Wait for remote animation to stop freezing display

If display is rotated 180 degree, the display might not have
configuration change. And if there is remote rotation and it hasn't
done, the rotation of display is still the old one. Once there is
a path calls stop-freezing-display, the rotation animation will be
executed directly with 0 degree delta. And if the activity needs to
relaunch, there will be obvious flickering.

Fixes: 160107205
Test: atest DisplayContentTests#testRemoteRotation
Change-Id: I66a02b67f7066abafd65c2c282144222701feaae
(cherry picked from commit 96ed092b109907b9e094dcffbd81a5d44021b0f4)
diff --git a/data/etc/services.core.protolog.json b/data/etc/services.core.protolog.json
index bfc623f..33ab16d 100644
--- a/data/etc/services.core.protolog.json
+++ b/data/etc/services.core.protolog.json
@@ -1663,12 +1663,6 @@
       "group": "WM_SHOW_SURFACE_ALLOC",
       "at": "com\/android\/server\/wm\/ScreenRotationAnimation.java"
-    "1108406230": {
-      "message": "stopFreezingDisplayLocked: Returning mWaitingForConfig=%b, mAppsFreezingScreen=%d, mWindowsFreezingScreen=%d, mClientFreezingScreen=%b, mOpeningApps.size()=%d",
-      "level": "DEBUG",
-      "group": "WM_DEBUG_ORIENTATION",
-      "at": "com\/android\/server\/wm\/WindowManagerService.java"
-    },
     "1112047265": {
       "message": "finishDrawingWindow: %s mDrawState=%s",
       "level": "DEBUG",
@@ -1729,6 +1723,12 @@
       "group": "WM_DEBUG_BOOT",
       "at": "com\/android\/server\/wm\/WindowManagerService.java"
+    "1246035185": {
+      "message": "stopFreezingDisplayLocked: Returning waitingForConfig=%b, waitingForRemoteRotation=%b, mAppsFreezingScreen=%d, mWindowsFreezingScreen=%d, mClientFreezingScreen=%b, mOpeningApps.size()=%d",
+      "level": "DEBUG",
+      "group": "WM_DEBUG_ORIENTATION",
+      "at": "com\/android\/server\/wm\/WindowManagerService.java"
+    },
     "1254403969": {
       "message": "Surface returned was null: %s",
       "level": "VERBOSE",
@@ -1951,12 +1951,6 @@
       "at": "com\/android\/server\/wm\/AppTransition.java"
-    "1591969812": {
-      "message": "updateImeControlTarget %s",
-      "level": "INFO",
-      "group": "WM_DEBUG_IME",
-      "at": "com\/android\/server\/wm\/DisplayContent.java"
-    },
     "1628345525": {
       "message": "Now opening app %s",
       "level": "VERBOSE",
diff --git a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/WindowManagerService.java b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/WindowManagerService.java
index b1756b0..f4281fc 100644
--- a/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/WindowManagerService.java
+++ b/services/core/java/com/android/server/wm/WindowManagerService.java
@@ -5606,17 +5606,28 @@
         final DisplayContent displayContent = mRoot.getDisplayContent(mFrozenDisplayId);
-        final boolean waitingForConfig = displayContent != null && displayContent.mWaitingForConfig;
-        final int numOpeningApps = displayContent != null ? displayContent.mOpeningApps.size() : 0;
-        if (waitingForConfig || mAppsFreezingScreen > 0
+        final int numOpeningApps;
+        final boolean waitingForConfig;
+        final boolean waitingForRemoteRotation;
+        if (displayContent != null) {
+            numOpeningApps = displayContent.mOpeningApps.size();
+            waitingForConfig = displayContent.mWaitingForConfig;
+            waitingForRemoteRotation =
+                    displayContent.getDisplayRotation().isWaitingForRemoteRotation();
+        } else {
+            waitingForConfig = waitingForRemoteRotation = false;
+            numOpeningApps = 0;
+        }
+        if (waitingForConfig || waitingForRemoteRotation || mAppsFreezingScreen > 0
                 || mWindowsFreezingScreen == WINDOWS_FREEZING_SCREENS_ACTIVE
                 || mClientFreezingScreen || numOpeningApps > 0) {
-            ProtoLog.d(WM_DEBUG_ORIENTATION,
-                                "stopFreezingDisplayLocked: Returning mWaitingForConfig=%b, "
-                                        + "mAppsFreezingScreen=%d, mWindowsFreezingScreen=%d, "
-                                        + "mClientFreezingScreen=%b, mOpeningApps.size()=%d",
-                                waitingForConfig, mAppsFreezingScreen, mWindowsFreezingScreen,
-                                mClientFreezingScreen, numOpeningApps);
+            ProtoLog.d(WM_DEBUG_ORIENTATION, "stopFreezingDisplayLocked: Returning "
+                    + "waitingForConfig=%b, waitingForRemoteRotation=%b, "
+                    + "mAppsFreezingScreen=%d, mWindowsFreezingScreen=%d, "
+                    + "mClientFreezingScreen=%b, mOpeningApps.size()=%d",
+                    waitingForConfig, waitingForRemoteRotation,
+                    mAppsFreezingScreen, mWindowsFreezingScreen,
+                    mClientFreezingScreen, numOpeningApps);
@@ -5627,7 +5638,6 @@
         // We must make a local copy of the displayId as it can be potentially overwritten later on
         // in this method. For example, {@link startFreezingDisplayLocked} may be called as a result
         // of update rotation, but we reference the frozen display after that call in this method.
-        final int displayId = mFrozenDisplayId;
         mFrozenDisplayId = INVALID_DISPLAY;
         mDisplayFrozen = false;
diff --git a/services/tests/wmtests/src/com/android/server/wm/DisplayContentTests.java b/services/tests/wmtests/src/com/android/server/wm/DisplayContentTests.java
index 30af1d3..ddb186a 100644
--- a/services/tests/wmtests/src/com/android/server/wm/DisplayContentTests.java
+++ b/services/tests/wmtests/src/com/android/server/wm/DisplayContentTests.java
@@ -1328,9 +1328,10 @@
         final DisplayRotation dr = dc.getDisplayRotation();
-        Mockito.doReturn(ROTATION_90).when(dr).rotationForOrientation(anyInt(), anyInt());
+        // Rotate 180 degree so the display doesn't have configuration change. This condition is
+        // used for the later verification of stop-freezing (without setting mWaitingForConfig).
+        doReturn((dr.getRotation() + 2) % 4).when(dr).rotationForOrientation(anyInt(), anyInt());
         final boolean[] continued = new boolean[1];
-        // TODO(display-merge): Remove cast
                 invocation -> {
                     continued[0] = true;
@@ -1356,9 +1357,16 @@
         mWm.updateRotation(true /* alwaysSendConfiguration */, false /* forceRelayout */);
+        // If remote rotation is not finished, the display should not be able to unfreeze.
+        mWm.stopFreezingDisplayLocked();
+        assertTrue(mWm.mDisplayFrozen);
+        mWm.stopFreezingDisplayLocked();
+        assertFalse(mWm.mDisplayFrozen);