Avoid extra force-relayout for sync

The related steps of launching app with shell transition:
1. Set sync state
2. Start/resume the app
3. Add app or starting window and calls relayoutWindow
4. relayoutWindow
     - performSurfacePlacement
       - updateResizingWindowIfNeeded
     - Return sync id because sync state was set
5. The client finishes drawing with sync draw transaction

If updateResizingWindowIfNeeded still includes the window to redraw,
there will be extra non-sync relayoutWindow/finishDrawing, because
the sync seq id doesn't increase. That is unnecessary cost.

Bug: 231435331
Test: Enable shell transition.
      While cold/warm/hot launch app or swipe to recents,
      the 2nd doFrame of app window should not call relayoutWindow.
Change-Id: I6faad4b9adac7334df7caf3d23df59bd3e96bfd9
1 file changed