searchOptions);

-        searchControl.addSearcher(groupsSearcher, searchOptions);

-        searchControl.addSearcher(sourceSiteSearcher, searchOptions);

-        searchControl.addSearcher(blogSearcher, searchOptions);


-        // configure result options

-        searchControl.setResultSetSize(;

-        searchControl.setLinkTarget(;

-        searchControl.setTimeoutInterval(;

-        searchControl.setNoResultsString(;


-        // upon ajax search, refresh the url and search title

-        searchControl.setSearchStartingCallback(this, function(control, searcher, query) {

-            $("#searchTitle").html("search results for <em>" + query + "</em>");

-            $.history.add('q=' + query); // add the current query to the browser history

-        });


-        // draw the search results box

-        searchControl.draw(document.getElementById("leftSearchControl"), drawOptions);


-        // execute a search upon page load, from url hash query

-        if (location.href.indexOf("#q=") != -1) {

-          url = location.href.split("#q=");

-          searchControl.execute(decodeURI(url[1]));

-        }

-        document.getElementById("search_autocomplete").focus();

-      }


-      google.setOnLoadCallback(OnLoad, true);


-      // when an event on the browser history occurs (back, forward, load) perform a search

-      $(window).history(function(e, hash) {

-        hashParts = hash.split('=');

-        searchControl.execute(decodeURI(hashParts[1]));

-        $("#searchTitle").html("search results for <em>" + decodeURI(hashParts[1]) + "</em>");

-      });


-      // forcefully regain key-up event control (previously jacked by search api)

-      $("#search_autocomplete").keyup(function(event) {

-        return search_changed(event, false, '/');

-      });

+<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
+<script src="/assets/jquery-history.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

+<script type="text/javascript">      
+      var tabIndex = 0;
+      google.load('search', '1');
+      function OnLoad() {
+        document.getElementById("search_autocomplete").style.color = "#000";
+        // create search control
+        searchControl = new;
+        // use our existing search form and use tabs when multiple searchers are used
+        drawOptions = new;
+        drawOptions.setDrawMode(;
+        drawOptions.setInput(document.getElementById("search_autocomplete"));
+        // configure search result options
+        searchOptions = new;
+        searchOptions.setExpandMode(GSearchControl.EXPAND_MODE_OPEN);
+        // configure each of the searchers, for each tab
+        devSiteSearcher = new;
+        devSiteSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("All Developers Site");
+        devSiteSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");
+        devGuideSearcher = new;
+        devGuideSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Dev Guide");
+        devGuideSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");
+        referenceSearcher = new;
+        referenceSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Reference");
+        referenceSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");
+        blogSearcher = new;
+        blogSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Blog");
+        blogSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");
+        groupsSearcher = new;
+        groupsSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Developer Groups");
+        groupsSearcher.setSiteRestriction("001283715400630100512:ggqrtvkztwm");
+        sourceSiteSearcher = new;
+        sourceSiteSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Android Source");
+        sourceSiteSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");
+        homeSiteSearcher = new;
+        homeSiteSearcher.setUserDefinedLabel("Android Home");
+        homeSiteSearcher.setSiteRestriction("");
+        // add each searcher to the search control
+        searchControl.addSearcher(devSiteSearcher, searchOptions);
+        searchControl.addSearcher(devGuideSearcher, searchOptions);
+        searchControl.addSearcher(referenceSearcher, searchOptions);
+        searchControl.addSearcher(groupsSearcher, searchOptions);
+        searchControl.addSearcher(sourceSiteSearcher, searchOptions);
+        searchControl.addSearcher(blogSearcher, searchOptions);
+        // configure result options
+        searchControl.setResultSetSize(;
+        searchControl.setLinkTarget(;
+        searchControl.setTimeoutInterval(;
+        searchControl.setNoResultsString(;
+        // upon ajax search, refresh the url and search title
+        searchControl.setSearchStartingCallback(this, function(control, searcher, query) {
+            // save the tab index from the hash
+            tabIndex = location.hash.split("&t=")[1];
+            $("#searchTitle").html("search results for <em>" + query + "</em>");
+            $.history.add('q=' + query + '&t=' + tabIndex);
+            openTab();
+        });
+        // draw the search results box
+        searchControl.draw(document.getElementById("leftSearchControl"), drawOptions);
+        // get query and execute the search
+        if (location.hash.indexOf("&t=") != -1) {
+          searchControl.execute(decodeURI(getQuery(location.hash)));
+        }
+        document.getElementById("search_autocomplete").focus();
+        addTabListeners();
+      }
+      // End of OnLoad
+      google.setOnLoadCallback(OnLoad, true);
+      // when an event on the browser history occurs (back, forward, load) perform a search
+      $(window).history(function(e, hash) {
+        var query = getQuery(hash);
+        searchControl.execute(query);
+        $("#searchTitle").html("search results for <em>" + decodeURI(query) + "</em>");
+      });
+      // forcefully regain key-up event control (previously jacked by search api)
+      $("#search_autocomplete").keyup(function(event) {
+        return search_changed(event, false, '/');
+      });
+      // open a tab, specified by its array position
+      function openTab() {
+        tabIndex = location.hash.split("&t=")[1];
+        // show the appropriate tab
+        var tabHeaders = $(".gsc-tabHeader");
+        $(tabHeaders[tabIndex]).click();
+      }
+      // add event listeners to each tab so we can track the browser history
+      function addTabListeners() {
+        var tabHeaders = $(".gsc-tabHeader");
+        for (var i = 0; i < tabHeaders.length; i++) {
+          $(tabHeaders[i]).attr("id",i).click(function() {
+            var tabHeaders = $(".gsc-tabHeader");
+            var tabIndex = $(this).attr("id");

+            $.history.add('q=' + getQuery(location.hash) + '&t=' + tabIndex); // update the hash with the new tab
+          });
+        }
+      }
+      function getQuery(hash) {

+        var hashParts = hash.split('&t=');
+        var queryParts = hashParts[0].split('=');
+        return queryParts[1];
+      }


   <div id="mainBodyFixed" style="width:auto; margin:20px">