blob: 685733386cae99054a982c6c527549fcc32d713d [file] [log] [blame]
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.FieldDeclaration
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.MethodDeclaration
import com.github.javaparser.ast.body.VariableDeclarator
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.AnnotationExpr
import com.github.javaparser.ast.expr.ArrayInitializerExpr
* IntDefs and StringDefs based on constants
fun ClassPrinter.generateConstDefs() {
val consts = classAst.fields.filter {
it.isStatic && it.isFinal && it.variables.all { variable ->
variable.type.asString() in listOf("int", "String")
} && it.annotations.none { it.nameAsString == DataClassSuppressConstDefs }
}.flatMap { field -> { it to field } }
val intConsts = consts.filter { it.first.type.asString() == "int" }
val strConsts = consts.filter { it.first.type.asString() == "String" }
val intGroups = intConsts.groupBy { it.first.nameAsString.split("_")[0] }.values
val strGroups = strConsts.groupBy { it.first.nameAsString.split("_")[0] }.values
intGroups.forEach {
strGroups.forEach {
fun ClassPrinter.generateConstDef(consts: List<Pair<VariableDeclarator, FieldDeclaration>>) {
if (consts.size <= 1) return
val names = { it.first.nameAsString!! }
val prefix = names
.reduce { a, b -> a.commonPrefixWith(b) }
.dropLastWhile { it != '_' }
if (prefix.isEmpty()) {
println("Failed to generate const def for $names")
var AnnotationName = prefix.split("_")
.filterNot { it.isBlank() }
.map { it.toLowerCase().capitalize() }
val annotatedConst = consts.find { it.second.annotations.isNonEmpty }
if (annotatedConst != null) {
AnnotationName = annotatedConst.second.annotations.first().nameAsString
val type = consts[0].first.type.asString()
val flag = type == "int" && consts.all { it.first.initializer.get().toString().startsWith("0x") }
val constDef = ConstDef(type = when {
type == "String" -> ConstDef.Type.STRING
flag -> ConstDef.Type.INT_FLAGS
else -> ConstDef.Type.INT
AnnotationName = AnnotationName,
values = { it.second }
constDefs += constDef
fields.forEachApply {
if (fieldAst.annotations.any { it.nameAsString == AnnotationName }) {
this.intOrStringDef = constDef
val visibility = if (consts[0].second.isPublic) "public" else "/* package-private */"
val Retention = classRef("java.lang.annotation.Retention")
val RetentionPolicySource = memberRef("java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy.SOURCE")
val ConstDef = classRef("android.annotation.${type.capitalize()}Def")
if (FeatureFlag.CONST_DEFS.hidden) {
+"/** @hide */"
"@$ConstDef(${if_(flag, "flag = true, ")}prefix = \"${prefix}_\", value = {" {
names.forEachLastAware { name, isLast ->
+"$name${if_(!isLast, ",")}"
} + ")"
+"$visibility @interface $AnnotationName {}"
if (type == "int") {
if (FeatureFlag.CONST_DEFS.hidden) {
+"/** @hide */"
val methodDefLine = "$visibility static String ${AnnotationName.decapitalize()}ToString(" +
"@$AnnotationName int value)"
if (flag) {
val flg2str = memberRef("")
methodDefLine {
"return $flg2str(" {
+"value, $ClassName::single${AnnotationName}ToString"
} + ";"
!"static String single${AnnotationName}ToString(@$AnnotationName int value)"
} else {
" {" {
"switch (value) {" {
names.forEach { name ->
"case $name:" {
+"return \"$name\";"
+"default: return Integer.toHexString(value);"
fun FileInfo.generateAidl() {
val aidl = File(file.path.substringBeforeLast(".java") + ".aidl")
if (aidl.exists()) return
aidl.writeText(buildString {
sourceLines.dropLastWhile { !it.startsWith("package ") }.forEach {
append("\nparcelable ${mainClass.nameAsString};\n")
* ```
* Foo newFoo = oldFoo.withBar(newBar);
* ```
fun ClassPrinter.generateWithers() {
fields.forEachApply {
val metodName = "with$NameUpperCamel"
if (!isMethodGenerationSuppressed(metodName, Type)) {
generateFieldJavadoc(forceHide = FeatureFlag.WITHERS.hidden)
public $ClassType $metodName($annotatedTypeForSetterParam value)""" {
val changedFieldName = name
"return new $ClassType(" {
fields.forEachTrimmingTrailingComma {
if (name == changedFieldName) +"value," else +"$name,"
} + ";"
fun ClassPrinter.generateCopyConstructor() {
if (classAst.constructors.any {
it.parameters.size == 1 &&
it.parameters[0].type.asString() == ClassType
}) {
+" * Copy constructor"
if (FeatureFlag.COPY_CONSTRUCTOR.hidden) {
+" * @hide"
+" */"
"public $ClassName(@$NonNull $ClassName orig)" {
fields.forEachApply {
+"$name = orig.$name;"
* ```
* Foo newFoo = oldFoo.buildUpon().setBar(newBar).build();
* ```
fun ClassPrinter.generateBuildUpon() {
if (isMethodGenerationSuppressed("buildUpon")) return
+" * Provides an instance of {@link $BuilderClass} with state corresponding to this instance."
if (FeatureFlag.BUILD_UPON.hidden) {
+" * @hide"
+" */"
"public $BuilderType buildUpon()" {
"return new $BuilderType()" {
fields.forEachApply {
} + ";"
fun ClassPrinter.generateBuilder() {
val setterVisibility = if (cliArgs.contains(FLAG_BUILDER_PROTECTED_SETTERS))
"protected" else "public"
val constructorVisibility = if (BuilderClass == CANONICAL_BUILDER_CLASS)
"public" else "/* package-*/"
val providedSubclassAst = nestedClasses.find {
it.extendedTypes.any { it.nameAsString == BASE_BUILDER_CLASS }
val BuilderSupertype = if (customBaseBuilderAst != null) {
} else {
val maybeFinal = if_(classAst.isFinal, "final ")
+" * A builder for {@link $ClassName}"
if (FeatureFlag.BUILDER.hidden) +" * @hide"
+" */"
!"public static ${maybeFinal}class $BuilderClass$genericArgs"
if (BuilderSupertype != "Object") {
appendSameLine(" extends $BuilderSupertype")
" {" {
fields.forEachApply {
+"private $annotationsAndType $name;"
+"private long mBuilderFieldsSet = 0L;"
val requiredFields = fields.filter { !it.hasDefault }
fields = requiredFields,
ClassName = BuilderClass,
hidden = false)
"$constructorVisibility $BuilderClass(" {
requiredFields.forEachLastAware { field, isLast ->
+"${field.annotationsAndType} ${field._name}${if_(!isLast, ",")}"
}; " {" {
requiredFields.forEachApply {
"private void checkNotUsed() {" {
"if ((mBuilderFieldsSet & ${bitAtExpr(fields.size)}) != 0)" {
"throw new IllegalStateException(" {
+"\"This Builder should not be reused. Use a new Builder instance instead\""
private fun ClassPrinter.generateBuilderMethod(
defVisibility: String,
name: String,
paramAnnotations: String? = null,
paramTypes: List<String>,
paramNames: List<String> = listOf("value"),
genJavadoc: ClassPrinter.() -> Unit,
genBody: ClassPrinter.() -> Unit) {
val providedMethod = customBaseBuilderAst?.members?.find {
it is MethodDeclaration
&& it.nameAsString == name
&& { it.typeAsString } == paramTypes.toTypedArray().toList()
} as? MethodDeclaration
if ((providedMethod == null || providedMethod.isAbstract)
&& name !in builderSuppressedMembers) {
val visibility = providedMethod?.visibility?.asString() ?: defVisibility
val ReturnType = providedMethod?.typeAsString ?: CANONICAL_BUILDER_CLASS
val Annotations = providedMethod?.annotations?.joinToString("\n")
if (providedMethod?.isAbstract == true) +"@Override"
if (!Annotations.isNullOrEmpty()) +Annotations
val ParamAnnotations = if (!paramAnnotations.isNullOrEmpty()) "$paramAnnotations " else ""
"$visibility @$NonNull $ReturnType $name(${", ") { (Type, paramName) ->
"$ParamAnnotations$Type $paramName"
})" {
private fun ClassPrinter.generateBuilderSetters(visibility: String) {
fields.forEachApply {
val maybeCast =
val setterName = "set$NameUpperCamel"
name = setterName,
defVisibility = visibility,
paramAnnotations = annotationsForSetterParam,
paramTypes = listOf(SetterParamType),
genJavadoc = { generateFieldJavadoc() }) {
+"mBuilderFieldsSet |= $fieldBit;"
+"$name = value;"
+"return$maybeCast this;"
val javadocSeeSetter = "/** @see #$setterName */"
val adderName = "add$SingularName"
val singularNameCustomizationHint = if (SingularNameOrNull == null) {
"// You can refine this method's name by providing item's singular name, e.g.:\n" +
"// @DataClass.PluralOf(\"item\")) mItems = ...\n\n"
} else ""
if (isList && FieldInnerType != null) {
name = adderName,
defVisibility = visibility,
paramAnnotations = "@$NonNull",
paramTypes = listOf(FieldInnerType),
genJavadoc = { +javadocSeeSetter }) {
+"if ($name == null) $setterName(new $ArrayList<>());"
+"return$maybeCast this;"
if (isMap && FieldInnerType != null) {
name = adderName,
defVisibility = visibility,
paramAnnotations = "@$NonNull",
paramTypes = fieldTypeGenegicArgs,
paramNames = listOf("key", "value"),
genJavadoc = { +javadocSeeSetter }) {
+"if ($name == null) $setterName(new ${if (FieldClass == "Map") LinkedHashMap else FieldClass}());"
+"$name.put(key, value);"
+"return$maybeCast this;"
private fun ClassPrinter.generateBuilderBuild() {
+"/** Builds the instance. This builder should not be touched after calling this! */"
"public @$NonNull $ClassType build()" {
+"mBuilderFieldsSet |= ${bitAtExpr(fields.size)}; // Mark builder used"
fields.forEachApply {
if (hasDefault) {
"if ((mBuilderFieldsSet & $fieldBit) == 0)" {
+"$name = $defaultExpr;"
"$ClassType o = new $ClassType(" {
fields.forEachTrimmingTrailingComma {
} + ";"
+"return o;"
fun ClassPrinter.generateParcelable() {
val booleanFields = fields.filter { it.Type == "boolean" }
val objectFields = fields.filter { it.Type !in PRIMITIVE_TYPES }
val nullableFields = objectFields.filter { it.mayBeNull && it.Type !in PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES }
val nonBooleanFields = fields - booleanFields
val flagStorageType = when (fields.size) {
in 0..7 -> "byte"
in 8..15 -> "int"
in 16..31 -> "long"
else -> throw NotImplementedError("32+ field classes not yet supported")
val FlagStorageType = flagStorageType.capitalize()
fields.forEachApply {
if (sParcelling != null) {
"static $Parcelling<$Type> $sParcelling =" {
"$Parcelling.Cache.get(" {
} + ";"
"static {" {
"if ($sParcelling == null)" {
"$sParcelling = $Parcelling.Cache.put(" {
+"new $customParcellingClass()"
} + ";"
val Parcel = classRef("android.os.Parcel")
if (!isMethodGenerationSuppressed("writeToParcel", Parcel, "int")) {
"public void writeToParcel(@$NonNull $Parcel dest, int flags)" {
+"// You can override field parcelling by defining methods like:"
+"// void parcelFieldName(Parcel dest, int flags) { ... }"
if (extendsParcelableClass) {
+"super.writeToParcel(dest, flags);\n"
if (booleanFields.isNotEmpty() || nullableFields.isNotEmpty()) {
+"$flagStorageType flg = 0;"
booleanFields.forEachApply {
+"if ($internalGetter) flg |= $fieldBit;"
nullableFields.forEachApply {
+"if ($internalGetter != null) flg |= $fieldBit;"
nonBooleanFields.forEachApply {
val customParcellingMethod = "parcel$NameUpperCamel"
when {
hasMethod(customParcellingMethod, Parcel, "int") ->
+"$customParcellingMethod(dest, flags);"
customParcellingClass != null -> +"$sParcelling.parcel($name, dest, flags);"
hasAnnotation("@$DataClassEnum") ->
+"dest.writeInt($internalGetter == null ? -1 : $internalGetter.ordinal());"
else -> {
if (mayBeNull && Type !in PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES) !"if ($internalGetter != null) "
var args = internalGetter
if (ParcelMethodsSuffix.startsWith("Parcelable")
|| ParcelMethodsSuffix.startsWith("TypedObject")
|| ParcelMethodsSuffix == "TypedArray") {
args += ", flags"
if (!isMethodGenerationSuppressed("describeContents")) {
+"public int describeContents() { return 0; }"
if (!hasMethod(ClassName, Parcel)) {
val visibility = if (classAst.isFinal) "/* package-private */" else "protected"
+"/** @hide */"
+"@SuppressWarnings({\"unchecked\", \"RedundantCast\"})"
"$visibility $ClassName(@$NonNull $Parcel in) {" {
+"// You can override field unparcelling by defining methods like:"
+"// static FieldType unparcelFieldName(Parcel in) { ... }"
if (extendsParcelableClass) {
if (booleanFields.isNotEmpty() || nullableFields.isNotEmpty()) {
+"$flagStorageType flg =$FlagStorageType();"
booleanFields.forEachApply {
+"$Type $_name = (flg & $fieldBit) != 0;"
nonBooleanFields.forEachApply {
// Handle customized parceling
val customParcellingMethod = "unparcel$NameUpperCamel"
if (hasMethod(customParcellingMethod, Parcel)) {
+"$Type $_name = $customParcellingMethod(in);"
} else if (customParcellingClass != null) {
+"$Type $_name = $sParcelling.unparcel(in);"
} else if (hasAnnotation("@$DataClassEnum")) {
val ordinal = "${_name}Ordinal"
+"int $ordinal = in.readInt();"
+"$Type $_name = $ordinal < 0 ? null : $FieldClass.values()[$ordinal];"
} else {
val methodArgs = mutableListOf<String>()
// Create container if any
val containerInitExpr = when {
FieldClass == "Map" -> "new $LinkedHashMap<>()"
isMap -> "new $FieldClass()"
FieldClass == "List" || FieldClass == "ArrayList" ->
"new ${classRef("java.util.ArrayList")}<>()"
else -> ""
val passContainer = containerInitExpr.isNotEmpty()
// nullcheck +
// "FieldType fieldName = (FieldType)"
if (passContainer) {
!"$Type $_name = "
if (mayBeNull && Type !in PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES) {
!"if ((flg & $fieldBit) != 0) {"
!"$_name = "
} else {
!"$Type $_name = "
if (mayBeNull && Type !in PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES) {
!"(flg & $fieldBit) == 0 ? null : "
if (ParcelMethodsSuffix == "StrongInterface") {
} else if (Type !in PRIMITIVE_TYPES + "String" + "Bundle" &&
(!isArray || FieldInnerType !in PRIMITIVE_TYPES + "String") &&
ParcelMethodsSuffix != "Parcelable") {
!"($FieldClass) "
// Determine method args
when {
ParcelMethodsSuffix == "Parcelable" ->
methodArgs += "$FieldClass.class.getClassLoader()"
ParcelMethodsSuffix == "SparseArray" ->
methodArgs += "$FieldInnerClass.class.getClassLoader()"
ParcelMethodsSuffix == "TypedObject" ->
methodArgs += "$FieldClass.CREATOR"
ParcelMethodsSuffix == "TypedArray" ->
methodArgs += "$FieldInnerClass.CREATOR"
ParcelMethodsSuffix == "Map" ->
methodArgs += "${fieldTypeGenegicArgs[1].substringBefore("<")}.class.getClassLoader()"
|| (isList || isArray)
&& FieldInnerType !in PRIMITIVE_TYPES + "String" ->
methodArgs += "$FieldInnerClass.class.getClassLoader()"
when {
ParcelMethodsSuffix == "StrongInterface" -> !"in.readStrongBinder"
isArray -> !"in.create$ParcelMethodsSuffix"
else -> !"$ParcelMethodsSuffix"
!"(${methodArgs.joinToString(", ")})"
if (ParcelMethodsSuffix == "StrongInterface") !")"
// Cleanup if passContainer
if (passContainer && mayBeNull && Type !in PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_TYPES) {
fields.forEachApply {
if (classAst.fields.none { it.variables[0].nameAsString == "CREATOR" }) {
val Creator = classRef("android.os.Parcelable.Creator")
"public static final @$NonNull $Creator<$ClassName> CREATOR" {
+"= new $Creator<$ClassName>()"
}; " {" {
"public $ClassName[] newArray(int size)" {
+"return new $ClassName[size];"
"public $ClassName createFromParcel(@$NonNull $Parcel in)" {
+"return new $ClassName(in);"
} + ";"
fun ClassPrinter.generateEqualsHashcode() {
if (!isMethodGenerationSuppressed("equals", "Object")) {
"public boolean equals(@$Nullable Object o)" {
+"// You can override field equality logic by defining either of the methods like:"
+"// boolean fieldNameEquals($ClassName other) { ... }"
+"// boolean fieldNameEquals(FieldType otherValue) { ... }"
"""if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
$ClassType that = ($ClassType) o;
//noinspection PointlessBooleanExpression
return true""" {
fields.forEachApply {
val sfx = if (isLast) ";" else ""
val customEquals = "${nameLowerCamel}Equals"
when {
hasMethod(customEquals, Type) -> +"&& $customEquals(that.$internalGetter)$sfx"
hasMethod(customEquals, ClassType) -> +"&& $customEquals(that)$sfx"
else -> +"&& ${isEqualToExpr("that.$internalGetter")}$sfx"
if (!isMethodGenerationSuppressed("hashCode")) {
"public int hashCode()" {
+"// You can override field hashCode logic by defining methods like:"
+"// int fieldNameHashCode() { ... }"
+"int _hash = 1;"
fields.forEachApply {
!"_hash = 31 * _hash + "
val customHashCode = "${nameLowerCamel}HashCode"
when {
hasMethod(customHashCode) -> +"$customHashCode();"
Type == "int" || Type == "byte" -> +"$internalGetter;"
Type in PRIMITIVE_TYPES -> +"${Type.capitalize()}.hashCode($internalGetter);"
isArray -> +"${memberRef("java.util.Arrays.hashCode")}($internalGetter);"
else -> +"${memberRef("java.util.Objects.hashCode")}($internalGetter);"
+"return _hash;"
//TODO support IntDef flags?
fun ClassPrinter.generateToString() {
if (!isMethodGenerationSuppressed("toString")) {
"public String toString()" {
+"// You can override field toString logic by defining methods like:"
+"// String fieldNameToString() { ... }"
"return \"$ClassName { \" +" {
fields.forEachApply {
val customToString = "${nameLowerCamel}ToString"
val expr = when {
hasMethod(customToString) -> "$customToString()"
isArray -> "${memberRef("java.util.Arrays.toString")}($internalGetter)"
intOrStringDef?.type?.isInt == true ->
else -> internalGetter
+"\"$nameLowerCamel = \" + $expr${if_(!isLast, " + \", \"")} +"
+"\" }\";"
fun ClassPrinter.generateSetters() {
fields.forEachApply {
if (!isMethodGenerationSuppressed("set$NameUpperCamel", Type)
&& !fieldAst.isPublic
&& !isFinal) {
generateFieldJavadoc(forceHide = FeatureFlag.SETTERS.hidden)
"public @$NonNull $ClassType set$NameUpperCamel($annotatedTypeForSetterParam value)" {
+"return this;"
fun ClassPrinter.generateGetters() {
(fields + lazyTransientFields).forEachApply {
val methodPrefix = if (Type == "boolean") "is" else "get"
val methodName = methodPrefix + NameUpperCamel
if (!isMethodGenerationSuppressed(methodName) && !fieldAst.isPublic) {
generateFieldJavadoc(forceHide = FeatureFlag.GETTERS.hidden)
"public $annotationsAndType $methodName()" {
if (lazyInitializer == null) {
+"return $name;"
} else {
+"$Type $_name = $name;"
"if ($_name == null)" {
if (fieldAst.isVolatile) {
"synchronized(this)" {
+"$_name = $name;"
"if ($_name == null)" {
+"$_name = $name = $lazyInitializer();"
} else {
+"// You can mark field as volatile for thread-safe double-check init"
+"$_name = $name = $lazyInitializer();"
+"return $_name;"
fun FieldInfo.generateFieldJavadoc(forceHide: Boolean = false) = classPrinter {
if (javadocFull != null || forceHide) {
var hidden = false
(javadocFull ?: "/**\n */").lines().forEach {
if (it.contains("@hide")) hidden = true
if (it.contains("*/") && forceHide && !hidden) {
if (javadocFull != null) +" *"
+" * @hide"
fun FieldInfo.generateSetFrom(source: String) = classPrinter {
+"$name = $source;"
generateFieldValidation(field = this@generateSetFrom)
fun ClassPrinter.generateConstructor(visibility: String = "public") {
if (visibility == "public") {
"$visibility $ClassName(" {
fields.forEachApply {
+"$annotationsAndType $nameLowerCamel${if_(!isLast, ",")}"
" {" {
fields.forEachApply {
private fun ClassPrinter.generateConstructorJavadoc(
fields: List<FieldInfo> = this.fields,
ClassName: String = this.ClassName,
hidden: Boolean = FeatureFlag.CONSTRUCTOR.hidden) {
if (fields.all { it.javadoc == null } && !FeatureFlag.CONSTRUCTOR.hidden) return
+" * Creates a new $ClassName."
+" *"
fields.filter { it.javadoc != null }.forEachApply {
javadocTextNoAnnotationLines?.apply {
+" * @param $nameLowerCamel"
forEach {
+" * $it"
if (FeatureFlag.CONSTRUCTOR.hidden) +" * @hide"
+" */"
private fun ClassPrinter.appendLinesWithContinuationIndent(text: String) {
val lines = text.lines()
if (lines.isNotEmpty()) {
if (lines.size >= 2) {
"" {
lines.drop(1).forEach {
private fun ClassPrinter.generateFieldValidation(field: FieldInfo) = {
if (isNonEmpty) {
"if ($isEmptyExpr)" {
+"throw new IllegalArgumentException(\"$nameLowerCamel cannot be empty\");"
if (intOrStringDef != null) {
if (intOrStringDef!!.type == ConstDef.Type.INT_FLAGS) {
"$Preconditions.checkFlagsArgument(" {
+"$name, "
appendLinesWithContinuationIndent(intOrStringDef!!.CONST_NAMES.joinToString("\n| "))
} else {
!"if ("
appendLinesWithContinuationIndent(intOrStringDef!!.CONST_NAMES.joinToString("\n&& ") {
rmEmptyLine(); ") {" {
"throw new ${classRef<IllegalArgumentException>()}(" {
"\"$nameLowerCamel was \" + $internalGetter + \" but must be one of: \"" {
intOrStringDef!!.CONST_NAMES.forEachLastAware { CONST_NAME, isLast ->
+"""+ "$CONST_NAME(" + $CONST_NAME + ")${if_(!isLast, ", ")}""""
val eachLine = fieldAst.annotations.find { it.nameAsString == Each }?.range?.orElse(null)?.end?.line
val perElementValidations = if (eachLine == null) emptyList() else fieldAst.annotations.filter {
it.nameAsString != Each &&
it.range.orElse(null)?.begin?.line?.let { it >= eachLine } ?: false
val Size = classRef("android.annotation.Size")
fieldAst.annotations.filterNot {
it.nameAsString == intOrStringDef?.AnnotationName
|| it.nameAsString in knownNonValidationAnnotations
|| it in perElementValidations
|| it.args.any { (_, value) -> value is ArrayInitializerExpr }
}.forEach { annotation ->
valueToValidate = if (annotation.nameAsString == Size) sizeExpr else name)
if (perElementValidations.isNotEmpty()) {
+"int ${nameLowerCamel}Size = $sizeExpr;"
"for (int i = 0; i < ${nameLowerCamel}Size; i++) {" {
perElementValidations.forEach { annotation ->
valueToValidate = elemAtIndexExpr("i"))
fun ClassPrinter.appendValidateCall(annotation: AnnotationExpr, valueToValidate: String) {
val validate = memberRef("")
"$validate(" {
!"${annotation.nameAsString}.class, null, $valueToValidate"
annotation.args.forEach { name, value ->
!",\n\"$name\", $value"
private fun ClassPrinter.generateOnConstructedCallback(prefix: String = "") {
val call = "${prefix}onConstructed();"
if (hasMethod("onConstructed")) {
} else {
+"// $call // You can define this method to get a callback"
fun ClassPrinter.generateForEachField() {
val specializations = listOf("Object", "int")
val usedSpecializations = { if (it.Type in specializations) it.Type else "Object" }
val usedSpecializationsSet = usedSpecializations.toSet()
val PerObjectFieldAction = classRef("")
"void forEachField(" {
usedSpecializationsSet.toList().forEachLastAware { specType, isLast ->
val SpecType = specType.capitalize()
val ActionClass = classRef("${SpecType}FieldAction")
+"@$NonNull $ActionClass<$ClassType> action$SpecType${if_(!isLast, ",")}"
}; " {" {
usedSpecializations.forEachIndexed { i, specType ->
val SpecType = specType.capitalize()
fields[i].apply {
+"action$SpecType.accept$SpecType(this, \"$nameLowerCamel\", $name);"
if (usedSpecializationsSet.size > 1) {
+"/** @deprecated May cause boxing allocations - use with caution! */"
"void forEachField(@$NonNull $PerObjectFieldAction<$ClassType> action)" {
fields.forEachApply {
+"action.acceptObject(this, \"$nameLowerCamel\", $name);"
fun ClassPrinter.generateMetadata(file: File) {
"@$DataClassGenerated(" {
+"time = ${System.currentTimeMillis()}L,"
+"codegenVersion = \"$CODEGEN_VERSION\","
+"sourceFile = \"${file.relativeTo(File(System.getenv("ANDROID_BUILD_TOP")))}\","
+"inputSignatures = \"${getInputSignatures().joinToString("\\n")}\""
+"private void __metadata() {}\n"