blob: 080f3b53157b13b6dc80a0a25f249a6ab161b849 [file] [log] [blame]
import itertools
import os
import sys
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Tuple, \
TypeVar, Optional
# local import
import lib.print_utils as print_utils
T = TypeVar('T')
NamedTupleMeta = Callable[
..., T] # approximation of a (S : NamedTuple<T> where S() == T) metatype.
FilterFuncType = Callable[[NamedTuple], bool]
def dict_lookup_any_key(dictionary: dict, *keys: List[Any]):
for k in keys:
if k in dictionary:
return dictionary[k]
print_utils.debug_print("None of the keys {} were in the dictionary".format(
return [None]
def generate_run_combinations(named_tuple: NamedTupleMeta[T],
opts_dict: Dict[str, List[Optional[object]]],
loop_count: int = 1) -> Iterable[T]:
Create all possible combinations given the values in opts_dict[named_tuple._fields].
:type T: type annotation for the named_tuple type.
:param named_tuple: named tuple type, whose fields are used to make combinations for
:param opts_dict: dictionary of keys to value list. keys correspond to the named_tuple fields.
:param loop_count: number of repetitions.
:return: an iterable over named_tuple instances.
combinations_list = []
for k in named_tuple._fields:
# the key can be either singular or plural , e.g. 'package' or 'packages'
val = dict_lookup_any_key(opts_dict, k, k + "s")
# treat {'x': None} key value pairs as if it was [None]
# otherwise itertools.product throws an exception about not being able to iterate None.
combinations_list.append(val or [None])
print_utils.debug_print("opts_dict: ", opts_dict)
print_utils.debug_print_nd("named_tuple: ", named_tuple)
print_utils.debug_print("combinations_list: ", combinations_list)
for i in range(loop_count):
for combo in itertools.product(*combinations_list):
yield named_tuple(*combo)
def filter_run_combinations(named_tuple: NamedTuple,
filters: List[FilterFuncType]) -> bool:
for filter in filters:
if filter(named_tuple):
return False
return True
def generate_group_run_combinations(run_combinations: Iterable[NamedTuple],
dst_nt: NamedTupleMeta[T]) \
-> Iterable[Tuple[T, Iterable[NamedTuple]]]:
def group_by_keys(src_nt):
src_d = src_nt._asdict()
# now remove the keys that aren't legal in dst.
for illegal_key in set(src_d.keys()) - set(dst_nt._fields):
if illegal_key in src_d:
del src_d[illegal_key]
return dst_nt(**src_d)
for args_list_it in itertools.groupby(run_combinations, group_by_keys):
(group_key_value, args_it) = args_list_it
yield (group_key_value, args_it)