Add "Stop" button for remote device

-Add "Stop" to stop remote media session
-Refine UI layout
1. Adjust size of head icon and apply defined dimen value
2. Move list padding inside the list to prevent truncating the list
3. Remove group-related view(I will add it in recycle view when the group feature is ready.)
-Add MediaOutputDialogTest
-Integrate more UI view in setTwoLineLayout()

Bug: 155822415
Test: atest MediaOutputAdapterTest MediaOutputBaseDialogTest MediaOutputControllerTest MediaOutputDialogTest
Merged-In: Ie6a917c56a0ef97f772a8f43742afd2ee61e407f
Change-Id: Ie6a917c56a0ef97f772a8f43742afd2ee61e407f
9 files changed