Reduce RM createResources lock contention

Reduce lock contention for processes that use
ResourcesManager#createResources on background threads by preloading
the apk assets into a temporary cache while the RM lock is not held.

As a result, multiple threads may be performing I/O opening the same
apk assets since multiple threads could be preloading the same apk
at once.

Bug: 111966000
Test: observe significantly less monitor contention with owner bg
      threads calling

Merged-In: Iccf383cb8e1a358af4f71ac242e2216dc5a19ff2
Change-Id: Iccf383cb8e1a358af4f71ac242e2216dc5a19ff2
(cherry picked from commit fb9a011b1db757892c3eae596aecd59cb8fbd604)
1 file changed