blob: b3236466fa296aca4572354a6d08e4da1b97efe6 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.telecomm;
import android.os.Bundle;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArraySet;
* Represents a connection to a remote endpoint that carries voice traffic.
public abstract class Connection {
/** @hide */
public abstract static class Listener {
public void onStateChanged(Connection c, int state) {}
public void onHandleChanged(Connection c, Uri newHandle, int presentation) {}
public void onCallerDisplayNameChanged(
Connection c, String callerDisplayName, int presentation) {}
public void onVideoStateChanged(Connection c, int videoState) {}
public void onSignalChanged(Connection c, Bundle details) {}
public void onDisconnected(Connection c, int cause, String message) {}
public void onPostDialWait(Connection c, String remaining) {}
public void onRequestingRingback(Connection c, boolean ringback) {}
public void onDestroyed(Connection c) {}
public void onCallCapabilitiesChanged(Connection c, int callCapabilities) {}
public void onParentConnectionChanged(Connection c, Connection parent) {}
public void onVideoCallProviderChanged(
Connection c, ConnectionService.VideoCallProvider videoCallProvider) {}
public void onAudioModeIsVoipChanged(Connection c, boolean isVoip) {}
public void onStatusHintsChanged(Connection c, StatusHints statusHints) {}
public void onStartActivityFromInCall(Connection c, PendingIntent intent) {}
public void onConferenceableConnectionsChanged(
Connection c, List<Connection> conferenceableConnections) {}
public final class State {
private State() {}
public static final int INITIALIZING = 0;
public static final int NEW = 1;
public static final int RINGING = 2;
public static final int DIALING = 3;
public static final int ACTIVE = 4;
public static final int HOLDING = 5;
public static final int DISCONNECTED = 6;
public static final int FAILED = 7;
public static final int CANCELED = 8;
private final Listener mConnectionDeathListener = new Listener() {
public void onDestroyed(Connection c) {
if (mConferenceableConnections.remove(c)) {
private final Set<Listener> mListeners = new CopyOnWriteArraySet<>();
private final List<Connection> mChildConnections = new ArrayList<>();
private final List<Connection> mConferenceableConnections = new ArrayList<>();
private int mState = State.NEW;
private CallAudioState mCallAudioState;
private Uri mHandle;
private int mHandlePresentation;
private String mCallerDisplayName;
private int mCallerDisplayNamePresentation;
private boolean mRequestingRingback = false;
private int mCallCapabilities;
private Connection mParentConnection;
private ConnectionService.VideoCallProvider mVideoCallProvider;
private boolean mAudioModeIsVoip;
private StatusHints mStatusHints;
private int mVideoState;
private int mFailureCode;
private String mFailureMessage;
private boolean mIsCanceled;
* Create a new Connection.
public Connection() {}
* @return The handle (e.g., phone number) to which this Connection is currently communicating.
public final Uri getHandle() {
return mHandle;
* @return The {@link CallPropertyPresentation} which controls how the handle is shown.
public final int getHandlePresentation() {
return mHandlePresentation;
* @return The caller display name (CNAP).
public final String getCallerDisplayName() {
return mCallerDisplayName;
* @return The {@link CallPropertyPresentation} which controls how the caller display name is
* shown.
public final int getCallerDisplayNamePresentation() {
return mCallerDisplayNamePresentation;
* @return The state of this Connection.
public final int getState() {
return mState;
* Returns the video state of the call.
* Valid values: {@link android.telecomm.VideoCallProfile.VideoState#AUDIO_ONLY},
* {@link android.telecomm.VideoCallProfile.VideoState#BIDIRECTIONAL},
* {@link android.telecomm.VideoCallProfile.VideoState#TX_ENABLED},
* {@link android.telecomm.VideoCallProfile.VideoState#RX_ENABLED}.
* @return The video state of the call.
public final int getVideoState() {
return mVideoState;
* @return The audio state of the call, describing how its audio is currently
* being routed by the system. This is {@code null} if this Connection
* does not directly know about its audio state.
public final CallAudioState getCallAudioState() {
return mCallAudioState;
* Returns whether this connection is requesting that the system play a ringback tone
* on its behalf.
public final boolean isRequestingRingback() {
return mRequestingRingback;
* Returns whether this connection is a conference connection (has child connections).
public final boolean isConferenceConnection() {
return !mChildConnections.isEmpty();
* @return True if the connection's audio mode is VOIP.
public final boolean getAudioModeIsVoip() {
return mAudioModeIsVoip;
* @return The status hints for this connection.
public final StatusHints getStatusHints() {
return mStatusHints;
* Assign a listener to be notified of state changes.
* @param l A listener.
* @return This Connection.
* @hide
public final Connection addConnectionListener(Listener l) {
return this;
* Remove a previously assigned listener that was being notified of state changes.
* @param l A Listener.
* @return This Connection.
* @hide
public final Connection removeConnectionListener(Listener l) {
return this;
* @return The failure code ({@see DisconnectCause}) associated with this failed connection.
public final int getFailureCode() {
return mFailureCode;
* @return The reason for the connection failure. This will not be displayed to the user.
public final String getFailureMessage() {
return mFailureMessage;
* Inform this Connection that the state of its audio output has been changed externally.
* @param state The new audio state.
* @hide
final void setAudioState(CallAudioState state) {
Log.d(this, "setAudioState %s", state);
mCallAudioState = state;
* @param state An integer value from {@link State}.
* @return A string representation of the value.
public static String stateToString(int state) {
switch (state) {
case State.NEW:
return "NEW";
case State.RINGING:
return "RINGING";
case State.DIALING:
return "DIALING";
case State.ACTIVE:
return "ACTIVE";
case State.HOLDING:
return "HOLDING";
case State.FAILED:
return "FAILED";
case State.CANCELED:
return "CANCELED";
default:, "Unknown state %d", state);
return "UNKNOWN";
* TODO: Needs documentation.
public final void setParentConnection(Connection parentConnection) {
Log.d(this, "parenting %s to %s", this, parentConnection);
if (mParentConnection != parentConnection) {
if (mParentConnection != null) {
mParentConnection = parentConnection;
if (mParentConnection != null) {
// do something if the child connections goes down to ZERO.
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onParentConnectionChanged(this, mParentConnection);
public final Connection getParentConnection() {
return mParentConnection;
public final List<Connection> getChildConnections() {
return mChildConnections;
* Returns the connection's {@link CallCapabilities}
public final int getCallCapabilities() {
return mCallCapabilities;
* Sets the value of the {@link #getHandle()} property.
* @param handle The new handle.
* @param presentation The {@link CallPropertyPresentation} which controls how the handle is
* shown.
public final void setHandle(Uri handle, int presentation) {
Log.d(this, "setHandle %s", handle);
mHandle = handle;
mHandlePresentation = presentation;
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onHandleChanged(this, handle, presentation);
* Sets the caller display name (CNAP).
* @param callerDisplayName The new display name.
* @param presentation The {@link CallPropertyPresentation} which controls how the name is
* shown.
public final void setCallerDisplayName(String callerDisplayName, int presentation) {
Log.d(this, "setCallerDisplayName %s", callerDisplayName);
mCallerDisplayName = callerDisplayName;
mCallerDisplayNamePresentation = presentation;
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onCallerDisplayNameChanged(this, callerDisplayName, presentation);
* Cancel the {@link Connection}. Once this is called, the {@link Connection} will not be used,
* and no subsequent {@link Connection}s will be attempted.
public final void setCanceled() {
Log.d(this, "setCanceled");
* Move the {@link Connection} to the {@link State#FAILED} state, with the given code
* ({@see DisconnectCause}) and message. This message is not shown to the user, but is useful
* for logging and debugging purposes.
* <p>
* After calling this, the {@link Connection} will not be used.
* @param code The {@link android.telephony.DisconnectCause} indicating why the connection
* failed.
* @param message A message explaining why the {@link Connection} failed.
public final void setFailed(int code, String message) {
Log.d(this, "setFailed (%d: %s)", code, message);
mFailureCode = code;
mFailureMessage = message;
* Set the video state for the connection.
* Valid values: {@link android.telecomm.VideoCallProfile.VideoState#AUDIO_ONLY},
* {@link android.telecomm.VideoCallProfile.VideoState#BIDIRECTIONAL},
* {@link android.telecomm.VideoCallProfile.VideoState#TX_ENABLED},
* {@link android.telecomm.VideoCallProfile.VideoState#RX_ENABLED}.
* @param videoState The new video state.
public final void setVideoState(int videoState) {
Log.d(this, "setVideoState %d", videoState);
mVideoState = videoState;
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onVideoStateChanged(this, mVideoState);
* Sets state to active (e.g., an ongoing call where two or more parties can actively
* communicate).
public final void setActive() {
* Sets state to ringing (e.g., an inbound ringing call).
public final void setRinging() {
* Sets state to initializing (this Connection is not yet ready to be used).
public final void setInitializing() {
* Sets state to initialized (the Connection has been set up and is now ready to be used).
public final void setInitialized() {
* Sets state to dialing (e.g., dialing an outbound call).
public final void setDialing() {
* Sets state to be on hold.
public final void setOnHold() {
* Sets the video call provider.
* @param videoCallProvider The video call provider.
public final void setVideoCallProvider(ConnectionService.VideoCallProvider videoCallProvider) {
mVideoCallProvider = videoCallProvider;
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onVideoCallProviderChanged(this, videoCallProvider);
public final ConnectionService.VideoCallProvider getVideoCallProvider() {
return mVideoCallProvider;
* Sets state to disconnected.
* @param cause The reason for the disconnection, any of
* {@link android.telephony.DisconnectCause}.
* @param message Optional call-service-provided message about the disconnect.
public final void setDisconnected(int cause, String message) {
Log.d(this, "Disconnected with cause %d message %s", cause, message);
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onDisconnected(this, cause, message);
* TODO: Needs documentation.
public final void setPostDialWait(String remaining) {
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onPostDialWait(this, remaining);
* Requests that the framework play a ringback tone. This is to be invoked by implementations
* that do not play a ringback tone themselves in the call's audio stream.
* @param ringback Whether the ringback tone is to be played.
public final void setRequestingRingback(boolean ringback) {
if (mRequestingRingback != ringback) {
mRequestingRingback = ringback;
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onRequestingRingback(this, ringback);
* Sets the connection's {@link CallCapabilities}.
* @param callCapabilities The new call capabilities.
public final void setCallCapabilities(int callCapabilities) {
if (mCallCapabilities != callCapabilities) {
mCallCapabilities = callCapabilities;
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onCallCapabilitiesChanged(this, mCallCapabilities);
* Tears down the Connection object.
public final void destroy() {
// It is possible that onDestroy() will trigger the listener to remove itself which will
// result in a concurrent modification exception. To counteract this we make a copy of the
// listeners and iterate on that.
for (Listener l : new ArrayList<>(mListeners)) {
if (mListeners.contains(l)) {
* Sets the current signal levels for the underlying data transport.
* @param details A {@link android.os.Bundle} containing details of the current level.
public final void setSignal(Bundle details) {
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onSignalChanged(this, details);
* Requests that the framework use VOIP audio mode for this connection.
* @param isVoip True if the audio mode is VOIP.
public final void setAudioModeIsVoip(boolean isVoip) {
mAudioModeIsVoip = isVoip;
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onAudioModeIsVoipChanged(this, isVoip);
* Sets the label and icon status to display in the in-call UI.
* @param statusHints The status label and icon to set.
public final void setStatusHints(StatusHints statusHints) {
mStatusHints = statusHints;
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onStatusHintsChanged(this, statusHints);
* Sets the connections with which this connection can be conferenced.
* @param conferenceableConnections The set of connections this connection can conference with.
public final void setConferenceableConnections(List<Connection> conferenceableConnections) {
for (Connection c : conferenceableConnections) {
// If statement checks for duplicates in input. It makes it N^2 but we're dealing with a
// small amount of items here.
if (!mConferenceableConnections.contains(c)) {
* Launches an activity for this connection on top of the in-call UI.
* @param intent The intent to use to start the activity.
public final void startActivityFromInCall(PendingIntent intent) {
if (!intent.isActivity()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Activity intent required.");
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onStartActivityFromInCall(this, intent);
* Notifies this Connection that the {@link #getCallAudioState()} property has a new value.
* @param state The new call audio state.
public void onSetAudioState(CallAudioState state) {}
* Notifies this Connection of an internal state change. This method is called after the
* state is changed.
* @param state The new state, a {@link Connection.State} member.
public void onSetState(int state) {}
* Notifies this Connection of a request to play a DTMF tone.
* @param c A DTMF character.
public void onPlayDtmfTone(char c) {}
* Notifies this Connection of a request to stop any currently playing DTMF tones.
public void onStopDtmfTone() {}
* Notifies this Connection of a request to disconnect.
public void onDisconnect() {}
* Notifies this Connection of a request to separate from its parent conference.
public void onSeparate() {}
* Notifies this Connection of a request to abort.
public void onAbort() {}
* Notifies this Connection of a request to hold.
public void onHold() {}
* Notifies this Connection of a request to exit a hold state.
public void onUnhold() {}
* Notifies this Connection, which is in {@link State#RINGING}, of
* a request to accept.
* @param videoState The video state in which to answer the call.
public void onAnswer(int videoState) {}
* Notifies this Connection, which is in {@link State#RINGING}, of
* a request to reject.
public void onReject() {}
* Notifies this Connection whether the user wishes to proceed with the post-dial DTMF codes.
public void onPostDialContinue(boolean proceed) {}
* Swap this call with a background call. This is used for calls that don't support hold,
* e.g. CDMA.
public void onSwapWithBackgroundCall() {}
* TODO: Needs documentation.
public void onChildrenChanged(List<Connection> children) {}
* Called when the phone account UI was clicked.
public void onPhoneAccountClicked() {}
* Merge this connection and the specified connection into a conference call. Once the
* connections are merged, the calls should be added to the an existing or new
* {@code Conference} instance. For new {@code Conference} instances, use
* {@code ConnectionService#addConference}.
* @param otherConnection The connection with which this connection should be conferenced.
public void onConferenceWith(Connection otherConnection) {}
private void addChild(Connection connection) {
Log.d(this, "adding child %s", connection);
private void removeChild(Connection connection) {
Log.d(this, "removing child %s", connection);
private void setState(int state) {
if (mState == State.FAILED || mState == State.CANCELED) {
Log.d(this, "Connection already %s; cannot transition out of this state.",
if (mState != state) {
Log.d(this, "setState: %s", stateToString(state));
mState = state;
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onStateChanged(this, state);
* Return a {@link Connection} which represents a failed connection attempt. The returned
* {@link Connection} will have {@link #getFailureCode()}, {@link #getFailureMessage()}, and
* {@link #getState()} set appropriately, but the {@link Connection} itself should not be used
* for anything.
* @param code The failure code ({@see DisconnectCause}).
* @param message A reason for why the connection failed (not intended to be shown to the user).
* @return A {@link Connection} which indicates failure.
public static Connection getFailedConnection(final int code, final String message) {
return new Connection() {{
setFailed(code, message);
private static final Connection CANCELED_CONNECTION = new Connection() {{
* Return a {@link Connection} which represents a canceled a connection attempt. The returned
* {@link Connection} will have state {@link State#CANCELED}, and cannot be moved out of that
* state. This connection should not be used for anything, and no other {@link Connection}s
* should be attempted.
* @return A {@link Connection} which indicates that the underlying call should be canceled.
public static Connection getCanceledConnection() {
private final void fireOnConferenceableConnectionsChanged() {
for (Listener l : mListeners) {
l.onConferenceableConnectionsChanged(this, mConferenceableConnections);
private final void clearConferenceableList() {
for (Connection c : mConferenceableConnections) {