blob: c5b0a1e485f3cd7ee25859470e9ca6601f78d05a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
//#define LOG_NDEBUG 0
#define LOG_TAG "ARTPSource"
#include <utils/Log.h>
#include <media/stagefright/rtsp/ARTPSource.h>
#include <media/stagefright/rtsp/AAMRAssembler.h>
#include <media/stagefright/rtsp/AAVCAssembler.h>
#include <media/stagefright/rtsp/AHEVCAssembler.h>
#include <media/stagefright/rtsp/AH263Assembler.h>
#include <media/stagefright/rtsp/AMPEG2TSAssembler.h>
#include <media/stagefright/rtsp/AMPEG4AudioAssembler.h>
#include <media/stagefright/rtsp/AMPEG4ElementaryAssembler.h>
#include <media/stagefright/rtsp/ARawAudioAssembler.h>
#include <media/stagefright/rtsp/ASessionDescription.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ABuffer.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/ADebug.h>
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/AMessage.h>
#include <strings.h>
namespace android {
static uint32_t kSourceID = 0xdeadbeef;
uint32_t id,
const sp<ASessionDescription> &sessionDesc, size_t index,
const sp<AMessage> &notify)
: mFirstRtpTime(0),
mNextFIRSeqNo((rand() * 256.0) / RAND_MAX),
mNotify(notify) {
unsigned long PT;
AString desc;
AString params;
sessionDesc->getFormatType(index, &PT, &desc, &params);
if (!strncmp(desc.c_str(), "H264/", 5)) {
mAssembler = new AAVCAssembler(notify);
mIssueFIRRequests = true;
} else if (!strncmp(desc.c_str(), "H265/", 5)) {
mAssembler = new AHEVCAssembler(notify);
mIssueFIRRequests = true;
} else if (!strncmp(desc.c_str(), "MP4A-LATM/", 10)) {
mAssembler = new AMPEG4AudioAssembler(notify, params);
} else if (!strncmp(desc.c_str(), "H263-1998/", 10)
|| !strncmp(desc.c_str(), "H263-2000/", 10)) {
mAssembler = new AH263Assembler(notify);
mIssueFIRRequests = true;
} else if (!strncmp(desc.c_str(), "AMR/", 4)) {
mAssembler = new AAMRAssembler(notify, false /* isWide */, params);
} else if (!strncmp(desc.c_str(), "AMR-WB/", 7)) {
mAssembler = new AAMRAssembler(notify, true /* isWide */, params);
} else if (!strncmp(desc.c_str(), "MP4V-ES/", 8)
|| !strncasecmp(desc.c_str(), "mpeg4-generic/", 14)) {
mAssembler = new AMPEG4ElementaryAssembler(notify, desc, params);
mIssueFIRRequests = true;
} else if (ARawAudioAssembler::Supports(desc.c_str())) {
mAssembler = new ARawAudioAssembler(notify, desc.c_str(), params);
} else if (!strncasecmp(desc.c_str(), "MP2T/", 5)) {
mAssembler = new AMPEG2TSAssembler(notify, desc.c_str(), params);
} else {
if (mAssembler != NULL && !mAssembler->initCheck()) {
int32_t clockRate, numChannels;
ASessionDescription::ParseFormatDesc(desc.c_str(), &clockRate, &numChannels);
mClockRate = clockRate;
mLastJbAlarmTimeUs = 0;
mJitterCalc = new JitterCalc(mClockRate);
static uint32_t AbsDiff(uint32_t seq1, uint32_t seq2) {
return seq1 > seq2 ? seq1 - seq2 : seq2 - seq1;
void ARTPSource::processRTPPacket(const sp<ABuffer> &buffer) {
if (mAssembler != NULL && queuePacket(buffer)) {
void ARTPSource::processRTPPacket() {
if (mAssembler != NULL && !mQueue.empty()) {
void ARTPSource::timeUpdate(int64_t recvTimeUs, uint32_t rtpTime, uint64_t ntpTime) {
mLastSrRtpTime = rtpTime;
mLastSrNtpTime = ntpTime;
mLastSrUpdateTimeUs = recvTimeUs;
sp<AMessage> notify = mNotify->dup();
notify->setInt32("time-update", true);
notify->setInt32("rtp-time", rtpTime);
notify->setInt64("ntp-time", ntpTime);
notify->setInt32("rtcp-event", 1);
notify->setInt32("payload-type", RTCP_SR);
notify->setInt64("recv-time-us", recvTimeUs);
void ARTPSource::processReceptionReportBlock(
int64_t recvTimeUs, uint32_t senderId, sp<ReceptionReportBlock> rrb) {
mLastRrUpdateTimeUs = recvTimeUs;
sp<AMessage> notify = mNotify->dup();
notify->setInt32("rtcp-event", 1);
// A Reception Report Block (RRB) can be included in both Sender Report and Receiver Report.
// But it means 'Packet Reception Report' actually.
// So that, we will report RRB as RR since there is no meaning difference
// between RRB(Reception Report Block) and RR(Receiver Report).
notify->setInt32("payload-type", RTCP_RR);
notify->setInt64("recv-time-us", recvTimeUs);
notify->setInt32("rtcp-rr-ssrc", senderId);
notify->setInt32("rtcp-rrb-ssrc", rrb->ssrc);
notify->setInt32("rtcp-rrb-fraction", rrb->fraction);
notify->setInt32("rtcp-rrb-lost", rrb->lost);
notify->setInt32("rtcp-rrb-lastSeq", rrb->lastSeq);
notify->setInt32("rtcp-rrb-jitter", rrb->jitter);
notify->setInt32("rtcp-rrb-lsr", rrb->lsr);
notify->setInt32("rtcp-rrb-dlsr", rrb->dlsr);
void ARTPSource::timeReset() {
mFirstRtpTime = 0;
mFirstSysTime = 0;
mSysAnchorTime = 0;
mLastSysAnchorTimeUpdatedUs = 0;
mFirstSsrc = 0;
mHighestNackNumber = 0;
mHighestSeqNumber = 0;
mPrevExpected = 0;
mBaseSeqNumber = 0;
mNumBuffersReceived = 0;
mPrevNumBuffersReceived = 0;
mPrevExpectedForRR = 0;
mPrevNumBuffersReceivedForRR = 0;
mLatestRtpTime = 0;
mLastSrRtpTime = 0;
mLastSrNtpTime = 0;
mLastSrUpdateTimeUs = 0;
mIsFirstRtpRtcpGap = true;
mAvgRtpRtcpGapMs = 0;
mAvgUnderlineDelayMs = 0;
mIssueFIRByAssembler = false;
mLastFIRRequestUs = -1;
void ARTPSource::calcTimeGapRtpRtcp(const sp<ABuffer> &buffer, int64_t nowUs) {
if (mLastSrUpdateTimeUs == 0) {
int64_t elapsedMs = (nowUs - mLastSrUpdateTimeUs) / 1000;
int64_t elapsedRtpTime = (elapsedMs * (mClockRate / 1000));
uint32_t rtpTime;
CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt32("rtp-time", (int32_t *)&rtpTime));
int64_t anchorRtpTime = mLastSrRtpTime + elapsedRtpTime;
int64_t rtpTimeGap = anchorRtpTime - rtpTime;
// rtpTime can not be faster than it's anchor time.
// because rtpTime(of rtp packet) represents it's a frame captured time and
// anchorRtpTime(of rtcp:sr packet) represents it's a rtp packetized time.
if (rtpTimeGap < 0 || rtpTimeGap > (mClockRate * 60)) {
// ignore invalid delay gap such as negative delay or later than 1 min.
int64_t rtpTimeGapMs = (rtpTimeGap * 1000 / mClockRate);
if (mIsFirstRtpRtcpGap) {
mIsFirstRtpRtcpGap = false;
mAvgRtpRtcpGapMs = rtpTimeGapMs;
} else {
// This is measuring avg rtp timestamp distance between rtp and rtcp:sr packet.
// Rtp timestamp of rtp packet represents it's raw frame captured time.
// Rtp timestamp of rtcp:sr packet represents it's packetization time.
// So that, this value is showing how much time delayed to be a rtp packet
// from a raw frame captured time.
// This value maybe referred to know a/v sync and sender's own delay of this media stream.
mAvgRtpRtcpGapMs = ((mAvgRtpRtcpGapMs * 15) + rtpTimeGapMs) / 16;
void ARTPSource::calcUnderlineDelay(const sp<ABuffer> &buffer, int64_t nowUs) {
int64_t elapsedMs = (nowUs - mSysAnchorTime) / 1000;
int64_t elapsedRtpTime = (elapsedMs * (mClockRate / 1000));
int64_t expectedRtpTime = mFirstRtpTime + elapsedRtpTime;
int32_t rtpTime;
CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt32("rtp-time", (int32_t *)&rtpTime));
int32_t delayMs = (expectedRtpTime - rtpTime) / (mClockRate / 1000);
mAvgUnderlineDelayMs = ((mAvgUnderlineDelayMs * 15) + delayMs) / 16;
void ARTPSource::adjustAnchorTimeIfRequired(int64_t nowUs) {
if (nowUs - mLastSysAnchorTimeUpdatedUs < 1000000L) {
if (mAvgUnderlineDelayMs < -30) {
// adjust underline delay a quarter of desired delay like step by step.
mSysAnchorTime += (int64_t)(mAvgUnderlineDelayMs * 1000 / 4);
ALOGD("anchor time updated: original(%lld), anchor(%lld), diffMs(%lld)",
(long long)mFirstSysTime, (long long)mSysAnchorTime,
(long long)(mFirstSysTime - mSysAnchorTime) / 1000);
mAvgUnderlineDelayMs = 0;
mLastSysAnchorTimeUpdatedUs = nowUs;
// reset a jitter stastics since an anchor time adjusted.
mJitterCalc->init(mFirstRtpTime, mSysAnchorTime, 0, mStaticJbTimeMs * 1000);
bool ARTPSource::queuePacket(const sp<ABuffer> &buffer) {
int64_t nowUs = ALooper::GetNowUs();
int64_t rtpTime = 0;
uint32_t seqNum = (uint32_t)buffer->int32Data();
int32_t ssrc = 0;
buffer->meta()->findInt32("ssrc", &ssrc);
CHECK(buffer->meta()->findInt32("rtp-time", (int32_t *)&rtpTime));
if (mNumBuffersReceived++ == 0 && mFirstSysTime == 0) {
mFirstSysTime = nowUs;
mSysAnchorTime = nowUs;
mLastSysAnchorTimeUpdatedUs = nowUs;
mHighestSeqNumber = seqNum;
mBaseSeqNumber = seqNum;
mFirstRtpTime = (uint32_t)rtpTime;
mFirstSsrc = ssrc;
ALOGD("first-rtp arrived: first-rtp-time=%u, sys-time=%lld, seq-num=%u, ssrc=%d",
mFirstRtpTime, (long long)mFirstSysTime, mHighestSeqNumber, mFirstSsrc);
mJitterCalc->init(mFirstRtpTime, mFirstSysTime, 0, mStaticJbTimeMs * 1000);
if (mQueue.size() > 0) {
ALOGD("clearing buffers which belonged to previous timeline"
" since a base timeline has been changed.");
return true;
if (mFirstSsrc != ssrc) {
ALOGW("Discarding a buffer due to unexpected ssrc");
return false;
calcTimeGapRtpRtcp(buffer, nowUs);
calcUnderlineDelay(buffer, nowUs);
// Only the lower 16-bit of the sequence numbers are transmitted,
// derive the high-order bits by choosing the candidate closest
// to the highest sequence number (extended to 32 bits) received so far.
uint32_t seq1 = seqNum | (mHighestSeqNumber & 0xffff0000);
// non-overflowing version of:
// uint32_t seq2 = seqNum | ((mHighestSeqNumber & 0xffff0000) + 0x10000);
uint32_t seq2 = seqNum | (((mHighestSeqNumber >> 16) + 1) << 16);
// non-underflowing version of:
// uint32_t seq2 = seqNum | ((mHighestSeqNumber & 0xffff0000) - 0x10000);
uint32_t seq3 = seqNum | ((((mHighestSeqNumber >> 16) | 0x10000) - 1) << 16);
uint32_t diff1 = AbsDiff(seq1, mHighestSeqNumber);
uint32_t diff2 = AbsDiff(seq2, mHighestSeqNumber);
uint32_t diff3 = AbsDiff(seq3, mHighestSeqNumber);
if (diff1 < diff2) {
if (diff1 < diff3) {
// diff1 < diff2 ^ diff1 < diff3
seqNum = seq1;
} else {
// diff3 <= diff1 < diff2
seqNum = seq3;
} else if (diff2 < diff3) {
// diff2 <= diff1 ^ diff2 < diff3
seqNum = seq2;
} else {
// diff3 <= diff2 <= diff1
seqNum = seq3;
if (seqNum > mHighestSeqNumber) {
mHighestSeqNumber = seqNum;
List<sp<ABuffer> >::iterator it = mQueue.begin();
while (it != mQueue.end() && (uint32_t)(*it)->int32Data() < seqNum) {
if (it != mQueue.end() && (uint32_t)(*it)->int32Data() == seqNum) {
ALOGW("Discarding duplicate buffer");
return false;
mQueue.insert(it, buffer);
* RFC3550 calculates the interarrival jitter time for 'ALL packets'.
* We calculate anothor jitter only for all 'Head NAL units'
ALOGV("<======== Insert %d", seqNum);
rtpTime = mAssembler->findRTPTime(mFirstRtpTime, buffer);
if (rtpTime != mLatestRtpTime) {
mJitterCalc->putBaseData(rtpTime, nowUs);
mJitterCalc->putInterArrivalData(rtpTime, nowUs);
mLatestRtpTime = rtpTime;
return true;
void ARTPSource::byeReceived() {
if (mAssembler != NULL) {
void ARTPSource::addFIR(const sp<ABuffer> &buffer) {
if (!mIssueFIRRequests && !mIssueFIRByAssembler) {
bool send = false;
int64_t nowUs = ALooper::GetNowUs();
int64_t usecsSinceLastFIR = nowUs - mLastFIRRequestUs;
if (mLastFIRRequestUs < 0) {
// A first FIR, just send it.
send = true;
} else if (mIssueFIRByAssembler && (usecsSinceLastFIR > 1000000)) {
// A FIR issued by Assembler.
// Send it if last FIR is not sent within a sec.
send = true;
} else if (mIssueFIRRequests && (usecsSinceLastFIR > 5000000)) {
// A FIR issued periodically regardless packet loss.
// Send it if last FIR is not sent within 5 secs.
send = true;
if (!send) {
mLastFIRRequestUs = nowUs;
if (buffer->size() + 20 > buffer->capacity()) {
ALOGW("RTCP buffer too small to accommodate FIR.");
uint8_t *data = buffer->data() + buffer->size();
data[0] = 0x80 | 4;
data[1] = 206; // PSFB
data[2] = 0;
data[3] = 4; // total (4+1) * sizeof(int32_t) = 20 bytes
data[4] = kSourceID >> 24;
data[5] = (kSourceID >> 16) & 0xff;
data[6] = (kSourceID >> 8) & 0xff;
data[7] = kSourceID & 0xff;
data[8] = 0x00; // SSRC of media source (unused)
data[9] = 0x00;
data[10] = 0x00;
data[11] = 0x00;
data[12] = mID >> 24;
data[13] = (mID >> 16) & 0xff;
data[14] = (mID >> 8) & 0xff;
data[15] = mID & 0xff;
data[16] = mNextFIRSeqNo++; // Seq Nr.
data[17] = 0x00; // Reserved
data[18] = 0x00;
data[19] = 0x00;
buffer->setRange(buffer->offset(), buffer->size() + (data[3] + 1) * sizeof(int32_t));
mIssueFIRByAssembler = false;
ALOGV("Added FIR request.");
void ARTPSource::addReceiverReport(const sp<ABuffer> &buffer) {
if (buffer->size() + 32 > buffer->capacity()) {
ALOGW("RTCP buffer too small to accommodate RR.");
uint8_t fraction = 0;
// According to appendix A.3 in RFC 3550
uint32_t expected = mHighestSeqNumber - mBaseSeqNumber + 1;
int64_t intervalExpected = expected - mPrevExpectedForRR;
int64_t intervalReceived = mNumBuffersReceived - mPrevNumBuffersReceivedForRR;
int64_t intervalPacketLost = intervalExpected - intervalReceived;
if (intervalExpected > 0 && intervalPacketLost > 0) {
fraction = (intervalPacketLost << 8) / intervalExpected;
mPrevExpectedForRR = expected;
mPrevNumBuffersReceivedForRR = mNumBuffersReceived;
int32_t cumulativePacketLost = (int32_t)expected - mNumBuffersReceived;
uint8_t *data = buffer->data() + buffer->size();
data[0] = 0x80 | 1;
data[1] = 201; // RR
data[2] = 0;
data[3] = 7; // total (7+1) * sizeof(int32_t) = 32 bytes
data[4] = kSourceID >> 24;
data[5] = (kSourceID >> 16) & 0xff;
data[6] = (kSourceID >> 8) & 0xff;
data[7] = kSourceID & 0xff;
data[8] = mID >> 24;
data[9] = (mID >> 16) & 0xff;
data[10] = (mID >> 8) & 0xff;
data[11] = mID & 0xff;
data[12] = fraction; // fraction lost
data[13] = cumulativePacketLost >> 16; // cumulative lost
data[14] = (cumulativePacketLost >> 8) & 0xff;
data[15] = cumulativePacketLost & 0xff;
data[16] = mHighestSeqNumber >> 24;
data[17] = (mHighestSeqNumber >> 16) & 0xff;
data[18] = (mHighestSeqNumber >> 8) & 0xff;
data[19] = mHighestSeqNumber & 0xff;
uint32_t jitterTimeMs = (uint32_t)getInterArrivalJitterTimeMs();
uint32_t jitterTime = jitterTimeMs * mClockRate / 1000;
data[20] = jitterTime >> 24; // Interarrival jitter
data[21] = (jitterTime >> 16) & 0xff;
data[22] = (jitterTime >> 8) & 0xff;
data[23] = jitterTime & 0xff;
uint32_t LSR = 0;
uint32_t DLSR = 0;
if (mLastSrNtpTime != 0) {
LSR = (mLastSrNtpTime >> 16) & 0xffffffff;
DLSR = (uint32_t)
((ALooper::GetNowUs() - mLastSrUpdateTimeUs) * 65536.0 / 1E6);
data[24] = LSR >> 24;
data[25] = (LSR >> 16) & 0xff;
data[26] = (LSR >> 8) & 0xff;
data[27] = LSR & 0xff;
data[28] = DLSR >> 24;
data[29] = (DLSR >> 16) & 0xff;
data[30] = (DLSR >> 8) & 0xff;
data[31] = DLSR & 0xff;
buffer->setRange(buffer->offset(), buffer->size() + (data[3] + 1) * sizeof(int32_t));
void ARTPSource::addTMMBR(const sp<ABuffer> &buffer, int32_t targetBitrate) {
if (buffer->size() + 20 > buffer->capacity()) {
ALOGW("RTCP buffer too small to accommodate RR.");
if (targetBitrate <= 0) {
uint8_t *data = buffer->data() + buffer->size();
data[0] = 0x80 | 3; // TMMBR
data[1] = 205; // TSFB
data[2] = 0;
data[3] = 4; // total (4+1) * sizeof(int32_t) = 20 bytes
data[4] = kSourceID >> 24;
data[5] = (kSourceID >> 16) & 0xff;
data[6] = (kSourceID >> 8) & 0xff;
data[7] = kSourceID & 0xff;
*(int32_t*)(&data[8]) = 0; // 4 bytes blank
data[12] = mID >> 24;
data[13] = (mID >> 16) & 0xff;
data[14] = (mID >> 8) & 0xff;
data[15] = mID & 0xff;
// Find the first bit '1' from left & right side of the value.
int32_t leftEnd = 31 - __builtin_clz(targetBitrate);
int32_t rightEnd = ffs(targetBitrate) - 1;
// Mantissa have only 17bit space by RTCP specification.
if ((leftEnd - rightEnd) > 16) {
rightEnd = leftEnd - 16;
int32_t mantissa = targetBitrate >> rightEnd;
data[16] = ((rightEnd << 2) & 0xfc) | ((mantissa & 0x18000) >> 15);
data[17] = (mantissa & 0x07f80) >> 7;
data[18] = (mantissa & 0x0007f) << 1;
data[19] = 40; // 40 bytes overhead;
buffer->setRange(buffer->offset(), buffer->size() + (data[3] + 1) * sizeof(int32_t));
ALOGI("UE -> Op Req Rx bitrate : %d ", mantissa << rightEnd);
int ARTPSource::addNACK(const sp<ABuffer> &buffer) {
constexpr size_t kMaxFCIs = 10; // max number of FCIs
if (buffer->size() + (3 + kMaxFCIs) * sizeof(int32_t) > buffer->capacity()) {
ALOGW("RTCP buffer too small to accommodate NACK.");
return -1;
uint8_t *data = buffer->data() + buffer->size();
data[0] = 0x80 | 1; // Generic NACK
data[1] = 205; // TSFB
data[2] = 0;
data[3] = 0; // will be decided later
data[4] = kSourceID >> 24;
data[5] = (kSourceID >> 16) & 0xff;
data[6] = (kSourceID >> 8) & 0xff;
data[7] = kSourceID & 0xff;
data[8] = mID >> 24;
data[9] = (mID >> 16) & 0xff;
data[10] = (mID >> 8) & 0xff;
data[11] = mID & 0xff;
List<int> list;
List<int>::iterator it;
getSeqNumToNACK(list, kMaxFCIs);
size_t cnt = 0;
int *FCI = (int *)(data + 12);
for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end() && cnt < kMaxFCIs; it++) {
*(FCI + cnt) = *it;
data[3] = (3 + cnt) - 1; // total (3 + #ofFCI) * sizeof(int32_t) byte
buffer->setRange(buffer->offset(), buffer->size() + (data[3] + 1) * sizeof(int32_t));
return cnt;
int ARTPSource::getSeqNumToNACK(List<int>& list, int size) {
AutoMutex _l(mMapLock);
int cnt = 0;
std::map<uint16_t, infoNACK>::iterator it;
for(it = mNACKMap.begin(); it != mNACKMap.end() && cnt < size; it++) {
infoNACK &info_it = it->second;
if (info_it.needToNACK) {
info_it.needToNACK = false;
// switch LSB to MSB for sending N/W
uint32_t FCI;
uint8_t *temp = (uint8_t *)&FCI;
temp[0] = (info_it.seqNum >> 8) & 0xff;
temp[1] = (info_it.seqNum) & 0xff;
temp[2] = (info_it.mask >> 8) & 0xff;
temp[3] = (info_it.mask) & 0xff;
return cnt;
void ARTPSource::setSeqNumToNACK(uint16_t seqNum, uint16_t mask, uint16_t nowJitterHeadSeqNum) {
AutoMutex _l(mMapLock);
infoNACK info = {seqNum, mask, nowJitterHeadSeqNum, true};
std::map<uint16_t, infoNACK>::iterator it;
it = mNACKMap.find(seqNum);
if (it != mNACKMap.end()) {
infoNACK &info_it = it->second;
// renew if (mask or head seq) is changed
if ((info_it.mask != mask) || (info_it.nowJitterHeadSeqNum != nowJitterHeadSeqNum)) {
info_it = info;
} else {
mNACKMap[seqNum] = info;
// delete all NACK far from current Jitter's first sequence number
it = mNACKMap.begin();
while (it != mNACKMap.end()) {
infoNACK &info_it = it->second;
int diff = nowJitterHeadSeqNum - info_it.nowJitterHeadSeqNum;
if (diff > 100) {
ALOGV("Delete %d pkt from NACK map ", info_it.seqNum);
it = mNACKMap.erase(it);
} else {
uint32_t ARTPSource::getSelfID() {
return kSourceID;
void ARTPSource::setSelfID(const uint32_t selfID) {
kSourceID = selfID;
void ARTPSource::setPeriodicFIR(bool enable) {
ALOGD("setPeriodicFIR %d", enable);
mIssueFIRRequests = enable;
int32_t ARTPSource::getStaticJitterTimeMs() {
return mStaticJbTimeMs;
int32_t ARTPSource::getBaseJitterTimeMs() {
return mJitterCalc->getBaseJitterMs();
int32_t ARTPSource::getInterArrivalJitterTimeMs() {
return mJitterCalc->getInterArrivalJitterMs();
void ARTPSource::setStaticJitterTimeMs(const uint32_t jbTimeMs) {
mStaticJbTimeMs = jbTimeMs;
void ARTPSource::setJbTimer(const sp<AMessage> timer) {
mJbTimer = timer;
void ARTPSource::setJbAlarmTime(int64_t nowTimeUs, int64_t alarmAfterUs) {
if (mJbTimer == NULL) {
int64_t alarmTimeUs = nowTimeUs + alarmAfterUs;
bool alarm = false;
if (mLastJbAlarmTimeUs <= nowTimeUs) {
// no more alarm in pending.
mLastJbAlarmTimeUs = nowTimeUs + alarmAfterUs;
alarm = true;
} else if (mLastJbAlarmTimeUs > alarmTimeUs + 5000L) {
// bring an alarm forward more than 5ms.
mLastJbAlarmTimeUs = alarmTimeUs;
alarm = true;
} else {
// would not set alarm if it is close with before one.
if (alarm) {
sp<AMessage> notify = mJbTimer->dup();
notify->setObject("source", this);
bool ARTPSource::isNeedToEarlyNotify() {
uint32_t expected = mHighestSeqNumber - mBaseSeqNumber + 1;
int32_t intervalExpectedInNow = expected - mPrevExpected;
int32_t intervalReceivedInNow = mNumBuffersReceived - mPrevNumBuffersReceived;
if (intervalExpectedInNow - intervalReceivedInNow > 5)
return true;
return false;
void ARTPSource::notifyPktInfo(int32_t bitrate, int64_t nowUs, bool isRegular) {
int32_t payloadType = isRegular ? RTP_QUALITY : RTP_QUALITY_EMC;
sp<AMessage> notify = mNotify->dup();
notify->setInt32("rtcp-event", 1);
notify->setInt32("payload-type", payloadType);
notify->setInt32("feedback-type", 0);
// sending target bitrate up to application to share rtp quality.
notify->setInt32("bit-rate", bitrate);
notify->setInt32("highest-seq-num", mHighestSeqNumber);
notify->setInt32("base-seq-num", mBaseSeqNumber);
notify->setInt32("prev-expected", mPrevExpected);
notify->setInt32("num-buf-recv", mNumBuffersReceived);
notify->setInt32("prev-num-buf-recv", mPrevNumBuffersReceived);
notify->setInt32("latest-rtp-time", mLatestRtpTime);
notify->setInt64("recv-time-us", nowUs);
std::max(getBaseJitterTimeMs(), getStaticJitterTimeMs()));
notify->setInt32("rtp-rtcpsr-time-gap-ms", (int32_t)mAvgRtpRtcpGapMs);
if (isRegular) {
uint32_t expected = mHighestSeqNumber - mBaseSeqNumber + 1;
mPrevExpected = expected;
mPrevNumBuffersReceived = mNumBuffersReceived;
void ARTPSource::onIssueFIRByAssembler() {
mIssueFIRByAssembler = true;
void ARTPSource::noticeAbandonBuffer(int cnt) {
mNumBuffersReceived -= cnt;
} // namespace android