
Unit tests

New WM Shell unit tests can be added to the Shell/tests/unittest directory, and can be run via command line using atest:

atest WMShellUnitTests

If you use the SysUI Studio project, you can run and debug tests directly in the source files (click on the little arrows next to the test class or test method).

These unit tests are run as a part of WindowManager presubmit, and the dashboards for these unit tests tests can be found at go/wm-tests.

This GCL file configures the tests being run on the server.

Flicker tests

Flicker tests are tests that perform actions and make assertions on the state in Window Manager and SurfaceFlinger traces captured during the run.

New WM Shell Flicker tests can be added to the Shell/tests/flicker directory, and can be run via command line using atest:

atest WMShellFlickerTests

Note: Currently Flicker tests can only be run from the commandline and not via SysUI Studio

A subset of the flicker tests tests are run as a part of WindowManager presubmit, and the dashboards for these tests tests can be found at go/wm-tests-flicker.

CTS tests

Some windowing features also have CTS tests to ensure consistent behavior across OEMs. For example:

These can also be run via commandline only using atest, for example:

atest PinnedStackTests