blob: b728ca1beb2cdb06c2b8aa4872594a123e9b9e8e [file] [log] [blame]
page.title=SafetyNet for Android
page.tags=compatibility, CTS
<h1 itemprop="name" style="margin-bottom:0;">
Android SafetyNet API
<p itemprop="description">
SafetyNet provides access to Google services that help you assess the health and safety of an
Android device. The wide variety of Android devices and configurations can make it difficult to
know if your app will behave as you expect on all available devices. The SafetyNet API helps you
determine if your app will function properly on a device by analyzing its compatibility with the
Android platform specifications.
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<h3 style="clear:left">Key Developer Features</h3>
Device Profile Compatibility Check
Check if your app is running on a device that matches a device model that has passed Android
compatibility testing. This analysis can help you determine if your app will work as expected on
the device where it is installed. The service evaluates both software and hardware
characteristics of the device, and may use hardware roots of trust, when available.
<div class="col-6 normal-links">
<h3 style="clear:left">
Getting Started
1. Review the Terms of Service
Use of SafetyNet is governed by specific terms of service, in addition to the <a href=
"" class="external-link">Google APIs Terms of Service</a>.
Before using this API, review the <a href="{@docRoot}google/play/safetynet/start.html#tos">
Additional Terms of Service</a>.
2. Get the Google Play services SDK
SafetyNet is part of the Google Play services platform. To get started, follow the instructions
for <a href="{@docRoot}google/play-services/setup.html">Setting
up Google Play services</a>.
3. Read the documentation
Learn how to use SafetyNet in your app by reading the <a href=
"{@docRoot}google/play/safetynet/start.html">Getting Started</a> instructions. For more
details on the API, see the <a href=
SafetyNet</a> reference documentation.