Fix a potential(observed sometimes) media server crash

The problem is that we are referring an temp object returned from a function call.
When the function call returned, the temp object is gone; and thus the reference
may be invalidated.

-- rebased

bug - 2734946

Change-Id: I1993c4462df95610ca478f816adc30058af5850e
diff --git a/media/jni/android_media_MediaRecorder.cpp b/media/jni/android_media_MediaRecorder.cpp
index 3d90650..c113ffe 100644
--- a/media/jni/android_media_MediaRecorder.cpp
+++ b/media/jni/android_media_MediaRecorder.cpp
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@
     jobject surface = env->GetObjectField(thiz, fields.surface);
     if (surface != NULL) {
-        const sp<Surface>& native_surface = get_surface(env, surface);
+        const sp<Surface> native_surface = get_surface(env, surface);
         LOGI("prepare: surface=%p (identity=%d)", native_surface.get(), native_surface->getIdentity());
         if (process_media_recorder_call(env, mr->setPreviewSurface(native_surface), "java/lang/RuntimeException", "setPreviewSurface failed.")) {