Fix bubble expanded view width after rotation

Use a fixed width for the task view when adding it to the view hierarchy. Otherwise the width will be recalculated as part of the rotation transformation.

felix unfolded: http://recall/-/bJtug1HhvXkkeA4MQvIaiP/hBwh55vzzLzZVRFcT3RPyU
felix folded: http://recall/-/bJtug1HhvXkkeA4MQvIaiP/eeAWZM8y707R7CHH7YwQk7
tangor: http://recall/-/bJtug1HhvXkkeA4MQvIaiP/b5GXHQpPeNnUe5aYW2tsiH

Bug: 309523331
Test: Manual
      - Create bubble
      - Expand and rotate the device
      - Repeat and observe that expanded view width is always calculated correctly
Change-Id: I3dc18bc245d358541b93014a7b463c34db00ec6c
3 files changed