Fix shell transition for showWhenLocked + translucent activity.

Fix two issues if AOD is disabled:
- There should request to adjust wallpaper target after
  ActivityRecord#commitVisibility. The NotificationShade can
  accidentally be wallpaper target when AOD is enabled.
- If resumeTopActivity happen eailer than DisplayPolicy#setAwake, there
  will no transition to collecting the resuming activity, try to
  request a wake transition before resume top activity if default
  display is not awake. When AOD is enabled, usually setAwake will
  be called earlier.

Bug: 209906849
Test: 1. enable shell transition. 2. Disable AOD
3. run atest KeyguardTests

Change-Id: Ifc3ce28424fe87b1e0a0a2af07bdad559575ebec
3 files changed