blob: dbd8867b14c9f17b173c7e55987fe2b84fb2a5e6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2007 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.telephony.ImsiEncryptionInfo;
* Interface used to retrieve various phone-related subscriber information.
interface IPhoneSubInfo {
* Retrieves the unique device ID, e.g., IMEI for GSM phones.
String getDeviceId(String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the unique Network Access ID
String getNaiForSubscriber(int subId, String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the unique device ID of a phone for the device, e.g., IMEI
* for GSM phones.
String getDeviceIdForPhone(int phoneId, String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the IMEI.
String getImeiForSubscriber(int subId, String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the software version number for the device, e.g., IMEI/SV
* for GSM phones.
String getDeviceSvn(String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the software version number of a subId for the device, e.g., IMEI/SV
* for GSM phones.
String getDeviceSvnUsingSubId(int subId, String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the unique sbuscriber ID, e.g., IMSI for GSM phones.
String getSubscriberId(String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the unique subscriber ID of a given subId, e.g., IMSI for GSM phones.
String getSubscriberIdForSubscriber(int subId, String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the Group Identifier Level1 for GSM phones.
String getGroupIdLevel1(String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the Group Identifier Level1 for GSM phones of a subId.
String getGroupIdLevel1ForSubscriber(int subId, String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the serial number of the ICC, if applicable.
String getIccSerialNumber(String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the serial number of a given subId.
String getIccSerialNumberForSubscriber(int subId, String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the phone number string for line 1.
String getLine1Number(String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the phone number string for line 1 of a subcription.
String getLine1NumberForSubscriber(int subId, String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the alpha identifier for line 1.
String getLine1AlphaTag(String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the alpha identifier for line 1 of a subId.
String getLine1AlphaTagForSubscriber(int subId, String callingPackage);
* Retrieves MSISDN Number.
String getMsisdn(String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the Msisdn of a subId.
String getMsisdnForSubscriber(int subId, String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the voice mail number.
String getVoiceMailNumber(String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the voice mail number of a given subId.
String getVoiceMailNumberForSubscriber(int subId, String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the complete voice mail number.
String getCompleteVoiceMailNumber();
* Retrieves the complete voice mail number for particular subId
String getCompleteVoiceMailNumberForSubscriber(int subId);
* Retrieves the Carrier information used to encrypt IMSI and IMPI.
ImsiEncryptionInfo getCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption(int subId, int keyType,
String callingPackage);
* Stores the Carrier information used to encrypt IMSI and IMPI.
void setCarrierInfoForImsiEncryption(int subId, String callingPackage,
in ImsiEncryptionInfo imsiEncryptionInfo);
* Retrieves the alpha identifier associated with the voice mail number.
String getVoiceMailAlphaTag(String callingPackage);
* Retrieves the alpha identifier associated with the voice mail number
* of a subId.
String getVoiceMailAlphaTagForSubscriber(int subId, String callingPackage);
* Returns the IMS private user identity (IMPI) that was loaded from the ISIM.
* @return the IMPI, or null if not present or not loaded
String getIsimImpi();
* Returns the IMS home network domain name that was loaded from the ISIM.
* @return the IMS domain name, or null if not present or not loaded
String getIsimDomain();
* Returns the IMS public user identities (IMPU) that were loaded from the ISIM.
* @return an array of IMPU strings, with one IMPU per string, or null if
* not present or not loaded
String[] getIsimImpu();
* Returns the IMS Service Table (IST) that was loaded from the ISIM.
* @return IMS Service Table or null if not present or not loaded
String getIsimIst();
* Returns the IMS Proxy Call Session Control Function(PCSCF) that were loaded from the ISIM.
* @return an array of PCSCF strings with one PCSCF per string, or null if
* not present or not loaded
String[] getIsimPcscf();
* TODO: Deprecate and remove this interface. Superceded by getIccsimChallengeResponse.
* Returns the response of ISIM Authetification through RIL.
* @return the response of ISIM Authetification, or null if
* the Authentification hasn't been successed or isn't present iphonesubinfo.
String getIsimChallengeResponse(String nonce);
* Returns the response of the SIM application on the UICC to authentication
* challenge/response algorithm. The data string and challenge response are
* Base64 encoded Strings.
* Can support EAP-SIM, EAP-AKA with results encoded per 3GPP TS 31.102.
* @param subId subscription ID to be queried
* @param appType ICC application type (@see
* @param authType Authentication type, see PhoneConstants#AUTHTYPE_xxx
* @param data authentication challenge data
* @return challenge response
String getIccSimChallengeResponse(int subId, int appType, int authType, String data);