blob: 77cbd4ccfbd37756ac822479cea6255de46d4361 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#ifndef UTILS_H_
#define UTILS_H_
#include <media/stagefright/foundation/AString.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <utils/Errors.h>
#include <utils/RefBase.h>
#include <system/audio.h>
#include <media/BufferingSettings.h>
#include <media/MediaPlayerInterface.h>
namespace android {
#define FOURCC(c1, c2, c3, c4) \
((c1) << 24 | (c2) << 16 | (c3) << 8 | (c4))
uint16_t U16_AT(const uint8_t *ptr);
uint32_t U32_AT(const uint8_t *ptr);
uint64_t U64_AT(const uint8_t *ptr);
uint16_t U16LE_AT(const uint8_t *ptr);
uint32_t U32LE_AT(const uint8_t *ptr);
uint64_t U64LE_AT(const uint8_t *ptr);
uint64_t ntoh64(uint64_t x);
uint64_t hton64(uint64_t x);
class MetaData;
struct AMessage;
status_t convertMetaDataToMessage(
const sp<MetaData> &meta, sp<AMessage> *format);
void convertMessageToMetaData(
const sp<AMessage> &format, sp<MetaData> &meta);
// Returns a pointer to the next NAL start code in buffer of size |length| starting at |data|, or
// a pointer to the end of the buffer if the start code is not found.
// TODO: combine this with avc_utils::getNextNALUnit
const uint8_t *findNextNalStartCode(const uint8_t *data, size_t length);
AString MakeUserAgent();
// Convert a MIME type to a AudioSystem::audio_format
status_t mapMimeToAudioFormat(audio_format_t& format, const char* mime);
// Convert a aac profile to a AudioSystem::audio_format
void mapAACProfileToAudioFormat(audio_format_t& format, uint64_t eAacProfile);
// Send information from MetaData to the HAL via AudioSink
status_t sendMetaDataToHal(sp<MediaPlayerBase::AudioSink>& sink, const sp<MetaData>& meta);
// Check whether the stream defined by meta can be offloaded to hardware
bool canOffloadStream(const sp<MetaData>& meta, bool hasVideo,
bool isStreaming, audio_stream_type_t streamType);
AString uriDebugString(const AString &uri, bool incognito = false);
struct HLSTime {
int32_t mSeq;
int64_t mTimeUs;
sp<AMessage> mMeta;
explicit HLSTime(const sp<AMessage> &meta = NULL);
int64_t getSegmentTimeUs() const;
bool operator <(const HLSTime &t0, const HLSTime &t1);
// read and write various object to/from AMessage
void writeToAMessage(const sp<AMessage> &msg, const AudioPlaybackRate &rate);
void readFromAMessage(const sp<AMessage> &msg, AudioPlaybackRate *rate /* nonnull */);
void writeToAMessage(const sp<AMessage> &msg, const AVSyncSettings &sync, float videoFpsHint);
void readFromAMessage(
const sp<AMessage> &msg, AVSyncSettings *sync /* nonnull */, float *videoFps /* nonnull */);
void writeToAMessage(const sp<AMessage> &msg, const BufferingSettings &buffering);
void readFromAMessage(const sp<AMessage> &msg, BufferingSettings *buffering /* nonnull */);
AString nameForFd(int fd);
void MakeFourCCString(uint32_t x, char *s);
} // namespace android
#endif // UTILS_H_