HIC: Improve AccelerationClassifier

Apply a bunch of improvements to the acceleration classifier:

- When dragging from the edges, we get some delay without
  movement between the DOWN and MOVE, which confounds the
  classifier. Now discounts data segments where the delay
  does not match the expected 16ms.
- The distance ratio did not compensate for differences
  in sampling. If it does it's equivalent to the speed
  ratio however. The distance ratio was removed and the
  impact of the speed ratio score doubled.
- If we cannot calculate the ratio, no longer penalize
  the traces for this.

Bug: 27405075
Change-Id: I067eb4d478593afbb20354e5c85a05353e2b4184
(cherry picked from commit 6b312a09fcea77651680f63a876ccd4ea378393f)
3 files changed