wifi: Support SAE_TRANSITION when converting to WifiConfiguration

In android R, framework use SoftApConfiguratio to replace
WifiConfiguration. The mapping function between WifiConfiguration and
SoftApConfiguration was desinged to return Null when the type doesn't
support in WifiConfiguration. Likes security type WPA3_SAE_TRANSITION.
But it causes the app crash because unexpected Null config.
Add the mapping, SAE_TRANSITION to WPA2, when converting to avoid break
the legacy apps since WPA2 config also works normally when LOHS enabled on

Bug: 163687359
Test: atest FrameworksWifiTests
Test: atest frameworks/base/wifi/tests/
Test: atest -c android.net.wifi.cts.WifiManagerTest#testStartLocalOnlyHotspotSingleRequestByApps
Change-Id: I6afba22e4081ba58884ffd1b560b81b1e9960132
2 files changed