blob: ef8dee401b050240309763959844c2cd09a8d154 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_0;
import static android.view.Surface.ROTATION_270;
import android.hardware.display.DisplayManagerInternal;
import android.util.ArraySet;
import android.util.Slog;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.DisplayInfo;
import android.view.Surface;
import java.util.Set;
* Maintains a map of possible {@link DisplayInfo} for displays and states that may be encountered
* on a device. This is not guaranteed to include all possible device states for all displays.
* By 'possible', this class only handles device states for displays and display groups it is
* currently aware of. It can not handle all eventual states the system may enter, for example, if
* an external display is added, or a new display is added to the group.
public class PossibleDisplayInfoMapper {
private static final String TAG = "PossibleDisplayInfoMapper";
private static final boolean DEBUG = false;
private final DisplayManagerInternal mDisplayManagerInternal;
* Map of all logical displays, indexed by logical display id.
* Each logical display has multiple entries, one for each possible rotation and device
* state.
* Emptied and re-calculated when a display is added, removed, or changed.
private final SparseArray<Set<DisplayInfo>> mDisplayInfos = new SparseArray<>();
PossibleDisplayInfoMapper(DisplayManagerInternal displayManagerInternal) {
mDisplayManagerInternal = displayManagerInternal;
* Returns, for the given displayId, a set of display infos. Set contains the possible rotations
* for each supported device state.
public Set<DisplayInfo> getPossibleDisplayInfos(int displayId) {
// Update display infos before returning, since any cached values would have been removed
// in response to any display event. This model avoids re-computing the cache for every
// display change event (which occurs extremely frequently in the normal usage of the
// device).
if (!mDisplayInfos.contains(displayId)) {
return new ArraySet<>();
return Set.copyOf(mDisplayInfos.get(displayId));
* Updates the possible {@link DisplayInfo}s for the given display, by calculating the
* DisplayInfo for each rotation across supported device states.
public void updatePossibleDisplayInfos(int displayId) {
Set<DisplayInfo> displayInfos = mDisplayManagerInternal.getPossibleDisplayInfo(displayId);
if (DEBUG) {
Slog.v(TAG, "updatePossibleDisplayInfos, calculate rotations for given DisplayInfo "
+ displayInfos.size() + " on display " + displayId);
* For the given displayId, removes all possible {@link DisplayInfo}.
public void removePossibleDisplayInfos(int displayId) {
if (DEBUG && mDisplayInfos.get(displayId) != null) {
Slog.v(TAG, "onDisplayRemoved, remove all DisplayInfo (" + mDisplayInfos.get(
displayId).size() + ") with id " + displayId);
private void updateDisplayInfos(Set<DisplayInfo> displayInfos) {
// Empty out cache before re-computing.
DisplayInfo[] originalDisplayInfos = new DisplayInfo[displayInfos.size()];
// Iterate over each logical display layout for the current state.
Set<DisplayInfo> rotatedDisplayInfos;
for (DisplayInfo di : originalDisplayInfos) {
rotatedDisplayInfos = new ArraySet<>();
// Calculate all possible rotations for each logical display.
for (int rotation = ROTATION_0; rotation <= ROTATION_270; rotation++) {
rotatedDisplayInfos.add(applyRotation(di, rotation));
// Combine all results under the logical display id.
Set<DisplayInfo> priorDisplayInfos = mDisplayInfos.get(di.displayId, new ArraySet<>());
mDisplayInfos.put(di.displayId, priorDisplayInfos);
private static DisplayInfo applyRotation(DisplayInfo displayInfo,
@Surface.Rotation int rotation) {
DisplayInfo updatedDisplayInfo = new DisplayInfo();
updatedDisplayInfo.rotation = rotation;
final int naturalWidth = updatedDisplayInfo.getNaturalWidth();
final int naturalHeight = updatedDisplayInfo.getNaturalHeight();
updatedDisplayInfo.logicalWidth = naturalWidth;
updatedDisplayInfo.logicalHeight = naturalHeight;
return updatedDisplayInfo;