RESTRICT AUTOMERGE Disable the Trusted Hotword requirement

This is a manual cherry pick for the missing part in the change

Change-Id: I70addcd47a45e61812def21035c2868c0b910d54
Fix: 234026976
Test: manual - dsp and non-dsp; true and false positives; mute mic
 sensor - events aren't delivered and no dialog is shown, hotword still
 works after unmuting; mute mic and restart, unmute after starting reco;
 Trusted and non-Trusted hotwording
Test: atest CameraMicIndicatorsPermissionTest
Test: atest HotwordDetectionServiceBasicTest
Test: atest android.cts.statsdatom.appops.AppOpsTests#testAppOps
Merged-In: I68f2f37b5ce835e7fd8649b382eaee9fc299ec79
1 file changed