blob: 3429b6e2ddf210c579d7b524eede2c9ede8c5aad [file] [log] [blame]
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import android.os.PooledStringReader;
import android.os.PooledStringWriter;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewStructure;
import android.view.ViewRootImpl;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.view.WindowManagerGlobal;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Assist data automatically created by the platform's implementation
* of {@link}.
public class AssistStructure implements Parcelable {
static final String TAG = "AssistStructure";
boolean mHaveData;
ComponentName mActivityComponent;
final ArrayList<WindowNode> mWindowNodes = new ArrayList<>();
final ArrayList<ViewNodeBuilder> mPendingAsyncChildren = new ArrayList<>();
SendChannel mSendChannel;
IBinder mReceiveChannel;
Rect mTmpRect = new Rect();
static final String DESCRIPTOR = "";
final class SendChannel extends Binder {
@Override protected boolean onTransact(int code, Parcel data, Parcel reply, int flags)
throws RemoteException {
if (code == TRANSACTION_XFER) {
writeContentToParcel(reply, Parcelable.PARCELABLE_WRITE_RETURN_VALUE);
return true;
} else {
return super.onTransact(code, data, reply, flags);
final static class ViewNodeText {
CharSequence mText;
int mTextSelectionStart;
int mTextSelectionEnd;
int mTextColor;
int mTextBackgroundColor;
float mTextSize;
int mTextStyle;
String mHint;
ViewNodeText() {
ViewNodeText(Parcel in) {
mText = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
mTextSelectionStart = in.readInt();
mTextSelectionEnd = in.readInt();
mTextColor = in.readInt();
mTextBackgroundColor = in.readInt();
mTextSize = in.readFloat();
mTextStyle = in.readInt();
mHint = in.readString();
void writeToParcel(Parcel out) {
TextUtils.writeToParcel(mText, out, 0);
* Describes a window in the assist data.
static public class WindowNode {
final int mX;
final int mY;
final int mWidth;
final int mHeight;
final CharSequence mTitle;
final int mDisplayId;
final ViewNode mRoot;
WindowNode(AssistStructure assist, ViewRootImpl root) {
View view = root.getView();
Rect rect = new Rect();
mX = rect.left - view.getLeft();
mY = - view.getTop();
mWidth = rect.width();
mHeight = rect.height();
mTitle = root.getTitle();
mDisplayId = root.getDisplayId();
mRoot = new ViewNode();
ViewNodeBuilder builder = new ViewNodeBuilder(assist, mRoot, false);
if ((root.getWindowFlags()& WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SECURE) != 0) {
// This is a secure window, so it doesn't want a screenshot, and that
// means we should also not copy out its view hierarchy.
WindowNode(Parcel in, PooledStringReader preader, float[] tmpMatrix) {
mX = in.readInt();
mY = in.readInt();
mWidth = in.readInt();
mHeight = in.readInt();
mTitle = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
mDisplayId = in.readInt();
mRoot = new ViewNode(in, preader, tmpMatrix);
int writeToParcel(Parcel out, PooledStringWriter pwriter, float[] tmpMatrix) {
TextUtils.writeToParcel(mTitle, out, 0);
return mRoot.writeToParcel(out, pwriter, tmpMatrix);
* Returns the left edge of the window, in pixels, relative to the left
* edge of the screen.
public int getLeft() {
return mX;
* Returns the top edge of the window, in pixels, relative to the top
* edge of the screen.
public int getTop() {
return mY;
* Returns the total width of the window in pixels.
public int getWidth() {
return mWidth;
* Returns the total height of the window in pixels.
public int getHeight() {
return mHeight;
* Returns the title associated with the window, if it has one.
public CharSequence getTitle() {
return mTitle;
* Returns the ID of the display this window is on, for use with
* {@link android.hardware.display.DisplayManager#getDisplay DisplayManager.getDisplay()}.
public int getDisplayId() {
return mDisplayId;
* Returns the {@link ViewNode} containing the root content of the window.
public ViewNode getRootViewNode() {
return mRoot;
* Describes a single view in the assist data.
static public class ViewNode {
* Magic value for text color that has not been defined, which is very unlikely
* to be confused with a real text color.
public static final int TEXT_COLOR_UNDEFINED = 1;
public static final int TEXT_STYLE_BOLD = 1<<0;
public static final int TEXT_STYLE_ITALIC = 1<<1;
public static final int TEXT_STYLE_UNDERLINE = 1<<2;
public static final int TEXT_STYLE_STRIKE_THRU = 1<<3;
int mId = View.NO_ID;
String mIdPackage;
String mIdType;
String mIdEntry;
int mX;
int mY;
int mScrollX;
int mScrollY;
int mWidth;
int mHeight;
Matrix mMatrix;
float mElevation;
float mAlpha = 1.0f;
static final int FLAGS_DISABLED = 0x00000001;
static final int FLAGS_FOCUSABLE = 0x00000010;
static final int FLAGS_FOCUSED = 0x00000020;
static final int FLAGS_SELECTED = 0x00000040;
static final int FLAGS_ASSIST_BLOCKED = 0x00000080;
static final int FLAGS_CHECKABLE = 0x00000100;
static final int FLAGS_CHECKED = 0x00000200;
static final int FLAGS_CLICKABLE = 0x00000400;
static final int FLAGS_LONG_CLICKABLE = 0x00000800;
static final int FLAGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED = 0x00001000;
static final int FLAGS_ACTIVATED = 0x00002000;
static final int FLAGS_CONTEXT_CLICKABLE = 0x00004000;
static final int FLAGS_HAS_MATRIX = 0x40000000;
static final int FLAGS_HAS_ALPHA = 0x20000000;
static final int FLAGS_HAS_ELEVATION = 0x10000000;
static final int FLAGS_HAS_SCROLL = 0x08000000;
static final int FLAGS_HAS_LARGE_COORDS = 0x04000000;
static final int FLAGS_HAS_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION = 0x02000000;
static final int FLAGS_HAS_TEXT = 0x01000000;
static final int FLAGS_HAS_EXTRAS = 0x00800000;
static final int FLAGS_HAS_ID = 0x00400000;
static final int FLAGS_HAS_CHILDREN = 0x00200000;
static final int FLAGS_ALL_CONTROL = 0xfff00000;
int mFlags;
String mClassName;
CharSequence mContentDescription;
ViewNodeText mText;
Bundle mExtras;
ViewNode[] mChildren;
ViewNode() {
ViewNode(Parcel in, PooledStringReader preader, float[] tmpMatrix) {
mClassName = preader.readString();
mFlags = in.readInt();
final int flags = mFlags;
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_ID) != 0) {
mId = in.readInt();
if (mId != 0) {
mIdEntry = preader.readString();
if (mIdEntry != null) {
mIdType = preader.readString();
mIdPackage = preader.readString();
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_LARGE_COORDS) != 0) {
mX = in.readInt();
mY = in.readInt();
mWidth = in.readInt();
mHeight = in.readInt();
} else {
int val = in.readInt();
mX = val&0x7fff;
mY = (val>>16)&0x7fff;
val = in.readInt();
mWidth = val&0x7fff;
mHeight = (val>>16)&0x7fff;
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_SCROLL) != 0) {
mScrollX = in.readInt();
mScrollY = in.readInt();
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_MATRIX) != 0) {
mMatrix = new Matrix();
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_ELEVATION) != 0) {
mElevation = in.readFloat();
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_ALPHA) != 0) {
mAlpha = in.readFloat();
mContentDescription = TextUtils.CHAR_SEQUENCE_CREATOR.createFromParcel(in);
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_TEXT) != 0) {
mText = new ViewNodeText(in);
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_EXTRAS) != 0) {
mExtras = in.readBundle();
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_CHILDREN) != 0) {
final int NCHILDREN = in.readInt();
mChildren = new ViewNode[NCHILDREN];
for (int i=0; i<NCHILDREN; i++) {
mChildren[i] = new ViewNode(in, preader, tmpMatrix);
int writeToParcel(Parcel out, PooledStringWriter pwriter, float[] tmpMatrix) {
int flags = mFlags & ~FLAGS_ALL_CONTROL;
if (mId != View.NO_ID) {
flags |= FLAGS_HAS_ID;
if ((mX&~0x7fff) != 0 || (mY&~0x7fff) != 0
|| (mWidth&~0x7fff) != 0 | (mHeight&~0x7fff) != 0) {
if (mScrollX != 0 || mScrollY != 0) {
if (mMatrix != null) {
if (mElevation != 0) {
if (mAlpha != 1.0f) {
if (mContentDescription != null) {
if (mText != null) {
flags |= FLAGS_HAS_TEXT;
if (mExtras != null) {
if (mChildren != null) {
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_ID) != 0) {
if (mId != 0) {
if (mIdEntry != null) {
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_LARGE_COORDS) != 0) {
} else {
out.writeInt((mY<<16) | mX);
out.writeInt((mHeight<<16) | mWidth);
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_SCROLL) != 0) {
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_MATRIX) != 0) {
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_ELEVATION) != 0) {
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_ALPHA) != 0) {
TextUtils.writeToParcel(mContentDescription, out, 0);
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_TEXT) != 0) {
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_EXTRAS) != 0) {
int N = 1;
if ((flags&FLAGS_HAS_CHILDREN) != 0) {
final int NCHILDREN = mChildren.length;
for (int i=0; i<NCHILDREN; i++) {
N += mChildren[i].writeToParcel(out, pwriter, tmpMatrix);
return N;
* Returns the ID associated with this view, as per {@link View#getId() View.getId()}.
public int getId() {
return mId;
* If {@link #getId()} is a resource identifier, this is the package name of that
* identifier. See {@link android.view.ViewStructure#setId ViewStructure.setId}
* for more information.
public String getIdPackage() {
return mIdPackage;
* If {@link #getId()} is a resource identifier, this is the type name of that
* identifier. See {@link android.view.ViewStructure#setId ViewStructure.setId}
* for more information.
public String getIdType() {
return mIdType;
* If {@link #getId()} is a resource identifier, this is the entry name of that
* identifier. See {@link android.view.ViewStructure#setId ViewStructure.setId}
* for more information.
public String getIdEntry() {
return mIdEntry;
* Returns the left edge of this view, in pixels, relative to the left edge of its parent.
public int getLeft() {
return mX;
* Returns the top edge of this view, in pixels, relative to the top edge of its parent.
public int getTop() {
return mY;
* Returns the current X scroll offset of this view, as per
* {@link android.view.View#getScrollX() View.getScrollX()}.
public int getScrollX() {
return mScrollX;
* Returns the current Y scroll offset of this view, as per
* {@link android.view.View#getScrollX() View.getScrollY()}.
public int getScrollY() {
return mScrollY;
* Returns the width of this view, in pixels.
public int getWidth() {
return mWidth;
* Returns the height of this view, in pixels.
public int getHeight() {
return mHeight;
* Returns the transformation that has been applied to this view, such as a translation
* or scaling. The returned Matrix object is owned by ViewNode; do not modify it.
* Returns null if there is no transformation applied to the view.
public Matrix getTransformation() {
return mMatrix;
* Returns the visual elevation of the view, used for shadowing and other visual
* characterstics, as set by {@link ViewStructure#setElevation
* ViewStructure.setElevation(float)}.
public float getElevation() {
return mElevation;
* Returns the alpha transformation of the view, used to reduce the overall opacity
* of the view's contents, as set by {@link ViewStructure#setAlpha
* ViewStructure.setAlpha(float)}.
public float getAlpha() {
return mAlpha;
* Returns the visibility mode of this view, as per
* {@link android.view.View#getVisibility() View.getVisibility()}.
public int getVisibility() {
return mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_VISIBILITY_MASK;
* Returns true if assist data has been blocked starting at this node in the hierarchy.
public boolean isAssistBlocked() {
return (mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_ASSIST_BLOCKED) == 0;
* Returns true if this node is in an enabled state.
public boolean isEnabled() {
return (mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_DISABLED) == 0;
* Returns true if this node is clickable by the user.
public boolean isClickable() {
return (mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_CLICKABLE) != 0;
* Returns true if this node can take input focus.
public boolean isFocusable() {
return (mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_FOCUSABLE) != 0;
* Returns true if this node currently had input focus at the time that the
* structure was collected.
public boolean isFocused() {
return (mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_FOCUSED) != 0;
* Returns true if this node currently had accessibility focus at the time that the
* structure was collected.
public boolean isAccessibilityFocused() {
return (mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED) != 0;
* Returns true if this node represents something that is checkable by the user.
public boolean isCheckable() {
return (mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_CHECKABLE) != 0;
* Returns true if this node is currently in a checked state.
public boolean isChecked() {
return (mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_CHECKED) != 0;
* Returns true if this node has currently been selected by the user.
public boolean isSelected() {
return (mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_SELECTED) != 0;
* Returns true if this node has currently been activated by the user.
public boolean isActivated() {
return (mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_ACTIVATED) != 0;
* Returns true if this node is something the user can perform a long click/press on.
public boolean isLongClickable() {
return (mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_LONG_CLICKABLE) != 0;
* Returns true if this node is something the user can perform a context click on.
public boolean isContextClickable() {
return (mFlags&ViewNode.FLAGS_CONTEXT_CLICKABLE) != 0;
* Returns the class name of the node's implementation, indicating its behavior.
* For example, a button will report "android.widget.Button" meaning it behaves
* like a {@link android.widget.Button}.
public String getClassName() {
return mClassName;
* Returns any content description associated with the node, which semantically describes
* its purpose for accessibility and other uses.
public CharSequence getContentDescription() {
return mContentDescription;
* Returns any text associated with the node that is displayed to the user, or null
* if there is none.
public CharSequence getText() {
return mText != null ? mText.mText : null;
* If {@link #getText()} is non-null, this is where the current selection starts.
public int getTextSelectionStart() {
return mText != null ? mText.mTextSelectionStart : -1;
* If {@link #getText()} is non-null, this is where the current selection starts.
* If there is no selection, returns the same value as {@link #getTextSelectionStart()},
* indicating the cursor position.
public int getTextSelectionEnd() {
return mText != null ? mText.mTextSelectionEnd : -1;
* If {@link #getText()} is non-null, this is the main text color associated with it.
* If there is no text color, {@link #TEXT_COLOR_UNDEFINED} is returned.
* Note that the text may also contain style spans that modify the color of specific
* parts of the text.
public int getTextColor() {
return mText != null ? mText.mTextColor : TEXT_COLOR_UNDEFINED;
* If {@link #getText()} is non-null, this is the main text background color associated
* with it.
* If there is no text background color, {@link #TEXT_COLOR_UNDEFINED} is returned.
* Note that the text may also contain style spans that modify the color of specific
* parts of the text.
public int getTextBackgroundColor() {
return mText != null ? mText.mTextBackgroundColor : TEXT_COLOR_UNDEFINED;
* If {@link #getText()} is non-null, this is the main text size (in pixels) associated
* with it.
* Note that the text may also contain style spans that modify the size of specific
* parts of the text.
public float getTextSize() {
return mText != null ? mText.mTextSize : 0;
* If {@link #getText()} is non-null, this is the main text style associated
* with it, containing a bit mask of {@link #TEXT_STYLE_BOLD},
* {@link #TEXT_STYLE_BOLD}, {@link #TEXT_STYLE_STRIKE_THRU}, and/or
* Note that the text may also contain style spans that modify the style of specific
* parts of the text.
public int getTextStyle() {
return mText != null ? mText.mTextStyle : 0;
* Return additional hint text associated with the node; this is typically used with
* a node that takes user input, describing to the user what the input means.
public String getHint() {
return mText != null ? mText.mHint : null;
* Return a Bundle containing optional vendor-specific extension information.
public Bundle getExtras() {
return mExtras;
* Return the number of children this node has.
public int getChildCount() {
return mChildren != null ? mChildren.length : 0;
* Return a child of this node, given an index value from 0 to
* {@link #getChildCount()}-1.
public ViewNode getChildAt(int index) {
return mChildren[index];
static class ViewNodeBuilder extends ViewStructure {
final AssistStructure mAssist;
final ViewNode mNode;
final boolean mAsync;
ViewNodeBuilder(AssistStructure assist, ViewNode node, boolean async) {
mAssist = assist;
mNode = node;
mAsync = async;
public void setId(int id, String packageName, String typeName, String entryName) {
mNode.mId = id;
mNode.mIdPackage = packageName;
mNode.mIdType = typeName;
mNode.mIdEntry = entryName;
public void setDimens(int left, int top, int scrollX, int scrollY, int width, int height) {
mNode.mX = left;
mNode.mY = top;
mNode.mScrollX = scrollX;
mNode.mScrollY = scrollY;
mNode.mWidth = width;
mNode.mHeight = height;
public void setTransformation(Matrix matrix) {
if (matrix == null) {
mNode.mMatrix = null;
} else {
mNode.mMatrix = new Matrix(matrix);
public void setElevation(float elevation) {
mNode.mElevation = elevation;
public void setAlpha(float alpha) {
mNode.mAlpha = alpha;
public void setVisibility(int visibility) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_VISIBILITY_MASK) | visibility;
public void setAssistBlocked(boolean state) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_ASSIST_BLOCKED)
| (state ? 0 : ViewNode.FLAGS_ASSIST_BLOCKED);
public void setEnabled(boolean state) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_DISABLED)
| (state ? 0 : ViewNode.FLAGS_DISABLED);
public void setClickable(boolean state) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_CLICKABLE)
| (state ? ViewNode.FLAGS_CLICKABLE : 0);
public void setLongClickable(boolean state) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_LONG_CLICKABLE)
| (state ? ViewNode.FLAGS_LONG_CLICKABLE : 0);
public void setContextClickable(boolean state) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_CONTEXT_CLICKABLE)
| (state ? ViewNode.FLAGS_CONTEXT_CLICKABLE : 0);
public void setFocusable(boolean state) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_FOCUSABLE)
| (state ? ViewNode.FLAGS_FOCUSABLE : 0);
public void setFocused(boolean state) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_FOCUSED)
| (state ? ViewNode.FLAGS_FOCUSED : 0);
public void setAccessibilityFocused(boolean state) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUSED)
public void setCheckable(boolean state) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_CHECKABLE)
| (state ? ViewNode.FLAGS_CHECKABLE : 0);
public void setChecked(boolean state) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_CHECKED)
| (state ? ViewNode.FLAGS_CHECKED : 0);
public void setSelected(boolean state) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_SELECTED)
| (state ? ViewNode.FLAGS_SELECTED : 0);
public void setActivated(boolean state) {
mNode.mFlags = (mNode.mFlags&~ViewNode.FLAGS_ACTIVATED)
| (state ? ViewNode.FLAGS_ACTIVATED : 0);
public void setClassName(String className) {
mNode.mClassName = className;
public void setContentDescription(CharSequence contentDescription) {
mNode.mContentDescription = contentDescription;
private final ViewNodeText getNodeText() {
if (mNode.mText != null) {
return mNode.mText;
mNode.mText = new ViewNodeText();
return mNode.mText;
public void setText(CharSequence text) {
ViewNodeText t = getNodeText();
t.mText = text;
t.mTextSelectionStart = t.mTextSelectionEnd = -1;
public void setText(CharSequence text, int selectionStart, int selectionEnd) {
ViewNodeText t = getNodeText();
t.mText = text;
t.mTextSelectionStart = selectionStart;
t.mTextSelectionEnd = selectionEnd;
public void setTextStyle(float size, int fgColor, int bgColor, int style) {
ViewNodeText t = getNodeText();
t.mTextColor = fgColor;
t.mTextBackgroundColor = bgColor;
t.mTextSize = size;
t.mTextStyle = style;
public void setHint(CharSequence hint) {
getNodeText().mHint = hint != null ? hint.toString() : null;
public CharSequence getText() {
return mNode.mText != null ? mNode.mText.mText : null;
public int getTextSelectionStart() {
return mNode.mText != null ? mNode.mText.mTextSelectionStart : -1;
public int getTextSelectionEnd() {
return mNode.mText != null ? mNode.mText.mTextSelectionEnd : -1;
public CharSequence getHint() {
return mNode.mText != null ? mNode.mText.mHint : null;
public Bundle getExtras() {
if (mNode.mExtras != null) {
return mNode.mExtras;
mNode.mExtras = new Bundle();
return mNode.mExtras;
public boolean hasExtras() {
return mNode.mExtras != null;
public void setChildCount(int num) {
mNode.mChildren = new ViewNode[num];
public int addChildCount(int num) {
if (mNode.mChildren == null) {
return 0;
final int start = mNode.mChildren.length;
ViewNode[] newArray = new ViewNode[start + num];
System.arraycopy(mNode.mChildren, 0, newArray, 0, start);
mNode.mChildren = newArray;
return start;
public int getChildCount() {
return mNode.mChildren != null ? mNode.mChildren.length : 0;
public ViewStructure newChild(int index) {
ViewNode node = new ViewNode();
mNode.mChildren[index] = node;
return new ViewNodeBuilder(mAssist, node, false);
public ViewStructure asyncNewChild(int index) {
synchronized (mAssist) {
ViewNode node = new ViewNode();
mNode.mChildren[index] = node;
ViewNodeBuilder builder = new ViewNodeBuilder(mAssist, node, true);
return builder;
public void asyncCommit() {
synchronized (mAssist) {
if (!mAsync) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Child " + this
+ " was not created with ViewStructure.asyncNewChild");
if (!mAssist.mPendingAsyncChildren.remove(this)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Child " + this + " already committed");
public Rect getTempRect() {
return mAssist.mTmpRect;
/** @hide */
public AssistStructure(Activity activity) {
mHaveData = true;
mActivityComponent = activity.getComponentName();
ArrayList<ViewRootImpl> views = WindowManagerGlobal.getInstance().getRootViews(
for (int i=0; i<views.size(); i++) {
ViewRootImpl root = views.get(i);
mWindowNodes.add(new WindowNode(this, root));
public AssistStructure() {
mHaveData = true;
mActivityComponent = null;
/** @hide */
public AssistStructure(Parcel in) {
mReceiveChannel = in.readStrongBinder();
/** @hide */
public void dump() {
Log.i(TAG, "Activity: " + mActivityComponent.flattenToShortString());
final int N = getWindowNodeCount();
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
WindowNode node = getWindowNodeAt(i);
Log.i(TAG, "Window #" + i + " [" + node.getLeft() + "," + node.getTop()
+ " " + node.getWidth() + "x" + node.getHeight() + "]" + " " + node.getTitle());
dump(" ", node.getRootViewNode());
void dump(String prefix, ViewNode node) {
Log.i(TAG, prefix + "View [" + node.getLeft() + "," + node.getTop()
+ " " + node.getWidth() + "x" + node.getHeight() + "]" + " " + node.getClassName());
int id = node.getId();
if (id != 0) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(prefix); sb.append(" ID: #"); sb.append(Integer.toHexString(id));
String entry = node.getIdEntry();
if (entry != null) {
String type = node.getIdType();
String pkg = node.getIdPackage();
sb.append(" "); sb.append(pkg); sb.append(":"); sb.append(type);
sb.append("/"); sb.append(entry);
Log.i(TAG, sb.toString());
int scrollX = node.getScrollX();
int scrollY = node.getScrollY();
if (scrollX != 0 || scrollY != 0) {
Log.i(TAG, prefix + " Scroll: " + scrollX + "," + scrollY);
Matrix matrix = node.getTransformation();
if (matrix != null) {
Log.i(TAG, prefix + " Transformation: " + matrix);
float elevation = node.getElevation();
if (elevation != 0) {
Log.i(TAG, prefix + " Elevation: " + elevation);
float alpha = node.getAlpha();
if (alpha != 0) {
Log.i(TAG, prefix + " Alpha: " + elevation);
CharSequence contentDescription = node.getContentDescription();
if (contentDescription != null) {
Log.i(TAG, prefix + " Content description: " + contentDescription);
CharSequence text = node.getText();
if (text != null) {
Log.i(TAG, prefix + " Text (sel " + node.getTextSelectionStart() + "-"
+ node.getTextSelectionEnd() + "): " + text);
Log.i(TAG, prefix + " Text size: " + node.getTextSize() + " , style: #"
+ node.getTextStyle());
Log.i(TAG, prefix + " Text color fg: #" + Integer.toHexString(node.getTextColor())
+ ", bg: #" + Integer.toHexString(node.getTextBackgroundColor()));
String hint = node.getHint();
if (hint != null) {
Log.i(TAG, prefix + " Hint: " + hint);
Bundle extras = node.getExtras();
if (extras != null) {
Log.i(TAG, prefix + " Extras: " + extras);
final int NCHILDREN = node.getChildCount();
if (NCHILDREN > 0) {
Log.i(TAG, prefix + " Children:");
String cprefix = prefix + " ";
for (int i=0; i<NCHILDREN; i++) {
ViewNode cnode = node.getChildAt(i);
dump(cprefix, cnode);
* Return the activity this AssistStructure came from.
public ComponentName getActivityComponent() {
return mActivityComponent;
* Return the number of window contents that have been collected in this assist data.
public int getWindowNodeCount() {
return mWindowNodes.size();
* Return one of the windows in the assist data.
* @param index Which window to retrieve, may be 0 to {@link #getWindowNodeCount()}-1.
public WindowNode getWindowNodeAt(int index) {
return mWindowNodes.get(index);
/** @hide */
public void ensureData() {
if (mHaveData) {
mHaveData = true;
Parcel data = Parcel.obtain();
Parcel reply = Parcel.obtain();
try {
mReceiveChannel.transact(TRANSACTION_XFER, data, reply, 0);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
Log.w(TAG, "Failure reading AssistStructure data", e);
void writeContentToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) {
// First make sure all content has been created.
boolean skipStructure = false;
synchronized (this) {
long endTime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis() + 5000;
long now;
while (mPendingAsyncChildren.size() > 0 && (now=SystemClock.uptimeMillis()) < endTime) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
if (mPendingAsyncChildren.size() > 0) {
// We waited too long, assume none of the assist structure is valid.
Log.w(TAG, "Skipping assist structure, waiting too long for async children (have "
+ mPendingAsyncChildren.size() + " remaining");
skipStructure = true;
int start = out.dataPosition();
PooledStringWriter pwriter = new PooledStringWriter(out);
float[] tmpMatrix = new float[9];
ComponentName.writeToParcel(mActivityComponent, out);
final int N = skipStructure ? 0 : mWindowNodes.size();
int NV = 0;
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
NV += mWindowNodes.get(i).writeToParcel(out, pwriter, tmpMatrix);
Log.i(TAG, "Flattened assist data: " + (out.dataPosition() - start) + " bytes, containing "
+ N + " windows, " + NV + " views");
void readContentFromParcel(Parcel in) {
PooledStringReader preader = new PooledStringReader(in);
float[] tmpMatrix = new float[9];
mActivityComponent = ComponentName.readFromParcel(in);
final int N = in.readInt();
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
mWindowNodes.add(new WindowNode(in, preader, tmpMatrix));
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel out, int flags) {
if (mHaveData) {
// This object holds its data. We want to write a send channel that the
// other side can use to retrieve that data.
if (mSendChannel == null) {
mSendChannel = new SendChannel();
} else {
// This object doesn't hold its data, so just propagate along its receive channel.
public static final Parcelable.Creator<AssistStructure> CREATOR
= new Parcelable.Creator<AssistStructure>() {
public AssistStructure createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new AssistStructure(in);
public AssistStructure[] newArray(int size) {
return new AssistStructure[size];