tree: 633a81e1bb053e46069b4e55b786e2f0f0c91a70 [path history] [tgz]
  1. Android.bp
  3. WebmFrameThreadUnitTest.cpp

Media Testing

Webm Writer Utility Tests :

The Webm Writer Utility Test Suite validates the APIs being used by the WebmWriter.

Run the following steps to build the test suite:

mmm frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/webm/tests/

The 32-bit binaries will be created in the following path : ${OUT}/data/nativetest/

The 64-bit binaries will be created in the following path : ${OUT}/data/nativetest64/


To test 64-bit binary push binaries from nativetest64.

adb push ${OUT}/data/nativetest64/WebmFrameThreadUnitTest/WebmFrameThreadUnitTest /data/local/tmp/

To test 32-bit binary push binaries from nativetest.

adb push ${OUT}/data/nativetest/WebmFrameThreadUnitTest/WebmFrameThreadUnitTest /data/local/tmp/

adb shell /data/local/tmp/WebmFrameThreadUnitTest