ChooserActivity: Cannot start app that the icon overflows the layout

When sharing an image from Album, ChooserActivity can be shown.
But then the app to be located to the bottom part of the list may not
be started even if user tap it.

Root cause:
ChooserActivity uses ResolverDrawerLayout. And ResolverDrawerLayout
can display only some items on the list (known as "Collapse mode").
When the item clipping along the bottom edge is tapped by the user,
ResolverDrawerLayout tries to expand the list and scroll it to a
better position, instead of starting an application.
In this problem case, ResolverDrawerLayout continues to try to expand
the list whenever tapping, so an application will never start.

Change a condition so that mOpenOnClick becomes true only when the list
has been collapsed (mCollapseOffset > 0).

Bug: 30153542

Change-Id: I576fb6c8b6a91d79c1e0d46d069146779f4dbd17
1 file changed