Making changes in the Shell

Code reviews

In addition to the individual reviewers who are most familiar with the changes you are making, please also add to keep other WM folks in the loop.

Adding new code

Internal Shell utility classes

If the new component is used only within the WMShell library, then there are no special considerations, go ahead and add it (in the package for example) and make sure the appropriate unit tests are added.

Internal Shell components

If the new component is to be used by other components/features within the Shell library, then you can create an appropriate package for this component to add your new code. The current pattern is to have a single <Component name>Controller that handles the initialization of the component.

As mentioned in the Dagger usage docs, you need to determine whether it should go into:

  • WMShellBaseModule for components that other base & product components will depend on
  • or WMShellModule, TvWmShellModule, etc. for product specific components that no base components depend on

SysUI accessible components

In addition to doing the above, you will also need to provide an interface for calling to SysUI from the Shell and vice versa. The current pattern is to have a parallel Optional<Component name> interface that the <Component name>Controller implements and handles on the main Shell thread.

In addition, because components accessible to SysUI injection are explicitly listed, you'll have to add an appropriate method in WMComponent to get the interface and update the Builder in SysUIComponent to take the interface so it can be injected in SysUI code. The binding between the two is done in SystemUIFactory#init() which will need to be updated as well.

Launcher accessible components

Because Launcher is not a part of SystemUI and is a separate process, exposing controllers to Launcher requires a new AIDL interface to be created and implemented by the controller. The implementation of the stub interface in the controller otherwise behaves similar to the interface to SysUI where it posts the work to the main Shell thread.

Component initialization

To initialize the component:

  • On the Shell side, update ShellInitImpl to get a signal to initialize when the SysUI is started
  • On the SysUI side, update WMShell to setup any bindings for the component that depend on SysUI code

General Do‘s & Dont’s


  • Do add unit tests for all new components
  • Do keep controllers simple and break them down as needed


  • Don't do initialization in the constructor, only do initialization in the init callbacks. Otherwise it complicates the building of the dependency graph.
  • Don't create dependencies from base-module components on specific features (the base module is intended for use with all products)
    • Try adding a mechanism to register and listen for changes from the base module component instead
  • Don't add blocking synchronous calls in the SysUI interface between Shell & SysUI
    • Try adding a push-mechanism to share data, or an async callback to request data

Exposing shared code for use in Launcher

Launcher doesn't currently build against the Shell library, but needs to have access to some shared AIDL interfaces and constants. Currently, all AIDL files, and classes under the package are automatically built into the SystemUISharedLib that Launcher uses.

If the new code doesn‘t fall into those categories, they can be added explicitly in the Shell’s Android.bp file under the wm_shell_util-sources filegroup.