Debugging in the Shell

Logging & ProtoLogs

The interactions in the Shell can be pretty complicated, so having good logging is crucial to debugging problems that arise (especially in dogfood). The Shell uses the same efficient Protolog mechanism as WM Core, which can be enabled at runtime on debug devices.

TLDR  Don’t use Logs or Slogs except for error cases, Protologs are much more flexible, easy to add and easy to use

Adding a new ProtoLog

Update ShellProtoLogGroup to include a new log group (ie. NEW_FEATURE) for the content you want to log. ProtoLog log calls mirror Log.v/d/e(), and take a format message and arguments:

ProtoLog.v(NEW_FEATURE, "Test log w/ params: %d %s", 1, a”)

This code itself will not compile by itself, but the protologtool will preprocess the file when building to check the log state (is enabled) before printing the print format style log.


  • ProtoLogs currently only work from soong builds (ie. via make/mp). We need to reimplement the tool for use with SysUI-studio
  • Non-text ProtoLogs are not currently supported with the Shell library (you can't view them with traces in Winscope)

Enabling ProtoLog command line logging

Run these commands to enable protologs for both WM Core and WM Shell to print to logcat.

adb shell wm logging enable-text NEW_FEATURE
adb shell wm logging disable-text NEW_FEATURE

Winscope Tracing

The Winscope tool is extremely useful in determining what is happening on-screen in both WindowManager and SurfaceFlinger. Follow go/winscope to learn how to use the tool.

In addition, there is limited preliminary support for Winscope tracing componetns in the Shell, which involves adding trace fields to wm_shell_trace.proto file and ensure it is updated as a part of WMShell#writeToProto.

Tracing can be started via the shell command (to be added to the Winscope tool as needed):

adb shell cmd statusbar tracing start
adb shell cmd statusbar tracing stop


Because the Shell library is built as a part of SystemUI, dumping the state is currently done as a part of dumping the SystemUI service. Dumping the Shell specific data can be done by specifying the WMShell SysUI service:

adb shell dumpsys activity service SystemUIService WMShell

If information should be added to the dump, either:

  • Update WMShell if you are dumping SysUI state
  • Inject ShellCommandHandler into your Shell class, and add a dump callback

Debugging in Android Studio

If you are using the go/sysui-studio project, then you can debug Shell code directly from Android Studio like any other app.